Paton Gains
In Eastern
Net Tourney
By The Associated Press
-Andy Paton, Michigan's No. 1
tennis player this year, advanced
to the second round of the 21st
annual Eastern Grass Court
Championships today at the Or-
ange Lawn Tennis Club, while
his teammate and Michigan's No.
2 netter, Fred Otto, went down
to defeat in his first-round match.
Paton took the measure of Roy
Grimse, of Hollywood, Cal., 4-7,
7-5, 6-3, in a hard-fought match,
while Otto lost to Leonard Stein-
er of Brooklyn, N.Y., 6-1, 6-1.
Seeded foreign players featured
the opening day's action, with
leading American men and wom-
en netters absent because of play
at Southhampton, N.Y. J. H. Meh-
ta and S. C. Misra, members of
India's Davis Club team, advanced
into the third round with easy
straight-set victories.
Cards To Stay
In St. Louis
Sam Breadon Replies
To Frick 'Statement'
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2-t'P)-As long
as Sam Breadon maintains an in-
terest in baseball, St. Louis will
be represented in the National
League, the 71-year-old owner of
the Cardinals said today in com-
menting on the latest proposition
to move one major league ball
club out of the city.
In today's issue of the Soprt-
ing News,' national baseball
weekly published here, a story
appears which quotes Ford
Frick, National League presi-
dent, as recommending moving
the Cardinals to Chicago, giv-
*ing the Windy City three major
League clubs.
The suggestion, credited to
Frick as solving a "St. Louis prob-
lem," would give Chicago a Na-
tional League rivalry similar to
that of the New .York Giants and
Brooklyn Dodgers.
"In the first place," said Brea-
don, "I understand that Frick
did not broach the idea of mov-
ing the Cardinals to Chicago. A
New York sportswriter proposed
the plan and asked if that
wasn't a good way of assuring
equitable attendance all around.
And according to my informa-
tion Frick said 'yes, it might.'
But Frick apparently went no
Then Breadon added:
"In the second place I don't
plan to m6ve the Cardinals. As
long as I am in baseball, they will
Ibe here. The St. Louis public has
patronized the club' well."
Monday, Aug. 4:
Winchell vs. Wenley
Fletcher vs. Allen-Rumsey
Lloyd vs. Adams
Michigan vs. Chicago
All radio space for the Illinois-
Michigan football game at Cham-
paign on Nov. 1 has been exhaust-
ed, which will give that tilt the
greatest radio coverage of any
game ever played in the Stadium.
Tigers Lose To Red Sox, 2-1;
Yanks Win Two, Bums Blasted
Holiday Upset by Stack
Of New Haven Tank Club
Sohl Fourth in 200-Meter Breaststroke
Event as Joe Verdeur Sets New Record
'A___- - - - - - ----
By The Associated Press
The Detroit Tigers dropped fur-
ther behind the New York Yan-
kees and Boston Red Sox by los-
ing to the Bosox, 2-1, last night
on Ted Williams' first-inning
homer with one on (his 24th),
while the Yanks were winning a
doubleheader. '
After Bobby Doerr, Boston
second baseman, had been hon-
ored by the fans with an esti-
mated $22,000 worth of gifts,
including a car, a truck, and a
tractor, Virgil Trucks gave up
seven hits only to lose a tight
duel to Tex Hughson. Eddie
Mayo hit safely in 'his 20th
straight game.
The Yankees swept two from
the Cleveland Indians,n3-2 and
3-0. The first game went 14 inn-
ings, causing the second tohbe
called after seven and one half
A high throw by substitute
second baseman Joe Bockman,
an ex-Yankee, attempting to
complete what would have been
an inning-ending double play,
enabled Bill Johnson to score
from second with the winning
tally in the 14th. Bobby Fel-
ler pitched twelve innings of
the first game and gave up sev-
en hits, while Indian Steve
Gromek was charged with the
Vic Raschi, Yankee rookie, won
his fifth straight game in the
nightcap and allowed the Tribe
only three hits.
In other American League
games, the Philadelphia Athletics
came from behind to beat the St.
Louis Browns, 8-5, while the
Washington Senators came out
on the short end of a 13-1 count
as the Chicago White Sox pound-
ed out 13 hits.
* * *
Over in the National League,
the Brooklyn Dodgers lost their
second straight game to, the
Chicago Cubs, 12-7, while the
New York Giants and the Pitts-
burgh Pirates were splitting a
Peanuts Lowry and Eddie Wait-
kus, the first two men in the Cub
lineup, each walloped five hits out
of six trips to the plateand bat-
ted in four runs apiece as the Cubs
combed Dodger pitching for 17
hits. Brooklyn used seven pitchers,
one short of the N.L. record, in a
vain attempt to stop the barrage.
Frank Gustine, Pirates' third
baseman, hit a homer with two
out in the ninth in their night-
cap to beat the Giants, 5-4, after
the Bucs lost the opener, 10-
2. The Giants broke their club
home run record by getting five
in the two games, with Bobby
Thompson smacking his 20th
and 21st, and Walker Cooper
his 25th. Hank Greenberg got
one for the Pirates in the second
game, his 17th.
The fading Boston Braves drop-
ped another game to the Cincin-
nati Reds, 7-6, with a seven-rur
eighth inning, when the Braves
defense fell apart.
In a late night game, Ron
Northy, Cards' outfielder, hit a
ninth-inning homer to give St.
Louis a 4-3 win over the Phil-
lies, and move them a game clos-
er to Brooklyn.
Major League
New York 67
Boston 53
Detroit 50
Philadelphia 50
Cleveland 44
Washington 43
Chicago 43
St. Louis 35
* *
L Pct.
33 .670
44 .5461
44 .5321
49 .5051
47 .4841
51 .4572
57 .4302
60 .3683
L Pet.
38 .624
44 .546
1 43 .543
47 .5201
53 .480
52 .4691
58 .4142
59 .4042
12 /
8 /
10 /
14 /
15 /
TYLER, Tex.-Upsets marked
tonight's results of the National
AAU Outdoor Swimming and Div-
ing Championships here, while
Michigan's swimmers were cop-
ping two thirds, a fourth, and a
fifth, in the final events.
Michigan was running third
in team scoring, as Ohio State
was well out in front with a
total of 43 points. New Haven
was second with 30, while the
Wolverines had compiled 21
points, only one ahead of the
Hawaii Swim Club.
Ohio State bettered the national
record in the 800-meter relay,
when Buckeyes Jack Ryan, Bob
DeGroot, Halo Hirose, and Bill
Smith swam the distance in 0:13.8,
with Michigan fifth.
Allan Stack of the New Ha-
ven Club dethroned Wolverine
Harry Holiday in the 100-meter
backstroke, winning the event
in 1:07.8, as Holiday came in
third. Stack's time was a second
and ahalf over the national rec-
ord. Bob DeGroot of Ohio State
beat Holiday out for second
Matt Mann III was third in the
400-meter freestyle, as 16-year old
Jimmy McClane of the New Hav-
en Club whipped Ohio State's Bill
Smith by 20 meters. Previously,
Smith had won the 200-meter free
style and McClane had success-
fully defended his 1,500-meter
The time was 4:41.9, which
was 2.3 seconds over Smith's na-
tional record set in 1942.
Bob Sohl, Michigan breast-
stroke star, finished fourth in the
200-meter event as Joe Vedeur of
the Brighton Drake Swim Club,
splashed to a new national and
American record and came within
1.2 seconds of the world record
with a 2:38.4 performance.
Vedeur had previously wiped
out both marks with a 2:41.2 in
the preliminaries, breaking the
record set by John Higgins of
the Olneyville Boys Club in
1936-2:43.3. Second in tonight's
race was Jose Balmores of the
Hawaii Swim Club, while Sohl
was right behind Don DeFor-
rest of the Brighton Drake
Friday night, Michigan's 300-
meter relay broke the record they
had set in the qualifying heats by
swimming a 3:15.3 in winning the
finals. Finishing nearly three
lengths ahead of Ohio State, the
Wolverine trio of Weinberg, Sohl,
and Holiday swam a new world's
record into the books.
Matt Mann III was fourth in
the 1500-meter free style after
leading the field for nearly four
laps. Wolverine Gus Stager
failed to qualify in the 200-met-
er free style, and Gil Evans al-
so did not get to the finals of
the three-meter dive, after in-
juring his leg while training at
the Detroit Boat Club.
,In this dive event, Bruce Har-
lan of Ohio State eked out a win
over his teammate, Miller Ander-
son, by .05 of a point.
After the finals are over to-
day, seven of the group of
the Maize and Blue swimmers
will leave for Honolulu for a
series of six events in the Is-
lands during the latter part of
Those Wolverines making thc
trip are Harry Holiday, Bob Sohl,
Dick Weinberg, Matt Mann III.
Gus Stager, Charlie 'Moss, and
possibly Gil Evans, depending up
on how his leg comes along.
Lew Wors.haIn
Leads St. IPaul
Open Golfers
ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 2---/P
Lew Worsham, the Pittsburgh prc
who holds the National Open
Championship, carved out a 66
six strokes off par for the Kelle
Golf Course, to grab the lead it.
the St. Paul Open tournament to-
day with a 54-hole total of 202.
His total was a stroke better
than that of Fred Haas, Jr., New
Orleans golfer-insurance brokei
who missed a three-foot putt on
the 18th green and finished with
a 68 for a 203.
Once again the summer-touring
professionals and, amateurs paid
little attention to par on the 6,-
432-yard course, except to see how
many strokes they could elimin-
ate. In all, three of the entrant
matched par 72 and 35 others of
the 60-man field that started this
morning had 71's or better.
Matthaei Still Seeks Detroit Olympics
By FRED SCHOTT pic Association executive commit- Detroit has already submi
Although the 1952 Olympic tee by September 30, 1947. The a bid for 1956, he said.
Games have been assigned to Fin- committee will then vote by reg- Matthaei is well aware that
land, Detroit's civic leaders, in- istered mail to select the locale." troit has few facilities for a
eluding Frederick C. Matthaei, a Will Start Work teur sport at the present time.
very active University alumnus, "If Detroit wins, we will start he is most emphatic in den
are still trying to make the long- work immediately, even if there charges that the city fathers
cherished Olympic dream come is no assurance that the Games not make a sincere bid this
true as soon as possible. will be awarded to the United for the pageant.
Recently returned from a tour States in 1952." "We want to make this a
of Europe, after attending the civic affair," he said. "The pe
Stockholm Olympic meeting with of Detroit have lost their (
Mayor Jeffries, Matthaei was pre- Optimist Day rithe ctyhasnosl.
sent at an Olympic Association rka want to clean up the slums
meeting in New York this week build some lasting memorials
which may have been of great Tomorrow is "Optimist's "It means the people of Del
importance to Detroiters. Day" at the Ann Arbor Muni- will have to be educated to
A resolution, providing in part cipal Golf Course. history of the games, and v
for the methods of selecting a site Beginning at 7 a.m. and con- they mean to the future of
in the United States for the tinuing until dark, scores of city. We have already been pr
Games, whenever awarded to this city and University golfers will ised full cooperation by the pre
country, was passed almost un- begin swinging from the 16th Considering the University's
animously. tee, in quest of a hole-in-one if the Olympics should be awe
Finland Doubtful and 40 prizes worth a total of ed to Detroit, Matthaei said
"Its significance is seen in a $400. possibly some University per
statement by the Los Angeles con- Each golfer in both the men's nel would be needed. If
tenders suggesting that Finland and women's divisions will take amount of extensive trainin
will not be able to handle the three shots, and each contest- desired by visiting nations, 1
Games in 1952," Matthaei said in ant's best shot will be counted. versity facilities may also be
an interview. "In that event, it Measurement will be to one- quested, he added.
is natural' to assume that the eighth of an inch, calculated Matthaei, who is a Detroit
Olympics will be awarded to the by a special device installed on dustrialist, has been leading
United States." the 155-yard hole. Olympic crusade for more I
"At the present time Los An- The tourney is being spon- ten years now, despite his ,m
geles is the only city prepared to sored by the Ann Arbor Op- other activities. If he and
handle the Games. However, this timists Club and the entry fee er leaders succeed in bringing
resolution provides for the five is one dollar and three golf games to Detroit, they will b:
contenders in this country to sub- balls. ande takng25toasend. a
nit 1,500-word briefs to the Olym- and talking to an end.
For that
GLASGOW, Scotland- (A) - ATT E N TION Delicious Midnight Snack
3ill Vessie of Columbia Univer-
;ity and Alan Naterson, 19-year- PEDESTRIANS! M ILLER'S
ild Scottish Olympic hope, broke .Walk in. DRIVE OUT - in
3ritain's high jump record by half
xn inch yesterday when they one of our peisonally in- Box Lunch
,leared 6 ft., 7% in. in an interna- dorsed used cars.
ional track and field meet in Golden Brown Chicken
Ibroax Park. KNOLL & ERWIN, Inc. or Fried Jumbo Shrimp
St. Louis
New York
+ Classified Advertising +
ALTERATIONS, custom-made clothes,
remodeling of clothes. Prompt serv-
ice. Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669.
MALE STUDENT desires room this
fall. Will pay full semester in ad-
vance. Preferably near campus. Rob-
ert Stratton, 2-4401, Rm. 12, Adams
House. )11
TEACHING FELLOW and employed
wife need apartment. Call Mrs.
Bond, 4121 Ext. 2299 during day,
2-6779 evenings. )27
TWO WOMEN grad students; neat re-
fined, would like furnished apt. by
fall or end of summer session. Please
. call 6552. )39
MALE GRADUATE student, veteran.
desires single or double room fal
semester. Paul Roten, 207rWinchell
House, 2-4401. )49
wife teaching in nursery school de-
sire apartment. Reply Box 9, Mich-
igan Daily. )51
Canaries. Bird supplies and cages.
562 South 7th Street, Phone 5330. )93
ARGUS C-3 CAMERA complete with
case and accessories. Call Ypsi 3596-
J5 or write R. L. Weiss, 1086 Goshen
Court, Willow Run. )98
MOUTOIT LAMB winter coat. Prac-
tically new. Phone 7907 after 6 p.m.
NEW BAUCH & LOMB Binocular mic-
roscope. Call 6746, Alexander. )33
NEW UNIVERSAL portable typewriter
with adjustable stand. Used four
months. Price $75.00. 1372 Hanover
Ct., Willow Village, Phone Y-3058J3.
) 41
BICYCLES, English Raleigh-I ladies'
tourist model and 1 men's racing
type. Excellent condition. Phone
5139. ) 54
CHEST OF DRAWERS; upholstered oc-
casional chair; bookcase, two-burn-
er hot plate (with oven, broiler
drawer), study lamp, maple floor
lamp, matched bedroom lamps, has-
sock, green looped yarn rug,
various curtains matching studio
couch cover, desk. Call after 7 p.m.,
Aug. 4th thru Aug. 7, 1279 Danvers
Ct., Willow Run. )56
WILL THE PERSON with the "77"
Iowa auto license number please
phone the person you met from
same locality on Monday evening.
Phone 6282. )32
WANTED: Small seat for big person to
west coast leaving vicinity August
15. Telephone P. Eisenhart, 2-2521,
Ext. 434. )48
Pittsburgh, Pa. around August 15
with room for standard typewriter,
please write or call John Copeland,
416 Michigan House, West Quad,
Phone 24401. Fee. )53
RIDERS WANTED daly to downtown
Detroit 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. shift.
Phone Bill 8470. )55
TWO TICKETS to Carmen. Any per-
formance. Phone 28254. )43
COED TO EXCHANGE board and room
for part time housework. State ref-
erences Reply Box 25, Daily. )46
'40 TO '42 CAR in A-1 condition. Reply
Box 11, Michigan Daily or 1367 Erv-
ing Ct., Willow Run Village. )47
ROOMS FOR FOUR veterans for fall
term. Willing to pay for August if
necessary. Price is no object. Notify
Box 10, Michigan Daily. )50
LOST-Swiss Watch from neck chain,
blue cloisonne, between Rackham
Building and Marshall's Drug Store.
Keepsake. Reward. Phone 4121, Ext.
2137 or 26368 after 10 p.m. )45
LOST--Raincoat left in car of student
from Genoa, Ohio by hitchiker. Please
contact 4401 or 7603. )42
SWAP-Boston-Ann Arbor. Available
Sept., 4 room furnished apartment
short distance M.I.T., Harvard. Want-
ed: 2 bedroom aparment Ann Arbor
or vicinity. Write S. E. Cleveland,
36 Myrtle St., Boston, Mass. )40
LOST-K. & E. Slide Rule. Name Ed-
win H. Halliwell on case. Call 2-
6156. )52
Read and Use
The Daily Classifieds
(Continued from Page 2)
blanks available in Room 108 Tap-
pan Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Will-
iam Lower Wonderly, Linguistics;
thesis: "Zoque Phonemic and
Morphological Structure," Sun-
day, August 3, at 9:30 a.m. in
1522 Rackham. Chairman, C. C.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Will-
iam Charles Morse, Education;
thesis: "A Comparison of the Eye
Movements of Average Fifth and
Seventh-Grade Pupils Reading
Materials of Corresponding Diffi-
culty," Monday, August 4, at 10
a.m. in the East Council Room,
Rackham. Chairman, I. Ander-
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Ken-
neth MacKenzie MacLeod, Edu-
cation: thesis: "The Selection of
Candidates for a Specialized Ori-
entation Program in a Large Au-
tomobile Industry," Monday, Aug-
ust 4, at 3 p.m. in the West Al-
cove, Rackham. Chairman, H. C.
Ralph A. Sawyer
General Placement:
The Department of Public Rec-
reation of Baltimore, Maryland
is accepting applications for E'-
ecutive Director of Community
Center (Colored). For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
General Placement:
The Grede Foundries of Mil-
waukee will have a representative
at the Bureau on. Tuesday morn-
ing, August 5, to interview men
for Sales and Engineering posi-
The Peerless Cement Company
of Detroit will again interview
men for Sales positions on Tues-
day, August 5.
Mr. Harry J. Altick, CLU, will
interview men for Sales positions
with the State Mutual Life As-
surance Company on Thursday
morning, August 7th. Call ex-
temion 371 for appointments.
The Jewish Vocational Service
of Detroit has an opening for a
Psychologist with a master's de-
(Continued on Page 4)
Regular Service
630 South Ashley
.5 "
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25c until 5 p.m.
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