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August 03, 1947 - Image 2

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TWO~ 71

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Daily Writer Outlines Role
Of Lobbyists in Washington

University Graduate Launches Crusade

(Continued from Page 1)
passed by a general membership
meeting each year.
How they operate is a wonder to
behold. Each puts out some type
of regular legislative report to its
members. The AF of L with seven
and a half million members issues
a clip sheet twice a week for
the use of its local union papers.
The million and a half members
of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
are kept up to date on legislative
matters by a factual daily sum-
ae Begins
Attaek Ag"ais
Killer Disease
Campaign Directed
At Rheumatic Fever
LANSING, Aug. 2- (/P) -The
Michigan Health Department to-
day announced a concentrated
campaign to check the fatal or,
crippling ravages of rheumatic
fever, No. 1 killer among school
children in the United States.
Dr. William De Kleine, State
Health Commissioner, explained
that the crippling effects of the
fever are not so apparent as in-
fantile paralysis symptoms, al-
though rheumatic fever kills five
times as many children as polio.
354,000 in Michigan
The Health Commissioner esti-
mated more than 350,000 people
in Michigan alone are handicap-
ped by rheumatic heart disease, a
damaged heart resulting from the
mysterious infection. The handi-
cap not only forces victims tolim-
it their activities, but also causes
premature deaths in many cases.
He said medical researchers
know for certain only the symp-
toms and not the cause of the
stealthy affliction, which was
recognized by Hippocrates 400
years B.C.
Crowded Living Conditions
It flourishes in cold, damp
weather where living conditions
are crowded and children have
improper diets. Although not
contagious, it is often preceded by
streptococcic nose and throat in-
fections, Dr. De Kleine declared.
Among children under 14 years
of age, the health commissioner
said, the following symptoms may
be clues to the disease: a low, un-
explained and persistent fever,
pain, particularly in joints and
muscles; fast pulse; repeated
nosebleeds w i t h o u i apparent
cause; pallor; poor appetite; loss
of weight or failure to gain; jer-
ky nervous movement and fre-
quent sore throat.

mary of bills introduced and pass-
ed by Congress which goes to the
local headquarters to the tune of
21,00 copies. The NAM publishes
an 8-page tabloid weekly for its
members who are currently rais-
ing a $3,000,000 "Public Relations
Fund" for next year.
Most of the rest put out a re-
port at least weekly or bi-month-
ly. In addition, major bills like
the Taft-Hartley act are the sig-
nal for special bulletins or mem-
oranda with circulations that to-
tal in the millions.
Direct lobbying usually takes
the form. of testimony before Con-
gressional committees. The Cham-
ber of Commerce brings in busi-
ness experts 'to present highly
specialized testimony while groups
like the AVC or ADA use big-
name people like Franklin Roose-
velt, Jr. or Wilson Wyatt to pre-
sent the "liberal" case.
The American Farm Bureau
Federation with a membership of
1,125,000 farm families frequently
succeeds in having its own bills
"Country-club lobbying?" Don-
ald Young, legislative represen-
tative of the Chamber of Com-
merce took my question good
naturedly. "No, we have no need
for that sort of thing," he told
me. "Congress knows that we rep-
resent the views of business and
asks us to present those views.
Not that I've never taken a Sen-
ator to lunch," he admitted, "but
I can talk to them just as easily
by calling them off the floor dur-
ing the day." For a three months
period his expenses ran about
$140, most of which went for taxi
fares to and from the capitol, he
The NAM does have a couple
men who float around the capi-
tol but they work out of the main
office in New York and the edi-
tor of the NAM News told me that
he knew nothing about what they
Not being a well financed group
AVC has reversed the lobbyists
traditional role and has been suc-
cessful with this approach: "Sen-
ator, you are a good liberal and
have a lot of money. How about
supporting the AVC?'
We are being represented in
Washington today by far morT
than the senators and congress-
men we elect. Congress itself i;
only the stage upon which thes
two basic points of view are con-
tinually battling. Even more im-
portant than their direct eff ecl
upon legislation is the more subtle
and yet equally extensive influ-
ence that these pressure group;
yield through their local member-
ships in determing the elections

A one-woman crusade to in-
scribe the story of "oppression in
Madascar on the conscience of the
world" has been launched by a
University graduate student.
Bargyl Rateaver, native of Mad-
agascar and United States citi-
zen, seeks to impress upon inter-
ested persons, agencies and gov-
ernments, the plight of Madagas-
car's natives, their subjugation to
French colonial interests and their
struggle for independence.
"Free people cannot long be in-
different to other people in
chains," M i s s Rateaver said.
When America and the world real-
ize the extent of the maltreat-
ment of the people of Africa's
coast, they cannot help but de-
mand action, she added.
Better Understanding
Letters, newspaper accounts and
various documents combined with
a personal awareness of the con-
ditions of the islands, are the
tools with which Miss Rateaver
seeks to forge a better understand-
ing of the island. ' She is current-
ly compiling and coordinating
material which she plans to for-
ward to the United States State
Department, the UN, and the'
French minister of colonies.
Miss Rateaver's first step is the
circulation of petitions to be sent
to the French National Assembly,
protesting the imprisonment of
natives in connection with an up-

rising for independence last April.
She has a personal interest in this
matter for her father, a mission-
ary, was imprisoned by the French
governmert in this regard,
Vote for Independence
"The French people had voted
for the independence of the col-
onies and the government had an-
nounced that such independence
was in effect," Miss Rateaver ex-
plained. "But the Madagascans
are still waiting for their free-
dom. The French, begging Amer-
ica for relief after five years dff
suffering under German occupa-
tion, will not admit that -the na-
tives of Madagascar rate similar
relief after 52 years of subjuga-
Unhealthy Prison
The pi'ison at Fort Dauphin, in
which 'Miss Rateaver's father is
held, is described as "ancient,
cold and damp." The prisoners
are locked in without access to air
and with no contact with the
world. "It hasn't been cleaned out
since the bubonic plague hit the
island some years ago. There are
no facil-ities for boiling water or
adhering to the most basic sani-
tary needs."
Doctrine of Fear
Frequent visits with her father
to offer solace to prisoners there
many.years ago, had left an ugly
impression upon her mind, Missl
Rateaver recalled.

Her father had spent many
years with the Norwegian Luth-
eran missionaries in Madagascar
and he finally broke with them
to practice on his own. "He left
them because the premise of: their
teaching was fear. He felt that
the natives were sufficiently im-
bued with fear already and need-
ed to be taught a religion of love."
My father did not hold, either,
with the idea that the natives
can rise in mental stature only
to a point somewhere below that
of white men, she said. "He re-
fused to admit that there are
double standards of freedom."
No Double Standards of Freedom
"I don't believe that the enlight-
ened people of the world hold the
double standards of freedom, Miss
Rateaver declared. "I know they
will fight subjugation wherever
they know it to exist. It is with
this in mind that I seek to make
as many as possible aware of
what goes on in my native land."
'U' Marching Band
Plans are underway for a "new
and larger" marching band, Har-
old Ferguson, assistant conduc-
tor of the Michigan Marching
Band, has announced.
Students interested in joining
the band should report to Harris
Hall and fill out an application
blank as soon as possible, he said.

shown with editors of The Daily
Campbell, Dewey, tuart Finlays

1 ,

R. POSES WITH' DALY EDITORS-Gov. Thomas E. Dewey is
y during his visit to campus Thursday. Left to right are John
on and Clyde Itecht.
Ss Offr- GrandiTitles
T. i dv
y shdTavlr


Oliver Edel cellist, Lee Patti-
son, pianist, and Joseph Knitzer,
violinist, will present an all
Brahms program at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow at the Rackham lecture
The concert, which is open to
the public, will include Sonata in
F and Trio in B.
* * *
The Summer Session String
Quartet, under the direction of
Oliver Edel, will present a con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the
Rackham Educational Memorial,
The quartet, composed of Ter-
est Testa and Unto Etrkkila, vio-
linists, Emil Raab, violist and
Kary Oyer,, cellist, will present
:ompositions by Beethoven and
Barber and will feature Howard
Hatton, bariton, as soloist.
Elise Cambon, organist, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday at Hill Auditorium.
Her program will include selec-
tions by Frescobaldi, Bach, Dupre,
Alain, Peeters and Corelli-Cuil-
* * *
"Chant d'Amour" by Albeniz
will highlight a recital to be pre-
sented by Anthony Desiderio,
clarinetist, Mildred Minneman
Andrews, pianist and Mary Oyer,
cellist, at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday at
Rackham Assembly Hall.

NEW YOF1K, Aug. 3-4N)----It's
mostly for latughs; but land-lub-
bers can be admirals: pacifists
can be top brass; horse-haters,
mounted police; and stay-at-
homes, junketeers,.
A handful of state organiza-
tions ,constructed of local pride,
hospitality and sentiment, make
such things possible: The Ne-
braska Navy, Kentucky Colonels,
Texas Rangers, Arkansas Travel-
ers and North Carolina Tar Heels.
Land-locked Navy
In the Navy of land-locked Ne-
braska, every member is an ad-
miral. There are about 3,000 Ne-
braska admirals, from President
Truman to the Army's Eisenhow-
er and MacArthur, Britain's Am-
bassador Lord hiverchapel, Bing
Crosby and Bob Hope.
Having a quasi-official status,
Nebraska Navy commissions us-
ually are awarded to celebrities
who make public appearances in
the state.
Kentucky Colonels
Then there are, of course, the
Kentucky Colonels, a mighty band
which has seen some ups and
downs, depending upon the fancy
of the state's governors. Conserv-
atively estimated, there are about
7,000 colonels-plus an assortment
of Kentucky admirals, generals,
commodores and captains.
Included in the list of colonels
are Shirley Temple and about ev-
ery other film star who ever at-
tended a Kentucky Derby, Gen.
Theatre Presents,
Story by Alunmis
"The Miracle of 34th Street," a
story of department store Santas
opening at a local theatre today,
was written by a former student,
Valentine Davies.
Davies appeared in the Union{
opera "Tambeurine" in 1925. He
was also a member of The Daily1
staff during his undergraduate
days. He is married to the daugh-
ter of the late Prof. Louis A.
Strauss, of the English depart-
The part "Kris Kringle" in "The
Miracle" is played by Edwardl
Gwenn, who has appeared in sev-
eral campus productions.

Jonathon Wainwright - and a
railroad passenger agent who once
obtained a railroad reservation
for Gov. Simeon Willis when he
was ill. Native sons and daugh-
ters like to be coloneled, but most
of the pressure comes from out-of-
Texas Rangers
While Nebraska's Navy and
Kentucky's Colonel commissions
have some sort of official stand-
ing, commissions as "Honorary
Texas Rangers" are a little more
nebulous. Apparently the first ap-
pointment was made in 1935 by
Gov. James V. Allred.
The only hell-for-leather riding
necessary for appointment as hon-
orary ranger may be done in train,
plane or automobile.
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office ofnthe
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Publication in The Daily OfficiaA
Ball, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVH, No. 29S
Colleges of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and Architecture
and Design; Schools of Education,
Forestry, Music, and Public
Health: Summer Session students
wishing a transcript of this sum-
mer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several
days before leaving Ann Arbor.
Failure to file this request before
the end of the session will result
in a needless delay of several days.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Admission - School of Business
Administration. Deadline for ap-
plicants for Fall Semester ad-
mission - Auguts 15. Application
(Continued on Page 3)

_l _ _ ' 411

Color Under the". Sun

- ' ' .


The red of love in the sun... the red
that's totally new to illuminate sunshine
fashions. Sun Red... untamed,
sunswept. Prettiest color under the sui
(pr under the moon) this stuner!

4 - .>,

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Sun Red Smart Set
(Lacquer, Lacquerol, Lipstick), $160
Sun Red Dual Set
(Lacquer with Lacquerol), 6c
Sun Red Lipstick, $1.00*
t pluas tax



C iisp bov on a long-
sleeved all white blouse
edgedi with delicate tat-
ting. Sves 32-38.
A heavy rayon shirt with,
Peaked cuffs and pearl
buttons, only in white.
Sizes 32-38.



We have them and we're proud
as can be! Here are coats
ycu'll wear now, through winter
and all next spring. A quick flash
of zipper does the trick and .
gives you the warmth of an extra:
inner lining complete with long .
sleeves. And they all have those
terrific new style notes.
Illustrated is a swing back
ZIP-IN coat in all wool covert. r' ..3

A dhlintive collar, deep
armholes in brvwn, royal,
treen or scaret on white.
Sizes 32-38.

f! - N
. .precious for now and tomorrow
So much beauty, for such a little! That's how we
feel about this exquisite collection of blouses. Besides, they're
cool witchery now .. -indishensible suifmate later.


A tucked yoke, puffed
sleeves with a tiny collar
in brown, dusty rose
white. Sizes 32-38. $5
A fabulous colonial cuff
on a silver buttoned shirt
in brown, dusty rose and
white. Sizes 32-38.


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