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August 03, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State





Dutch Debate
'Cease Fire'
Order of UN,
Still Fighting in
Java, Sumatra
By The Associated Press
Fighting in the Netherlands In-
dies continued Saturday while the
Dutch cabinet at the Hague met
i extraordinary session to consi-
der Friday's cease-fire order is-
sued by the United Nations Se-
curity Council.
Dutch military forces in Java
were consolidating their positions
and claiming new advances in
At the same time, both the
Netherlands and Indonesian gov-
ernments debated the issue in the
light of the UN demand. And in
Washington, Ambassador Eelco
Van Kleffens of the Netherlands,
expressed confidence that a
"peaceful solution" to the Paci-
fic war could be reached.
Experts Message
Van Kleffens, following a half-
hour conference with United
States Under Secretary of State
Robert Lovett, declared that he
expected to hear further from his
Aug. 3-0)-The Indonesian
Republic will accede to a Unit-
ed Nations Security Council or-
der for immediate cessation of
hostilities provided that Dutch
troops be withdrawn behind the
demarcation' lines from which
their attack was launched, the
official radio Jogjakarta an-
nounced today.
Meanwhile, landing parties
were reported today to have
swarmed ashore frop Dutch
naval vessels to seize the burn-
g port of Tjilatjap on the
south Java coast, last important
Javanese port which had re-
government on whether Nether-
lands forces in Indonesia now
would suppress their offensive in
view of UN and American moves
toward a settlement.
In an interview in Batavia Sat-
urday, H. J. Van Mook, acting gov-
ernor general of the Netherlands
East Indies, expressed doubt that
the Republican government could
enforce a cease fire order. "We
can stop hostilities," he said. "But
wonder whether the other side
Some Indonesian quarters felt
it would be practically impossible
for them to notify all units of the
, Republican forces of such an or-
Without a Hitch
Van Mook stated further that
although he expected to be advised
of his government's attitude "to-
night or tomorrow," (Saturday or
Sunday) Dutch military opera-
tions were reported proceeding
without a hitch and days ahead
1of schedule."
Five Lectures
Scheduled To
Finish Series
Four public officers and one
college president will lecture in

the final week of the annual sum-
mer lecture series on "The United
States in World Affairs."
George Wythe, chief of the
Commerce Department American
Republics Unit, will lecture at 4:10
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Am-
phitheatre on "A Re-Appraisal of
the Industrialization of Latin
Second lecture of the week will
be given by Lawrence M. Gould,
president of Carleton College.
He will speak on "Strategy and
Politics in the Polar Areas" at
8:10 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham
0. Benjamin Gerig, deputy U.S.
representative in the Trusteeship
Council of the United Nations and
chief of the State Department
Dependent Area Affairs Division,
will lecture at 4:10 p.m. Tuesday
in Kellogg Auditorium.
He will speak on "The Relation
of the Trusteeship System to the
Objectives of the United Nations."
Senator Elbert D. Thomas, (D-

U.S. Forces in Occupied
Europe May Be Reduced,
Move to Conserve Army Manpower Seen;
British Decision Causes Additional Burden
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-The United States as well as Britain was
reported today to be considering further reductions in the strength of
occupation forces in Europe-but to save manpower rather than
Tentative official calculations have been made in Washington and
Berlin,authorities told a reporter, on what cuts might be made without
imperiling American aims and upsetting the balance between the
Western allies and Russia.
One top level, though off-the-cuff, estimate was that the number
of American troops might be pared more than half without risking
trouble with the German population in the U.S. zone. But the German
attitude is recognized as only one factor.
A new and uncertain element was introduced, however, by Prime
Minister Attlee's proposal to slash
British military committments as
part of the Labor government's Group Toap
drastic new effort to bolster Bri-
tamn's sagging economy. As a re-
sult, the question whether the A t- aiiahan
United States can follow suit ap-
pears destined for further study Act Petitions
before a final decision is made.
The Army's position is that with
Germany divided, international Local Citizens Seek
relations clouded and Russia's ra-
tification of the satellite peace Referendum on Bill
treaties delayed, the 150,000 or so
American troops in Europe are a Local citizens will circulate pe-
rock bottom minimum. titions Monday evening calling
Thatpoition has been under for a referendum on the Callahan
Thtrpositio has beuerAct, Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
urgent review, however because journalism department, and Dr.
of the Army's manpwr diicult- Wilfred Kaplan, chairman of the
ies since the end of e raT Association of University of Mich-
size of the occupation forces was igan Scientist, co-chairman of,
based on a regular Army estab- the Committee to Repeal the Cal-
lishment with total strength of lahan Act, announced today.
1,070,000 authorized by Congress. Support for the petition cam-
With the decline in voluntary en-pag wsuretoybyRv
listments it has shrunk to fewe Henry Lewis, Rev. Edward Red-
than 1,000,000 and is expected to man, president Kenneth Sisson of
go down further. UAW-CTO Local 38, business agent
Meanwhile, Russia's delay in Lloyd Clickner of the AFL Com-
ratifying the peace treaties has mon Laborers Union, and a large
put off the planned withdrawal group of University professors.
from Italy, and the stalemat? over Commenting on the Act, Dr.
a settlement with Austria threat- Kaplan declared: "This bill is so
ens to keep the force there inde- vague and so poorly-worded that
finitely. it could be interpreted to apply to


MaalTItaly To Seek
.Revised Pact
Secretary of State Marshall to-
day encouraged Italy to seek re-
vision of the Italian peace treaty
with an implied assurance of
American support.
Marshall acted in line with
American policy designed to
strengthen Italy against Com-
munism, give it recognition as a
fully sovereign nation as rapidly
as possible and increase the im-
portance of its role in European
His statement took the form of
a telegram to the Italian Foreign
Minister, Count Carlos Sforza,
which was released by the State}
Department along with Sforza's
reply. Both messages were pegged
on recent approval by the Italian
constituent assembly of ratifica-
tion of the peace treaty.
The Italian goveinment has yet
to ratify the treaty formally and
is waiting for Russia to act. How-
ever, the Soviet government has
indicated its intention of not rat-
ifying until after Italy does.
The United States already is
conducting its relations with Italy
almost as if the treaty were in

trade unions, the International
Red Cross, the Roman Catholic
Church and many international
scientific organizations." .
Several trade unions in the
state, Committee spokesmen re-
vealed, remembering Gov. Kim
Sigler's recent attack on a num-
ber of prominent labor leaders
whom he alleged were Commu-
nists, are actively supporting the
The state-wide Committee to
Repeal the Callahan Act is head-
ed by the Honorable Henry Swee-
ney, former Detroit judge and
member of the Detroit Common
Council. Other members of the
local Committee are Professors
Preston Slosson, L. G. Vander-
Velde, M. B. Stout, Clark Trow,
Roy Sellars, John Shepard, Leroy
Waterman, Theodore Newcomb
and H. Y. McClusky, and Dr.
Franklin Littell.
Film at Hill Based
On Lewis' Novel
"Arrowsmith," film version of
the Sinclair Lewis novel, starring
Ronald Coleman and Helen Hayes,
will be shown at 8 p.m. today at
Hill Auditorium under the spon-
sorship of the Inter-Cooperative
Written in collaboration with
Paul de Kruif, a University grad-
uate, "Arrowsmith," pictures the
disappointments faced by an
idealistic young doctor.

False Report
Begins Scare
In GulfArea
Rumor Prompts
Hunt for Planes
By The Associated Press
State department relay of a "ru-
mor" that seven fighter planes
were poised in Florida "for apCar-
ibbean destination" sent authori-
ties there on a fruitless hunt to-
day while Dominican Republic
air patrols got set to fight off an
But nothing happened-any-
The Dominican Republic, whose
officials have been talking for
months of a plot by "Communist
revolutionaries" to invade the
country, told its ambassador here
that "all precautions" were being
taken but "not a single aircraft
has been heard in the sky."
Issued Alert
The excitement started when A.
T. Brantley, deputy collector of
customs at Tampa, last night is-
sued the following alert to air-
ports through police and Civil
Aeronautics Administration tele-
type systems:
"Notify all airports to be on the
lookout for two P-38 and five P-51
type aircraft, believed leaving
United States for foreign country
without permission.
"All suspicious activity of above-
type planes should be reported
Brantley signed in the name of
the State Department but declin-
ed to make public the source of
the information he had from
Washington. He said it was meag-
er and he did not know what air-
port the planes might be using.
Gulf Areas
A search started, and airports
along both Florida coasts were
checked without success, as were
other Gulf of Mexico areas. Mean-
while no Washington agency could
be found that would acknowledge
having ordered the alert.
Then, this afternoon, the State
Department issued a statement
that it had heard the rumor and
had relayed it to the Customs
Bureau and other agencies, ask-
ing an investigation.
The statement disclosed that the
State Department has had in ef-
fect for months a general alert,
based on "general rumors of
revolutionary plotting," to make
sure that "United States territory
would not be used for conspiracy."
The statement, issued by press
officer Reginald Mitchell, said:
"The Department heard general
rumors of revolutionary plotting
in the Caribbean area as long ago
as January of this year and in an
effort to .make sure that United
States'territo'ry would not be used
for conspiracy alerted the appro-
priate law enforcement agencies,
which since that date have kept a
scrupulous watch."
At least some of the rumors
were based on sensational news
reports in Haitian and Dominican
Uruguay Chief
Of StateDies
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Aug.

2-(P)-President Tomas Berreta
died tonight at 9:05 pm. (Uru-
guay time). The 71=year-old head
of 'state had been in a coma fol-
lowing .anemergency operation
for an internal ailment.
Berreta was granted a leave of
absence yesterday and the presi-
dency was assumed by Vice-Presi-
dent Luis Batlle Berres.
Berreta's election as President
last November climaxed a career
of more than 50 years in Uruguay-
an politics. He was the candidate
of the Batllista faction of the
Colorado party and took office
last Jan. 1, succeeding his friend,
Juan Jose Amezaga.
Despite the fact that he once
killed a political enemy in a duel,
Berreta was not of violent charac-
The son of an Italian immi-
grant laborer, his first job was on
the police force and his formal
education was limited. He served
in Congress, then as a state gov-
ernor and as Minister of Publicj
Berreta visited the United
States last January at the invi-
tation of President Truman. He


Negotiators Will Meet Sunday for
Last Attempt To Reach Agreement
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Aug. 2-A strike against the vast Ford Motor Co. over
the issues of a workers' pension and Taft-Hartley labor law provisions
was authorized tonight.
The International Executive Board of the CIO's United Auto
Workers gave its assent for 107,000 Ford production workers to strike
"not later than Tuesday."
One hope remained, however, that the costly showdown might be
Company and union negotiators meet again Sunday morning
(10:30 a.m.) in what may be theO

TIC-William S. Knudsen, former Army Lt.-General and presi-
dent of General Motors Corp., joins the Gudren E. Nielsen Dan-
ish Folk Dancers in one of their numbers in the International
Night program at the Detroit News Auditorium. His partner is
Mrs. Nielsen, director of the group which will dance in the Festi-
val of Nations, August 10 in Hill Auditorium.
Festival of Nations Will Offer
Folk Dances of Scandinavia

A series of six dances, repre-
sentative of Denmark, Norway
and Sweden, will be performed by
Gudren E. Nielsen's Danish Folk
Dancers of Detroit at the Festival
of Nations, 8 p.m. Aug. 10 in'
Hill Auditorium.
The dances, wnich are all of
authentic folk origin, form a cul-
ture in themselves and date back
hundreds of years, according to
Mrs. Nielsen. There is no indica-
tion of how they started, but they
have been passed down from gen-
eration to generation, she said. At
the present time there is a move-
ment in the Scandanavian coun-
tries to revive these traditional
dances similar to the rising in-
terest in the United States in early
American dancing.
Learned 40 Dances
Members of the Nielsen's group
Chorus Gives
To Feature Joio in
Summer Program
The University Summer Session
Chorus, under the direction of
Miss Mary Mildowney, guest con-
ductor on the music school facul-
ty, will present its annual summer
concert at 4:15 p.m. today at Hill
The chorus will sing a group of
sacred songs, Brahms' "Love
Songs," with Celia Chao and
Elizabeth Powell, pianists and
Elizabeth Green, violinist accom-
panying, and Dello Joio's "A Fa-
The program will. also include
Vaughn Williams' "Serenade to
Music" sung by a choral quartet
including Mary Jane Allbright,
Arlene Sollenberger, Norris Greer
and Howard Hatton.
"I'm Seventeen Come Sunday"
by Percy Granger will conclude
the program, which is open to the

have studied with them for many
years, some since they were four
years old, and have learned over
40 dances. They represent the De-
troit Danish community in all
programs, including city - wide
events as the Golden Jubilee. Hel-
en Jensen, Detroit Danish beauty
queen dances with the group.
Mrs. Nielsenk, explained that
their aim has always been to teach
the students more than dancing.
"We want them to learn tolerance
and understanding for other
people" she said. In line with this
goal the group is a member of the
International Institute, where the
students meet people of other na--
tionalities and learn each 'other's
songs and dances. Mrs. Nielsen
emphasized the value of dancing
as an aid to understanding which
surmounts language barriers.
"The feet speak all languages,"
she said.
Different Areas
The dances which the group will
perform represent not only vari-
ous nations but the different areas
within them. You can feel the dif-
ferences in the land and life of
the people in the music, Mrs. Niel-
sen explained.
Some of the dances are lyric
while others tell a story.NAmong
the lyric dances are the Norweg-
ian Spring Dance and the Kirtur
from Kallenhave, which had its
origin on the eastern coast of
Denmark. A Swedish dance, the
Vingakersdance, tells the story of
a young man escorting two girls
to a festival.
Other numbers include the
Schottishe in Five Figures and
the Degnedansen from Denmark
and Sweden and the Firtur-from
Varde, a Danish dance.
The Festival will also feature
Ukrainian singers and dancers,
Philippine Candle and Bamboo
Dancers, Latin American music,
songs and dances, Greek folk
musicians and dancers, a Polish
National Chorus, Indian Shadow
Dances and Rumanian music and

Union Executives
Set Walkout Date

lschac to reach an agree-
Without this, the auto industry,
long - troubled with materials1
shortages, will enter a crisis sim-
ilar to that of the General Mot-
ors strike of 1946-7.
The strike-approval decision
of the UAW-CIO board, reached
after nearly six hours of con-
sultations, was announced by
vice-president Richard T. Leon-
ard. Leonard, chairman of the
UAW's Ford department, cames
wearily out of the long board
session. He seemed discouraged.
To a question whether a strikee
could be averted, he answereds
tersely: "We're meeting again with
the company on Sunday."
He said a strike was approved
for "no later than Tuesday" but
later declared "strike action will 1
be taken as soon as we can ar-
range it."
There had been reports the un-
ion m.ght call out the workers
Both the company and union
have gone into extensive prepara-
tions for a strike.
Thomas Tompson, president
of Ford Local 600, the Rougej
local which is described as the
world's largest union local, is-;
sued a statement saying "We
will strike reluctantly but de
terminedly in the knowledge
that our cause is just."
There was no statement tonigt
from the company.
Reporters asked Leonard if the
UAW's pension demand alone
would have justified a strike had
the company granted the UAW
immunity from financial respon-
sibility provisions of the Taft-
Hartre Act.
"If the company had done that,"
Leonard replied, I'm certain the
negutia li (ns would have progres
ed much more satisfactorily."
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther, wl-o flew here from Wash--
.ngton to preside at the board
session, saidrthe group unani-
mously approved a strike "after
hearing and discussing all the
facts and issues."
The Board, Reuther said in a
formal statement, was "satis-
fied" that "every reasonable ef-
fort" had been made by the un-
ion's negotiators to reach a "fair
The dispute, issues, he said, in-
volve the "economic security" of
the workers and the "security of
the whole UAW-CIO." He said the
union would throw its "full re-
sources" in a fight against Ford
"if a strike is necessary. F
The situation loomed as the
gravest in Detroit since November,
1945, when the UAW-CIO led
175,000 members out on a strike
against General Motors Corpora-
tion that lasted 113 days.
Both sides were frankly pessi-
Ford called in 30,000 production
workers on an overtime basis Sat-
urday in an effort to clear as
much production as possible from
its vast Detroit plants before the
strike deadline.
The union summoned its strike
strategy committee to a Sunday
meeting, a necessary prelude to an
actual walkout.
Report Russia Got
German ?Materials
BERLIN, Aug. 2-UP)-German
foremen employed in two factories
shuttered by U.S. officials for
manufacturing war materials for
an unnamed foreign nower d-

Meyers Tells
About Hughes'
Elliott Roosevelt To
Take StandTuesday
story of $5,083.79 worth of gay
ntertainment supplied to Elliott
Roosevelt and companions at the
expense of Howard Hughes was
pread today on the records of the
Senate War Investigating Commit-
tee looking into Hughes' wartime,
plane contracts.
John. W. Meyers, free-spending
publicity man for Hughes' who
never saw anyone else pick up
(a 4heck) in my entire war," told
of one New York night club party
for Roosevelt costing $106 on the
day the President's son drafted a
report recommending a multi-mil-
lion dollar government contract
for Hughes' photo reconnaisance
But before the senators got all
the details of expense vouches, the
hearing broke up until Monday in
an angry dispute over Meyer's
wartime draft record.
His 'Job'
Meyer insisted under question-
ng by Senator Ferguson (R-
Mich), subcommittee chairman,
that it was his "job" to pay en-
tertainment bills for Roosevelt
ind his friends.
Within a few moments Slack
-.nd Senators Ferguson, Cain and
3rewster (R-Me) were shouting at
ach other. *
Justice Department
Cain asked that the records of
Meyer's "six deferrments go to the
Department of Justice for what-
gver action may be taken."
On Monday Elliott Roosevelt is
-cheduled to testify, and Hughes
is due Wednesday. Meyer was
told to remain here under subpoe-
za while both Roosevelt and
, -ughes are on the stand.
A government accounting office
:-eport credited Meyer with spend-
ing $169,661.17 during the war-
time period of 1942 through 1946.
The records indicated that $5,-
083.29 of this went for entertain-
nent of Roosevelt, Miss Emerson,
and their friends since 1941.
Hughes Says
Brewster Got
Howard Hughes tonight accused
Sen. Owen Brewster of "accepting
entertainment from Pan Ameri-
can Airways-and lots of it" in
an article copyrighted by the Los
Angeles Examiner.
The plane manufacturer and
principal stockholder of Trans
World Airlines, whose entertain-
ing policies duringtheBwa' are
being scutinized by Brewster's
Senate War Investigating Commit-
tee, declared:
"Senator Brewster just issued
a statement that he has no con-
nection with Pan American Air-
ways. This is about as naive a
piece of pulp-magazine literature
as I have ever heard."
Directing his verbal darts at the
Senator; Hughes - still in seclu-
sion over the weekendtpending de-
parture for Washington Monday



Lobbyists in WashingtonPlay
Prominent Role in Legislation

Special To The Daily
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the ninth
in a series of interpretative articles
on political trends and personalities
in Washington by a Daily staff cor-
WASHINGTON - Behind the
scenes in Washington, generally
ignored by the press, several hun-
dred lobbyists representing our
various social and economic
groups are busy exercising a pro-
found influence on our legisla-
With the old cliche about "gov-
ernment by pressure groups" in
mind, I visited a number of lob-
byists to discover just who they
are, what they lobby for or against
and how they go about it Al-I
most without excention I was

tion of Real Estate Boards, the
American Farm Bureau Federa-
tion and a host of others which
represent some aspect of business
or industry. This group is by far
the best organized and certainly
the best financed. While its meth-
ods of operation are much the
same as the "liberal" lobby, they
are more extensive.
On the other side are the la-
bor unions, the American Veter-
ans Committee, the NAACP, poli-
tical action groups like Americans
for Democratic Action (ADA),
and a host of others including a
wide variety of church represen-
Though numerous, the "liberal"
lobbies are generally smaller,
groups and frequently work to-
gether on pending social legisla-

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Sunday, Aug. 2-The island fortress of Corregidor in
Manila harbor will be turned over formally to the Philippines by the
U.S. Army today. The Philippine government will convert its war-
orn installations into a permanent war memorial.
ATHENS, Aug. 2-An authoritative source said tonight that
Greece will propose a program involving n'early $2,500,000,000 for
her share in the Marshall Plan to cover a five-year reconstruction
program and current needs from January, 1947, through June,
. * , ', *
WASHINGTON,. Aug. 2-The Republicans declared tonight theyl
nad kept their pre-election promises except for tax reduction while the
Democrats challenged the record of the GOP ruled Congress as one
of "shocking inaction" on vital issues.

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