SUNDAY, A U'OU 3 1947
._U. hI , a U(...UST 3. . 19.4..',.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
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Re mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
n'd represent the views of the writers only.
Budget Cuts
THE REPUBLICANS have been receiving
an elaborate lesson in sophistication,
which they badly needed. It hurts, as all
growing up hurts. They entered upon the
recent session of Congress swearing that
they were going to cut the budget anywhere
from 6 to 12 billions of dollars. Now the
session is over, and the net savings could be
put into a Senator's eye without seriously
discommoding him.
The best estimates are that current sav-
ings total about 2 billions, but that most of
this amount will be eaten up by little items
the Republicans are not counting, such as
the speeded-up use of the American loan
by the British, the need for stockpiling ma-
terials, aid to Greece, etc. In the end the
budget may not run much, if anything,
under Mr. Truman's estimate of 37.5 bil-
lions. That is not the Republicans' fault.
A Congress made up of 535 Representative
Tabers (and that is not a thought with
which I lull myself to sleep) could have
done little better.
The Republican are all right. It's just
that the world is wrong. In a world in
which it is necessary to stockpile stra-
aid former allies, etc., it just isn't pos-
tegic materials, to help the veterans, to
sible to cut government costs very much.
It is even more humiliating than losing
a game to show up in the wrong stadium,
on the wrong night, with the wrong equip-
ment, prepared to put on a whale of a
battle against a team playing something
else. And the Republican "Economy!" slo-
gan of this last session was about as perti-
nent as "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!"
Some of the Republicans are miserable
that they have failed to carry out a promise.
But that they misjudged the world, that
they never should have made the promise,
is a far more serious charge. Larger than
this issue, an illumination by it, is the gen-
eral issue of Republican naivete, that yearn-
ing for spurious simplicities, which is so out
of place at a time when we are going to
need the most consummate sophistication
in order to stay alive in this world.
That the Republicans were honest and
sincere in their belief that 6 to 12 billions
could be trimmed off the budget doesn't
excuse them. It merely makes the original
error in judgment seem deeper, and harder
to cure. It isn't a sprain, it's a fracture.
For it goes with other manifestations;
It goes, for example, all too well, too
harmoniously, with the way the Repub-
licans flatly refused to ease the displaced
persons problem this year by letting some
refugees enter the country, though that
move would have done us the widest pos-
sible good at a critical moment in foreign
affairs. "Keep Immigration Down!" like
"Economy!" is one of those simplicities
which changing times have rendered
wildly inappropriate, but to which the
party clings. These slogans, taken to-
gether, are the way the party says stub-
bornly to itself that very little has
changed, and is changing.
In a more remote way, one senses a sim-
ilar spirit in that curious, 1928ish kind of
campaign which the leading Republican
candidate, Mr. Dewey, is waging by making
himself charmingly available and conspic-
uous, while keeping silent on the issues.
Nothing could be more old hat than this
Coming Recession
LAST YEAR about this time, government
economists were making cautious pre-
dictions about the coming "recession."
President Truman, in his own inimitable
manner, delicately agreed that the United
States was about due for the syclical bust
but the terminology of Mr. Truman also
involved the word "slight."
The economists predicted that the "reces-
sion" would edge in about the fall of 1946
and that it would be in full swing in the
fall of this year. Up to date, no one has
been concerned with the dire prophecies of
the left-over Brain Trust, because produc-
tion figures have been reassuring (for the
manufacturers) and American businessmen
have been busily sinking dollars in the
newly-opened European field.
Buried on the fifth page of a New York
paper and practically non-existent in the
local papers is an Associated Press dis-
ALpuiA&ea Ca
patch which should make those people
relying on European puchases sit up and
take notice. American exports in June
slipped 13 per cent below May's record.
The/Census Bureau calls this slump "the
first substantial interruption in the recent
rising trend of exports." President Truman,
in an economic report last Monday, had
classed the "extraordinary excess of ex-
ports over imports" as one of the three
"temporary props" beneath the nation's
high employment and production levels.
Some goiernment foreign trade experts
privately called the export decline a "prob-
able turning point," the beginning of a
downward trend in a 16 billion dollar-a-
year business.
These experts agreed that the causes..
were the rapid shrinking of foreign hold-
ings of gold and American dollars, the
only kinds of money that will pay for
American goods, and the tightening up
by foreign countries on their purchases
to conserve buying power while the need
for it grows.
This decline in the "temporary prop"
should bring back the word "recession" into
the United States' vocabulary.
-Lida Dailes.
" S NOT the central issue constantly evad-
ed?" asked a young pastor as we came
away from a brilliant lecture upon the Near
East. The dynamite is in that central issue,
brother, and diplomats keep far from ex-
plosives. Religious convictions, aspirations,
formulations, practices, and vested interests
are central. Not until a mental and spiritual
therapy can diagnose whole populations,
get to the bottom of deep pockets of misery,
and drain off centuries of prejudice, and
expose truth for its own sake will peace
come. There are signs to indicate that reli-
gion may soon be taken seriously by the
scholars. That is the first step.
After ten centuries of Christianity in
vast mysterious Russia, it took an atheistic
materialism to rid that people of a reli-
gion gone wrong. Gemans with better
textual criticism and more profound the-
ores of Christian philosophy than any
sister people started two world wars in a
single generation. It is methods common
to the religions of the world which must
be restudied. It is the Gods of mistaken
leaders who must be' dethroned. It is
the ideologies of whole peoples which
must be unmasked. Only a scrutiny of
religious mentors can promise progress.
That is the second step.
The scholars dare not longer talk politics
and omit the fates, faiths, fears, and frus-
trations classed as Religion. "On earth
peace," the Christian function of Jesus,
supposedly, and Ahimsa, "Thou shalt not
kill," a commanding thesis alike of the
Hindu, the Jew, and the Confusian follower
must be made a definite goal by all think-
ers. That is the third step.
The tragedy of youth gathered at Oslo,
on a budget of nickels while the Truman
Doctrine gets four hundred million for an
ideological jam at the Dardanelles and the
Dutch strafing the natives come awake to
their human rights, should arrest every
mind. The fact of a quarrel about coal
in Germany with steel in France halting
every tribunal when that coal and steel
united across that imaginary line of twc
nations can feed Europe, is part and parcel
of the religious debacle. The words German
and France in this atomic age are fictions.
Their real meanings have escaped. When
we can see, feel, and taste that change in
the status of man and his brotherhood, we
will begin to get well emotionally.
There is little leadership and less inter-
pretation by the Religious leaders. Each
sectarian compartment or faith has its
own falling structure to guard. The vati-
can must look to its political relationships
and the welfare of its "nationals" in var-
ious countries. The Jews must maintain
coherency in order to carve out a "home-
land" nationally. The Orthodox with
patriarchates jammed between eastern
and western Europe can scarcely contrib-
ute to the interpretation of ideologies due
to political distress and self preservation.
Protestantism stretched so thinly around
the globe and without political significance
can be ignored by the men in political
science and national affairs. Here are some
great weaknesses. If the world structure
could be made more solid quickly by the
sure functioning of the United Nations,
then these masters of ideological theory,
the Religious, could add to the will to
peace a subtle wisdom adequate for human
cooperation and moral life. It is the
solid United Nations which is immediately
essential. Yet our competitive economy
uniting with our hazy notions of world
unity and ugly indifference to mercy when
a Presidential campaign is afoot, certainly
unite to "sell down the river" our war
All of this came to mind when that young
pastor sincerely asked us if the lecturer
on the Near East who evaded Religion had
not missed the point. Not until we of the
cloth, the spokesmen for Religion, put our
houses in order will the fetishes political,
fetishes economic, fetishes education, fet-
ishes financial be possible of elimination.
This means that we at the University and
we in the school leadership of cities and
Sartre. Translated from the French by
Eric Sutton. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
1947. 397 pp.
W HILE I WAS READING the book in
preparation for this week's review, two
of my fellow-students felt called upon to
remark on my choice. One of them declared,
"I hear it's rotten all the way through."
The other suggested, "He doesn't say much,
does he?" I learned that neither of them
had read the book in question, yet their curt
comments, besides indicating the interest
which this book is bound to provoke, hap-
pened to fall directly on the two main points
which must be considered in a discussion
of this novel.
First of all, the "rotten-ness" my friend
spoke about refers, . presumably, to the
matter of the story and the way it is pre-
sented. But what makes a book "rotten"?
This book's emphasis on the abnormal, the
ugly, the miserable, is unpleasant, to be
sure; a strong stomach is required to get
through the pages of sordid, often vulgar
detail, such as the description of a drunken'
young girl's nausea. The characters are alll
sufferers, there is not one who is really'
happy or good or what we call "normal."
If they are meant to typify the kind of
people who will eventually find their way
to Existentialism, the novel cannot make
much appeal other than to a sort of cold
disinterestedness. There is a complete ab-
sence of beauty, of light, of joy, even of
humor, but does that make the book rotten,
if such material is the only kind which
can be used to fulfill the author's legitimate
It should be remembered that the
story is a partial interpretation of a
philosophical system. It is a book written
with that purpose. Unfortunately, this
constitutes its basic defect as a literary
work: the characters and the over-
emphasis on certain aspects of life to the
neglect of others, seem to be contrived
to serve the author's aims. Contrast and
variety are present only as degrees of
difference, perhaps because the author
has intended that the reader's mind shall
not be distracted or diverted for a single-
instant from the main theme of the book.
The extreme limitations in character and
incident weaken the book's literary value,
but the central theme is never lost sight
And what is that theme? Does Sartre have
much to say? He does, indeed. Existentialist
philosophy glimmers darkly throughout the
pages of his book. Its theme is a man's
realization of his essence, which, according
to the Existentialist - in - Chief, comes
through one's own creation, existence pre-
ceding essence. When Mathieu decides that
"this life had been given him for nothing,
he was nothing and yet he would not
change: he was as he was made," he has
reached the "age of reason," the first stage
in the Existenialist's apostolate, and he
probably has not much further to go.
But there is only a part of the philosophi-
cal system of Existentialism in this book.
There are the familiar "action" and "an-
guish" which Sartre uses to epitomize his
theories, there is the concern with man's
freedom, which Sartre calls the ability to
choose, to accept one's fate with resignation
or to rebel against it. He has insisted that
heroism, nobility, generosity and self-sac-
rifice are "ultimately the very meaning of
human action," yet his characters come
nowhere near to realizing this ultimate.
Perhaps they will, on the next turn in
Sartre's series on "The Roads to Freedom."
as this book is only the first in a projected
triology on ghat theme.
-Natalie Bagrow.
Rio Conference
THE LAST of the Congressional
grandees to leave the Capitol
was Senator Arthur H. Vanden-
berg of Michigan. He went neither
home to mend fences, nor intothe
country to hunt delegates, but
merely to Atlantic City for a well-
earned rest before the Pan-Amer-
ican conference at Rio De Janeiro.
His parting words, as reported by
those close to him, were brief and
to the point: "The problem is
By this the Senator meant that
against the dark, gigantic back-
ground of the world drama, the
indifference still widely prevailing
in this country stands out in sharp
and very worrying relief. If the
Senator himself is worried, it is
not surprising. For it is he who
must pilot through the next Con-
gress the Marshall plan - the
American sponsored program for
averting the onset of chaos -- for
which the Congress is as yet un-
The first thing that is obvi-
ously needed is a clear state-
ment of the Administration's
purposes. Thus far, the country
has heard only a kind of gen-
eral hint from Marshall at Har-
vard. The hint has thrown all
Europe into turmoil and activi-
ty. Already, by responding to
the hint, the leaders of the
western European democracies
have bravely bet their futures,
and perhaps even their personal
safeties upon Secretary Mar-
shall. But Marshall's hint was
to unclear, too much aimed at
European ears, to be understood
completely by the mass of peo-
ple in the United States, whose
support for Marshall is so es-
The State Department is as
aware as Vandenberg of the need
to elaborate upon Marshall's hint.
A major foreign policy speech has
been under discussion for some
weeks among Marshall's staff. It
is even possible that Marshall may
speak before going to Rio. What-
ever may be the chosen timing, it
already is fairly apparent what
Marshall must say. First, this
country cannot afford to carry the
relief burden of a world on the
verge of starvation. Second, this
country is equally unable to af-
ford the certain cost of sustaining
its prosperity and assuring its de-
fense in a world which has
plunged into ultimate chaos.
Therefore, sound business dic-
tates American support for gen-
uine, businesslike, cooperative,
and above all, permanent Euro-
pean reconstruction.
The British and European na-
tions must join to help one an-
other, with American aid to un-
derwrite their deficits. This is
the cheapest way out, and
soundest. If Marshall says this
plainly to the country, and adds
that the Administration means
to offer a program for the pur-
pose to the next Congress, what
is happening here and abroad
will become understandable to
If Marshall says this, moreover,
it will be one more instance of the
equal collaboration between such
wise Republicans as Vandenberg,
and such Administration leaders
as Marshall. The Republican iso-
lationists are now trying to pre-
tend that this equal collaboration
does not exist. It is being whis-
peredthat Vandenberg is a "rub-
ber stamp." In a recent shrill
little speech, approved by the fat-
uous Brazilla Carroll Reece's Re-
publican National Committee,
Representative Charles Halleck
took this line.
For Vandenberg, the facts an-
swer Halleck. Vandenberg him-
self suggested the Four-Power
pact against renewed German
aggression, which is now the
basis of United States German
policy. He and John Foster
Dulles were personally respon-
sible for several of the most
significant provisions of the
United Nations charter. Van-
denberg has direct responsibil-
ity for recent developments in
United States policy in. China
and South America. He struck
the note of resistance to Soviet
aggression even before Secre-
tary Byrnes. He rescued the
Greek-Turkey aid program, al-
most single-handed, by correct-
ing President Truman's previous
neglect of the United Nations.
And it was he who demanded
an Aiierican "balance sheet"
before he would consider the
Marshall plan. This is not the
record of a rubber stamp, as the
Republican snipers hint. It is
the record of a man who has
done, is doing and will continue
to do a great and constructive
(copyright 1947, N. Y. Tribune Inc.)
(Continued from Page 3)
gree in Psychology with some ex-
perience. Call at the Bureau for
further information.
Deadline for Veterans' Book
and supply Requisitions. August
22, 1947 has been set at the dead-
line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,
Power Shovel Film. A new film
prepared by the Crane and Shov-
el Association and showing the op-
eration of the most modern power'
grading equipment will be shown
in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building, from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m.
on Wednesday, August 6. Open to
the public. Civil and Mechanical
Engineering students are especial-
ly invited.
Meetings of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held on
August 7 and August 8, 1947, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Dr. L. E. Sutton, Uni-
versity of Oxford, Englapd, will
speak Aug. 7 on "The Heats of
Formation of Some Bonds," and
Aug. 8 on "The Occurrence of the
Dative Link." The public is in-
The Russian Circle will meet for
the last time this semester on
Monday evening at the Interna-
tional Center at 7:45 p.m. The
theme of the program will be
Russian music. Piano selections
will be played supplemented with
a lecture. The program will close
with tea served from the samovar
during which time there will be
Russian conversation and singing.
The Christian Science Organ-
ization will hold its regular Tues-
day meeting at 7:30 p.m., August
5, in the upper room of Lane Hall.
All students, faculty members,
and alumni are cordially invited.
The Modern Poetry Club will
meet Tuesday evening in 3217 An-
gell Hall at 8 p.m. The poets of
the two wars will be discussed.
The last event of the Deutscher
Verein summer program will be a
Picnic at Portage Lake on Wed-
nesday, August 6th. Cars will
leave University Hall parking lot
at 5 p.m. All students of German
are cordially invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold
its last meeting of the summer
session on Wednesday, August 6 at
8:00 p.m. in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Theprogram will consist of Latin
American folk dances, songs,
music, and poetry. A group of
Latin American students from the
English Institute will cooperate
with La Sociedad Hispanica in
the preparation of the program.
All members and all those inter-
ested are invited to spend a most
enjoyable evening. Refreshments
will be served after the program.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesda yand Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League and on Thursdays at
4:00 at the International Center.
All students interested in inform-
al French conversation are cor-
dially invited to join the group.
The French Club will hold its
last meeting on Thursday August
7, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Mr. Bertrand Coblentz,
a visiting doctor from Paris, will
talk informally on: "Paris au-
jourd'hui". Miss Elizabeth Moore
will sing some French songs.
Group singing, games, refresh-
Dr. George Wythe, Chief of the
American Republics Division, Of-
fice of International Trade, De-
partment of Commerce, will lec-
ture on "The Industrialization of
Latin America-a Re-appraisal,"
Monday, August 4, at 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. This is
a lecture in the Summer Session
Lecture Series, "The United States
in World Affairs." The public is
Dr. Laurence M. Gould, Presi-
dent of Carleton College and
former Chief of the Arctic Section,
Arctic, Desert, and Tropic Inform-
ation Center, U.S. Army Air Forc-
es, will give an illustrated lecture
on "Startegy and Politics in the
Polar Areas," Monday, August 4,
at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithe-
atre. This is a lecture in the
Summer Session Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
fairs." The public is invited.
Professor Adelaide Hahn of
Hunter College will speak at the
seventh weekly conference of the
Linguistic Institute on Tuesday,
August fifth at 1:00 in room 308
Michigan Union. The conference
will be preceded by a luncheon at
12:10 in the Anderson room of the
Union. Both luncheon and con-
ference will be open to members
of the Linguistic Institute and
the Linguistic Society. The sub-
ject of the conference will be
"Hittite-za." Professor Hahn is a
former president of the Linguistic
Society, and a leading Hittite
Dr. O. Benjamin .Gerig, Deputy
Representative of the United
States in the Trusteeship Council
of the United Nations and Chief
of the Division of Dependent Area
Affairs, Department of State,
will lecture on "The Relation of
the Trusteeship System to the Ob-
jectives of the United Nations,"
Tuesday, August 5, at 4:10 p.m.,
Kellog Auditorium. This is .a lec-
ture in the Summer Session Lec-
ture Series, "The United States
in World Affairs." The public is
Mr. L. C. Hill, L.L.D., C.B.E.,
former Executive Secretary of the
National Association of Local Gov-
ernment Officers in Great Britain
and Lecturer at the University of
Exeter will lecture on "Trends in
Public Administration: The Fu-
ture of Local Government in Great
Britain," Tuesday, August 5, at
4:10 p.m, Rackham Amphithea-
tre. The public is invited.
Dr. Elbert D. Thomas, U.S. Sen-
ator from Utah and a ranking
member of the Committee on For-
eign Relations, United States Sen-
ate, will lecture on "Leadership in
Asia under a New Japan," Tues-
day, August 5, at 8:10 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. This is a lec-
ture in the Summer Session Lec-
ture Series, "The United States in
World Affairs." The public is in-
The thirteenth public lecture of
the Linguistic Institute will be
held at 7:30 August sixth in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The speaker will be
Professor Bernard Bloch of Yale
University, and the subject will be
"Principles of Phonemic Analysis."
Professor Bloch is the editor of
Language, the journal of the
Linguistic Society of America, and
is a prominent scholar in descrip-
tive linguistics.
James L. Jarrett, Professor of
Philosophy at the University of
Utah, will give a lecture, "Veri-
fication and Exploration in Poe-
tky," to the Acolytes, Tuesday,
August 5, at 7:30 p.m., East Cn-
ference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Open to the public.
The fourteenth public lecture of
the Linguistic Institute will be
held at 7:30 August seventh in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The subject will be
"Nasal Consonant Phonemes in
the Western Romance Languages,"
and the speaker will be Professor
Ernest F. Haden of the Univer-
sity of Texas. Professor Haden
is a well known scholar in Ro-
mance linguistic, and is active
in the study of French dialects
in the United States and Canada.
Academic Notices
Differential Geometry Seminar:
meets at 3 p.m. Tuesday, August
5, 3001 AH. Mr. Conte will speak
on Generalized Lines of Striction.
Zoology Seminar: Thursday,
August 7, 7:30 p.m., East Lecture
Room, Rackham Building. Miss
B .Elizabeth Horner will speak on
"Arboreal Adaptions of Peromys-
Summer Session Chorus: The
University of Michigan Summer
Session Chorus, Mary Muldowney,
Conductor, will present its annual
summer concert at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, August 3, in Hill Audi-
torium. The first part of the
program includes songs by the
Chorus, and two organ selections
played by Grayson Brottmiller and
Elizabeth Powell. Elizabeth Green,
violinist, and Celia Chao and El-
izabeth Powell, pianists, assist the
Chorus in Brahms' "Love Songs,"
followed by Barber's "D o v e r
Beach" played by the String Quar-
tet, with Howard Hatton, Bari-
tone, as soloist, and a selection by
the Vocal Quartet. The public is
cordially invited.
Faculty Concert: Monday, Aug-
ust 4, at 8:30 p.m.. a program of
Chamber Music of Brahms will be
presented by Oliver Edel, cellist,
Lee Pattison, Pianist, and Joseph
Knitzer, violinist, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The program will
include Sonata in F major, Op. 99
for Cello and Piano, and the Trio
in B major. Op. 8 for Violin, Cello,
and Piano. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Student Recital: Anthony De-
siderio, Clarinetist, assisted by
Mildred Minneman Andrews, pi-
anist, and Mary Oyer, cellist, will
be heard in a recital 4:15 Tuesday 4
afternoon, August 5, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Mr. Desider-
io, a student of Albert Luconi, will
play compositions by Brahms,
Bach, Albeniz, Andre-Bloch, and
Beethoven. The program present-
ed in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master's De-
gree in Music Education, will be
open to the public.
Student Recital: Elise Cambon,
organist, will present a program
Tuesday evening, August 5, 8:30
p.m., in the Hill Auditorium. Miss
Cambon, a student of the late
Palmer Christian, and presently
studying with Robert Baker, will
present a recital including compo-
sitions by Marcello-Dubois, Fres-7
cobaldi, Daquin, Corelli-Guilmant,
Bach, Dupre, Peeters, and Alain.:
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: James Mearns,
Pianist, will present a program
8:30 Wednesday evening, August
6, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Mr. Mearns, a student of Joseph
Brinkman, will play compositions
by Mozart, J. S. Bach, Beethoven,
Schubert and Chopin. The recital
is being given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music, and is open to
the public.
Photographs of Summer FungI
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Elements
of Design, and What is Modern
Painting? Alumni -Memorial Hall;
daily, except Monday, 10-12 and
2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a. Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Exhibit of American Photo-
graphy, Daily. July 28 to August
8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall,
Architecture Building.
Events Today
"Arrowsmith," the Sam Gold-
wyn production of Sinclair Lewis'
Pulitzer Prize novel, starring Ron-
ald Colman, Helen Hayes, and
Myrna Loy, will be shown tonight
and tomorrow at 8 p.m. under
the sponsorship of the Interco-
operative Council. Box office
opens at 5:30. Hill Auditorium.
Coming Events
Dr. Yuen-li Liang will hold the
last of four conferences on the
United Nations, Tuesday, August
5, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. These #
conferences are part of the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs."
Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will
hold the last of four conferences
on Latin America, Wednesday,
August 6, at 4:10 p.m., East Con- j
ference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. These conferences are part
of the Summer Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
Dr. Gottfired S. Delatour will
hold the last of four conferences
on European Affairs, Thursday.
August 7, at 3:10 p.m., East C*
ference Room, Rackahm Building. L,
These conferences are part of the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
First Baptist Church
502-512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00-Church School for all
ages. Student .Class studies "Job"
in the Guild House.
11:00-Church Worship. Ser-
mon-"I Corinthians 13". (Small 4
children cared for in the kinder-
4:30-Students will leave from
the Guild House for a Picnic with
the Congregational-Disciples
Guild, at Riverside Park. Another
group will leave at 6:00 o'clock.
First Congregational Church
State and William Sts.
10:45 a.m.-Public Worship.
Reverend Legette's subject is "In-
visible Resources."
4:30 p.m.-Congregational-Dis-