AIM ® Ir l l! y11W 1 I MI IIISM
Fifty-Seventh Year
Conerav Demm
,Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board .in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .... ....... Eunice Mint
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
3eneral Manager.................Edwin Schneider
Advertising.Manager .......... William Rohrbacli
Circulation Manager............... Melvin Ti
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
redited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
atpers Allrrights of republication of all other
.natters herein also reserved.-
Entered at the Post Office at Ann. Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mailnmatter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $600.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
New Candidate
canlidate for the Republican presiden-
tial nomination Thursday when his Ohio
colleague, Senator John W. Bricker, en-
dorsed him.
Bricker launched the campaign a day be-
fare schedule. He jumped the gun on the
Ohio Republican Committee who expected to
fire the first signal at a noon meeting yes-
terday when Taft spoke on the accom-
plishments of the Congress session which
just adjourned.
Said Bricker: "I have urged the state
committee to put on a united campaign
for Taft for the Ohio delegations to the
next convention, which I am sure they
are anxious to do."
When asked if this was an unqualified
endorsement, he said, "Oh sure."
Unlike "Silent Tom," Senator Taft speaks
his mind.
He had much to say about every important
piece of legislation before the 80th Congress,
and he said it.
He allied himself with Senator McKel-
lar in the whooping opposition to David
Lilienthal's appointment as head of the
Atomic Energy Commission. He opposed
universal military training and the State
Department's "Voice of America" program.
Co-author of the "stop Lewis" Taft-Hart-
ley Labor Bill, Ohio's new "favorite son"
revealed precisely where his loyalties lay
with big business. He reiterated this
stand in his campaign to cut taxes.
Senator Taft personifies GOP. His po-
litical and economic theories are 19th cen-
tury Republicanism. Like the rest of
the Old Guard, he wants to undo the New
DeaL Like a good politician, he worries
about the "Reds." Like too many people
in public office, he never grew up to Hiro-
But the country must.
-Eunice Mintz
-Naomi Stern
0 Arrival and Departure
We're not perennial eavesdroppers, but
we're glad we overheard this one. Seems
that someone in one of our classes has been
following The Daily editorial page rather
closely. He remarked that he thought a-lot
of "the kids" were rather liberal and that
was all right. But this guy Sam Grafton,
"he ought to be kicked out of school."
* " * *
According to a publication we don't read
too often, the crack of the week was over-
heard (again) in the press gallery during
one of the Senate's final session. The de-
bate concerned the Kem resolution to in-
vestigate the Axtell-Slaughter '46 Missouri
primary. Said one spectator: "We're try-
ing to decide whether to whitewash Tru-
man's district, or Kem-tone it."
A publication called "Sales Tips" got a
little mixed up recently. In one of its tips,
it diseloed that Willowu i Airnort had
HERE IS A certain grouping within
American conservatism which is inter-
national in its outlook, elevated in its tone,
lofty in its declared ideals. It is having
trouble with the Republican party, and, in
fact, with the Congress generally. It is get-
ting so now that decent conservatives find
themselves compelled to deplore on Tues4,
days, to condemn on Thursdays, and to-re-
gret on Saturdays ,and one wonders how
long this can go on.
Some of the great eastern conservative
newspapers, for example, like this Congress
well enough when it cornes to the Taft-Hart-
ley labor bill, and similar matters. But the
effort to keep as much foreign sugar as
Can didacy
S EVERYONE KNOWS, Senator Robert
A. Taft's Presidential candidacy is of-
ficial. On Thursday morning, at Columbus,
Ohio, Senator John W. Bricker at last
played his grand renunciation scene. He
put aside the ambitions he could never, in
any case have satisfied, and in a spate of
political prose of "the man who" style, will
offer his friend Taft as Ohio's favorite son.
Senator Taft is to confine his immediate
comment to an expression as near silent
gratification as his not very expressive fea-
tures can achieve.
Following this grand opening, Taft re-
tires to the refreshing airs of the Thousand
Islands. Thence, in September, he will
emerge rpstored and invigorated for a great,
nationwide delegate hunt, which will not
be called a delegate hunt. And in the in-
tervals of stalking his big game, he will make
speeches on important subjects, although
his trip will not be called a pre-convention
speaking tour.
It will all be strictly in accord with the
stern conventions of American presiden-
tial politics, which are as ludicrously
formal, as comically unreal, as the ritual
of the grand stag-hunts at the court of
Louis XIV. But it will have one genuine-
ly important and significant feature.
On the west coast, Taft is due to ex-
press himself on foreign policy. What Taft
says in California will be binding upon him
at the ensuing session of Congress. It will
determine whether or not Taft stands with
Senator Arthur H, Vandenberg on the Mar-
shall pan. And this in turn will determine
whether -the Marshall plan is promptly
passed, or becomes an issue of domestic pol-
itics. Thus it is a simple, practical fact that
the position Taft takes will have the deep-
est bearing on the national future.
As Taft left Washington, he was still
keeping his own council. Yet there were
surprisingly encouraging signs of the
trend of his thought. Of these signs the
most important was the establishment of
a much closer relationship between Taft
and Vandenberg in the closing weeks of
the session. In the hurly burly before the
adjournment, Vandenberg, the Senate's
presiding officer, and Taft, the unofficial
floor leader, could not avoid working con-
tinuously together. This brought the new
development. Intimacy replaced the re-
lationship of the past, which was that
between two coordinate, acknowledged,
but distont and independent powers. The
problems of foreign policy also began to
be genuinely discussed between them.
And as a result, those close to Taft believe
there is reason to hope he will fight side
by side with Vandenberg when Congress
meets again.
As of now, in fact, the prediction is that
in California Taft will at least not commit
himself against the Marshall plan; will
come out for European federation, which is
a favorite scheme of his; and while making
his usual obeisances to economy, will strike
a generally non-isolationist note.
This, at any rate, is the hope of the en-
tourage of rather shrewd, previously incon-
spicuous advisers and technicians which
Taft has built up for himself. At the mom-
ent, these men are decidedly cock-a-hoop.
Governor Harold E. Stassen's remarkably
ill-tempered statement, that nothing on
earth would tempt him to run on the same
ticket with Dewey, has dispelled the Taft-
ian nightmare of a Dewey-Stassen alliance.
While he achieved measurable successes,
Dewey also stirred up some hornets' nests
on his tour; and nothing gives a poltician
more pleasure than a rival poking a hornets'
nest. Furthermore, there is increasing sub-
stance in the theory that General Douglas
MacArthur may return before convention
time for an imperial progress in this coun-
try, this starting a MacArthur boom which
will really be a Taft boom in disguise. This
would give real life to the Taft-sponsored
stop-Dewey movement.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
IN ITS HANDLING of some . . . aspects of
domestic affairs, the 80th (Congress) had
been guilty of downright fiasco. It had
halted the progress of U.S. atomic research
possible out of the country pains them. And
Congress' refusal to admit a few hundred
thousand of the displaced persons causes
the New York Herald Tribune uneasiness.
And the House's action in passing a crude
"loyalty" bill which would permit a roving
commission to list any government employee
as a subversive, and to fire him, without the
right of appeal, or even the right to know
the name of his accuser, stirs the New York
Times to protest.
Yet, in spite of these blows, the theme
song remains: "Love that Congress."
There is an interesting problem here,
which can be posed thus: How long can
one go on, deploring, condemning and re-
gretting without, finally, opposing? Don't
we ever reach 212 degrees, when what is
merely hot water changes, finally, into
The intellectual conservative wing to
which I refer favors universal miilitary train-
ing; this Congress oposes it. They still love
that Congress. The same wing favors free
world trade; this Congress has tried to sneak
in a tariff, or a reasonably accurate facsim-
ile of one, whenever it could. Love that
It is interesting to see how resolutely
a literate eastern conservatism, molded in
the image of Willkie, pursues its love af-
fair with a Congress that is very largely
molded in the image of Taft.
It persists in regarding this Congress as
a kind of good creature with a few aberra-
tions, though the list of aberrations now
grows so long that it has to be braided up at
It doesn't seem to matter that this Con-
gress persistently and gleefully violates the
dearest tenets of intellectual conservatism,
such as the need for reconstructing the
commerce of the world, or the need for dis-
playing a decent, practicalminternationalism
by admitting a number of refugees, etc. In
the fact of such forgivingness and devotion,
one can only look on admiringly, murmuring
a few words about the mystery of love.
They never forgave the preceding New
Dealish Congresses in quite the same
way. There was little of that large tol-
eration, then, of errors and queernesses,
though on the international level, cer-
tainly, those earlier Congresses were much
closer to the spirit of the best of Ameri-
can conservatism than is today's conclave.
Enlightened American conservatism has
perhaps got itself into a little bit of trouble
by fighting so hard for a Congress that
would be conservative all the way through.
It is sad to see it fitting on a hat that is
two sizes too small, and a coat that drops
to the knees and to hear it protesting firm-
ly that these are just the clothes that it
ordered and that it wants.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
"rfEMPER THE WIND," fourth play in
the summer series by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players, has the problems of German
occupation as its theme. It attempts to ex-
plain their complexity.
The most striking thing about this play
is variety of characters introduced by its
writers, Edwar Mabley and Leonard Mins.
Just about every section of the current Eur-
opean scene is represented, including an em-
bittered Czech officer and short-sighted
American businessman.
The action takes place in a small Bavar-
ian city, where German businessman Benck-
endorff is attempting to re-open his plant
against the opposition of Lt. Col. Richard
Woodruff, of the military government. The
play is essentially a battle between the two.
It is complicated by the presence of a "bus-
iness is business" American, Benckendorff's
daughter who was once engaged to the col-
onel, Benkendorff's unreformed Nazi son-in-
law, and the stiffnecked Prussian aunt.
As Col. Woodruff, Richard Stewart gave
the impression of great personal integrity.
William Kinzer, as Hugo Benckendorff, suc-
cessfully played a part which called for
much urbanity.
Theodore Bruce, the American business-
man, was played by Ward Alquist, who al-
lowed himself to be too severe. Emily James,
as the Prussian aunt, needed all the sever-
ity she could muster. Daughter "Lissy x
Jaeger was caught in a conflict between
family and conscience; Dorothy Gutekunst
played the part well.
The "GI's" in the cast, also a reprenta-
tive group, drew mid-act approval for their
portrayals of unhappy soldiers "winning
the peace."
Best performance, however, belonged to
Richard Rosenbloom, wheo vigorously played
Erich Jaeger, the fanatic Nazi. His scenes
were played with an intensity which shocked
the onlooker into remembering the devilish
with the diehard element in Germany.
-Fred Schott
"If we could only find a paint that would outlast the stone..
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Publication in The Dny Officia,
Hall, by :3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 27S
Colleges of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and Architecture
and Design; Schools of Education,
F o r e s t r y, Music, and Public
Health: Summer Session students
wishing a transcript of this sum-
mer's work only should filesa re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several
days before leaving Ann Arbor.
Failure to file this request before
the end of the session will result
in a needless delay of several days.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Admission - School of Business
Administration. Deadline for ap-
plicants for Fall Semester ad-
mission -- Auguts 15. Application'
blanks available in Room 108 Tap-
pan Hall.
Doctoral Examination for
Charles Gardner Dodd, Chemis-
try; thesis: "A Study of Methods
for the Determination of Specific
Surface Areas of Different Types
of Carbon Powders," Saturday,
August 2, at 10 a.m. in the West
Alcove, Rackham. Chairman, F.
E. Bartell.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Ken-
neth MacKenzie MacLeod, Edu-
cation; thesis: "The Selection of
Cadidates for a Specialized Ori-
entation Program in a Large Au-
tomobile Industry," Monday, Aug-
ust 4, at 3 p.m. in the West Al-
cove, Rackham. Chairman, H. C.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for John
William Beamesderfer, Chemistry;
thesis: "Degree of Wetting of Un-
contaminated Solids by Organic
Liquids," Friday, August 1, at 3
p.m. in the East Council Room,
Rackham. Chairman, F. E. Bar-
Ralph A. Sawyer
Seniors: College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, Schools of
Education, Music and Public
Health: Tentative lists of seniors
for August graduation have been
THE, PACKING industry has
claimed for years that all it
did was to act as middleman be-
tween supply and demand. Re-
cent increases in the price of meat
throw an interesting new light on
that claim. They suggest that the
packers have more control over
prices than they like to admit.
Official U.S. figures, as cited by
the United Packinghouse Workers
(C.I.O.), show that between June
of 1946 and June of 1947 the price
of steers in Chicago rose 52 per
cent. But during the same period,
the wholesale price of beef in New
York rose 95 per cent.
The packers can legitimately
claim that all their own costs have
risen since last year. But can
they claim that costs have gone
up as much as 95 per cent?
-The Chicago Sun
posted on the bulletin Board in
Room 4 University Hall. If your
name does not appear, or if in-
cluded there, is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counterE
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Meetings of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held on
August 7 and August 8, 1947, at1
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Dr. L. E. Sutton, Uni-
versity of Oxford, England, will
speak Aug. 7 on "The Heats of
Formation of Some Bonds," and
Aug. 8 on "The Occurrence of the
Dative Link." The public is in-
Teacher Placement:
We have a call for a person to
teach two advanced classes in
French in a nearby high school
for the 1947-48 session Classes
are at nine and eleven o'clock.
Anyone qualified and interested
can obtain further information at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Civil Service:
State of Michigan Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tion for Liquor Field Representa-
tive I, Game Reserve Biologist A,
Game Biologist I, and Payroll
Clerk A.
City of Detroit Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tion for Technical Aide for Gen-
eral, Business Administration, En-
gineering, and Medical Science;
Senior General Staff Nurse; and
Head Hospital Nurse.
The Wayne County Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tion for Psychologist I. Call at
the Bureau of Appointments for
further information.
General Placement:
The Peerless Cement Company
of Detroit will interview men in-
terested in Sales, on Friday, Aug-
ust 1, at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Call extension 371 for ap-
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Approved Social Events for this
Week: A f t e r n o o n events are
marked with an asterisk: Aug. 1,
AVC, IRA, Michigan Union, Mich-
igan League, and Student Legis-
lature Dance; August 2, Alpha
Phi Alpha, Delta Tau Delta, In-
terco-operative Council, Theta Xi;
August 3, Michigan Sailing Club
The Graduate Outing Club will
go on a trip to the Pinebrook
Farm Youth Hostel on August 2nd
and 3rd. For information see the
list at the check desk in the Rack-
ham Building. Please sign up be-
fore 5 p.m. on Friday.
The Hindustan Association will
hold a business meeting today at
7-15 p.m. in the International
Center. Shreekhand and other
Hindustani refreshments will fol-
Dr. George Wythe, Chief of the
American Republics Division, Of-
fice of International Trade, De-
partment of Commerce, will lec-
ture on, "The Industrialization of
Latin America-a Re-appraisal,"
Monday, August 4, at 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. This is
a lecture in the Summer Session
Lecture Series, "The United States
in World Affairs." The public is1
Dr. Laurence M. Gould, Presi-
dent of Carleton College and
former Chief of the Arctic Section.,
Arctic, Desert, and Tropic Inform-1
ation Center. U.S. Army Air Forc-
es, will give an illustrated lecture
on "Startegy arid Politics in the7
Polar Areas," Monday, August 4,,
at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithe-i
atre. This is a lecture in thei
Summer Session Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-]
fairs." The public is invited. 1
Professor Adelaide Hahn ofI
Hunter College will speak at the+
seventh weekly conference of the
Linguistic Institute on Tuesday,
August fifth at 1 :00 in room 308
Michigan Union. The conference]
will be preceded by a luncheon at
12:10 in the Anderson room of theI
Union. Both luncheon and con-
ference will be open to members
of the Linguistic Institute and
the Linguistic Society. The sub-I
ject of the conference will be
"Hittite-za."' Professor Hahn is a
former president of the Linguistic+
Society, and a leading Hittite
Dr. O. Benjamin Gerig, Deputy
Representative of the United
States in the Trusteeship Council
of the United Nations and Chief+
of the Division of Dependent AreaI
Affairs,- Department of State,
will lecture on "The Relation of
the Trusteeship System to the Ob-
jectives of the United Nations,"
Tuesday, August 5, at 4:10 p.m.,
Kellog Auditorium. This is a lec-
ture in the Summer Session Le-
ture Series, "The United States
in World Af fais." The public is
Mr. L. C. Hill, L.L.D., C.B.E.,
former Executive Secretary of the
National Association of Local Gu-
ernment Officers in Great Britain
and Lecturer at the University of
Exeter will lecture on "Trends in
Public Administration: The Fu-
ture of Local Government in Great
Britain," Tuesday, August 5, at
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-'
tre. The public is invited.
Dr. Elbert D. Thomas, U.S. Sen-
ator from Utah and a ranking
member of the Committee on For-
eign Relations, United States Sen-
ate, will lecture on "Leadership in
Asia under a New Japan," Tues-
day, August 5, at 8:10 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. This is a lec-
ture in the Summer Session Lec-
ture Series, "The United States in
World Affairs." The public is in-
The thirteenth public lecture of
the Linguistic Institute will be
held at 7:30 August sixth in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The speaker will be
Professor Bernard Bloch of Yale
University, and the subject will be
"Principles of Phonemic Analysis."
Professor Bloch is the editor of
Language, the journal of the
Linguistic Society of America, and
is a prominent scholar in descrip-
tive linguistics.
James L. Jarrett, Professor of
Philosophy at the University of
Utah, will give a lecture, "Veri-
fication and Exploration in Poe-
try," to the Acolytes, Tuesday,
August 5, at 7:30 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Open to the public.
The fourteenth public lecture of
the Linguistic Institute will be
held at 7:30 August seventh in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The subject will be
"Nasal Consonant Phonemes in
the Western Romance Languages,"
and the speaker will be Professor
Ernest F. Haden of the Univer-
sity of Texas. Professor Haden
is a well known scholar in Ro-
mance linguistics, and is active
in the study of French dialects
in the United States and Canada.
Student Recital: Frank W,
Baird, cornetist, assisted by Grace
Harriman Sexton, pianist, Noah
A. Knepper, oboist, and Mary Al-
ice Duncan, pianist, will be heard
in a recital 8:30 Friday evening.
August 1, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Mr. Baird, a student of
Haskell Sexton, will play compo-
sitions by Haydn, Hindemuth, Em-
mauel, and Barat. The program,
presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master
of Music Degree, will be open to
the public.
Student Recital: Warren Allen,
Baritone, will be heard in a re-
cital at 8:30 Saturday evening,
August 2, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, as partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music. Mr. Allen
a pupil of Arthur Hackett, will
present a program including three
groups of Italian, German, and
French songs, Promesse de mon
avenir, from Massenet's Le Roi
de Lahore, and a group of English
songs. The public is cordially in-
Summer Session Chors: The
University of Michigan Summer
Session Chorus, Mary Muldowney,
Conductor, will present its annual
summer concert at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, August 3, in Hill Audi-
torium. The first part of the
program includes songs by the
Chorus, and two organ selections
played by Grayson Brottmiller and
Elizabeth Powell. Elizabeth Green,
violinist, and Celia Chao and El-
izabeth Powell, pianists, assist the
Chorus in Brahms' "Love Songs,"
followed by Barber's "D o v e r
Beach" played by the String Quar-
tet, with Howard Hatton, Bari-
tone, as soloist, and a selection by
the Vocal Quartet. The public is
cordially invited.
Student Recital: Anthony De-
siderio, Clarinetist, assisted by
Mildred Minneman Andrews, pi-
anist, and Mary Oyer, cellist, will
be heard in a recital 4:15 Tuesday
afternoon, August 5, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Mr. Desider-
io, a student of Albert Luconi, will
play compositions by Brahms,
Bach, Albeniz, Andre-Bloch, and
Beethoven. The program present-
ed in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master's De-
gree in Music Education, will be
open to 'the public.
Faculty Concert: Monday, Aug-
ust 4, at 8:30 p.m., a program of
Chamber Music of Brahms will be
presented by Oliver Edel, cellist,
Lee Pattison, Pianist, and Joseph
Knitzer, violinist, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The program will
include Sonata in F major, Op. 99
for Cello and Piano, and the Trio
in B major, Op. 8 for Violin, Cello,
and Piano. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Student Recital: Elise Cambon
organist, will present a program
Tuesday evening, August 5, 8:30
p.m., in the Hill Auditorium. Miss
Cambon, a student of the late
Palmer Christian, and presently
studying with Robert Baker, will
present a recital including compo-
sitions by Marcello-Dubois, Fres-
cobaldi, Daquin, Corelli-Guilmant,
Bach, Dupre, Peeters, and Alain.
The public is cordially invited.
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibiw
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent.
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5.
The public is cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 912;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Exhibit of American Photo-
graphy, Daily. July 28 to August
8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall,
Architecture Building.
Events Today
Art Cinema League presents
"Ivan The Terrible," an historical
Russian saga on the life of Rus-
sia's first Czar. Russian Dialogue;
English titles. Also film short
"Children ' Must Laugh," produced
by Jewish Socialist Party in Po-
land showing fight against ill
health and superstition. Fri., Sat,,
8:30 p.m. Box office open 3 p.m.
daily. Phone 4121, Ext. 479, Hill
Coming Events
Matinee tomorrow 2:30 p.m. -
"Temper the Wind," a timely play
from the current Broadway sea-
son, will be presented tonight, to-
morrow matinee and night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as the
fourth offering of the Michigan
Repertory Players of the depart-
ment of speech. Good tickets are
still available for the matinee and
may be purchased at the theatre
box office from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Regular Casbah Dance Satur-
day night, 9-12, with Al Chase's
Band. Stags and couples are wel-
come. 60c per person.
Casbah Dance Hostesses please
report to Social Director's Office
in the League at 8:30 p.m,, Sat-
urday night before the dance.
"Arrowsmith," starring Ronald
Coleman and Helen Hayes, and
based on Sinclair Lewis' Pulitzer
Prize novel, will be presented by
the Intercooperative Council Sun-
day and Monday, August 3 and
4, at 8 p.m. Hill Auditorium Box
Office is open today, 3-6 p.m.
Dr. Yuen-li Liang will hold the
last of four conferences on the
United Nations, Tuesday, August
5, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. These
conferences are part of the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs."
Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will
hold the last of four conferences
on Latin America, Wednesday,
Ainst 6 ,at 4-10 nm. .East Cnn-
A stro-naer came to my~ window2
I'm temnfed tocall himl
Wel... She's arich
This is passing strange. I was courting