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July 19, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-19

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cEnsian' Represents 87 Year
Growth in Michigan Yearbook

Union Officials

Released From
Rocket Work'


Midwest Swelters as Mercury
Rises Over 100 Degree Mark

The 1946 "Michiganensians" which
have arrived at the Student Publi-
cations, Building for general distri-.
bution, represent an 87 year develop-
ment in Michigan yearbooks over the
first ones issued in 1859.
In that year representatives of
the five fraternities at Michigan
isbed the "Palladium," the first
publication ever attempted by stu-
dents of Michigan. It included
complete lists of the faculty, tu -
dents and organizations on cam-
pus; however, the first and largest
portion of the book was devoted to
"roll calls and insignia" of the
secret societes:.
For 25 years its policies were con-
servative and for the most part un-
changed. The early issues were only
pamphlet size, but a small section
was given to student works in poetry
and literature. The editors also of-
fered prizes to students writing "tru-
ly Michigan songs."
Another yearbook, "The University
Castalia," appeared in 1866 which
was controlled by the independents.
Its editorials, which the "Palladi-
um" chose to ignore, attacked secret
societies and commented on inter-
national issues as well as Univer-
sity policy. The "Castalia" lasted only
four years, but it fostered "The
Chronicle," a forerunner of the
Michigan Daily.
The "Palladiums" presented after
1883 were a radical change from all
previous ones and more nearly ap-
proached the annuals of today. The
quality of the paper, previously of
the sort used in minor magazines
now, was greatly improved. Covers,
too, became much more elaborate.
Engravings of rare excellence and
produced by national firms were used
freely. Engravings of athletic teams
were introduced, and later campus
pictures and individual portraits
were used.
These issues were the first to be
dedicated to the senior class, a
custom which still remains tody.
Though still published by a board
miade up of men from the secret
societies, "Palladium"' began to de-
vote more space to the section
dcealing with general University
activities and organizationis until
it finally became the most import-
ant Oart of the book. In one re-
spect it never changed-it' pertain-
ed mainly to the lwteary college,
professional schools being covered
only briefly.,
Again, in 1890, the independents
introduced a yearbook and named it
the "Castalian." In one issue of the
"Chronicle" it was written that the
"Castalian" was "primarily literary
and artistic." At the same time it
made clear that the new annual
would be a weapon by which the in-
LOST: K&E log log slide rule in
vicinity W. Eng. Bldg. Reward.
Roy E. Halladay. 2274 Parkwood,
Pittsfield 'Village. (1
LOST: Brown billfold Saturday
morning on campus. Contains
drivers' license, I.D. card, and
ticket to Detroit. Reward. H.
Ernest, 2-4561. (3
LOST: Ladies gold wrist watch on
University golf course. Saturday,
July 13. Liberal reward offered.
Call Mr. or Mrs. Carey, 7895. (26
LOST: Green Eversharp pen with
gold cap. Sentimental value. Re-
ward. Call room 403, kosher Hall.
LOST: Eversharp fountain pen in
auto of Willow Village resident.

Contact Don Baker, 24591. (28
LOST: Greenish-blue Parker "51"
fountain pen with silver cap. Li-
beral reward. Contact Dick Bil-
lings. 1923 Geddes. Phone 26674.
ALTERATIONS: Ladies garments.
410 Observatory St., telephone 2-
2678. Alta Graves.
, PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4
WHAT? Only $3.00! I must have
Dean McClusky of 417 8th Street,'
Ph. 2-7360 string my tennis rac-
quet. (27,
Sax and trumpet. Audition Tues-
day, July 23. Meet in front of Har-
ris Hall promptly at 7:00 p.m. (5

dependents could attack fraternities
in college politics.
Constantly striving to surpass each
other, the editors of the two year-
books in a six year period initiated
many improvements, especially in
the literary and general University
Finally, in 1896, the editors of the
"Castalian" wrote an article on fra-
ternities and claimed that "the an-
tagonism between fraternities and in-
dependents has always been unfort-
n~ate if ifot uncalled for . .." They
called upon the, editors of the "Pal-
ladium" to unite in view of their com-
mon interests in the University of
These proved to be the final
words on the subject; in 1897, the
first "Michiganensians" were print-
ed as a result of a merger between
the two competing annuals. The
large, gold "M" on its plain blue
cover seemed to signify that Michi-
K gan at long last had a yearbook
representing the University and
all of its students free from the
control of separate factions on
The new "Ensians" generally
adopted "Palladium" policy (though
not quite so elaborate) since the
"Castalian" was to a great extent
literary in purpose. They were pub-
lished by the"Literary, Law, and
Engineering Senior classes."
The editors of the many issues fol-
lowing that of 1897 have held con-
flicting opinions on make-up. At
firstneach Greek-letter society was
given four pages as against the two
(and a group picture) for the foot-
ball team. A few years later, the
?hletic teams were given a major
Humor sections have been al-
ternately accepted and frowned on
by 'Ensian editors. The class of
1905Eallotted an entire section to
this end, while those in 1915 as-
sumed acnevtiv policy" in
the interests of dignity." Still later,
in 1934, several pages dealt with
the comic aspects of campus life.
In 1902, alumni favor was first
courted with 25 pages of their pic-
tures. It had only been two years
earlier that individual pictures of
the graduating class were used.

Let Go At


FREED OF CHARGES-Lt. Nicolai, G. Redin, 30-year-old Russian
Naval officer who yesterday was freed of charges of espionage and
conspiracy to obtain plans of a new United States Naval ship. With
Redin is his wife.
Chinese Communists Deny
Possession of Air Force

WASHINGTON, July 18-(0P)-The
War Department announced tonight
that five labor union officials, among
them some physicists and chemists,
have been discharged "in the interest
of national security" from Aberdeen,
Md., proving grounds, where work is
in progress on rockets, guided mis-
siles and other weapons of the fu-
The specific reason for the step
was not disclosed.
The action was announced by Ma-
jor General Floyd L. Parks, director
of the department's bureau of public
J. H. Mason, an assistant to sec-
retary of War Patterson in charge of
industrial relations, said that the
discharge of the employes had "no
connection whatever with their un-
ion activities."
The five, described as officers of
Local No. 250 of the United Public
Workers of America (CIO), were
identified by the War Department
Harry Spector, Irving Spector, Ab-
raham Kotelchuck, Phil Weiss and
Rheabel Mendelsohn. The last named
is a woman.
General Parks told reporters the
five were discharged effective June
26 under provisions of Public Law
No. 808 which empowers the Secre-
taries of War and Navy to remove
any employe "in the interest of na-
tional defense."
Mason said the law has been used
"very sparingly."
Abram Flaxer, national president
of the United Public Workers, told
a reporter the discharge of the five
union officers was "an obvious un-
ion-busting device."
Italy Hopes Freed
Trieste Gets Veto
ROME, July 18-(W)-Premier Al-
cide De Gasperi said today that Italy
was hopeful that the forthcoming
Paris Peace Conference would veto
the four-power Foreign 'Ministers
Council's proposal to internationalize
De Gasperi described the interna-
tionalization plan as a "solution"
which would satisfy neither Italy nor
Yugoslavia, and, added that he
doubted that Yugoslavia, which also
claims Trieste, would accept the "so-

Court 0 * 0

(Continued from Page 1)
subject to compulsory jurisdiction.
This is due to the fact that adher-
ence was carried over from the old
World Court at The Hague.
It is "very important" to note, Prof.
Preuss said ,that compulsory juris-
diction, which allows the court to de-
termine its jurisdiction in any mat-
ters that arise between nations, is
"reciprocal." The United States need
only accept the obligation of appear-
ing before the court if the other na-
tion involved is also subject to com-
pulsory jurisdiction. This protects us
from getting "caught out on a limb,"
he declared.
According to Sen. Morse, we could
further international peace by co-
operating in the field of legal dis-
putes where a good start has already
been made to establish world peace,
Prof. Preuss stated.
"If we are going to be consistent,
we should give up our veto in the
legal field as well as others," he said.
"Since the principle of compulsory
jurisdiction was originally launched
by the American statesmanship of
Elihu Root at the inception of the
old World Court, we have a moral
obligation to see it through," Prof.
Preuss added.
He explained that Sen. Morse
considers the passage of the resolu-
tion as his most important legisla-
tive job and that the hearings now
should pave the way for considera-
tion at the next Congressional ses-
Both President Truman and Sec-
retary Byrnes have publicly express-
ed their approval of compulsory jur-
isdiction, he said. In addition, the
line-up of supporters of the resolu-
tion are of a varied and non-partisan
It is "significant," Prof. Preuss de-
clared, that Congress should consider
this instrumentality, whose functions
are not much in the public eye, when
other "important" national and in-
ternational legislation is also press-

By The Associated Press
The Midwest baked under a blaz-
ing sun yesterday (Thursday) which
forced temperatures in some areas
above the 100 degree mark.
Dodge City, Kan., had 101, Kan-
sas City, Mo., had 100, and most of

Kansas sweltered in comparable
Readingswere mainly in the 90's
over the entire area from Iowa east
to Indiana.
In Chicago, temperatures set a
new high for the year at 99. The pre-
vious record of 97 was set July 9.
In Omaha, where the mercury
reached 93 by noon, cattle and hogs
being shipped to market died in the
hot sun as a rush of livestock to mar-
ket caused long lines of trucks to
form outside the stockyards.
Forecasters said a break in the hot
weather would come by the week-end.
Somewhat cooler weather was re-
ported moving eastward over the Da-
kotas and Western Nebraska. Tem-
peratures in that area today were
ithe 70's or low 80's.
On Campus
International Bridge .. .
The first International Center
bridge night of the summer session
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day at the Center.
* ': *
Summer Guest Tea.
.Xi Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta
will hold its annual summer guest
tea at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the West
Conference room of the R4ack-
ham Building.
Summer students who are mem-
bers of Pi Lambda Theta from
other chapters are cordially invited.
All local members of Xi Chapter
are urged to be present.
Friday Tea Dance ...
The first of a series of Friday af-
ternoon tea dances sponsored by the
International Center and ANCUMI
will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to-
day at the Center.
The dance is open to all students,
and music will be by records.

The editors
wrote, "Very
universities in
show a longer
the pedigree
'Those who
1945 "put it"

of then1915syearbook
few annuals of the
the United States can
or better record than
of the 'Michiganen-
produced the one in
in simpler language.

"There is, of course, with the pos-
sible exception of the Encyclopedia
Britannica, no finer work of its kind
in the entire world than the Michi-
Churchill Bread
Plea Ignored,
Rationing Continued
By British Laborites
LONDON, Friday, July 19-(IP)-
The Labor-dominated House of Com-
mons voted down early today the
plea of Winston Churchill, Conserva-
tive leader, to reject bread rationing
in Britain amid signs of a breakup
in the threatened widespread revolt
of bakersagainst the government
plan to conserve wheat.
The Conservative move to cancel
the rationing schedule to begin next
Sunday was beaten 305 to 182 after
a heated five-hour debate in which
Churchill vitriolically disputed food
minister John Strachey's stand that
bread restriction was imperative be-
cause of the uncertain future supply
of grains.
Churchill called the ration plan a
"heavy, awkward, galling" burden,
but advised rebellious bakers to "do
their best to make whatever scheme
as is thrust upon them by the gov-
ernment work as well as possible and
let the scheme break down of its own
inherent defects."
His advice and that of many news-
papers appeared to be taking effect
as reports last night indicated that
the national association of master
bakers may relax its announced de-
cision not to comply with the 'ra-
tioning order.
The master bakers received a mes-
sage from its Croydon branch say-
ing that it had decided to make the
plan work to the best of its ability.
Unemployed Collect
$53 Milion in 1946
The Michigan Unemployment Com-
pensation Commission paid $53,982,-
201 to unemployed industrial workers
in Michigan during the first six
months of 1946, it was announced
yesterday. The number of weeks com-
pensated totaled 2,695,787.
Employers contributing to the Un-
employment Trust Fund in Michigan
now number more than 22,000.

Associated Press Staff Writer
Does Communist China have an
Air Force?
The Central Government says so,
persistently. The Communists deny it.
Nanking's minister of information
says the Communists have 100 opera-
tional craft. Nanking's Central News
Agency says 200.
No foreign correspondent has seen
(Continued from Page 1)
they can see the benefit of accurate
observation and reporting and at the
same time contribute valuable ob-
servations to the social agencies res-
ponsible for the children.
The boys, coming from the low
income areas of Southwestern
Michigan and selected by the wel-
fare agencies in their own neigh-
borhoods, are not ill or mentally
deficient in any way, but, because
of their environment or their
home life, have not been able to
adjust normally to their society
and may, unless properly guided,
become delinquents.
While they are at the camp, the
campers receive medical attention for
emergency cases such as cuts and
bruises and nose bleeds received in
a spirited but near-sighted baseball
game or a too low dive from the
spring-board, but no effort is made
to correct chronic ailments of long
standing under the same policy as
that of the University Health Ser-
Organized on the group discussion
basis, the clinics open with a review
of the child and his past environ-
ment discussed by the counselor and
a representative from the child's
agency, followed by the counselor's
observation of the child's behavior
and attitude towards camp life and
his fellow campers.
Other camp staff members then
relate their observations and exper-
iences with the subject and con-
tribute their suggestions toward
helping the boy. The members of the
panel proceed to ask informative
questions and generally attempt to
fill in any gaps in the existing data.
With this information, the panel-at-
tempts to find the nature of the
boy's problem. Since most problems
taken up are of a personality nature,
the panel's plans must be mapped
carefully to avoid any "backfire" in
the boy. If no plan seems worth try-
ing in the short camp time, the panel
passes on its recommendations to
the boy's home social agency.
Although the direct benefit to
the camper from the weekly clinic
meeting cannot be estimated be-
cause of its long range approach,
the benefit in material and data
upon the child's behavior gives the
social agencies a better opportuni-
ty to help the boy help himself ad-
just his personality to cope with
his environment, family and
The student of sociology or edu-
cation benefits directly by his chance
to deal with problems as they de-
velop in the camp, gain insight into
the laws of individual growth and
group behavior, develop skill in the
technique of observation, interview
and planning for a group.

a Communist plane, yet Nanking
has reported a number of "attacks"
by them-even. claiming that four
bombers blew up a dike recently
along the Yellow River.
The Communists undoubtedly got
hold of some Japanese craft in China
proper, and perhaps in Manchuria,
says AP correspondent Spencer Moo-
sa. But flying them and fueling them
is another matter. They have no
known pilots of their own, and if
they are not using Japanese pilots
then the inference offered by Nan-
king is that Russia is supplying pi-
lots or training them. Nanking hints
that Northern Korea might be a
good place.
For some reason Nanking seems to
consider very unimportant its claim
that a Communist named Hsiano Fei
has been named commander of the
Communist Air Force.
The Central Daily News in Nan-
king uses this Hsiang Fei story as a
jumping-off point for an editorial
which concludes that "the Commun-
ists will never abandon their funda-
mental policy of disintegrating China
(and) . . . have not the slightest in-
tention to solve problems through
political consideration."
There is meanwhile no doubt that
the Central Government has an Air
Today flights of fighters were re-
ported taking off from Nanking,
loaded with guns and ammunition,
and each with five bombs.
A reliable report says the same
thing has been going on daily in
North China.

Now Showing



Benefits Mount

Unemployment compensation pay-
ments in Michigan for the week
ending July 13 were paid to 14,646
more people than during the preced-
ing week, E. T. Dormer, Executive
Director of the Michigan Unemploy-
ment Compensation Commission, an-
nounced yesterday.
Money payments totaling $2,982,-
107 were paid to 87,932 claimants, of
which amount $1,632,418 went to 41,-
679 unemployed World War II vet-
erans claiming under the G.I. Bill
'of Rights.
Benefits under the state law were
paid to 46,253 unemployed people,
representing 66,598 compensable
periods. Of this number, 23,429 were

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all nem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding pubUcation (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946
VOL. LVI, No. 12S
Phi Beta Kappa: New members
may obtain keys and certificates at
the office of the Secretary, Observ-
atory, on Monday and Wednesday,
2-4 p.m. Hazel Marie Lash, Secre-
tary-Treasurer Phi Beta Kappa.
Pre-Activity Conference for all
members of the Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Sunday, July 21, West Par-
lor, Mosher Hall, 3:00 p.m.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Traffic Analyst I, $200-$240.
2. Traffic Analyst II, $250-$290.
3. Psychometrist AI, $180-$200.
4. Vocational Rehabilitation Field
Agent, $250-$290.
5. Geologist I, $200-$240.
6. Rural Property Assessment Ex-
ecutive III, $300-$360.

7. Property Assessment Examiner
I, $200-$240..
8. Property Assessment Examiner
II, $250-$290.
9. Property Assessment Examiner
IV, $380-$440.
Closing date is August 7, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
The Museum of Art presents "Pio-
neers of Modern Art inAmerica."
an exhibition from the Whitney Mu-
seum of. American Art, at the Rack
ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and
7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Osterweil Cooperative House is
holding a house warming at its new
location, X338 E. Jefferson, tonight
from 8 to 10:,0 p.m. Former and
present cooperative members and
their guests are cordially invited.
Miss Lois McColbch of the YWCA
will be in our office Friday, July 19,
(Continued on Page 4)


Cartoon - Oddity News

Fnor Silvstre y campoinL.
lior saciIa y natural
na to creep una tier fines
por vivr juntoat InopaL


Na oresrosanoores Ibio.
muchamenosie, de.is
to pe-fumeOs emi marino
y con 61 tue haces Islir.



Im TALTE.:..







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