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July 19, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-19

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Senate OPA
Ceiln Ban
Compromise ill
Promptly Rejected
WASHINGTON, July 18- (P) -
Senate conferees on OPA rejected
today a proposal bynHouse members
for a compromise that would have
removed the Senate ban on any fur-
ther price ceilings for meat, milk,
eggs and other foods.
Senator Taft (Rep., O.) and Chair-
man Spence (Dem., Ky.) of the
House Banking Committee jointly
announced the House members had
offered, and that Senate members
promptly rejected, this compromise
1. That the Senate recede from
the provision of its bill that prohibits'
any further price controls on a long
list of major food items.
2. That the Senate also back down
on a section of its bill that gives OPA
discretionary power in the applica-
tion of a new pricing formula which
would require price increases for a
large number of manufactured ar-
In both cases, it was disclosed, the
Senate members of the conference
committee rejected the House pro-
posal by a vote of four to three.
One conference member said the
situation appears to be "completely
stalemated," However, the House-
Senate committee appointed a sub-
committee composed of Taft and
Senators Tobby (Rep., N.H.) and
Radcliffe (Dem., Md.) to attempt the
writing of a compromise overnight
on the House proposal that the de-
controls on food be removed from
the bill. Another session of the con-
ference committee was set for to-
morrow morning.
Arms, Combinqe
Hearings will
Reopen Today
WASHINGTON, July 18-()-The
Senate War Investigating Commit-
tee will reopen its hearings on the
Garsson munitions combine tomor-
row to hear from Rep. McCormack of
Massachusetts, the House Democrat-
ic leader, and Rep. Sabath (Dem.,
Ill.), chairman of the rules commit-
Chairman Mead (Dem., N.Y.) of
the investigating committee announ-
ced tonight that McCormack, Sabath
and former Rep. Dickstein (Dem.,
N.Y.), now' a judge, had requested
an opportunity to appear in view of
testimony regarding telephone calls
between their capitol offices and the
Washington headquarters of the mu-
nitions makers.
A former secretary for the muni-
tions companies yesterday told of
the telephone calls, mentioning also
the office of Senate Democratic Lead-
er Barkley (Ky.).
Hours before the plans for another
session were disclosed, the committee
reported that it had uncovered "new
evidence" in its war profits inquiry.'
Francis Flanagan, assistant com-
mittee counsel, announced the sur-
prise discovery of the "new evidence"
at the close of an hour-long session
behind closed doors during which
members studied the knotty legal
problems involved in forcing May's
personal appearance.
MYDA Upholds
O.PA Controls

Strong backing of OPA is the major
point in the Michigan Youth for
Democratic ,Action's. Summer Ses-
sion program, it was decided at an
organizational meeting held yester-
day at the Michigan Union.
The meeting, which elected Max
Dean president, plans to back AVC
in its campaign for OPA by uniting
such student organizations as the
Inter-Racial Association, the Student
Religious Association and the League
Council behind a student buyer's
Also scheduled for the summer are
three discussion meetings entitled
"MYDA and the Labor Movement,"
"Modern Imperialism" and "AYD,
Its Organization and Methods," time
and place to be announced at a later
Other officers elected for the sum-
mer were Dotty Raskind, treasurer
and membership director, Jack Gore,
literature and social director, and
Bob Rene, secretary.

Yearbook IsRady
The 1946 Michiganensian will
be distributed from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. today at the Student Publica-
tions Building, editor Flo Kings-
bury announced yesterday.
Miss Kingsbury emphasized
that this will be the only oppor-
tunity for summer session stu-
dents to obtain their 'Ensinins this
term. Students are reminded to
bring along their receipts when
they come to obtain their copy of
the yearbook.
Copies of the new Michiganen-
sian, which arrived at the Student
Publications Building only yester-
day, will be mailed t those stu-
dents, graduating in June, who left
their addresses with the 'Ensin
AVC Parade
Will Reprove
Business, labor, agriculture and
universityrepresentatives will speak
at tht AVC sponsored "Smash Infla-
tion" parade and rally to be held at
4 p.m. Tuesday.
The parade and rally, a concerted
attempt to articulate consumers' de-
mands for effective price control, will
feature as speakers: Prof. John
Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment; Neil Staeber, a local business-
man; Harry Cole, secretary-treasurer
of the U.S. Agriculture Conservation
Association; and a labor representa-
tive as yet undesignated.
The marchers will assemble at
State and Huron streets and then
parade through the campus and
downtown area to the steps of the
County Courthouse at Huron and
Main streets.
"All students, facultymen and
townspeople who are outraged at
Congressional stupidity and NAM
greed are urged to join in the march
and attend the rally," Vic Baum,
AVC chairman for the rally said yes-
terday, pointing out that continued
consumer pressure has alreddy af-
fected the attitude of Congressional
Many local groups, including the
CIO, yesterday indicated their as-
sistance in the rally, Baum con-
tinued. He asked that all other groups
interested in marching telephone
him at 7331, or join the parade with-
out advance notification.
He stressed that "this may be the
last chance for American consumers
to warn Congress that they do not
want inflation, and the resulting de-
pression, or the starvation of mil-
lions of people overseas as the result
of increased grain and meat prices
and the reduced purchasing power of
the American dollar."
The speeches at the courthouse will
begin at 4:30 p.m., and the services
of a band are being sought for the
parade, he concluded.
Last Showm
of Filn Today
The last showing of "The Wild
Flower," a Mexican film sponsored by
the Art Cinema League, is scheduled
for 8:30 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
A tragedy of the Mexican revolu-
tion and land reforms, "The Wild
Flower" contains feuds, revenge kil-
lings, conflicts between fathers and
sons, and a marriage between a land-
owner's son and a peasant's daugh-
This story of the revolution is told
in retrospect, as the mother of the,
major character relives the tragedy

of the revolution.
Persons wishing to obtain tickets
for the performance may purchase
them up until 8:30 p.m. in the

CIO Urges Labor and Industry Conference
To Consider Immediate Wage Increases';
No Russian Loan This Year Truman Savs

Other Grants
Not Intended
By President
American Delegation
To UN Is Readied
WASHINGTON, July 18 - (A) -
President Truman today made it
clear that the matter of a $1,000,000,-
000 loan to Russia is dead for this
At a presidential news conference
which covered a wide range of topics,
he was asked whether he plans to
request authorization from Congress
for other foreign loans now that the
$3,750,000,000 credit to Britain has
been approved. The chief executive
said he has no such intentions.
He also said that the proposal to
enlarge the lending authority of the
export-import bank by $1,250,000,000
will not come up until the next ses-
sion of Congress, in 1947. This in-
crease would have to be approved
before the bank could make a loan to
Philippine Loan Favored
The President added that he favors
the proposed $100,000,000' loan to the
new Philippines republic which is
now pending in Congress as a sep-
arate bill.
Mr. Truman opened his session
with reporters by announcing the
American delegation to the next ses-
sion of the United Nations assembly
in New York-Senators Austin (Rep.,
Vt.), Connally (Dem., Tex.) and
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.), Rep.
Bloom (Dem., N.Y.) and Mrs. Eleanor
Roosevelt. Alternates will be Rep.
Eaton (Rep., N.J.), Rep. Helen Doug-
las (Dem., Calif.), John Foster Dulles
and Adlai Stevenson.
Austin In Charge
Austin, who has been appointed
American delegate to the Security
Council, will be in charge of the
assembly delegation when Secretary
of State Byrnes. is not there. Mr.
Truman said he himself does not
expect to attend the meetings but
Byrnes probably will attend some.
The President had been expected
to announce the three-man economic
council established by the employ-
ment bill. The appointments have
been pending for months. Mr. Tru-
man said that while he had expected
to announce them today, they are
not quite ready.
Similarly he was not ready to an-
nounce a successor to Rexford Guy
Tugwell as Governor of Puerto Rico.
Librarian's Parley
Will Open Today
It is hoped that the conference on
photographing aids being held today
will make known to all research
workers the extent of filmed ma-
terial now availabe, according to
Prof. W. G. Rice, Director of the
General Library.
The conference will include two
lectures at Rackham Amphitheatre
to which the public is invited. C: Z.
Case will speak on "The Economy
of Photocopying" at 4:10 p.m., and
V. D. Tate will discuss "Photography
and Research-Postwar" at 8:00 p.m.
An exhibit of photographic mater-
ial and equipment will be presented
in the East Conference Room after
each lecture.

CANOES HANDY FOR COEDS-It's just a hop, skip a nd splash for these Michigan State College co-eds when
they want to skim down the Red Cedar River in a college canoe. The river flows through the heart of the
East Lansing campus.

Field Methods Of Experts Are
Seen By Students At Clinics

The University's Fresh Air clinic,
held every Friday night at the Fresh
Air Camp on Patterson Lake, offers
students and teachers in the socio-
educational field a chance to observe
the methods used by social and wel-
fare workers in solving the problems
of disadvantaged children.
"The student benefits," Clark Tib-
bitts, director of the Institute of Hu-
man Adjustment, asserted, "by gain-
ing active experience in working
with childrn and h nhsrving the

The prime concern of the clinic
is to review the case history of the
child, his family, home and school
environment, and his life at camp,
then suggest active ways of eliminat-
ing or combating the boy's problem.
These meetings, open to sociology
and education students, give the stu-
dent an excellent chance to see how
sociologists work when confronted
with an actual problem.
The counselors at the camp are
usually made up of students in these
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