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August 21, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-08-21

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Pep Rally for Indiana Game
Will Usher In Football Season

The first of three pe > rallies to be
sponsored by the Varsity Committee
will be held Friday, Sept. 28, preced-
ing the Michigan-Indiana football
game. The Marching Band will lead
a student parade to Ferry Field where
the cheer leaders will take over by
the light of a giant bonfire.
By arrangement with Ohio State
University, 1,000 tickets for the Mich-
igan game at Columbus, Nov. 23, have
been reserved'for Michigan students,
and will go on sale the first three
(Continued from Page 1)
The board further declared that
grain price trends are downward and
"are expected to level off at ceiling
The board found "some instances"
in which prices of milk and milk
products have exceeded the June 30
ceilings, plus the subsidy.
"In most of these cases, the excess
has been small," the board's state-
ment added. "In some cases the ex-
cess was unreasonable."
Will Watch Milk
The board announced it intends to
watch prices of milk and milk pro-
ducts, and that it has "arranged to
receive additional reports on price
developments since June 30."
When this information has been
received, the Board will reconsider its
decision to allow dairy products to
' remain ceiling-free "if evidence ap-
pears that price increases since June
30 are unreasonable."
Explaining its dcision to restore
meat ceilings, the Board said that
price increases since June 30 had
ranged in the case of livestock from
20 to 50 percent, and in the case of
wholesale meat prices, from 35 to
80 percent.
Increases Reported
"Corresponding increases have been
reported in the case of retail meat
prices," the statement noted.
Saying that part of these increases
were due to lapse of subsidies, the
board said':
"For the most part prices reported
were beyond question unreasonably
above ceilings plus subsidies."
The supply of meat "has been and
will continue to be short in relation
to demand at reasonable prices," the
board declared.
Statements Reeived
Many statements were received,
the board continued, regarding en-
forceability and practicability of
meat price controls. Saying that
these statements had "disclosed the
failures that have occurred in the
past.. .," the board added:
"Nevertheless, it appears that the
Government has at hand adequate.
techniques to enforce these regula-
tions, including the -overriding ceil-
ings on cattle."
With respect to subsidies on live-
stock and meat, the board directed
that on or before.next July 10 sub-
sidies must be reduced by 50 percent.
"This reduction," the statement
said, "will provide the consumer with
a more gradual transition to removal
of the entire subsidy on April 1."
Congress Stipulated
Congress stipulated that no food
subsidies may be paid after that date.
In ordering continued decontrol of
nearly all grains, the board cited
three reasons why "it failed to find
that the public interest would be
served by their regulation:"
1. The estimated supply of the de-
controlled grains after the harvest
of the current record corn and wheat
crops appears to be adequate to meet
the estimated demand.
2. Increases in the parity price for
these grains would have required
higher than June 30 ceilings, if con-
trols had been reestablished.
3. Although grain prices "rose
sharply into unreasonable levels" in
July, since early this month "prices
have been returning rapidly to more

reasonable levels."
Cottonseed oil, also recontrolled,
"increased in the neighborhood of 25
percent above June 30 ceilings," the
board said.

days of the fall term. A special train
'has been chartered for the conveni-
ence of students attending this game.
A full program of activities for the
football season has been planned by
the Varsity Committee, newly-form-
ed branchof the Student Legislature.
The pep -rally to be held prior to the
Army game will coincide with the
final judging of a Michigan Yell con-
test. This contest will be conducted
during the first two weeks of the
fall semester. The traditional home-
coming /weekend will be held Oct.
26, the date set for the Michigan-
Illinois game. It will again feature
the house, display contest, and will
conclude with a name band dance
after the game.
All students planning to purchase
tickets for the Ohio State game, are
urged to do so early, since the sale
of these tickets must be completed
by Sept. 25.
Literary ...
(Continued from Page 1)
;tudents during each of the three
lays of the registration period, Sept.
18, 19 and 20.
Students are urged by the regist-
ar 's office to obtain their registra-
tion material as soon as possible af-
,er Sept. 11, it will be available. Stu-
lents are also urged to see their ad-
visors at least a day before they are
>cheduled to register, to insure their
Iaining entrance into the gymnasium
at' the proper time.
Students in the summer session are
eminded by the registrar's office tc
confirm the address to which they
vish their blueprints to be mailed
since they will not be allowed to see
their advisors without one. The blue-
rints will be sent out the first week
in September.
Students who do not take ad-
vantage of their place in the regis-
tration time schedule will be allow-
to register only on Saturday, Sept.
21, between 8 and 10:30 a.m. They
will find themselves at a disadvant-
age if they follow this latter course,
however, according to Edward
Grosbeck, assistant registrar, since
many courses will have been com-
pletely closed by that time, due to
the large number of registrants.
Late registration will not be per-
mitted except in the case of veterans
who were not in residence in the sum-
mer session.
An innovation in the registratibn
system will be introduced this fall.
whereby statistics will be obtained in
the gymnasium at the time of regis-
tration, by a punch-card system. This
method is used by several of the larg-
er colleges and universities in the
country, including Michigan State
College. It has been used here by the
registrar's office a week after the
registration period, but has never
before been used at the time of regis-
tration. The new system will facili-
tate the work of the registrar's office
to a large extent in both time and
effort. It makes possible and auto-
matic tabulation of class lists, indi-
vidual students' curriculum plans,
and other necessary statistics.
Michigan Polio Cases
Reach.Total of 280,
LANSING, Aug. 20. - P) - Michi-
gan's polio caseload today reached
280 when 15 new cases were reported
to the State Health Department.

GEAR - President Truman, on a
visit to the Naval Air Station at
Quonset Point, RI., during his va-
cation cruise, peers out from under
the brim of a smart white cap,
made especially for him.
Trumn'j Trip
Sa Journey
To N owhere',
Aug. 20. - UP) -President Truman
cruised southward tonight on "a
journey to nowhere."
Switching vacation plans which
had called for the yacht Williams-
burg's movement up the coast of
Maine, the President decided to go
south instead in search of warmth
and sunshine.
Presidential Press Secretary Charles
G. Ross radio-telephoned the news to
reporters trailing the yacht aboard
'he Navy ship Weiss.
"We have changed course," the
voice of Ross came casually over the
"We are going south today. The
Boss decided last night to go into
warm waters. We are just moving
around heading in a general southern
direction with no fixed destination.
At the moment, it's a sort of journey
to nowhere. It's just a vacation and
he can frolic around in the Atlantic
if he wants to."
Co-op Members Planning
To Hold 'Reunion in N.Y.
Present and former Michigan Co-
op members will hold a reunion in
New York on September 14.
Interested Co-op members and
their friends should call Dave Plevin
at Jerome 7-8230 in New York before
that date to make arrangements for
the meeting.

r te4
FDITORIS NOTE: This column is de-
signed to provide veterans with infor-
mation of specific information to them.
All veterans are encouraged to submit
questions or topics for consideration.
Don't forget to make some defin-
ite arrangements to pick up your
final check if it is due to arrive- here:
after you leave. The VA Guidance
Office here says that all unclaimed
checks will be sent back to Cleveland
for redirection, which will probably
mean an extended and unnecessary
delay before the checks are finally
If you are planning to go to some
other school this fall, arrange with
the VA before you leave to obtain a
Supplemental Certificate of Eligi-
bility. This certificate must be ob-
tained from the school where you
first enrolled under the GI Bill. The
experience of many veterans who have
transferred to Michigan from other
schools has shown that waiting until
you enroll at another school to apply
for' the' certificate often entails a
delay of several months in securing
subsistence payments.
A new and more convenient meth-
od of purchasing books and supplies
will be inaugurated for veterans this
fall. Books of blank University re-
quisitions will be issued to each vet-
eran next term. The white book and
equipment requisitions to be filled out
as usual will be acceptable at any of
the accredited bookstore or theStu-
dent Book Exchange operating in
the Michigan League. The colored
supply forms in ythe back of each
book can be used at the bookstore
plus certain other cooperating stores
in the campus area.
Dir. MeClusky
Talks at Parley
Dr. Howard McClusly of the Edu-
cation school was one of some 40
authorities participating in a con-
ference yesterday on "how labor and
management can be best brought to-
gether in the interests of a better
economic future."
Dr. McClusky served with top ex-
ecutives from all over the country in
answering questions of 37 student
businessmen meeting in a confer-
ence organized by a national busi-
ness educational organization, Junior
Achievement, Inc.
The students, aged 15 to 21, were
organized into miniature "compan-
ies" for practice in business opera-
tion. Yesterday's conference was first
of a three-day session at Black Lake
Ranch, Onaway, Mich.

World Youth
Conclave Held
This Month
EDITOR'S NOTE: Charles Bernstein,
former member of The Daily staff who
is now attending the University of
Geneva, Switzerland, will cover the
World Students Congress to be held at
Special To The Daily
GENEVA. Aug. 12, (delayed) Dele-
gates from the many Swiss univer-
sities to the World Students Congress
are leaving for Prague, Czechoslo-
vakia, tomorrow where they will ei-
ther approve or amend the proposed
constitution for what is to be called
the "International Union of Stu-
The Congress, meeting from Aug.
17 to Aug. 31, will be composed of
student representatives from 64 na-
tions including four or five from the
United States and many more from
countries that were occupied during
the war. These formerly occupied
countries regard this free and inter-
national meeting of peoples as evi-
dence of their new and strange op-
portunity to express themselves.
Aims Expressed
The aims and motivations of the
World Student Congress as expres-
sed in its previous meetings and its
provisional constitution so much ex-
press a feeling rather than a con-
crete program that I will not at-
tempt to outline its formalized state-
ments of aims such as to "promote"
. . . "further" . . . "demand" such
things as "culture, education, free-
dom, peace, security, scholarships,
the arts, friendship" etc.
The meaning behind these famil-
iar words will be made clear during
the first few days of the Congress.
At the first Congress in Prague,
shortly after the liberation, the de-
legates from the U.S.S.R. reported
the German destruction of Russia's
largest and most respected univer-
sities. Students from Hungary plan
to "justify every single student" so
that never again will "the majority
of Hungarian universitiy youth be-
come the tool of fascism and reac-
Polish delegates reported that the
wartime prosecution of professors ri-
valed that of the Jews, and "despite
those terrible persecutions, the ac-
tivities of teaching secretly did not
stop for a moment."

James Melton will inaugurate the
Sixty-Eighth Annual Choral Union
Series sponsored by the University
Musical Society Oct. 10 in Hill Audi-
The nine succeeding concerts in-
elude Egon Petri on Oct. 30. the
Cleveland Orchestra under George
Szell, which will make its seventh an-
nual visit, on Nov. 10, and on Nov.
Restored Meat
Ceilinogs NIeai'
Jime 30 Levels
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20- UP) -
Housewives can expect to find price
ceilings on most meat restored on
Friday to near their June 30 level as
a result of the Decontrol Board's de-
cision tonight.
Price Administrator Paul Porter
had announced beforehand that he
hoped to restore the June 30 ceil-
ings on beef, pork and probably veal.
No decision was made on lamb ceil-
These were some of the highest
retail meat ceilings in Chicago on
June 30, by OPA figures:
Round steak, 44 cents a pound,
porterhouse steak, 54 cents, ham-
burger, 28 cents, center-cut pork
chops, 37 cents, Grade A bacon, 42
cents, sliced smoked ham, 47 cents,
loin lamb chops, 62 cents, sirloin
veal steak, 37 cents.
At Chicago, the over-riding ceiling
on cattle was $18 a hundred pounds
on hogs,- the maximum price was
$14.10 a hundred pounds on sows and
$14.85 on barrows and gilts. On dres-
sed lamb, ceilings ranged from $25
a hundred pounds for AA Gradeto
$19.25 a hundred pounds for C Grade.
The meat subsidies which the board
ordered restored were :
On beef cattle, subsidies to pack-
ers ranged from $1.25 a hundred
pounds for utility and canner and
cutter grades, to $3 for choice grade
animals. Another subsidy of 50 cents
a hundred Pounds was paid to feeders
for choice and good grades only.
Read and Use The Daily
Classified Directory

19 Yehudi Menuhin. The Icelandic
Singers under Sigurdur Thordarson
will be heard Nov. 25, and for the six-
teenth consecutive season here Serge
Koussevitsky will direct the Boston
Symphony Orchestra on Dec. 9.
Vladimir Hcrowitz will be heard
Jan 17. followed by the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra under Karl Krueger
Feb. 17. and a recital by Lotte Leh-
mann Feb. 16. The Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra under Desire De-
fauw will close the series March 16
The Annual "Messiah"
Other musical events of the year
include the annual "Messiah' per-
formance on Dec. 15, the Seventh-
Annual Chamber Music Festival of
three concerts Jan. 24 and 25, anc
the Fifty-fourth Annual May Festiva
of six concerts May 8, 9, 10 and 11
"Messiah" soloists will be Lura
Stover, soprano; Ellen Repp, con-
tralto; Ralph Lear, tenor; and Alder
Edkins, bass. The University Chora
Union, iconducted by Hardin Var
Deursen, and the special "Messiah'
Orchestra, accompanied by FriedE
Op't Holt Vogan, organist.
Budapest String Quartet
The Budapest String Quartet, com-
posed of Josef Roisman and Edgan
Ortenberg, violinists, Boris Kroyt.
violist and Mischa Schneider, violin-
cellist, will participate for the third
consecutive season in the Chambe:
Music Festival.
May Festival concerts will featurE
the Philadelphia Orchestra, unde.
Eugene Ovmandy, conductor, and Al.
exander Hilsberg, assistant conduc.
tor, the University Choral Union, the
YoutheChorus, directed by Marguer
ite Hood, and both vocal and instru-
mental soloists.
Clarinet Recital
TO Be Given Today
Carl Wickstrom, clarinetist, wil
present a recital in partial fulfillmen
of the requirements for the degree o
Master of Music in woodwind instru.
ments at 8:30 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Assembly Hall.
He will ba assisted by Mildred M
Andrews, pianist, and Arline Burt
violist. Selections by Handel, Bar
birolli, Mozart, Debussy and voi
Weber will compose his program.

James Melton To Op
Fall Choral Union Set




Inspired by the period
of the English dandies

.executed with California's matchless
casual flair. Jacket, skirt, jerkin, slacks
and blouse in blended shades of



gray, from Tabak's collection
of interchangeable casuals. In
Sutara, a Seaglow success
fabric of AriaIiC and rayon.


(Continued from Page 4)
tonight at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, admission free to
the public. The play will be staged
by advanced students in dramatics
as a laboratory production showing
the type of play which can be done
in the average High School. Ticlets
may- be obtained at the theatre box




Jacket and skirt
... 25.00
Blouse and slacks
.. .22.95


, . 8.95
. . . 10.95


& &covd 7tude:
There are hundreds of stars in the recording world -bat
only one Fats Waller, who croons "Your Feet's Too Big"
and "The Joint Is Jumoin" in his new album.
Perhaps fortunately. there's only one Danny Kaye, too.
He rips through four wonderful discs in his zany album.
A lot of you 'folks have been asking us to get some of the
Keynote Jazz collection. They're here now. "Blues a La,
Red" and "I Got Rhythm" are just two of the sides that
Red Narvo gets off with his all star outfit featuring Slat


+Y ~.a



By Y:'


Young Black Magic
fn Hats by BETMfR



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