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August 21, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-21

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Fifty-Sixth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News ...............................Olyde Recht
University ........................... Natalie Bagrow
Sports ..... .....................Jack Martin
Women's.........................:........FLyiine Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager Janet cork
Telephone 23.241
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this new paper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, s
secondclass mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by oar-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1 4546
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the iwriters only.
Fielding Yost
"OLD MR. MEECHIGAN" wanted to see the
Army game so he kept putting off the
appointment his heart condition seemed to make
imminent, until he could postpone it no longer.
Fielding H. Yost looked forward to that game
this fall because it would have been the first
time he would see an Army team since-he helped
to coach it in 1908, because as an enthusiastic
football fan he was looking forward to a great
game, and because he was the kind of a man
who naturally lookedforward.
It was always this week's game that worried
him, not last week's; it was this year's team that
interested him, not last year's, or even the "point
a minute" teams that brought him football
Those 1901-1905 teams established him as one
of the great coaches of all time. For the four
year period, "Hurry Up" Yost's squad played
57 games, winning 55, tying one and losing one.
From that period until 1929 when he gave up
the football coaching reins to serve as Athletic
Director, Michigan always rated with the top
teams in the nation.
He retired in 1940 at the age of 69 from an
active part in the University's athletic affairs,
but to Michigan alumni from 1901 on, his resig-
nation only became official yesterday.
To this generation of undergraduates, Yost
was not so much a person as a symbol of an era
of Michigan football supremacy, a football coach
of almost legendary proportions. While no one
will deny that his accomplishments entitle him
to such stature, thinking of Yost in such a light
violates the principle that made him outstanding
in handling Michigan athletes for 39 years: that
interest in today, not yesterday.
The tragedy in his passing is lot the fact
that a great old retired coach has gone, but
that an enthusiastic football fan will not be
around for the game he had been waiting to
see. -Dick Kraus
For Better Books
THE CONCERTED EFFORTS toward the cause
of peace by political, scientific and religious
groups is not without support from the educators
as well.
Educators representing thirty nations are
meeting this week in New Yorkand have already
put forth a proposal which should meet with
the whole-hearted approval of the many stu-
dents who complain so vociferously of the in-
adequate and often biased presentation of gram-
mar and high school subjects.
The practical aspect of the proposal involves
the creation of a world-wide commission of re-

nowned scholars, representing the leading coun-
tries of the world, to analyze existing textbooks
and lay the groundwork for an entirely new
approach in the writing of texts.
The educators have emphasized that new
books could be prepared that would not inter-
fere with the present "love of one's own
country" which dominates most history texts.
It is entirely possible, according to the edu-
cators, to prepare a textbook which would be
fair and impartial in its presentation of his-
toric events. This means teaching history as
a whole and not merely as the story of one
nation. - . . ...
The proposed reform will not be as easy to
accomplish as it sounds, however.bBecause the
tempers of nations have not yet died down, some
educators believe that little more than an "elim-

Veterans' Pay. . .
To the Editor:
THE NEW LAW governing subsistence pay-
ments to veterans in training does not limit
the income of those affected to $200.00 a month.
What the ruling does seem to say is that the
Government will not contribute to a man's cash
income if his total income, including subsistence
and whatever else he makes, is over $2,400.00 a
In order to carry out the spirit of the law,
it seems to me necessary that a trainee's in-
come must be figured on a 12-month basis
rather than from month to month. The local
VA representatives tell me that they have no
definite word yet on just how the law will be
applied, but it is important both for the Uni-
versity and its many student employees to see
that the VA applies the rule on a 12-month
basis. ,
Here is one example of how the law would
work an injustice if applied month by month.
A teaching fellow may earn $1,200 during the
year and also get about $1,000 subsistence if
he attends school the year round. The total
then is $2,200-actually less than the $200 per
month allowed by the law if his monthly income
is computed on a year's basis.
The $1,200, however, is ordinarily paid by the
University in eight payments of $150 each. Thus,
for the eight months he teaches, he gets $150
per month. If the VA applies the ruling on a
monthly basis, during that period, the trainee
will have $40 deducted from his subsistence pay-
ments per month-a total of $320. His total
income will then be reduced to $1,880, or about
$156 a month. Therefore, if the law is applied
on this monthly basis, a man's income will be
held to that low figure and the intention of the
law completely violated,
If the VA does not apply the law on a
monthly basis, there are still ways to avoid
some of the injustice done. One would be for
the University to pay the $1,200, for example,
in twelve mijonthly instalments of $100 each.
Another way would be for the University to
pay all the $1,200 in one instalment. Neither
of these solutions is a good or desira'ble course
of action. They are, however, ways of circum-
venting a bad application of the law in case
the VA figures on a monthly income basis
rather than yearly.
It is to the interest of the University to have
the law applied on a year's basis, because of the
teacher shortage. One way of alleviating that
shortage has been for the University to hire as
teaching fellows many persons studying for ad-
vanced degrees. These men are, of course, inter-
ested in the total income they can get while
studying and teaching. If that total cannot be
increased by teaching three courses, for instance,
rather than one, they will refuse the increased
load, and the shortage of teachers will be more
severe than ever.
Evidently, the way the law will be applied has
not yet been decided. I write this to urge those
students' and University authorities adversely
affected by an altogether . possible yet unjust
ruling to put whatever pressure on the VA may
be necessary to see that the income of a trainee
is figured on a 12-month basis. The most effec-
tive pressure can be brought by the University
itself rather than by unnoticed and sporadic ap-
peals of this kind.
-Keith McKean '
War in China ...
To the Editor:
AFTER A SHORT ten week truce, fighting is
again flaring up along a wide front in China,
in an intensity that shows no signs of being short
lived. The issue seems to boil down to a sincere
desire for peace, but a deep mistrust on both
We are faced with three alternatives in this
theatre, and which ever we adopt will acute-
ly affect the situation. The choice is; support
Yenan, the Kuomintang, or withdraw com-
pletely. Which is the best, for us, for China,
and for the peace of the world?
If the government were to come out as active-
ly supporting the government at Yenan to the
exclusion of our war time ally,. it would suffer
censure and criticism from many sources. First
the anti-Russian press and populace which at

present represents a formidable power in this
country would rise in all their condemnatory
wrath. Secondly this would be a direct abro-
gation of our unwritten obligation to the gov-
ernment who for many years bore the brunt
of Japanese Aggression. Thirdly this would mean
supporting a political economy that is directly
opposite to ours.
Another alternative is to come out with de-
finite support of the Nationalist government of
Chiang, to the point of becoming the arsenal
for their cause. This firstly would serve to
further widen the breach that is being formed
between ourselves and the Soviet government,
which would be contrary to the indeterminite
policy that our State Department seems to be
adopting. Secondly this would mean supporting
a government which has few of the democratic
attributes, on which we place a high value, and
which we would like to further throughout the
Our final alternative seems to be the complete
withdrawal -of our support and let the Chinese
"stew in their own juices." This of course would

be rather difficult, in view of the extensive tie
that we have with these people. In the past
few years we have contributed a sizeable portion
of the present economic and military strength
of Nationalist China. The historic interchange
of students, industrialists, militarists, and mis-
sionaries has built too firm a foundation to be
so easily demolished.
Considering all the possibilities it is my
opinion that our only course is to continue the
role of mediator even if it means leaning
heavily toward the side of the Kuomintang.
It is well evident, that China is not a repre-
sentative democracy, but it must be remember-
ed that we look thru Occidental glasses, and
that the progress made in the decade since
Sun-Yat Sen has been appreciable.
-R. P. Slaff
* * * *
Infirmary Rules . .
To the Editor:
THIS IS A UNIVERSITY--the University of
Michigan, in fact-a name flung far and
wide across the globe as a symbol of learning,
understanding, and education in a free country.
At least I should hope that this were so. I
would like to think that these people who come
to study here take away with them not only
knowledge-facts and formulas-but also a bet-
ter understanding and appreciation of the feel-
ings and rights of their fellow-men.
What am I driving at? In brief, the stupid,
arbitrary rule laid down by the Health Service
Infirmary which forbids a fiance to visit a
patient who will shortly be his wife on the
fallacious reasoning that "if that were al-
lowed there would be too many such visitors to
other patients." In other words, our infirmary
infers that the greater part of this University's
student body are liars-or worse.
Forgive me if I sound a little bitter, but when
my wife-to-be has been isolated for an entire
week-during which I have been forbidden to
see her because of an inflexible rule of "no
visitors" in a place where I expected under-
standing-I cannot isolate my emotions-nor
should I.
I do not ask for a complete lack of rules-
for no administrative agency can function effi-
ciently and to the best interests of the ma-
jority without them. I only ask that rules be
kept flexible and that those who administer
them do so with reasonable understanding and
appreciation of the honest emotions of others.
-Vernon M, Fitch
* * *
Attack on Ginger ..
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily has received sev-
eral letters concerning Ray Ginger's column, The
Controversial Reporter; lack of space prevents the
publication of all of them.
To the Editor:
Ginger, makes so many misstatements in his
reply (August 15) to Elgass and Herring that
some further statements are in order.
For example, Mr. Ginger misleads when he
states "only $8 in wages is paid to the labor
used in making a $150 piece of farm equipment."
The basis of his statement is the F. E. News of
December 7, 1946. An examination of this paper
shows that the $8 is really 8 per cent and the cost
as calculated by Mr. Ginger should be $12 and
not $8.
But Mr. Ginger is not satisfied with only one
misrepresentation. Further study reveals that
Mr. Ginger's "$8" is only for "Direct Labor."
Now direct labor, as any editorial writer should
know when writing on the subject, is only the
factory labor used in the production and as-
sembly lines. It does not include any labor
cost in setting up or repairing machines, plant
maintenance and protection, stock rooms, or
supervision. In 1939, International Harvester,
by-far the largest producer of farm equipment,
paid out over 39 cents of each dollar received
from sales in wages to non-executive employes
in the United States.
Mr. Ginger is not satisfied by merely misstat-
ing the labor cost of manufacturing farm ma-
chinery. The same careless use of facts is found
when he.states that "21 per cent is the dealer's
profit." Profit is commonly understood to be the
excess of income over expenditures. But the

"profit" Mr. Ginger cites is the difference be-
tween what the dealer pays for the equipment
and what he sells it for. The dealer's expendi-
tures for handling the equipment may force him
into bankruptcy with his 21 per cent "profit."
Here is another instance in which misleading is
a mild word to describe Mr. Ginger's use of
Not satisfied with what he has already done
with the truth Mr. Ginger commits further may-
hem. He states "The Federal Tax Laws today
guarantee to every manufacturer a rate of profit
equal to his average profit for the 1936-39
period." This is another misstatement. Nothing
in the Federal Tax Laws guarantees anyone a
profit. What Ginger has in mind, if in fact he
knows what he has in mind, are the provisions
of the Federal Tax Laws designed to refund taxes
which were overpaid during war years. The
system as devised by the government is a poor
one, partially because it provided propagandists
with an opportunity to mislead the public-an
art at which Mr. Ginger is a specialist.
-John G. Gault

'p1 i

COP , 4o by U.,4 ~
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T HAS BEEN reported that Presi-
dent Truman is considering ask-
ing Congress for permission to ad-
mit a substantial number of Eur-
opean immigrants to this country.
Here at last is a positive, con-
crete step which this country can
take to aid the hundreds of thous-
ands of Jews and other displaced
persons in Europe who must find
'homes away from the land of their
Conservative figures indicate that
there are over a million displaced
persons who cannot return to their
own homes. To this huge bulk of
homeless people, the United States
immigration laws now open the door
to less than 4.000 a month. Surely
the "greatest nation on earth"' with
more than 140.000,00Q people can ab-
sorb easily ten or twenty times that
There is a moral as well as an eco-
nomic aspect to our permitting more
of these people to enter the United
States. So far America has passed
the buck; her only attempt to aid
the European DP's has been to en-
courage the British to admit 100,000
Jews into Palestine. We have not pre-
viously really acknowledged that this
was our problem.
If American idealism is to have
any meaning, the must accept that
responsibility. Here is one con-
structive action that America can
take. Whether President Truman
goes ahead, and whether Congress
accepts the plan will depend, in
the main, upol the attitude of the
American people. -Tomn Walsh




"Nothing left but nursery rhymes, Herr Schlinker. My library has
been purified by Hitler and 'decontaminated by the Allies."


Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
foxm to the office of the Summer Ses-
sin, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 36S
Students having lockers at the In-
tramural Sports Building should va-
cate lockers and apply for refunds
pri6r to August 24. The building will
be closed during the period August
26-September 16.
United States Civil Service An-
nouncement has been received in this
office for Chemist, P-1, $2,644 per
annum. No experience required.
Bachelor of Science in chemistry is
sufficient. Closing date is Septem-
ber 4, 1946. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
The Cities Service Refining Cor-!
poration at Lake Charles, Louisiana,
has openings for chemists and chem-
ical engineers. All employees re-
ceive a training in the rudiments of
petroleum technology before being
assigned to work in the more techni-
cal section of the laboratory. For
further information, call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:,
1. Claims Adjuster 1, $200-$240.
2. Building and Ground Mainten-
ance Foreman A, $195-$215.
3 and 4. Building and Grounds
Maintenance Superintendent I and II,
5. Industrial Health Engineer III,
6 and 7. Hearings Reporter I and
II, $200-$290.
8. Youth Guidance Field Repre-
sentative III, $300-$360. -
9. Highway Materials and Equip-
ment Buyer IV, $380-$440.
10-14. Accountants I-V, $200-$565.
Closing date is September 4.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Junior Architectural, Civil, Elec-
trical, Mechanical, or Structural En-
gineers, $2,723-$3,174.
2 Assistant Architectural, Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical, or Structural
Engineers, $3,492-$3,968.
Closing date is August 22, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Industrial Inspector I, $200-$240.
2. Dietitian A through II, $185-$290.
3. Addressing Machine Operator
A2, $155-$175.
4. Blind Transcribing Machine Op-
erator Ci, $135-$155.

Closing date is August 21.
5. Architectural Engineers II, III,
IV, $250-$440.
Closing date is August 28.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative
August graduates from the Collegeof
Literature, Science, and the Arts, and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors, should recommend
such students in a letter, sent to the
Registrar's Office, Room 4 University
Hall, by noon August 31.
Reports on Special Topics: Wednes-
day, August 21 at 4:05 p.m. in the
nivepsity High SchoolAuditorium.
Students in Education Bl9ks will take
1946-47 Lecture Course: The Uni-
versity of Michigan Oratorical As-
sociation announces the following
program of eight distinguished
speakers for the 1946-47 Lecture
Course: Oct. 17, Hon. Ellis Arnall,
Governor of Georgia; Oct. 29, Ran-
dolph Churchill, noted British col-
umnist and son of Winston Church-
ill; Nov. 7, Louis Lochner, for fifteen
years head of the Berlin office of
Associated Press; No. 21, Brig. Gen-
eral Roger Ramey, noted Air Force
authority; Jan. 16, John Mason
Brown, leading dramatic critic on
Broadway; Feb. 20, Mrs. Raymond
Clapper, political writer and author
of "Washington Tapestry"; Feb. 27,
Col. Melvin Purvis, former member
of the F.B.I. and of the War Crimes
Commission; Mar. 22, Margaret Web-
ster, famous actress and director.
Season tickets at $6.60, $5.40, or $4.20
may now be ordered by mail from
the Oratorical Association, 3211 An-
gell Hall. All Lectures will be given.
in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 P.M. The
auditorium box office will be open
September 16.


Muehl, 102 Ec
Shedd, 104 Ec,

Examinations for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the summer session will
be required to take examinations at
the close of the session. The ex-
amination schedule for the school
and colleges on the eight-week basis
is as follows:
Recitation 8:00 a.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Recitation 9:00 a.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Recitation 10:00 a.m.-Exam nin
Thursday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Recitation 11:00 a.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Recitation 1:00 p.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Recitation 2:00 p.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Recitation 3:00 p.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Recitations at all other hours-
Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by mutual
agreement between student and in-
structor, and with the approval of
the Examination Schedule Commit-
Attention August Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When
such grades are absolutely imper-
ative, the work must be made up in
time to allow your instructor to re-
port the make-up grade not later
than noon, August 31. Grades re-
ceived after that time may defer the
student's graduation until a later

Academic Notices.
Library Hours after the Summer
Session. The General Library will be
closed Aug. 26-Sept. 2 while repairs
are in progress. Sept. 3-Sept. 21 it
will-;be open daily 8 a.m. to 6 pm.
(Closed evenings.) The Medical Lib-
rary will be open the same hours but
the Basement Study Hall, the First
Floor Study Hall, and the Graduate
Reading Rooms will be closed. There
will be no services on Sundays until
The Divisional Libraries will be
closed Aug. 24-Sept. 18 with the
exception of Engineering, East Engi-
neering, Forestry, Hospital, and Phy-
sics which will be open on shortened
schedules. Information as' to hours
will be posted on the doors or may be
obtained by calling University exten-
sion 653. Requests for materials from
the closed libraries will be. taken care
of at the Circulation Desk in the
General Library.
Make-up final examina4ions for
English 1 and English 2 will be given
on Friday, Aug. 23, from 4 to 6
p.m., in Rm. 2225 Angell Hall.
English 1 and English 2 Final Ex-
aminations will be given on Friday,
Aug. 23, from 10 to 12 a.m. in the
following rooms.

Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music and Public Health :
Summer Session Students wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room
4, U.H., several daystbefore leaving
Ann Arbor. Failure to file this re-
quest before the end of the session
will result in a needless delay of
several days.
Final Examination for students en-
rolled for credit in Education B195ks
on Thursday, August 22, at 4:05 p.m.
in the University High School Audi-
Special Notice to Non-Veteran
Freshmen men who entered the Uni-
versity During the Present Summer
It is a University requirement that
all entering freshmen take, without
credit, a series of lectures on Per-
sonal and Community Health and to
pass an examination on the content
of these lectures. Transfer student
with freshman standing are also're-
quired to take the course unless they
have had a similar course elsewhere.
These lectures are not required of
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium at 5:00
p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as
per the following schedule.


I'm worried.. What
will Baxter say of

Fellow Citizens! The Town Council has the legal
nuthority to halt the cnstruction of a new ank

By Crockett Johnson
Cp"*gu1 6,Th. Nc opa INI.
What's more, friends, we urge - \
the erection NOW of a genuine I AYE ...\


No. Day





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