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August 21, 1946 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-21

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NRRA Shakeup Ousts Morgan

Fall Sports


* *

BERLIN, Aug. 20. - (JP) - UNRRA
director-general Fiorello H. LaGuar-
dia announced tonight the release of
British Lt.-Gen. Sir Frederick Mor-
gan as chief of UNRRA's displaced
persons operations in Germany, and
appointment of Meyer Cohen, direc-
tor of UNRRA repatriation in Wash-
ington, as acting chief succeeding
LaGuardia at a news conference
also advocated that the United States
allow immigration of 100,000 to 120,-
. 000 refugees and announced plans
to speed the return of many displaced
persons to their homelands.
He praised Morgan-storm center
of a controversy last January over
Morgan's remarks on a Jewish "ex-
odus"-for his work and declared he
was "one' of the war's great soldiers
and contributed greatly to victory."
LaGuardia yesterday had assailed
a high but unnamed Allied official
for saying that Russian spies were
operating within UNRRA's organi-
zation in Western Europe. Asked
Foresters All
Have Yearly
Birthday Dunk
Special To The Daily
a quaint custom here at camp. When
some poor, unsuspecting forester lets
slip it's his birthday, the rest gather
around to wish him many happy re-
turns of the day... which always
means a dunking in the cool waters
of Golden Lake. This began in all
seriousness. It was a tradition. But
somehow the idea is just too full of
possibilities to reserve for birthdays
only. Tossing someone into the lake
has become somewhat of a past time
with the boys now. There's a well-
worn trail to the boat docks, and
hardly a day goes by without some
poor character being carried atop
the heads of a happy, singing crew
on its way to the tater. Any reason
will do. One well-washed forester,
Miller by name, only has to mention
that his dog had puppies and in
he goes.
This last weekend saw a gala af-
fair. The Alumni Association of
Upper Michigan met at camp. The
boys planned a rip-roaring athletic
program for the alums, but a cold,
rainy day ruined the baseball field.
A few of the pranksters then eyed
the alums with speculative glances..
A few even went so far as to hum
under their breaths, "Happy birth-
day, dear Alumni . . . Someone
with authority, however, put the
damper on any and all plans for a
grand alumni-dip, so the'visitors
managed to leave camp with dry
skins. We were a disappointed
"Curly" Leobold met a bear the
other night ... just as he rounded a
particularly dark turn in the road.
It's nip and tuck just which one was
more startled. Both turned a sort of
dull grey and parted company with-
out bandying words. Somehow,
though, in the course of crashing
through the woods, "Curly" and bruin
got their directions mixed. Our un-
happy forester found himself hot on
the heels of the startled bear and
both more confused than ever. Re-
versing his field, "Curly" sped off
once more . .. but only to find that
bruin had changed course, too. Our
hero swears the last half mile into
camp they were running side by side.
Hitch-hiking here in the U.P. isn't
what we'd call a luxurious way to
travel. Iron River is only sixteen
miles away, and there are cars on
the road; but somehow it takes hours
to thumb a ride in. It can't be the
way we look .. w.we mow our beards,
pare our toe nails, and wash behind

the ears, but still we stand for hours
beside the road, we and our suitcases
taking turns leaning on one another.
Now and then, even when we do get
a Tide, we wish we hadn't for some
of the characters we meet are out of
this world. Last week, Mike Cassidy
was picked up by a family in a bat-
tered relic of the last war. All the
way in he stared into the eyes of a
chocolate-besmired urchin of per-
haps five summers. Finally the chub-
by little critter reached out a grimy
hand for Mike's nose. Mike said he
got in a couple of quick body blows
and in the confusion that followed
managed to escape.
And so goes the life here at Fil-
bert Roth. Working hard by day and
sleeping heavy by night, we laugh
ourselves silly over little things .
like our South American student,
Cesar del Castilla, pulling himself up
to an Iron River lunch counter and
asking for "hamboogers and onion."
U Accountants
To Be At Parley
September Meeting
To Be Held in Chicago

then if he referred to Morgan, La-
Guardia said, "You know who I
Today he answered with a curt
"No"da direct question whether Mor-
gan had ever supplied any evidence
to substantiate the unnamed offi-
cial's statement.
LaGuardia, still avoiding naming
the official, replied to another cor-
respondent's question as to. whether
an investigation was planned as a
result of what the newsman called
"Morgan's charges" by saying:
"I have not heard the slightest evi-
dence on which to base such an in-
LaGuardia disclosed he had re-
leased Morgan before leaving Gen-
eva some days ago. He said Cohen
would be acting chief in Germany
until he returned to the United
States and conferred with the
other nations' UNRRA representa-
tives on appointing a permanent
successor -to Morgan.
A British War Office announce-
ment in London earlier said:
"In connection with the reorgani-
zation of UNRRA's displaced persons
work in Germany, and in view of
the changing situation, the War Of-
fice has been informed by Mr. F. H.
LaGuardia, director general of UN-
RRA, that it is now possible to re-
lease Lt.-Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan
from his duties as chief of displaced
persons operations in Germany. Gen-
eral Morgan is accordingly returning
to England."
At UNRRA headquarters at Arol-
sen, Germany, Morgan's public rela-
tions officer, said tonight that the
General "now is on active service
and, as a soldier, can have no com-
LaGuardia climaxed his news
conference with a bitter exchange
with Hal Foust, Chicago Tribune
correspondent. LaGuardia refused
to answer any of Foust's questions,
launching an angry tirade against
the Tribune and ending by yelling,
"Shut up"
The argument started over Foust's
question as to how much money
other nations had paid into UNRRA.
LaGuardia replied he would not tell
him "because your dirty, lousy paper
would not print it anyway."
Chrysler Plants
To Be Closed '
For One Week
DETROIT, Aug. 20.-(P)-Chrysler
Corporation announced today that
because of a shortage of materials
and parts, both in its own and its
vendors' plants, production of pas-
senger cars and trucks in its various
plants will be halted for one week
beginning August 26.
The announcement said the period
of shutdown will be utilized for the
taking of inventory'and that opera-
tions designed to build up stock of
units for future assembly will be
No estimate was given of the num-
ber of production workers who will
be affected by the closing. The
corporation employs close to 70,000
hourly-rated workers.
Pollock Expected
In U.S. This Month
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the pol-
itical science department, who has
been on leave of absence in Germany
since last spring, is expected back in
the United States this month.
Prof. Pollock will resume his teach-
ing duties at the University this fall.
While in Germany, he was a special
advisor to the occupation forces on
problems of local and regional gov-
ernment. He has written a number
of books on the subject of German

Program Set
For Village


Negro Arrests
End Threat
Of Race War


UNE-UNRRA Director Fiorello H.
LaGuardia who refused to answer
a question put by a Chicago Trib-
une correspondent because "your
dirty, lousy paper would not print
it anyway."
Exchange Will
Take Books for
Sale This Week
"Turn in your books for sale by
the Student Book Exchange tomor-
row and Friday," Dick Burton, man-
ager of the cooperative venture urged
Book Exchange agents in dormi-
tories, League Houses, Fraternities,
Sororities, and Cooperative houses
will be on hand both days to accept
books and issue receipts for used
textbooks to be sold next semester,
according to Burton.
West Lodge Agent
Veterans living at Willow Village
can turn their books in right at West
Lodge to Mr. Chapman, the social
and recreational director, who will
be acting as a Book Exchange agent.
The Exchange office in the Michi-
gan League will be open to serve
students Thursday afternoon and all
day Friday, Burton announced.
Facility Pointed Out
He said that students can turn in
their books during registration or
the first few days of the fall sem-
ester but pointed out that it is much
easier to leave the used books at the
Exchange now rather than carry I
them home and back again.
The Book Exchange has been a
tradition at Michigan for many
years. Run by a volunteer staff, it
functions only during the first week
of the semester when the demand
for books is greatest. Each student
sets his own price on the books he
leaves for sale and he is paid for
them the week after the Exchange
Latin American
To Study Here
Thoracic Surgery Will
Be Molina's Specialty
Dr. Mahelz, Eduardo Molina, 33,
Argentine physician from Buenos
Aires, will attend the University this
fall as a graduate specializing in
thoracic- surgery.
Dr. Molina, one of 12 students from
as many Latin American countries
who received this year's annual tra-
vel fellowship awarded by the Insti-
tute of International Education and
Pan American World Airways, will
return to Buenos Aires after com-
pleting his work here, to do research.

An extensive Fall sports and social
program for dormitory students at
Willow Village was outlined yester-
day by Everett W. Chapman, Director
of Recreation at West Lodge.
Going by the slogan "All work and
no play will make Jack a dull boy,"
Chapman emphasized that ample
recreation and exercise will be pro-
vided for all the 1,800 students ex-
pected in the Willow Village dormi-
tories this fall.
Included in the sports program
will be basketball, touch football,
softball, handball, badminton, bowl-
ing, golf, horseshoes, pocket billiards,
table tennis, swimming, tennis, vol-
leyball, weight lifting, archery, fenc-
ing, and conditioning classes.
Most of these sports will be organ-
ized on a competitive inter-drmi-
tory basis. There will be 19 boys'
dorms and one girls' dorm, the latter
to be filled with 128 ex-servicewomen.
Chapman said that the women would
very probably be participating in
many of these activities.
A social program has also been
worked out. Weekly Friday night
dances will be held at West Lodge.
The first dance is scheduled for Octo-
oer 11. Jerry Edwards and his or-
chestra will furnish the music.
Stage productions, musical pro-
grams, and bridge and chess tourna-
nents are also contemplated.
Getting down to the practical de-
cais of organizing the sports pro-
gram, Chapman announced that the
week September 23 to 27 will be
Sports Week at Willow Village. Spec-
idl clubs will be organized for every
sport during this week. It will be
these clubs composed of the students
themselves, Chapman explained, that
will lay down the rules for each sport
and organize the dormitory leagues.
The gymnasium at West Lodge,
which has two basketball courts, is
reing readied for the indoor program
and a large amount of sport equip-
ment is now being appropriated.
Parade Near
Yugoslav Line
GORIZIA, Aug. 20 -('P)- More
than 10,000 troops of the crack U.S.
88th Division in full war gear paraded
in the Allied Occupation Zone of
Venezia Giula today, so close to the
dividing Morgan Line that Yugoslav
forces could witness the impressive
display of American might.
All troops who could be spared from
guarding the Morgan Line took part
in the spectacle, staged at a time
when Yugoslav's'relations with Bri-
tain and the United States were
plummeting to a new low.
The timing of the display appeared
to be at least partly coincidence, since
the occasion was the award of battle
honors. Some of the long series of
incidents heightening the strain oc-
curred after the military review had
been scheduled.
The 88th Division is the only U.S.
division in Europe still at fighting
The military display was viewed
here as highly significant.
Eyeing British Spitfires roaring
overhead, Lt. Gen. John C. H. Lee,
acting Supreme Allied Commander
in the Mediterranean, commented on
the close integration of British-Am-
erican forces in the 13th Allied Corps
occupying Zone "A" of Venezia Gi-
"A convincing demonstration of
Allied military power," Gen. Lee re-
marked after the last of the troops
wheeled past the reviewing stand.
Sell Your Used Books At
Student Book Bxchange

Mississippi Suspects
Sought in Ambushing
MAGEE, Miss., Aug. 20-(AP)-A
tense situation, which had threatened
race war in rural Smith County, ap-
peared ended late today with the ar-
rest of the last two Negroes sought
in connection with the ambushing
and wounding of four white men Sun-
day in a gun battle.
Garfield and Bill Craft, each re-
cently discharged from the Army,
came out of the Sullivan Hollow
Swamp and surrendered to Constable
Alex Sullivan, who took them to the
Strong Hinds County Jail at Jack-
The two gave up after a search
by hundreds of armed deputies and
citizen-possemen,, presumably in'
response to an appeal from their
mother, Rachel Craft, who went
into the woods today looking for
Another of the woman's sons,
Johnny Craft, an ex-Marine, ap-
peared at the County Jail in Jackson
early today and gave himself up. He
slipped out of the heavy cordon and
hitchhiked to Jackson.
Thesapprehension of Bill and Gar-
field swelled to 14 the,- number of
Negroes from sleepy Sullivan Hollow
now held in jail at Jackson. They
are wanted either for alleged connec-
tion with the trouble or as material
witnesses, officers said.
With all the hunted Neigroes
away from Magee, Mayor O. J. Big-
lane described the town as "quiet
as a Sunday school." Sheriff
George Hawkins of Smith County
went to Jackson tonight.
Garfield Craft said he did not par-
ticipate in the firing which started
when two peace officers and two spe-
cial deputies went to the Craft home
about 9 miles west from Magee, Miss.,
to arrest the Craft brothers in con-
nection with an earlier shooting.
Garfield Craft said that he grab-
bed his wife when the first shots
were fired and hid in a chimney.
After the firing ceased, he, his wife
and four sisters fled to the woods.
He said he decided to give himself
up because "there was nothing else
to do."
Bill Craft said he never, left his
home about 9 miles southeast of Ma-
gee, but was in bed most of the time
nursing a headache.
Record Crop Predicted
LANSING, Aug. 21.--PI)-If rains
are received in the southwestern fruit
belt in large ,enough amounts to in-
crease fruit sizes, all Michigan peach
production records will fall this year,
agriculture officials predicted today.

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