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August 21, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-21

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Overseas Army Schools
Need Givilian Teachers

Business School Schedules
Grad Real Estate Program


Civilian instructors for the Army
Education Program in Japan, Korea,
Manila, Okinawa and Germany are
needed for the Army of Occupation
schools for military personnel, the
War Department announced yester-
Instructors who meet army require-
ments will teach in schools open to
officers and enlisted men alike at
the high, school, junior college, trade
and technical school levels. Salaries
ranging from $3,600 to $5,100 while
overseas will be paid to instructors
with a bachelor's, or in some cases a
master's degree or its equivalent, plus
at least two years of "successful
teaching experience" in accredited
educational institutions. These qual-
ification do not apply to trade school
subject teachers.
Federal Tax
Revenues Drop,
Reports Show,
Liquor, Tobacco, Night
Club Collections Rise
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20-- (W) -
Federal tax revenues dropped $3,128,-
290,000 last fiscal year, due princi-
pally to decline in collections from
the excess profits tax,repealed after
V-J Day.
An Internal Revenue breakdown
today showed total revenues for the
12 months ended last June 30 of $40,-
672,096,000. The Excess Profits Tax
alone declined $3,181,031,000.
Corporation and individual income
taxes (including withholdings from
wages) dropped $239,766,000 and
$329,777,000 respectively, but there
were offsetting increases resulting
from the buying boom and spending
for pleasure,.
Liquor tax collections increased
$216,298,000 and tobacco taxes $233,-
374,000. Taxes on admissions to night
clubs, theaters and the like rose $57,-
801,000; those on club dues and in-
itiation fees $4,739,000.
Retail consumption tax on jewelry,
furs, cosmetics and luggage brought
the government $67,941,000 more than
a year earlier, and manufacturers'
excise taxes on various goods-au-
tos, gasoline, radios, phonograph
records, musical instruments and
others - yielded $140,160,100 more
than in fiscal 1945.

Transportation to and from the
overseas theatre will be supplied;
families will not accompany the in-
structors. Contracts run for 12
months, and, in exceptional cases, for
nine months.
Instructors are being hired for the
following subjects: accounting, art,
business administration, English, gov-
ernment and political science, math-
ematics, music, physical sciences,
psychology, social studies, mechan-
ical, electrical, agricultural, aeronau-
tical and automotive engineering, and
These instructors will have a stand-
dard work week of 40, hours, with
overtime payments in cases when
they are required to work up to 48
The schols are distinct from those
established for children of military
personnel overseas. They are design-
ed to help troops to complete their
high school training, prepare for
entering college, acquire skills in
mechanical trades.
Qualified teachers can learn more
about jobs by writing the Army Edu-
cation Instructor Selection Office,
641 Washington St., New York 14, N.
Joos Discusses
In Talk Today
-The use of the sound spectro-
graph as the future source of phonet-
ic data for linguistics studies will be.
'discussed by Prof. Martin Joos in a"
lecture on "Acoustic Phonetics" at
7:30 p.m. today in the Rackham Am-
The recent development of the.
spectrograph has revealed for the
first time the possibility of obtain-
ing a detailed and precise study of
the acoustic side of speech.
The instrumental records made by
the spectrograph provides a syn-
thesis of acoustic and articulatory
phonetics which can be discussed in
terms familiar to phoneticians'|"eat-
ly facilitating the problems of the
study of acoustics.
Sample spectrographs will be given
the audience at Prof. Joos' lecture.
During the war Prof. Joos, who is
a member of the faculty of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, was in the office
of the Chief Signal Officer


COL. E. R. BRADLEY BURIED-Negro servants from Col. Edward R. Bradley's Idle Hour Stock Farm are
shown carrying the casket of the noted sportsman out of St. Paul Catholic church, Lexington Ky. following
funeral services for the 86-year old horseman who died last Thursday.
in Review

Plans of the School of Business1
Administration for the fall semester
include a revival of the graduate pro-
gram in real estate and the expan-
sion of courses in the field of foreign
The one year real estate program,
which was offered before the war
and is believed to be the only one of
its kind on the graduate level, is ar-
ranged especially for graduates of a
general business course and is in;-
tended to give the student a year of
intensive work in the field of real
estate which will prepare him to go
into professional practice. In additiona
to basic courses offered in the busi-
ness administration school, 22 courses
in other schools and departments of
the University will afford the student
an opportunity toselect a particular
phase of real estate for more inten-
sive study.'
A one year scholarship to be
awarded by the faculty of the school
and open to graduates of accredited
schools or colleges who have a bache-
lor's degree, has been offered by the'
Ann Arbor Board of Realtors for the
Additional courses in foreign
trade wil be offered in the fall by
Prof. Dudley M. Phelps, who re-
cently returned to the school after
several years with the State De-
partment both here and in South
Two additions to the business ad-
ministration faculty for the fall have
been made. They are Herbert B. Mil-j
ler, associate professor of accounting,
and Howard Westing, associate pro-
fessor of marketing.
Prof. Miller, formerly of the Uni-
versity of 'Minnesota, will teach
courses in public accounting. He has
been review editor of the "Account-
ing Review" for several years. At the
time he took his Certified Public Ac-
Peace Wanted
Chinese Spokesman
Denies War Motives
NANKING, Aug. 20-G)-Wang
Ping-Nan, Communist spokesman,
told the Associated Press tonight that
the Chinese Communists "have no de-
sire to overthrow the government."
Commenting on a broadcast Mon-
day by the Communist Yenan radio
urging the Communist liberated areas
to "mobilize," Wang said:
"This (the broadcast) was not a
declaration of war. It was in no way a
mobilization of troops but merely
moral mobilization."
"We have no desire to overthrow
the government."
The Communists, Wang said in an
interview, want only unconditional
peace and a resolution of all problems
according to the decisions reached at
the all-party conference last Febr-

countant examination, he took top
honors in the country.
Prof. Westing is a graduate of
the University and taught here
several years ago. Since then, he
has served as a lieutenant in the
Navy, with the Office of Price Ad-
ministration in Washington, with
the Foreign Economic Administra-
tion and with the Department of
Construction is now under way on
the new building of the School of
Business Administration, to be lo-
cated on the corner of Tappan and
Monroe Streets,
British Accused
Of Censoring
By The Associated Press
The Calcutta riots brought death to
posibly 3,000 Moslems and Hindus,
yet dispatches published in this
country mention no damage to for-
eign-or British-personnel or pro-
The British Administration in In-
dia has been known to censor news
before, and there is circumstantial
evidence it still is on the job-such
as ordering American correspon-
dents out of government headquart-
ers, and issuing a vague communi-
que saying the "situation had im-
proved" just as the rioting had spread
to its maximum extent to the Hoogh-
ly River.
Newsworthy Facts Withheld
In view of the anti-British and an-
ti-foreign sentiment marking earlier
Indian riots (as last February, when
even American GI's got banged up)
the fact that there was none this
time-if there were none--should
have been newsworthy. Yet no cor-
respondent seems to have advanced
that claim.
If all this suggests that the full
story of the riots hasn't yet been re=
ported, it also suggests the possibly
terrifying tension which may have
prevented it.
Nehru Favors Rusisa
Jawaharlal Nehru, the Hindu lea-
der, declared last Thursday that In-
dia should "develop closer relations
with Russia," and that he hoped Rus-
sia would take part in an "inter-As-
ian bloc" which he is promoting.




rr iirirrr rrir s raiai rnrrri rrr

FEMALE HELP WANTED: School secretary.
This position requires both training and
experience in typewriting and shorthand.
This is a fine position -for a responsible,
capable person. Steady work and good
wages. Apply Dr. M. B. Rogers, Superin-
tendent of Schools at Willow Run Vil-
lage. Phone Ypsilanti 423. Ii evening
phone Ypsilanti 1413. (3
HELP . WANTED: Stenographer for part-
time work. Hours can be arranged.
Phone University ext. 433.,EVenings 3291.
Starting Wednesday, Aug. 28. Can take
single woman or couple. References ex-
changed. Write M. Emswiler, North Lake,
Gregory, Mich.
WANTED: 3 passengers to Los Angeles.
Share expenses, leaving Sept. 5, 42 Chev-
rolet in good condition. Call 2-4263.
ANYONE driving to Yellowstone or nearby,
willing to take passenger, call George
Smith, 7219, evenings.
WANTED: Ride to northern part of south-
ern peninsula,near Petoskey, either Sat-
urday or Sunday, August 25. Wiii share
expenses and will aid in driving if de-
sired. Phone Bill Langford 8177. (16
WANTED: Ride to Omaha or Soo City.
About 26 August. Share expenses and
driving. Write 1135 Southwick, Willow
Run. References exchanged. (8I
WANTED: Ride for two to vicinity of
Omaha, Nebra., leaving any time be-
tween August 22 and Sept. 7. L. H. Red-
fern 1067 Goshen Ct., Willow Run, Mich.
LOST: Parker "51". Silver cap with blue
body. Ttirn in to Daily, Box 55. Reward.
WILL THE PERSON who has taken a
biege Season Skipper coat from the
League lounge get in touch with Mar-
guerite Yagel, 914 Hill, or call 4546 and
get her own coat. (13
LOST: Large yellow, male, angora cat. Has
been gone since first of week. Telephone
2-3781. (9
WANTED: Room reasonably near campus
for veteran returning to school. Contact
Bob McFee, 311 Wenley House, 2-4401.
WANTED: School teacher and student hus-
band want apartment or rooms with
kitchen priveleges. Winn consider partI
time service. Permanent residents, good
references. Call Ryland, 8891.

WANTED: Veteran and wife to exchange
housework for board and room. Catho-
lics perferred but not essential. Call Mr.
Kennedy at 2-4282. (38
WANTED: Apartment for school teacher
and husband, good references, phone
Page 8891.
2-ROOM furnished apartment, Evanston,
Ill., on NU campus, all facilities, $50 per
month. Will exchange for furnished,
unfurnished small apartment or house
in Ann Arbor. Veteran and wife. Refer-
ence: Immediate occupancy. Write or
phone R. H. Galloway, 1730 Melrose St.,
Rockford, Ill., Main 2923.
HAVE NO HOPES but optimistic veteran
returning to academic life and working
wife urgently need furnished apt., room,
or what have you? Please call Detroit,
University 3-6286 collect day, night, or
WANTED: Quiet room in private home for
Junior medical student. Fall and Spring
terms. Will considernworking for room.
Call 2-2521, Ext. 353 evenings, or 4662.
* John Jadwin * Service. 855 Tappan
Avenue,Ann Arbor. Call 2-7412 for dem-
onstration. (30
PLAN for you fall suits and formals now.
Expert workmanship on custom-made
clothes and alterations. Hildegarde Shop.
116 E. Huron. Phone 2-4669. (10
MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better
price paid. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washing-
ton St. (4
ALL MEMBERS of Tau Kappa Epsilon
please contact John Sellars, 715 Oak-
land, or Thomas Stinson, 1324 North
University, or Dr. Charles Stocking, 250
Chemistry Building.
BOOKKEEPING: Monthly audits, state-
ments for fraternities, sororities, and
campus organizations. Nominal fee, call
Charles Koethen. Days, 2-7330. Evenings,
2-4925. (42
BARGAIN? Army officer will sell the fol-
lowing quality wearing apparel:
1. Blue pin stripe suit, size 39.
2. Grey plaid sport coat, size 37.
3. Palm Beach Suit, size 38.
All apparel made by Rogers Peet co.,
N.Y. Boston, worn only few times. Sixty
dollars will take the field. Phone 8000
or 1334 Hutchins St. after 4:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: New, 1946 Smith-Corona port-
able. Phone 2-7294.
D. Walter, 3297 Forest Drive, East Ann

Over 50 new grasses have been bred
at the University of California, Dr.
R. M. Love of California's College of
Agriculture announced. With the aid
of a plant-mutating chemical known
as colchicine, the experimentors have
developed new grasses which will
remain green and tender even during
hot, dry summer months.The new
strains, including over 20 new species,
survive admirably under dry condi-
tions on therplains. The scientists
are now selecting the finest of the
50 new grasses for vigor and growth,
and seed is being grown in large
scale tests.
* * *
Fly Murder.. .
An electrified screen, available
to fit windows and doors, consists
of two sets of bars, supported in a
metal frame. The bars, which are
electrified by a transformer oper-
ating at 10 milliamperes, set up an
electrical field which serves as a
barrier to insects, according to
Business Week. The moisture with-
in the bodies of insects, it is be-
lieved, causes the electric current
to complete a circuit from one bar
to another, and the device thus uses
only a dime's worth of current per
month and is harmless to humans
and animals.
* * * *
Sum mer 'Stains ...
The United States Department of
Agriculture recommends ammonia or
vinegar for removal of perspiration
stains from summer clothes. If the
stains are fresh, the spot is moisten-
ed with water and held over the
fumes from household ammonia wa-
ter. If the stains are a few days old,
however, and have turned alkaline,
moistening with very dilute vinegar
sometimes restores the color.
Radioactive Iodine .-
Radioactive preparations contain-
ing iodine are now the prescribed
curative for certain types of goiter,
which is a disease caused by mal-
functioning of the thyroid gland.
Administered by mouth, the cost is as
low as three dollars and eliminates
the necessity of surgical operation,
Dr. Earle M. Chapman of the Massa-
chusetts General Hospital, Boston, re-
ports. The ray-emitting element is
now procurable from the fission piles
at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
* * *
War Reversed,.. .
Man's usual warfare on insects,
to prevent their ruining his crops,
is being reversed in California,
where ranchers are planning to pit
insects against the prickly pear
cactus, which is enroaching upon
their grazing land, Business Week
reports. Two bugs of the squash
type have long sucking beaks and
suck the cactus pads dry in addi-
tion to spreading a bacterial di-
sease Two moths lay sticks of 50
eggs on prickly pear cacti spines
and their larvae pierce the pads,
eating the flesh and leaving the
cactus as a dead shell.

More Pineapples ...
The newly-synthesized weed killer,
2, 4-D, has been found to increase
the yield and quality of pineapples
in Hawaii when it is sprayed on in
highly diluted form. The results are
so marked that producers have in-
stituted 2, 4-D spraying as a regul-
ar routine on pineapple plantations.
The chemical apparently has a
growth stimulating effect on pine-
apples. Other fruits are being tested
to discover other possible effects of
2, 4-D;upon growth.
Scientists Honored .. .
Plastics developed from acetylene
have won a Stalin prize for Dr. Ivan
Nazarov, director of the organic
chemistry laboratory of the Academy
of Sciences in Moscow, Russia, ac-
cording to Science News Letter.
The research work produced a ser-
ies of organic compoundp of the vin-
lyacetylene homologues. These com-
pounds find applications in strong
glues to adhere glass, plastics, woods,
metals, stones, and other solids. Dr.
Nazarov produced other resins of
transparency by polymerization of
esters, glycols, and ethers produced
through the condensation of vinyl-
acetylene with certain keto com-
pounds. The Russian scientist is
known for his work on other organic
compounds as well.
Stalin Prize , , ,
Dr. Marie Petrova, famed woman
physiologist of the U.S.S.R., has
been awarded the Stalin Prize for
her researches upon conditioned re-
flexes in animals. In spite of the
terible conditions of besieged Len-
ingrad where Dr. Petrova did her
work, her investigations did not
* * *
Rug Safety .,..
Husbands, whose wives delight in
laying slippery little ornamental rugs
on waxed floors, will now have little
to worry about. Rubber anchors for
these scatter rugs will reduce acci-
dents by keeping rugs from slipping
on highly polished floors. The protec-
tive underlay, which is a sponge rub-
ber cushion, can be cut to fit any
size rug or runner. It can be cleaned
with damp cloths.
Glass Research.. .
Windshield icing and .interior fog-
ging are said to be eliminated by a
new development in glass research,
according to reports in Business
Week. The idea involves the use of
a permanent transparent coating that
successfully conducts an electrical
current over the glass panel. The de-
velopment is credited to William 0.
Lytle, a research engineer.
New Science Journal . ..
The newly-organized Michigan
Junior Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters is planning to issue the
first edition of its new Journal in
September, according to Prof.. G.
W. Prescott of the Department of
Botany, Michigan State College.
The Junior Academy is fostered by

the Michigan Senior Academy of
Science, which is affiliated with the
American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science.
All science, art, English, literature,
camera, and other such high school
clubs in Michigan are eligible for
membership in the Junior Academy,
whose headquarters may be reached
by writing to Prof. Prescott at Michi-
gan State College. Prof. Prescott,
who served as visiting professor at
the University's biological station in
Cheboygan during the summer, is
serving as Junior Academy sponsor
and correlator.
* * *
Fluorescein Dye .
Fluorescein, one of the most pow-
erful fluorescent chemicals known,
has long been used to trace under-
ground sources of contamination in
cases of typhoid fever. The crystal-
lized dye is thrown into the contam-
inated well and the wells in the
neighborhood are tested to observe
the fluorescence, if any. If any ap-
pears, the contamination is getting
into the second well.
T ' Students Are
Living at Co-op
University students Marjorie Lamb,
Rachiel Shields and George Cross-
man are among 56 college students
at Camp George West in Golden Col.
living this summer in a cooperative
community under the auspices of
the Lisle Fellowship.
The students participate in lec-
ture and discussion groups and in
community activities designed to
promote a "world-minded" point of
view through contacts with students
from all over the world. 18 states,
Hawaii and eight foreign nations are
Today and Thursday
with Bing- Crosby, Bob Hope
Dorothy Lamour
Continuous from 1 P.M.
- Now Thru Saturday -


..r. ..


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- Starts Today-
Eddie Albert in
Albert Dekker in -


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On the air
7:00 A.M. to
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in August
Dial 1050




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