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August 21, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-21

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See page 3


LVI, No. 36S






















rice Ceilings Are Restored On All Me


* * #

* *

* *

Diary Goods Still
Free of Control
Decontrol Board Ruling Unanimous
In First Exercise of Broad Powers
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.-The Price Decontrol Board last night or-
dered ceilings restored on all meats but directed that dairy products
and most grains shall remain free of control.
The Board also directed that price controls be restored on soybeans and
cottonseed products.
In this first exercise of its sweeping powers, the three-man board voted
On the items ordered back under controls, new ceilings to be determined
by OPA and the Agriculture Department will become effective Friday. The

Succumbs After
Prolonged Illness
Achieved National Fame as Coach
Of 1901-1905 'Point-A-Minute' Teams
Fielding Harris (Hurry Up) Yost died yesterday afternoon at his Ann
Arbor home.
The man who has done more than anyone else to put the University of
Michigan on the athletic map passed away suddenly after an acute gall-
bladder attack.
Although he had undergone several illnesses during the past few years
and only recently returned from! a Battle Creek hospital to his home, his

Britain May
Ask Control
Of Palestine

Sole Trusteeship
Opposed by Arabs
LONDON, Aug. 20-(P)-Britain
will ask the United Nations for sole
trusteeship over Palestine, a well-
qualified government source said to-
day, and there were immediate in-
dications the move would touch off
a widespread diplomatic battle for
control of the strategic Holy Land.
Arab sources inLondon said the
Arab. countries surrounding Palestine
would press instead for complete in-
dependence of the tiny country-
and' it was suggested that Egypt'
would ask for trusteeship if the in-
dependence move failed.
Diplomats Report
Diplomatic quarters said Russia,
which long has urged that the British
get out of Palestine and let Jews and
Arabs settle their own problems,
could be expected to oppose British
Trusteeship. The United States,
building an oil pipeline across Pales-
tine, could be expected to favor it,
they added.,
While the Jewish Agency for Pal-
estine made no official comment, a
spokesman said Holy Land Jews
would not oppose United Nations'
discussion of the trusteeship and
would accept any regime that gave
them "a fair share" of control over
immigration and certain other mat-
Plan Needed
The official who disclosed Bri-
tain's plan said it was necessary be-
cause the British League of Nations
mandate for Palestine expired with
the League. Without direct reference
to Winston Churchill's recent sugges-
"Britain will certainly not give up
the mandate and has not ever con-
sidered doing so," the official said.
Churchill had urged in effect that
Britain wash her hands of troubled
Palestine unless the United States
helped her solve the conflicting
claims of Jews for a National home-
land and of Arabs for independence
and an end to Jewish immigration.
Chemical 448'
Betters DDT
As Pest-Killer
WASHINGTON, Aug. ,20. - OIP) -
DDT has rival that not only kills
butdrep Las. The new substance, al-
ready available to the fly-swatting
public, is called "NMBI 448." It was
the 448th of approximately 3,000
compounds tested by the Navy's Med-
ical Research Institute in its xar-
time fight against mosquitos and
other insect pests.
Lt.-Comdr. Michael Pijoan, who
synthesized the substance, reported

Board ordered revival of the live-
stock subsidy payments which were
in effect last June 29.
This apparently will make it pos-
sible for OPA Administrator Paul
Porter to carry out his plan to roll
back retail meat prices generally to
the levels of June 30, when the price
controls expired.
Milk, butter, cheese, ice cream and
all other dairy food and feed pro-
ducts will remain free of ceilings.
Grain Listed
The decontrolled grains are wheat,
rye, corn, oats, feed oats, mixed feed
oats, barley and grain sorghums, as
well as any livestock or poultry feed
made entirely from ,any one or more
of the basic grains.
The board directed reestablishment
of price ceilings on flaxseed and by-
product grain feeds.
In the case of each item on which
ceilings were ordered restored, the
board found that
Board Fidings'
1. Prices have risen unreasonably
above June 30 ceilings, plus any sub-
sidy which was being paid them.
2. Supply is short.
3. Price control is "practicable, en-
forceable,-and in the public interest."
These were the yardsticks set by
In ruling against reestablishment
of ceilings on most grains, the board
said it had not found that recontrol
would be in the public interest.
Grains Supply
Supply of grains, the board re-
ported, "will be adequate when crops
are harvested to meet anticipated
See PRICES, Page 5
Price Control
Warns Dairies
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.-()P)-
The Price Decontrol Board warned
the dairy industry tonight that it
will clamp price control back on milk
and dairy products as it did on meat,
if prices go up.
Chairman Roy L. Thompson,.in a
broadcast plea for public support of
the Board's unanimous decisions on
price control, he declared that so
far dairy products have not risen
unreasonably above former ceilings
plus the amount of federal subsidies.
r Shortages will be inevitable,
Thompson said, but the three-mem-
ber board felt that any doubts should
be resolved in favor of the "stable
free market toward which we are all
working." For that reason, he added,
it was decided to givg dairymen "a
while longer to prove that dairy pro-
ducts will not rise unreasonably in
a free market."

FIELDING H. YOST-who died at his home yesterday, shoh here in a characteristic pose. The man who
had done more than anyone else to put Michigan o n the athletic map passed away suddenly. His career
at Michigan began in 1901, and actively ended in 1940. His tenure as head football coach ended in 1929
when he turned over the reins to Harry Kipke, one of his All-Americans. Yost-coached Michigan teams
won 164 games, lost 29 and tied 10.

Italy Requests
Treaty Revision-'
On War Record
Delegation Withholds
Approval of Proposal
PARIS, Aug. 20-M/P-Italy ap-
pealed today for a re-wording of the
Italian treaty preamble to give her
credit for a better war record, but
the Italian political and territorial
commission of the peace conference
failed to endorse her memorandum.
The door was left open for possible
preamble modifications, however,
since the delegation of any member
nation of the.conference may present
any of the ideas embodied in the Ital-
ian proposals as its own, to be voted
upon formally.
Memoranda Released
In addition to the document dis-
cussed by the commission during the
day, members of the Italian delega-
tion released tonight memoranda on
the treaty clauses themselves. These
new notes sought a softer peace for
Italy and discussed at length Italy's
frontiers-to-be with Yugoslavia and
the proposed free territory of Trieste.
One note urged the establishment
of an Italian-Yugoslav frontier east
of the "French Line" from Gorizia
northward, to give Italy the Upper
Isonzo hydro-electric works and the
future Trieste-Austria rail line "so
as not to let one and the same state
'Yugoslavia) control the means of
communication" from both Trieste
and Fiume.
Note Urges Raliroad
This note also urged construction
of a new rail line to assure Yugo-
slavia's communications in the zone
of Gorizia, leaving the already exist-
ing lines to Italy; inclusion of West-
ern Istria south of Cittanova and the
islands of Pola, Brioni and Bussino in
the free territory of Trieste.

L iterary Enroll1men t To
Iil Below Pre- War Par
It seems probable that fewer stu- le the largest group of students in
dents will return this fall to con- it administrative history.
tinue their studies in the literary The registration schedule, available
college than in the pre-war years, now in the registrar's office in Rm.
according to Dean Hayward Kenis- 4, University Hall has been set up to
ton of the literary college, accommodate approximately 6,000
Dean Keniston said yesterday that see LITERARY, page 5
he was still unable, however, to esti-
mate the actual number of students e
who will enroll in the literary college G oerini s
this fall.
Response to the requests mailed to G l i Hum an
former students to indicate their in-n
tentions for this fall was termed by
Dean Kenison as "quite satisfac- Exnerimentm
tory." To date, between seventy andw
eighty per cent of those students to NURENBERG --(I)- Reichsmar-
whom cards were mailed, have an- shal Hermann Goering, recalled to the
swered. witness stand, testified before the In-
In spite of the tentative conclusion ternational War Crimes Tribunal that
reached concerning the relatively he had no knowledge of experiments
smaller percentage of "old" students with live victims in concentration
expected in the literary college, the camps.
registrar's office is preparing to hand- ',-.n ah -

death came as a shock to all his
relatives. He had been active around
his house as late as Monday. No ar-
rangements have been made as yet,
but the funeral will probably be
. "Mr. Michigan" is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Eunice Yost, his s 6tt
Fielding, Jr., two brothers and a
sister. One brother, Ellis, lives in
Mt. Pleasant, while the other,
Nicholas, resides in Fairview, W.
Va. His sister, Mrs. Charles Berry,
lives in Morgantown, W.Va.
The name of Fielding Yost has
been revered throughout the sports
world for half a century. To Wolver-
ine followers, especially, he is a tra-
ditional, a familiar, and a well-loved
figure. His 'point-a-minute' elevens
in the early 1900's first established
Michigan's football reputation. As
athletic director Yost's personal ef-
forts brought into being the greater
part of the University's present out-
standing athletic plant.
The man who was to become a
guiding spirit of American football
was born 75 years: ago in Fairview,
W.Va. He received his high school
education at Fairmont. During his
boyhood, Yost was called upon to act
as the local marshal for his home-
town coal community, a good back-
ground for the rugged gridiron days
to come.
After a year at West Virginia
Normal he went to Ohio Normal
College at Ada, Ohio, now called
Ohio .Northern, He was intro-
duced to college athletics here, but
strangely enough, not in football.
He became the school's outstand-
ing baseball player, and for two
years was first baseman on the
Normal nine.
He left Normal in 1892 and entered
business, but after three years he re-
entered college, this time at the Uni-
See 'MR. MICHIGAN,' Page 3

U. S. Hits at


WASHINGTON, Aug. 20-=4M-,
An outraged State Department shot a
third stiff note to Yugoslavia today;
this time over an attack on an Ameri-
can transport plane forced to a crash
Word came from the Navy, at the
same time, that Adm. Marc A. MIt-
scher, Acting Commander-in-Chief
of the Atlantic Fleet, and Vice Adm.
Forrest P. Sherman, Deputy Chief of
Naval Operations, are enroute to
Europe. Details of their mission were
not disclosed but reports from Lon-
don said they would visit "troubled
Yugoslav Attack Denounced
The official American view that the
Yugoslav attack on an American
plane is an "outrageous performance"
was expressed by Undersecretary of
State Dean Acheson, who is in
charge at the State Department dur-
ing Secretary Byrnes' absence in
His voice edged with anger, the
usually mild-mannered Acting Sec-
retary adopted the unusual practice
of permitting his indictment to be
quoted directly, and went on to say
that the incident was not one to be
expected from a friendly nation.
Official Protest Revealed
He made public at his news con-
ference a "most emphatically" word-
ed official protest against the action
and the attitude of the responsible
Yugoslav officials, plus a stiffly put
"demand" for assurance that there
will be no repetition.
The note dealt primarily with an
attack on an American Army trans-
port plane Aug. 9 which was fired
upon by Yugoslav fighters and forced
to crash land in a cornfield after be-
ing forced off its course by bad wea-
ther. One passenger, apparently not
an American, was wounded.
But it included also a reference to
reports from Trieste that "a second
United States plane en route to Italy
from Austria is missing after having
last reported itself under machine
gun attack." Acheson said that plane
has not been located.
Tito 'Watches
U.S. Transport
Forced Down
LONDON, Wednesday, Aug. 21.-
(4)-M4arshal Tito, Premier of Yugo-
slavia, denied today in a statement
broadcast by the Belgrade radio that
an American transport forced down
in Yugoslavia on Aug. 9 had been
lost in the clouds.
Tito declared that Yugoslavia de-
sires peace, "but not at any price."
The broadcast said that Tito was
an eyewitness to the forcing down
of the American plane on Aug. 9,
explaining that he was vacationing
in Slovenia in the region "where the
American plane landed."

Wo men Vets


To Be Greeted
Servicewomen entering the Univer-
sity for the first time this fall will be
greeted by representatives of the Wo-
men Veterans Organization, accord-
ing to Ann Durnley, president of the
The newly formed group plans to
maintain a booth in the Rackham
Building during registration to greet
and assist the new women.
Both new and old women vets will
have an opportunity to "get acquaint-
ed" socially at an informal tea
planned for the first Friday after-
noon of the semester.

t e prosecution charges seen ex-
periments were for the benefit of
Goering's Luftwaffe.
Goering said that although he was
chairman of the Reich Research
Council all the experiments were
carried out by subordinates without
his knowledge.
"In 1944 I was forced to organize a
special department to prevent mis-
use of my name," he testified.
Apparently still rankling from a
prosecution summation by Justice
Robert H. Jackson in which the
American said the Reichsmarshal had
a "pudgy finger in every pie," Goer-
ing said, "I didn't have enough fat
fingers to put one into every low-
pressure chamber experiment."
The "prosecution cannot produce
a single order regarding these xperi-
ments whch was signed by nie," he

Truman Speaks
With Byrnes on
Yugoslav Crisis
With President Truman in the At-
lantic, Aug. 20-P)-Secretary of
State Byrnes gave President Truman
a full account of all developments in
the Yugoslavian situation tonight
with a transAtlantic telephone call
from Paris to the yacht Williamsburg.
Press secretary Charles G. Ross
disclosed this shortly after informing
reporters that the Presidential yacht
is headed now to a berth Thursday
afternoon at Bermuda.
"The President," Ross said, "has
no statement to make at this time."
He added that "whether he will have
a statement depends on developments
in Europe."~
The situation involves attacks upon
American transport planes and fight-
ing in the Trieste area.
Ross radio-telephoned newsmen
aboard the Navy ship Weiss a few
minutes after Byrnes and the Presi-
dent concluded their talk.
Ross said he had a call from the
Boston Record which had a report
that the President had telephoned
Byrnes presumably to give him in-
"The facts are Mr. Byrnes called
the President from Paris' about 5
p.m. (EDT)," Ross said. "Mr. Byrnes
apprised the President fully of all
developments in the Yugoslavian sit-

India Split Marks Opening Session'

EDITOR'S NOTE: Charles Bernstein,
former member of the Daily staff who
is now attending the University of
Geneva, Switzerland, is covering the
World Student Congress in Prague.
Further reports will appear in the fall.

thority of the Indian Student Feder-
ation which claims to represent both.
After proposals by China and Brit-
ain failed to settle the difficulty, con-
ference delegates shelved the prob-
lem for two days and set about the

drew a hot reply from the American
Alliance of Youth Builders who said
that "politics are everything."
But delegate Sevcov of Russia
scorned the delay of the Americans
and pleaded for immediate appoint-

one in expressing their liking for
Czechoslovakia, but they made no
mention of "Munich."
In a keynote address, American
delegate Austion spoke like Stettin-
ius. saying. "We earnestly wish." and

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