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July 06, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-06

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Prices--Pandora's Open Box








Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
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Managing Editors .. Paul Harshae, Milton Freudenheim
City News ............................Clyde Recht
University ............................ Natalie Bagrow
Sports .. .............. .. . .. Jack Martin
Women's....... .................... Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager .................... Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigatn Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

China Strife


LOS ANGELES--The enemies of price control
are discovering the people of America. That
is the story of these first few days in July. Much
loud talk in favor of price increases has died
down since the week-end. Some of the same
trade associations which, a week ago, were bold-
ly demanding price boosts, are today nervously
advising their members to hold the price line.
Price increases, suddenly, have ceased to be
good, clean fun; and the newspapers are heavy
with interviews with people who promise to try
and keep prices down. Part of this talk, at least,
is pious cant, for the Bureau of Labor Statistics
index of the cost of living shot up almost 8
points on Monday, and the sign-painters of Los
Angeles are swamped with work, revising price-
World Bakt'an
PRESIDENT TRUMAN proved that he can
hYake good appointments when he wants to
in nominating Fred M. Vinson to be Chief Jus-
tice of the United States and in naming Eu-
gene Meyer President of the World Bank. How-
ever, while these appointments give assurance
of first rate administrations in their respective
fields they of course cannot make up for the
bad or worse appointments that the President
seems generally so determined to make.
If it were necessary for Eugene Meyer to
prove his worth he did it by 'the first appoint-
ment that he made, that of Harold D. Smith
as Vice-president of the World Bank. There
can be no doubt that Mr. Meye will con-
tinue to make good appointments.
Harold D. Smith is an irreparable loss to the
Government, although he is a great gain to the
World Bank. During my years in Washington
I have not known a more devoted, able, consci-
entious and loyal public servant. He has added
greatly to the prestige of the Directorship of
the Budget. He is an excellent administrator. He
has performed well the functions of that of-
fice and he not only has added to its standing
but has greatly increased the scope of its ac-
tivities-all of this without any fanfare.
The simple fact is that Government salar-
ies for high administrative positions are not
adequate for the ability and personal sacri-
fices required. Unless these salaries are ad-
justed upward, other Harold Smiths will find
it necessary to leave and no new ones of com-
petence will be inclined to enter Government
service, particularly not at a time when they
can double or triple in private industry the
stipend that is offered by the Government.
Harold D. Smith was born in a small tow)
in Kansas in 1898. He comes from the very heart
of America of old American stock. In 1922 he
took a degree in engineering at the University
of Kansas and after graduation he became a
member of the staff of the Detroit Bureau of
Government Research, at the same time finding
time to take a Master's Degree in public admin-
istration at the University of Michigan. After
holding several responsible posts in public ad-
ministration, in 1937 he was made administra-
tive assistant to Governor Frank Murphy and
became State Budget Director and Financial
Administrative Assistant. He came to Washing-
ton as Director of the Bureau of the Budget in
To me it is unthinkable that this superb pub-
lic servant should be allowed to leave the Gov-
ernment with nothing more than the usual
trite and stereotyped letter which some one
writes and the President signs and causes to be
sent to those who resign, whatever may be their
qualities or the degree of their service.
Harold D. Smith ought to be given a Distin-
guished Service Medal. He did as much to-
ward winning the war as almost any General
or Admiral who could be named. I am in fa-
vor of conferring upon men in the armed'
forces decorations that they may really have
earned although there have been instances in
the past when men were decorated who wore
spurs on their heels, metaphorically at leat,
to keep their feet from sliding ofof a desk
that was as bare of work as grandmother's
face used to be of rouge and lipstick.

If soldiers doing desk work have been entitled
to a Distinguished Service Medal, and some of
them have been, then Harold D. Smith who did
at least as important desk work as any of them
should be given the distinction that he has so
richly earned. The United States should not be
as higgling in conferring distinctions that have
fully been merited as it has been in paying sal-
aries that are not commensurate with the ser-
vices rendered,
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

cards, upward. But the fact remains that those
who want price increases have, in less than a
week, gone on the defensive.
That is the first political victory Mr. Tru-
man has won by his courageous veto of the
ersatz price control bill; and he will win others.
Though price increases are taking place,
there is something furtive about them, and no
business man today mounts a soap-box in front
of his shop to say to the public as so many
witnesses said to Congress that to boost mark-
ups is to defend the American way of life. The
moral climate has changed. It could be said that
the advocates of higher prices have won a legal
victory, and lost their case.
Those who have followed the recent history
of reaction in America will not be surprised
by these developments, for extreme right-
wing circles do have a way of fooling them-
selves into believing that the peculiar private
language they talk is the common speech of
the nation. They will perhaps now be stun-
ned to discover that the general public re-
fuses to give approval to price increases, or
to invest them with moral grandeur.
And these circles may even have another sur-
prise ahead of them; they may discover that
though they command, at times, a majority in
Congress, it is perhaps still beyond their power
to fasten an inflation upon this country. For in
a free country, not even Congress has the final
word; there are secondary and tertiary lines of
defense, which go into play under sufficient pro-
vocation. The Los Angeles City Council has,
like the State of New York, clapped a ceiling
on rents. Other states and cities are considering
similar steps; and over and above all, there ho-
vers the threat of a buyers' rebellion, against
which "Pappy" Lee O'Daniel's oratory would
become a soundless mouthing.
It must have seemed so neat and easy,
in the smoking cars, and in the Congressional
cloak-rooms, to weaken price control and the
argument; but those who have taken this
course have not ended an argument, they have
only started one
They have opened a box of troubles for them-
selves; they have intruded into the area of hu-
man activity in which are determined the ques-
tions of how men make their livings, and feed
and shelter their families; and in this area,,
political activity is self-mobilizing. And it is be-
cause he is working in this area, but on the po-
pular side, that President Truman has made a
powerful speech and has suddenly become pow-
erful. The enemies of price control have won a
victory that is too hot to hold. And they cannot
put it down; their faces reveal their naive sur-
prise at the discovery that one thing leads to
another; and though they will fight, and fight
hard, they will fight from now on without that
wonderful fantastic arrogance that was theirs
when they were at ease among themselves be-
fore the door opened and the reality walked in.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Council's Twilight
It is sad to have to record that on Wednesday,
June 26, the first anniversary of the signing of
the Charter that brought the United Nations
into -being, the United Nations Security Council
celebrated by giving its worst exhibition of fu-
tility and ineptitude. It is very hard to see how,
after its performance over the Spanish question,
any nation, great or small, can have any in-
clination whatever to trust its problems, fears
or grievances to the Security Council for re-
dress, or any faith in the Security Council's
ability to hand down a just and equitable judg-
It is easy to put the finger of blame on Russia
and Mr. Gromyko for this unhappy state of af-
fairs: to say that if the Soviet delegates had
not been so reckless in their use of the veto in
the Council, none of this would have happened.
By using their veto power, the Russians have
been cutting off their noses to spite their faces,
and have achieved precisely the opposite result
from the one they desired. By demonstrating
the complete incapability of the Security Coun-
cil to reach any positive and practical decisions,
they have reduced its authority and prestige to
zero in the eyes of the world and its govern-
ments. If the Security Council is patently in-
capable of doing anything about anything, is
anybody likely to give it anything to do?

Without work to do, the Council -will inevi-
tably atrophy from inanition and-here is the
joker as far as the Russians are concerned-
power, authority and prestige within the United
Nations will pass from the Council to the Gen-
eral Assembly. Which is just what the Russians
fear and dislike the most, and have been do-
ing their best to avoid.
-New Republic

I, r t




1 1r t . i


"Must be election time. Ze government is building ze
party's platform."



Occupation in Norway

of the Far Eastern situation who has re-
cently returned from China, bad blood between
the Nationalist and Communist factions pre-
cludes settlement of the present conflict through
Looking at the whole picture realistically,
the situation is one of irrepressible conflict, and
complete reconcilation does not seem possible.
The Communist problem in China was a
"sticky" one for the American forces stationed
there, because the Kuomintang government
was the only one officially recognized. How-
ever, the problem ante-dates the war. Mutual
suspicion, friction and fighting existing -be-
tween the two groups goes back to 1927 when
the Nationalistic government first began per-
secution of the Communists.
In addition to political differences, the prob-
lem has its socio-economic aspect, of the "haves"
(the upper middle classes) versus the "have-
nots" (the small landowners). The Communist
plan would eliminate much of the material inter-
ests of the former group.
Since China is 85 per cent agrarian, the prob-
lem is mainly one of the "good earth." The
Communists have made their appeal to the
Chinese, largely a, nation of "have-nots," by
promising them concrete improvements such as
less taxes and more land. The Nationalists have
nothing to combat this. They hale no social
program with popular appeal.
The average Chinese farmer is a practical
man. He doesn't know about the Communist
doctrines or, Karl Marx. He cares only for the
concrete promises of this group. The Communist
program has found success in the poorer north
of China, where 3t has been administered. hon-
estly. Now they have gained control in the rich
Yangtze River valley. It will be interesting- to
see. if Communism can stand prosperity, and
the answer to this question will also have re-
percussions in the poltical field.
In spite of the fact that Gen. Marshall is
well-equipped to handle the situation and has
the respect of both the Communist and Nation-
alist factions, the present discussions may prove
of only academic value because of the limita-
tions of diplomacy. Excesses on both sides have
been so terrible as to create an almost impene-
trable wall of hate.
Aarshall has managed to secure agreement to
certain compromises such as forming a national
Chinese army, with a quota of Co nmunist
troops. However, this plan never actually went
into effect because certain die-hard Communists
fear reprisals once they are disarmed.
The major difficulty in present negotia-
tions and the keynote, of the inability to make
peace compromises stick lies in the fact that
each side lacks confidence in the promises of
the other. The history of the relations between
the two groups is one of broken promises and
treachery on both sides.
It is possible that the "liberal section of the
Kuomintang party may be able to unite with
more "conservative" Communists and in that
way establish an "entente". However, both .of
these groups to which Gen. Marshall looks for
support, are relatively weak t the present time.
rharfnwrp +is ,snkitiAn i snt. ntt all crtain .n-

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
reprinted by permission of Prof. Stene
from "The American-Scandinavian Re-
view," Summer 1946. Prof. Stene, who is
on the faculty of the University of Os-
lo, where she taught English during the
German Occupation of Norway, spoke at
the Linguistic Institute here yesterday.
HE BASIC question facing Eng-
glish studies in Norway under
German occupation was, of course,
to be or not to be. This was a politi-
cal issue. So was the problem of the
character of texts and other mater-
ial used in teaching and in advanced
studies. But the latter was also a
question partly dealt with behind
the backs of the occupying power.
The methods used in teaching and
study in order to overcome the ;pe-
cial difficulties created by the iso-
lation as well as the maintenance of
standards, was a field to which the
enemy-in the nature of things-
was barred from access.
In our educational system, foreign
languages, and English in the first
place, comes in at all levels--at the
elementary, the secondary, and the
university stage. The experience of
the war made alert people in the
educational field keenly aware that
education is one, that it did not
make much difference whether stu-
dents were elementary first-graders
or were doing advanced research
work; for in all casesit was our task
to protect their right to free inves-
tigation, to neutralize theenemy's
efforts to regiment them physically
and spiritually, and if possible, to
aid them in acquiring skills and
knowledge which would make it pos-
sible for them to main.tain freedom
of thought and intellectual and mor-
al integrity.
Therefore any enemy attack on
any part of our educational system
wa>> an attack on the whole. We have
a concise proverbial phrase in Nor-
wegian: "Today you, tomorrow me."
The Nazis did not normally try a
frontal attack on the whole system;
tVey tried to single out one group
for attack at a time, on the prin-
ciple of "divide and conquer." Hence,
issues that were common to all,
might be fought by one group, some-
times' at one level, sometimes at
another. Thus the issue of banning
of books was fought at the Univer-
sity level; compulsory introduction
of texts at the elementary and part-
ly at the secondary level; the issue
of "political reliability" as a pre-
requisite for access to higher educa-
tion (on the German pattern), by
the entrants to teachers' training
colleges. (To guard against a com-
mon misunderstanding I had better
point out that in spite of the enemy's
intensive and drastic efforts to
achieve this aim, Norwegian educa-
tion was not Nazified, nor was Nazi

material used in teaching. The
enemy might curtail, but was unable
to interpolate.)
* * *
IN THE 1930'S English was, by leg-
islative action, made our first
foreign language. It was introduced {
in the elementary schools and also
in the teachers' training colleges.
Earlier, German had been the first
foreign language, started in secon-
dary scnools, with English coming
second, a year later. This change re-
presents a culmination of a tendency
in our cultural life and general ori-
entation. Traditionally our academic
life has been strongly oriented to-
ward the European continent, par-
ticularly Germany. For advanced
study, people went to Germany. In
the schools they had acquired good
knowledge of German, and real Ger-
man easily. But our economic life
was oriented westward, to the Eng-
lish-speaking world. And, in the
19th century, from the 1850's on,
popular, democratic movement work-
ed for an increasing orientation west-
ward also in the secondary schools,
which were then dominated by the
traditions of classics and German.
The more radical movement stressed
the importance of a science, English,
and our own cultural traditions, in-
cluding old Norse. Step by step these
subjects were placed on the curricu-
lum and gained ground.
The strong position of English in
our school system was thus a fairly
recent achievement. And the marvel
is that on one point it was even
strengthened while the Germans
were in power. By the school law
of 1935 English was introduced into
the elementary schools, with five
hours a week in each of the two up-
per grades. In the simultaneous
changes in the secondary schools,
English had been cut off at the top
on the science side and on the
classical side . .. In May 1939 Helga
Stene pointed out that these students
would stop learning English before
they were mature enough to acquire
the abstract romance part of the vo-
cabulary, and this would be a handi-
cap for them in studying thir spe-
cial subjects . . . The plans (which
were not yet in force) were revised,
and this revision, increasing English
on the science side by two hours tak-
en from German and one from
mathematics, was passed by the cab-
inet the week before the German
invasion of Norway.
After the German invasion, the
Ministry of Education headed by Dr.
Seip, Rectbr of the University, in
the period- of the Administration
Council (April-September 1940) had
this legacy from the government. As
good patriots they put the decision
into force, and published it in a
circular to the schools issued in the
summer of 1940, but so unobtrusively
formulated that the fact that there
was a change could only be discover-
ed by keen and well-informed read-
ers. The Nazis never discovered it ...
BUT, one may ask, how were stan-
dards kept up under the diffi-
culties attending active work? It has
meant that our advanced students
have not had the opportunity we
would have liked for the widest pos-
sible reading, and that they have had
to struggle against heavy odds in de-
veloping such a thing as oral flu-
ency. But, on the whole at all levels,
the standards in in English have
been maintained an amazing de-
gree. The students have gone to
their work with a will, they have
loved the English language, partly
for its intrinsic interest, and partly
because learning English well was

Publication in the Daily Official Bi
letin is constructive notice to all men
hers of the University. Notices for ti
Bulletin should be sent In typewritte
form to the office of the Summer Se
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.r
on the day preceding publication (11:
a.m. saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 4S
Every undergraduate house is
quired to send the president or
representative to a Judiciary me
ing which will be held in the Mic
gan League on Monday, July 8,
4 p.m.
New Registration will be held
all students not previously registe
with the Bureau of Appointments
Monday, July 8 at 3:00 in Room
Mason Hall. This applies to b
students and. faculty interested
either Teaching or General positic
Only one registration will be h
during the summer. All students v
will want appointments next year
urged to come to this meeting.
Women students interested in I
ing care o children may regi
in the office of the Dean of Won
Their names will be placed on
sitters list.

Pi Lambda Theta will hold its first
meeting of the summer on Tuesday,
July 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. On the agenda are installation
of officers for the summer, a brief
business meeting, and a reception for
all Pi Lambda Thetans on camps,
whether members of this or other
chapters. All Pi Lambda Thetans
are cordially invited to be present.
The Unversity of California has
half time teaching assistantships in
its nursery school. For details call
the Bureau of Appointments, Ext.
Michigan Sailing Club: Members,
officers, and all those interested in
joining: There will be a meeting at
the Michigan Union Saturday, July
6 at 1 p.m. After the short meeting
we will go to the lake and work on
the boats.
All householders interested In ob-
taining the names of students to care
for children as baby sitters may pro-
cure this nformation by calling the
Office of the Dean of Women.
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike or canoeing, depending
on the weather, on Sunday, July 7.
All graduate students interested
should meet in the Outing Club
rooms in the Rackham Building at
2:30 p.m. Use the northwest en-
There will be a lecture by Thomas
Diamond, Professor of Vocational
Education at 4:05 p.m., Monday, July
8, in the University High School Aud-
itorium. The topic will be on "The
Place of Vocational Education in
Academic Notices
Graduate students may not drop
courses without record nor add
new courses after Satrday, July 8.
Courses may be dropped with record
from July 8 until July 27.
By a' recent ruling of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School,
courses dropped after July 27 will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Faculty Chamber Music Program:
Rackham Lecture Hall, Sunday eve-
ning, July 7, 8:30. Gilbert Ross and
Lois Porter, violinists, Louise Rood,
violist, Oliver Edel, cellist, Lee Pat-
tison, pianist. The program will in-
elude Schubert's quartet in A-Minor,
Op. 29, Quartet No. 7 for two violins
by Quincy Porter, a guest faculty
member for the Summer Session, and
will close with Schubert's Trio in
B fiat major, Op. 99, for piano, vio-
lin and cello.
Coming Events
French Club : The first meeting
of the Summer Session French ub
will take place on Monday, July 8,
at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Professor Charles R. Koella, of the
Romance Language Department, will
talk informally on: "Ou va Ia
France". Election of officers, French
songs. Social hour. All students on
the campus are cordially invited to
our weekly meetings, which are free
of charge.
If reconversion bogs down and de-
velops into a slump, it will be due
to one thing only: the failure of
labor and management to agree on


teyig 46 . HN..p.,.. b4 f."-


There must be a mistake. I did There's your name. And
not advertise a house for sale. Alikeyy address. In the paper.
A ieystory.
pIt's an outrage
s O


By Crockett Johnson
WAait, m'boy. Your father has the
situation in hand. My! the power
of the press- All those people
responding fo my simple ad-Ilf
staggers one's imagination...
C )

I I I . - 1, ; , k " , I I I

I can't get over it. Who could
have advertised an imaginary

I agree. But why did your
name appear in the paper?


Gosh, Mr. O'Malley- You didn't
speak to the people who answered

Reg. U. S.P.'. Opt
If makesIone wonder... If
1_ 1 _ - _ - -- |1t M




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