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July 06, 1946 - Image 1

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LVi, No. 49



ew Deadlock
locks Peace

Camps Add to 'U' Roll;
Local Attendance 9,051


Soviet Obstacles
Holding Up Parley
PA IS, July 5--(P)-Russia raised
ojjatacles to the formal calling of a
pean peace conference on July
29 and today's session of the four-
power foreign ministers ended in a
_,deadlock after almost,four hours of
discussion, Senator Vandenberg
(Rep.,uMch.) said tonight.
Soviet oreign Miister V. M. Mo-
lotov argued that China should not
be one of the power, issuing the in-
vitations along with the "Big Four,"
.nd insisted that rules of procedure
should be drafted and approved by
the ministers before formal invita-
tions were issued for the 21-nation
k nference, Vandenberg said.
A deadlock arose on both questions,
although U.S. Secretary of State
James F. Byrnes indicated his will-
ingness to capitulate to Russian ar-
guments barring China as an invit-
ing power if the invitations were
Issued immiediately, one American
informant explained.
China is one of the members of
the five-power foreign ministers
council set up at Potsdam last Au-
gust, and which met in London last
fall. The present meeting is con-
fined to the foreign ministers of the
United States, Russia, France, and
The ministers scheduled their next
meeting tomorrow afternoon when
their deputies are to report on the
question of rules of procedure.
Molotov suggested that the deput-
ies take over the question of draft-
ing the invitations and formulat-
ing rules, and that the ministers
themselves turn to the German ques-
tion, the informant added.
One American source said that this
would have blocked further move by
Byrnes to bring up the peace con-
ference queeston, since Germany
then would be considered the first
order of business.
Sigler's Slate
Sweps GOP
State Nominees
DETROIT, Mich., July 5-(P)-,W
Michigan's Republican convention{
went down the line today for Kim
Sigler, the party's candidate for gov-
ernor, and nominated his hand-
picked slate for the top state offices.
The Sigler forces took immediate
command behind a Wayne County
steamroller and chose the following,
all given the nod by Sigler last night,
to run with the silver-haired former
grand jury prosecutor in the Novem-
ber general election:
Secretary of State--Fred M. Agler,
of Grosse Pointe,
Attorney General - Eugene F.
Black, of Port Huron.
Treasurer-D. Hale Brake, of
Auditor General-Murk K. Aten,
of Jackson.
Brake was the only incumbent re-
nominated to his job.
Discarded by convention vote were
Secretary of State Herman H. Dig-
nran, of Owosso, and Attorney Gen-
eral John R. Dethmers, of Holland.
Auditor General John D. Morrison,
of Mlarquette, did not permit his
name to go up for vote after Deth-
mers moved that Black's nomination
be made unanimous before the vote
for attorney general was officially
announced. Black was ahead at the
The convention nominated Su-
preme Court Justice Leland W. Carr,
of Lansing, for an unexpired term
on the high bench which expires Dec.
31, 1947. At present, he is an ap-
pointee to the court.

Sigler's crushing strength was ap-
parent from the first and Dignan lost
his job by a 949 to 618 vote. Dignan
received only 17 of 467 Wayne county
Russian Expert,
Defends Redin
SEATTLE, July 5-(W)--A Russian
shipping expert today refused under
intensive cross examination in the
Redin espionage-conspiracy trial to
reveal items of information on an
unidentified Russian destroyer tend-
er, as it existed three or four years

Campus 'Reaches'
To Mexico, West
Off-campus activities usually over-
looked by causual observers brought
up the enrollment to the 11,000 fig-
ure estimated before the opening of
this semester, Dr. L. E. Hopkins, sum-
mer session director, revealed yes-
Camps and summer courses from
Wyoming to Old Mexico have swelled
the enrollmert to the pre-season
estimate, even though campus regis-
tration stands at only 9,000, Dr. Hop-
kins. said.
University camps, which Dr. Hop-
kins emphasized are an integral part
bf the on-campus instructional pro-
gram, range from the Fresh Air
Camp near Ann Arbor to the Geo-
logy and Surveying Camp in the
highlands of western Wyoming.
Camps having the largest enroll-
ment are Filibert Roth, the forestry
camp near Iron River; the National
Music Camp at Interlochen: the Bio-
logical Station at Cheboygan; and
Camp Davis, the geology and geode-
tic surveying camp in the Wyoming
Jackson Hole country.
Activities having an equal edu-
cational value, Director Hopkins
said, are the archaeological station
across Lake Huron at Killarney, Ont.,
the geography station at Wilderness
Park near Mackinaw City, operated
in cooperation with the State De-
partment of Conservation; the Fresh
Air Camp offering study opportun-
ities for education and sociology stu-
dents to study child behavior: and
the Speech Correction Clinic at
Many graduate students, also, are
working at the four state teacher's
colleges at Ypsilanti, Kalamazoo, Mt.
Pleasant, and Marquette. At Ypsi-
lanti, as an example, handicapped
children are being helped lead nor-
mal lives and blind teachers are be-
ing taught themselves in the meth-
ods of instructing others.
Even Mexico is feeling the impact
of the University's summer program,
Director Hopkins declared. With the
cooperation of the Universities of
California, Texas and the- National
University of Mexico, a number of
University students are studying
courses in Spanish, and Mexican
and Indian culture.
City Restricts
Food Drive To
The city drive to bring aid to the
world's starving peoples will be li-
mited this summer to a conservation
program in local restaurants, Carl
Cress, chairman of the Ann Arbor
Famine Emergency Committee said
Reporting that from $9,000 to $10,-
000 was raised in the combined city
and University money collections
during the spring, Cress said that, in
view of the uncoordinated character
of the national campaign, he con-
sidered the city record an enviable
Restaurants contacted by the Fa-
mine Emergency Committee have
cooperated in varying degree, Cress
said, pointing out that some replied
to the committee's conservation pleas
with letters, while others failed to

'Old Days' Back for
Women on Campus
Virtually complete registration fig-
ures released yesterday by Registrar
Ira M. Smith showed 9,051 students
on campus for the summer session,
with more than half of these veter-
The "good old days" were restor-
ed for campus coeds with qiore than
f our men on campus for every
Included in the total are 807 stu-
dents for whom sufficient informa-
tion has notyet been forwarded from
the various off-campus activities to
permit a breakdown of these names
into men, women and veterans.
Full information is available on
8,244 of the 9.051 students and shows
the following: veterans total 4,839
126 of whom are women. Non-
veterans number 1,212 men and 2,135
women or a total of 3,347, while 57
men are studying under special Army
contracts. On campus, but not in the
Summer Session totals are 106 fresh-
man medical students.
Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, is expecting ap-
proximately 1,800 veterans to arrive
on campus in August. The addition
of these students, he . pointed out,
will bring the Summer Session total
close to the predicted 11,000.
Comparable figures show that 2,-
893 students (with 93 veterans) reg-
istered for the eight-week Summer.
Session in 1945, with 2,600 (including
292 veterans) attending the 16-week
summer session. With 617 Army and
1,127 Navy students included this
made the 1945 campus total reach
369 Foreign
Students Listed
This Semester.
Revised figures show that there is
a total of 369 students from outside
the continental United States en-
rolled for the Summer Session, Dr.
Esson M. Gale, director of the Inter-
national Center, revealed yesterday.
Of these students, 52 are United
States citizens of Oriental ancestry
or from the Canal Zone, Hawaii and
Puerto Rico.
The total of 369 compares with
over 600 enrolled for the spring se-
mester. The decrease is accounted
for, Dr. Gale said, by the absence of
foreign students who will reenroll
in the fall. Over 100 of these are
expected to return.
On the other hand, he continued,
of more than a hundred who grad-
uated in June, only a handful is be-
ing replaced by new arrivals. This,
he explained, is due to the necessary
limitation which has been imposed
on out-of-state students because of
congestion in certain departments
and the scarcity of living accommo-
dations now characterizing Ann Ar-
University authorities regard the
situation as temporary,;Dr. Gale said.
As soon as housing facilities are in-
creased and returning veterans pro-
vided for, some resumption of the
foreign student enrollment may be
The foreign nations or U.S. posses-
sions with the largest numbers of
students enrolled here are China,
with 70,. India, with 51, Canada, with:
39, Turkey, with 35,

'No New OPA Bill Before Monday;
Rep. May 'Used High Pressure'
For Friends, Says Gen. Cam-pbell

House Military
ar Contractor'
War Profits Probe
Hears Ordnance Head
Gen. L. H. Campbell, Jr., wartime
chief of Army Ordnance, compiain-
ed today that Rep. May (Dem., Ky)
put "special pressure" on him to help
an Illinois munitions manufacturer.
The General supplemented previous
testimony that May, chairman of the
House Military Committee, had been
active in behalf of an industrial com-
bine that reaped big profits from
war contracts.
He told the Senate War Investigat-
ing Committee that he "got reu un-
der the collar" over May's insistence.
"It was unfair to me," said Camp-
bell, now a vice president of the In-
ternational Harvester Company. He
said That at the time he was "up to
the neck" in the gigantic job of
arming the U.S. forces and didn't
have time for that sort of thing.
His testimony came as the com-
mittee pried deeper into the affairs
of 19 closely linked concerns and
their officials. It produced these
1. An assertion by Brig. Gen. T. S.
Hammond that the Erie Basin Metal
Products Company had beea given
the Army-Navy "E" award for pro-
duction over the obkections of the
Chicago Ordnance Office that it
"didn't meet half the requirements.'
2. Testimony by Campbell that
May had introduced Henry Garsson
to him over the telephone and asked
him to see Garsson. The latter has
been described by Army officials os
"the brains" behind the Illinois com-
3. Introduction of a War Depart-
ment transscript of a telephone con-
versation which quoted Col. John
Slezak as saying Garsson "uses Con-
gressman May and Congressman May
goes beyond the limits of propriety
in getting things done."
4. Signs of resentment among mem-
bers of Congress over the practice
of recording congressional ' calls.
Speaker Rayburn (Dem., Tex.) ex-
pressed displeasure and Republican
Leader Martin of Massachusetts
termed it a "mean practice."
5. A denial from Campbell that
Secretary of War Patterson, as un-
der secretary, had discussed with him
a war contract for the Garssons.
World News
At A Glance

apparently unharmed palm trees on Bikini atoll as Seabees, using an
amphibious truck, work on the beach in preparation for the second
atom bomb test scheduled for the near future. This photo was trans-
mnitted from the U.S.S. Appalachian to San Francisco via joint Army-
Navy Task Force One radiophoto.
* * * * * *
U.S. Proposes International
Ownershi of All Atomic Ores

Palestine Arms Cache

. . .

Eighty-Two Michigan Students
Win All 'A' Scholastic Honors

Eighty-two University of Michi-
gan undergraduates made the vaunt-
ed all-A list for the spring term of
1946, the University Registrar's of-
fice announced yesterday.
Headed by a group of 63 students
from the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, with 19 more
from the other various colleges and
schools, the list includes twelve grad-
uating seniors.
Seven students from the School of
Fore try and Conservation, five from
the chool of Public Health, two
from the College of Architecture and
Design, three from the School of
Education, and two from the School
of Music, plus the Literary College
students, make up the list.
The following students are listed:
Literary College: Edward G. Baker;
William W. Baker; Murray G. Bar-
on; Victor J. Baum; Morris Bern-
c-.4,"4R. * Un rFa r A- * TinQ lin ,rC. A

Richard Ray Horning; Ivan Ishiguri;
Esther M. Jackson; Edward P. Kane;
Marilyn Jean Keck; Jack Arnold
Koh; Robert H. Krause; William D.
LaBaw; Miriam Levy; John W. Lin-
Dolores D. Marsik; Richard K.
Meinke; Joyce Pearlman; Helen J.
Perry, Eleanore Putter; Nancy
Raush; Nancy Ringland; Ann Robin-
son; Mary Margaret Robinson; Gret-
el Shinnerer; Carol Ann Schneider;
Ann Eva Schultz; Betty Lou Sikke-
ma; William G. Sinnigen; Phyllis
Smith; Warren L. Smith; Willis B.
Snell I; Sue Ann Snyder; Melvin
J. Spencer; Barbara Storgaard; Rob-
ert L. Taylor, John Brandt Trezise;
Alvan Uhle; Marjorie Van-Eenam;
Grace Wood; Frank A. Woods; Rob-
ert D. Woodward.
Forestry school: John J. Baldwin;

JERUSALEM, July 5-(A)-British
military authorities pressing their
hunt through the tense Holy Land
for illegal arms said today they had
seized 667 German mortar bombs
and a large amount of British battle
dress hidden in a bull's stall at
Mesheq Yagur, Jewish settlement
near Haifa.
Red Press Hits U.S...
MOSCOW, July 5- - Three
Russian newspapers assailed Amer-
ican actions in China today, de-
claring that U.S. capital was help-
ing to push China backward into
the position of a semi-colonial
country and that Americans were
politically supporting reactionary
Challenges War Trials ...
NUERNBERG, July 5-(P)-Coun-
sel for Joachim Von Ribbentrop to-
day challenged the right of the Allies
to try Germans as war criminals,
contending the Potsdam Agreement
recognized that Germany would con-
tinue as a nation and therefore that
only Germany should be conducting
such prosecutions.
* * *
French Seat Reynaud,. ..
PARIS, July 5-(P)-The Consti-
tuent Assembly, over Communist
opposition, voted 298 to 132 today.

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