EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth of a series of nine articles on the football
prospects of Michigan's scheduled 1946 opponents.
AT THIS DATE the Wildcat of Northwestern isn't the sleek symmetrical
beast he will be next fall. He's bulging in some spots, emaciated in
others and "Pappy" Lynn Waldorf still has the task of trimming off the
non-working blubber and transferring it to cover the leaner sections.
The Wildcat is bulging at the guard spots. There's All-Conference Jim
Lecture, a 230-plus mammoth who may come in for All-Everything talk
next winter, and Francis Depauw, back from last year. Ray Justak, 1944
team captain, and Vince DiFrancesca, 1942 regular, are back from the
service to fight it out for guard jobs. Then there's Ray Norman and Odd
Anderson, a couple of newcomers, who shone in Spring practice.
Center, the Wildcat's waistline, could stand some padding. Bob Piros,
last year's custodian is among the missing, and zio other experienced
pivotman is available. Chuck Tourek, baseball and basketball letterman, is
the outstanding candidate. Tackle Anderson had a crack at the job in the
spring also, but both boys are inexperienced.
In the fullback section the Wildcat is positively obese. A couple of
topnotehers provide the Purple with an overabundance of experienced
line smashers. Ed "Buckets" Hirsch, '41, '42 standout, is a little bigger
than Vic Schwall, chief bucker in '43, and a bit faster than Larry
Adelman, who shared duties with Hirsch in 1942.
BUT A QUICK LOOK from the fat fullback section to the tackle sectors
is a quick look at a relatively undernourished region' Only Dick Eggers,
a '43 regular, has had varsity experience. A host of returned servicemen,
including Bernie Knauer, Jess Hammerman, Joe Sewell, Nick Zelenick, Al
Lindeman, and Jim Young, are in a dogfight for the tackle posts.
"Pappy" doesn't have an experienced quarterback available, either, but
he isn't too worried because a duo of ex-high school passing- aces are
ready to step into Jim Farrar's T-Formation shoes. They are Bob Baggot
and John Malloy. Julie Siegle, a letterwinner at end in 1942, has also been
working from the quarterback post.
The Wildcat's flanks are far from lean in spite of the loss of All-American
Max Morris. Stan Gorski, last year's regular right end, and his alternate,
Ken Wiltgen are both back, along with Jerry Vick, a lanky pass catching
specialist, who came along fast at the end of the campaign. Bill Ohland,
1943 regular, is out of the army and looking for his old job back. In ad-
dition to these two pair of flankers, Joe Zuravleff showed favorably in
spring workouts. Jim Holland, outstanding all-around negro athlete from
Rock Island, is also expected to put in a strong bid for heavy duty at one
of the end posts.
A T THE HALVES, the Wildcat looks hefty enough. Frank Aschenbrenner
has slipped out of his bluejacket and into Waldorf's backfield. The
flashy ex-sailor is one of the boys who ran all over Notre Dame last fall
when he was at Great Lakes. Dick Conners, one of the Big Nine's fanciest
scatbacks, is now a senior. Conners made some of the longest runs of last
season, including a 67 yard excursion against the Wolverines.
Bob McKinley, another regular of the 1945 Wildcats, and Bill Hunt form
a second pair that may see plenty of action. Also available from last fall
are Ed Parsegian, Jack MacKenzie, and Don Laser, who can also play
quarterback! From the service ranks Waldorf has three halves back from
the '44 squad. They are Hank Altpeter, Johnny Yungwirth, and Ben
There's enough total heft on this asymmetrical Wildcat. Right now it
has a figure that isn't quite what the folks in Evanston would like, but
"Pappy" Waldorf, a juggler from 'way back, can be counted on to whip
his Wildcat into sleek, well groomed shape.
ChiPhi Upset
In I-M Softball
Title Tourney
Prescott, Chemistry,
Vets, Tyler Advance '
With preliminary victories under
their belt, Prescott House meets the
Chemistry Departmnt and Vets
Housing tackles Tyler House this
evening inathe semi-finals of the
Intramural softball play-offs.
The biggest upset of the first round
games was Prescott's stunning 7 to 1
pasting of the previously undefeated
Chi Phi nine. Both of the remaining
fraternities were defeated, too, with
the Vets blasting Sigma Chi, 11-1,
and Tyler House crushing Sigma
Alpha Epsilon 19-2.
Chemistry Team Wins
The Chemistry aggregation, one of
the pre-tourney favorites lived up
to their reputation, but were forced
to battle for their triumph when
Rumsey House fought them on even
terms until the fifth inning. Fash-
ioning a three-run rally in their half
of the fifth, Chemistry went on to
win, 8-5.
James Longwell was probably the
biggest factor in Prescott's victory
over Chi Phi. The residence men's
pitcher hurled hitless ball until the
sixth inning when Robert Lawson,
Chi Phi center-fielder, singled. Long-
well missed a shut-out by the nar-
rowest of margins, when he commit-
ted an illegal pitch, or balk, in the
seventh, allowing third baseman
Yag to advance home from third.
Yag had previously singled for the
Chi Phi's second and last hit.
Palmer Hurls Two-Hitter
Another outstanding pitching per-
formance was turned in by Howard
Palmer of Vets Housing, who al-
lowed Sigma Chi only two hits while
he and his team-mates blasted out
twelve safeties for an 11-1 triumph.
They practically put the game on ice
in the second inning with a six-run
outburst featured by Keith Yoder's
The day's slugging honors easily
went to TylerHouse'shLeroy Daggs
who slammed out two home runs, a
triple, and a single in four trips to
the plate.
Major League
New Basketball Coach Pauses in Ann Arbor
Ozzie Cowles, Michigan's new bas-
ketball coach, dropped into Ann Ar-
bor yesterday afternoon for the first
time since his recommendation by
Head Coach "Fritz" Crisler was an-
nounced recently.
The former Dartmouth cage mentor
could only stay a few minutes, how-
ever; he is traveling to Spearfish,
S.D., where he is scheduled to take
part in a program prepared for the
annual gathering of the State Teach-
ers Association.
Coach Cowles was filled with en-
thusiasm, and declared, "I'm ex-
tremely pleased to be here. I've al-
ways had a great liking for Michi-
gan, and now I'm looking forward to
living in Ann Arbor with the great-
est of pleasure." And then he added
with a grin, "I'm awfully ambitious,
and starting this coming fall I'm
planning on a lot of hard work.",
The new Wolverine coach will be
back through here in the first week
of September, "to hunt for a place to
live," as he hopefully put it. He plans
to come to stay around the first of
"I can't, of course, say anything at
all about next season's basketball
prospects," he stated. "I'll have to
wait until I see the boys personally
before any predictions will be pos-
sible. We'll start working as soon as
we can."
Asked if he planned to employ any
particular style of play, Coach Cowles
declared the style of play depends
entirely on the material at hand.
Some groups of players are best suit-
John Swanson and Bill Culman
defeated Abd Traboulsi and Phil-
lipe Roullier, 6-3, 6-3 yesterday to
capture the intramural doubles
tennis crown. In the singles com-
petition Cameron Meredith has
defeated Mahamed Makzoumi 6-8,
6-1, 6-0 to advance tto the finals
Thursday where he meets John
Highlights -
Sports World
White Sox Win Two
ed for one type of strategy, he in-
dicated, while others must use some-
thing completely different.
"'m not inclined to dangerous
gambles," he added. "My teams nev-
er throw the ball away and lose con-
trol of the situation."
Cowles will have a ready-made spot
to step into when he arrives in Octo-
ber, for he and Crisler are personal
friends of long-standing. When the
Michigan athletic director was coach-
ing at Princeton in 1937 he advised
the Dartmouth'staff that there was
a man out in Wisconsin who would
more than adequately fill the cage
coach vacancy then plagueing them.
So Mr. Cowles went to Hanover.
If past performances are any in-
dication of things to come, the Wol-
verines have pleasant prospects.
Cowles - coached quintets dribbled
their way to seven Ivy League crowns
in eight years and won 74 of 92 games
doing it.
Coach Crisler summed the. situa-
tion up admirably when he stated
that Michigan was very fortunate in
obtaining the services of Ozzie
Cowles, "the best possible man for
the position we could select."
Three Lions Injured
In First Grid Drill
ALMA, Mich., Aug. 13-(P)-The
Detroit Lions of the National Foot-
ball League staged their initial scrim-
mage session of their pre-season
training camp here today and the
contact work put three players on the
shelf with injuries.
Stillman Rouse, 28-year-old end
from Missouri, who played with the
Lions in 1940, suffered a broken
rib when kicked in the side; Bobby
Cifers, former Tennessee star, twist-
ed his shoulder in a fall, and rookie
end Dave Harris from Wake Forest
was put out of action with a bruised
Trainer Raymond Forsythe said
Rouse would be sidelined for about
10 days but both Cifers and Harris
could resume practice later this week.
In State Tennis
Although he was over-looked
the officials when they made
1 draw for the Michigan Closed Ten
Championships, Bob Dixon, gradi
student and field assistant in
University education departnu
lost only two sets Sunday to take
singles crown from Eric Pratt
Kalamazoo 6-2, 1-6, 6-1, 6-4.
With the help of Kimbark Pe
son, mathematics professor, he
copped the doubles crown. The .
Arbor twosome defeated Alex B
eck of Detroit and Andy Paton
Ann Arbor, 9-7, 6-1, 7-5.
Dixon, who holds a ranking
nineteen in the United States L
Tennis Association's listings for 1
was easily the class of the tou:
ment. He took his semi-final m
from Rex Norris of Lansing, 6-3,
6-2. He and Peterson were ni
pressed in the doubles.
Professor Peterson's wife, P
missed bringing all three titles t
to Ann Arbor when she lost in
finals of the women's singles divi
to Mrs. Hernando of Detroit, 6-1,
Favorite Upset
In Women's Go
Two Cro
Tigers Nip Feller, 1-0
CLEVELAND, Aug. 13 -(/P)- The
Detroit Tigers spoiled the Cleveland
Indians' salute to Trainer Max (Lef-
ty) Weisman tonight, shutting out
the Tribe 1 to 0 on Paul (Dizzy)
Trout's three-hit pitching and blast-
ing Bob Feller from the mound.
Feller, deprived of his 22nd victory,
pitched no-hit ball for six innings,
then yielded a single in the seventh
and two more in the eighth which,
combined with a walk, enabled the
Tigers to score.
During the eight innings Feller
worked, he fanned seven to run his
season's strikeout total to 262 and
surpass his own season strikeout re-
cord of 261 in 1941.
CLEVELAND, 0., Aug. 13-(P
19-year-old Green Bay, Wis.,
Mary McMillin, bounced into the
of dark horse entry in the Woim
Western Amateur Golf Title Toui
ment here today, scoring a start
two-up victory over defending ch
pion Phyllis Otto of Atlantic, Pa
the opening round of match plan
The Green'Bay idol broke up a
saw battle on the 15th hole sinki
60-foot pitch shot for an eagle t
and a one-stroke lead, and talli
birdie four on the final hole for
two-up match.
Cards.Stopped by Cubs' Schmitz, 1-0
CHICAGO, Aug. 13-()-Johnny visiting Redbirds.
Schmitz, Chicago Cubs' southpaw One of the Cardinals' three hits
kept the St. Louis Cardinals out of was Stan Musial's first inning double
possession of first place in the Na- giving the National League's batting
tional League standings here today leader a record of five straight hits
when he fashioned a three hit per- since St. Louis arrived here yester-
formance into a 1-0 victory over the day.
Boston N...........78 33
New York ........63 43
Detroit ..........61 46
Washington ....55 55
Cleveland........53 59
Chicago.........50 61
St. Louis........47 62
Philadelphia .....32 78
Pct. GB
.583 131/
.571 15
.500 22
.472 25
.450 28
.431 30
.290 451/
Yesterday's Results
Boston 7, Philadelphia 5
Detroit 1, Cleveland 0
Chicago 3, 2, St. Louis 2, 1
Washington vs. New York
WANTED: Ride New York City, two,
Aug. 23 or 24. Ed. Bernsohn, 1254
Norfolk, Willow Run. (40
WANTED: Ride to West Coast or
San Francisco on or about Aug. 24.
Will share expenses. Contact Ma-
lani,.432 Vaughan House. (45
WANTED. Passenger to share driv-
ing and expenses to Colorado
Springs via Peru, St. Jo. Call 3582
Springs via Peru, St. Jo. Call 3582-
J2 Ypsi after 6:00 p.m. (48
LOST:. Black and gold Eversharp
fountain pen on Monroe or Haven
near Elementary School. Finder
please returnto I. Starmer, 725
Haven. Reward. (52
LOST: Brown keycase with two keys
near intersection of S. State and
Packard. Call 2-3297 or mail to
L. P. Jahnke, 700 S. State. (50
LOST: Woman's Croton wristwatch
between Library and Oxford Road.
Call Louise Whitcomb, 2-2281. Re-
ward. (47
LOST: Friday at Union, blue pocket-
book. Return identification please
to 726 Oakland. Important to own-
er. (46
LOST: Brown leather key case con-
taining single key, Aug. 2, vicinity
of Haven Hall. Phone 6112. (44
LOST: Bulova watch, women's Lea-
gue, noon Saturday. Sentimental
value. Reward. Call Alice Scott,
2-2591. (43
LOST: Ladies round white gold Gru-
en wristwatch set with 4 diamonds.
Eleanor Pumphrey, tel. 9764. (41
POSITIONS open ,in mathematics
and commercial work in easy com-
muting distance from Ann Arbor
room. Catholics preferred but not
essential. Call Mr. Kennedy at
2-4282. (381
WANTED TO RENT: Woman grad-
uate student and child will ex-
change child care and share house-
hold duties and expenses for living
quarters. Mrs. J. Lotze, 3844 Guil-
ford, Indianapolis, Indiana. (37
WANTED-Quiet room in private
home for Junior medical student.
Fall and Spring terms. Will con-
sider working for room. Call 2-
2521, Ext. 353 evenings, or 4662.
poned, rain)
W L Pet. GB
Brooklyn ........66 42 .611
St: Louis .........64 42 .604 1
Chicago .........56 49 .533 8 /
Boston ..........52 52 .500 12
Cincinnati .......48 57 .457 161/
New York ........48 59 .449 171/
Philadelphia .....45 59 .433 19
Pittsburgh .......42 61 .408 21 /
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 1, St Louis 0
Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati 2
Philadelphia at Boston, postponed,
Let us blend and shape
your hair to your features.
Between State & Michigan Theatres
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 13-(P)-The Chi-
cago White Sox won a twilight-night
battle with the St. Louis Browns for
sixth place in the American League
tonight by 3-2, 2-1 scores, a total of
six errors figuring in the hotly-
played contests on a soggy diamond.
FerrissNotches 20th Win
Dave (Boo) Ferriss won his 20th vic-
tory of the season against four de-
feats as the Boston Red Sox handed
the Philadelphia Athletics a 7 to 5
defeat tonight before 17,033. It was
Ferriss' eighth straight mound vic-
* * *
Pirates Edge Reds, 3-2
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 13-(M)-The
Pittsburgh Pirates made it four wins
in a row under their new owners by
taking a close one from the Cincin-
nati Reds tonight, 3 to 2, before
15,575 fans. Jimmy Brown's single in
the eighth, scoring Bob Elliott, won
the game.
VI Diamonds .
1 and
717 North University Ave.
"Finding a New Wrid
is easier than youtik
BOOKKEEPING: Monthly audits-
statements for fraternities, soror-
ities and campus organizations.
Nominal fee--Call Charles Koeth-
en. Days 2-7330, evenings 2-4925.
SALES * John Jadwin * Service.
855 Tappan Avenue, Ann Arbor.
Call 2-7412 for demonstration. (30
RESTRINGING elswhere Nylon $4.50.
Tournament gut $9.00. My price
$3.00 and $7.00. Dean McClusky,
phone 2-7360. (16
PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4
FOR SALE: Mahogany china cup-
board, Windsor rocker, three orien-
tal rugs, daybed, bed and dresser,
dresses size 10-14, children's furni-
ture, some antiques, and miscel-
laneous items. All reasonably pric-
ed. 1615 E. Stadium, phone 5651.
FOR SALE: Two cigarette vending
machines very cheap. Call or come
NEW WORLDS are waiting everywhere for discoery . . .
your discovery! A brighter, happier world is waiting
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You can have all these
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A beautiful six-tube set in brown or ivory
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Remarkable performance in tone, sensi-
tivity and range. OPA priced at
$347.0 (in Brown)
o * * * " *
" . . " " "
516 EAST LIBERTY STREET ....... PHONE 23-23-1
We also have a limited number of Table Model
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