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August 14, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-14

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Fifty-Sixth Year

vs. 'Secretaries'

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(HINESE EMWPLOYES in Shanghai hotels
owned by European investors went on strike
the other day. To win support of Anglo-Ameri-
can visitors, the Chinese, in their best English,
wrote the following for a leaflet:
"We sit down strike for protest against un-
reasonable reducing of staff. We are forced to
strike' by faithlessness and over protest of
management. We have not any intention of
enmity against U.S. forces. For convenience of
our guests water and electricity still works."
Then to crush the opposition, the strike chiefs
added these punch lines:
"General manager enjoys prosperity in new
luxurious motor car, numerous girl secre-
taries and private bar in his office and staffs
have to starve."
The Communist international may be re-4
vived officially next January. Communist par-
ties of the world have been summoned to Paris
by Jacque Duclos, French Communist boss, for
an international parley early in 1947. Party
leaders will be briefed then on how to capture
unions and assail business ... No one in John
L. Lewis national headquarters knows where he

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News ........................... Clyde Recht
University ............................ Natalie Bagrow
Sports ................................... Jack Martin
Women's .................................. Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager ........................ Janet Cork
Telephone 23-241
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re-
puibliction of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office af Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
second-class mail matter.
. Subscription during the regular school year by ar-
$ier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Atember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisers Representative
CNcao * B6OSTO8N 08Los ANGEL * SA FmAncIsco
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
THE APPEARANCE of Sen. Arthur Vanden-
berg at Ferry Field this afternoon offers
University of Michigan students an opportun-
ity to hear first-hand a report of activities of
the Big Four Foreign Ministers' recent confer-
ence in Paris, and an outline of this nation's in-
tentions in the field of foreign relations.
To those persons responsible for Sen. Vanden-
berg's coming to Ann Arbor-a vote of thanks.
This can best be expressed by a record turnout
for the address at 4 p.m. today.
The senior Republican senator's record as a
membe~r of the Senate Foreign Affairs committee
has been interesting, to say the least. Before the
war, he reflected Mid-western isolationist senti-
ment and balked at President Roosevelt's efforts
to support the Allies. Later, after isolationism
was swept into discard, he carried the Republi-
can Party banner in a move synchronized with
the change in public opinion. At the time, he
was widely acclaimed for his acts and subse-
quently was taken into President Roosevelt's
confidence in matters of foreign affairs.
'He is a likely candidate for either the presi-
dential or vice-presidential nomination on the
Republican ticket in the 1948 election. But whe-
ther he is selected by his party or not, he can
be considered the outstanding exponent of in-
ternationalism in the party and as such, will
help shape the party's destiny-and perhaps the
destiny of the nation.
-Will Hardy.
ont roversial'
IN A LigTER to the editor yesterday, George
Elgass has pointed out a few of the facts that
our Controversial Reporter would have us over-
look. His analysis of the many factors affecting
price policy was considerably more real than
the limited view Mr. Ginger would have us be-
.Ginger's continued slandering of the profit
motive system has too long passed unnoticed.
He is quick to emphasize the wartime profits
of a concern such as General Motoris,'but com-
pletely ignores the $120 million loss suffered
by the same company during the first three
months of this year. It has always been the
case that a period of prosperity finds the
masses clamoring for a slice of industrial pro-
fits, while no help is ever offered in sharing the
losses of a depression.

Ginger's stand was clarified' in his recent dis-
cussion of the current war scandals when he
made the statement: "So long as the profit mo-
tive is allowed to dominate this country, there
will be new wars, and new wars will bring new
scandals." This intimation that our future
security is threatened by our clinging to the
capitalistic system was not supported, nor was
an alternative system proposed. This omission
is understandable as long as the American stan-
dards of living remain unequalled as they do
now... . .
Like Mr. Elgass, I do not suggest that our sys-
tem is beyond reproach, but I do feel that there
are no ills which intelligent government action
cannot cure. In the past we have overcome the
monopolistic grip of industrial giants by ade-
quate anti-trust legislation, and it is to be
honed that similar controls will be found to cope

Best Tradition

PRESIDENT TRUMAN was true to the best
tradition of the American presidency when
he vetoed the so-called Tidelands Bil by which
a reckless, unheeding, confused and confusing
Congress sought to make the "S" in U.S. stand
for "Spendthrift." Now it will be left to the
United States Supreme Court to decide a strict-
ly legal question, which was what the Supreme
Court was established for.
The disingenous but plausible Attorney Gen-
eral of California, Robert W. Kenny, was able
to persuade the Attorneys General of a great
majority of the states that unless they signed his
misrepresentations of fact and misinterpreta-
tions of law on the dotted line, valuable rights
in the various states might be lost. Of course,
back of Mr. Kenny were the oil interests. It was
they who had the most at stake. It was they
who, in the large part, paid the exaggerated costs
that were piled up. It was they who maintained
an active and opulent lobby in Washington to
bring all of the customary pressures upon the
members of Congress. It was they who did not
want to rest their case with the Supreme Court,
while, at the same time, loudly proclaiming that
the point at issue had been decided their way
'by the Courts more than fifty times
The lobbyists and the parrotting Attorneys
.General raised the false issue that not only the
rich oil lands lying along the California coast
were involved, but that the wicked Secretary of
the Interior, who had urged this suit, was reach-
ing out for jurisdiction over lands under bays,
harbors, ports, lakes, rivers and other inland
waters. As the President well said in his veto
message, "When the Joint Resolution was being
debated inthe Senate, an amendment was offer-
ed which would have resulted in giving an out-
right acquittance to the respective states of all
tidelands and all lands under bays, harbors,
ports, lakes, rivers and other inland waters."
This amendment was proposed by the Secretary
of the Interior, first to the Attorney General of
California who was so zealous for states' rights,
and then to the Judiciary Committee of the
Senate over which Senator McCarran of Nevada
perched like Edgar Allen Poe's raven. Continu-
ing, President Truman also well said, "Propon-
ents of the present measure, however, defeated
this amendment."
They defeated it because the oil interests
did not want a truthful issue. Knavish and de-
ceitful tactics were employed in order to con-
fuse and, by the whip of fear, line up votes that
generally are on the side of the public.
Unfailing support of the Bill was given by Sen-
ator McCarran. Having balked the amendment
that would have made the issue crystal clear,
the gentleman from Nevada presented a report to
the Senate which said that "The Committee
concludes that as a matter of sound legislative
policy this resolution should pass, as its adoption
is the only way to set at rest permanently a
controversy which involves titles to property in
every state of the Nation." A
Of course this was not true, deliberately so.
The President made this clear in his veto mes-
The Representatives and Senators who sup-
ported this attempted "steal" of public property
have nothing to be proud of, even if their plea
be that they did not understand the purport of
the Bill or were unaware of the sinister influ-
ences behind it. However, it cannot be doubted
that Senator McCarran ever lacked understand-
ing of what the bill was intended to do.
It was unfortunate that there was in the
White House a President who was prepared to
act upon this Bill in the best American tra-
dition. For one, I am certain that with him the
issue always was clear, despite the efforts to be-
cloud it, atd that he did not find it difficult to
interpose his veto power even although Edwin W.
Pauley had exerted all of his influence, both with
members of Congress and with executive officers,
to satisfy the appetites of certain greedy oil in-
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

is. He has been touring the West alone in an
old car and hasn't contacted his Washington
office for ten days, leaving his aides guessing
until they meet him in Chicago next week -. -
In a startling propaganda move, the CIO
will distribute pro-labor films directly to public
movie theatres just as the Hollywood produ-
cers do . . . Thoroughly angered over the ex-
ploitation by some firms of veterans who draw
job-in-training federal benefits, Gen. Omar
Bradley, Veterans Administration chief, is ex-
pected to resign shortly. He has been unhappy
in his job. It's a good bet his successor will
be Gen. Harry Vaugn, President Truman's
military aide.
When boxing champ Joe Louis began decorat-
ing his new Harlem night spot he was approach-
ed by an independent group which wanted him.
to hire his help through them. The champ threw
them oit. Ignoring their picket line, Joe signed
with the recognized union, Dave Siegal's AFL
waiters outfit, which now, incidentally, is try-
ing to unionize Toots Shors famed restaurant.
Siegal has just written to Frank Sinatra, Orson
Welles, Paul Draper and Post Master Bob
Hannegan, asking them as New Dealers to prac-
tice what they preach and boycott Toots' non-
union beanery.
Joe Fay, New York and New Jersey union
leader, now serving a jail term for extortion, still
has considerable influence in national labor
circles . . . Communists throughout the country
are starting campaigns in their unions to have
wage negotiations re-opened. They want striker
to back up these demands . . . Jack Stachel, la-
bor whip of the U.S. Communist Party who was
in hiding during much of Earl Browder's rule
of the comrades, has ordered them to build as
strong a machine inside the AFL as they have in,
the CIO.--.. -.
Hollywood stars are becoming labor conscious
again. Edward G. Robinson went aboard the
yS Matsonia the other day to attend a marine
cooks and stewards organizing rally and en-
courage their unionizing efforts . . . The Screen
Actors Guild, headed by hoofer George Murphy,
is preparing for its annual convention scheduled
for Sept. 15, at which Edward Arnold, Franchot
Tone and Walter Pidgeon will be most active ...
Delegates to the Indiana Federation of La-
bor (AFL) annual parley Sept. 17, may do a
strip tease. Every one there will need to prove
that he (or she) is wearing at least three gar-
ments with union labels on them . . . American
Newspaper Guild president Milton 1turray, who
was fired from his job as Washington corres-
pondent for the newspaper PM, now is a full-
time organizer for the Washington Guild.
SINCE WE'RE entering that sane era where
the customer again will always be right, the
National Maritime Union is teaching its waiters
and stewards how to give courteous service
aboard U.S. passenger fleets. The NMU has
equipped its headquarters with a full-sized first
class stateroom and bedroom in which its mem-
bers will get a two-week training course.
There were 3,077,300 jobless in the U.S. this
President Truman's strategists, believing the
CIO is in their political vest-pocket, are about
to make a play for support 'of powerful AFL'
leaders who are swinging towards the Republi-
cans, especially in New York and California. The
AFL, at its Chicago executive meeting next week,
will plan political action. Its auto union, rival
of Walter Reuther's CIO organization, already
has set up a conservative Political Action Com-
mittee to compete with the CIO's PAC.
John Lewis may appoint lame duck Sen.
Wheeler to run the miners' welfare fund ...'
Packinghouse workers now are seriously
threatening to strike and cut off much of the
country's meat supply in two weeks.. . Rab-
ble-Rouser Gerald Smith plans extensive ac-
tivity in California this fall, especially against
the CIO ... The Kentucky AFL is taking to
the airwaves for a fight on the Ku Klux
Klan .
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Bud get alancer
President Truman has selected as his new
Director of the Budget a man practically un-
known to him and almost every one else in his

administration except Treasury Undersecretary
0. Max Gardner. James E. Webb, who has been
nominated to succeed the able Harold Smith, is
a forty-year-old lawyer and business-man who
grew up as a protege of former Governor Gard-
ner down in North Carolina.
Webb advanced into an executive position with
the Sperry Gyroscope Company, a client of the
Washington firm Gardner has headed in recent
years, and one of the many companies which
Gardner's longtime patron John M. Haynes, a
Morgan partner, serves as director ---.
In commenting on the appointment, Secre-
tary Gardner told the press that Webb is a "dis-
ciple of the balanced budget." Those who don't
know Webb but do know the "budget balancing"
economy views which John Haynes has been
helping the Harry Byrds of the country sell for
many years, are afraid that President Truman
has bought another bad bargain. In unfriendly
hands, the Bureau of the Budget can prevent full
employment from becoming much more than a
campaign slogan.

j I
E j 1 IGcO I.. Reg. U. S. Pet. plf. Allt hrqk s .w,.,
"Check th' tires, oil an' radiator. Wipe th' windshield, water th' dog,
feed th' canary, take Junior to th' washroom, an' gimme a gallon o' gas."


11-. G. Wels
Wells the world loses one of its
most prolific and imaginative writ-
ers. Mr. Wells died yesterday in his
London home after prolonged ill-
ness. He was 79 years of age.
It is not sufficient to say that
H. G. Wells was a novelist, because
many of his writings do not dealg
with the conventional subject mat-
ter usually associated with novels.
He combined scientific specula-
tion, fantasy, sociological Idealism
and the spirit of the reformer into
his works.
Satire on every phase of civiliza-
tion was employed by Mr. Wells, even
though many of his books were sin-
cere expressions of his ideals and
philosophy of life. He has sometimes
been classed as a Utopian, since he
often tried to express things as they
should be, as well as how they might
One of the most important books
Mr. Wells ever wrote was the "Out-
line of History" which was published
shortly after the first World War.
In addition to his activities as a
novelist, sociological writer and his-
torian, Mr. Wells was a one-tme tea-
cher of science. He published his first
book in 1895. His total literary ac-
complishment totals over 50 books.
-Phyllis L. Kaye

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. VLI, No. 30S
All Public Law 16 Veterans (pen-
sionewho have not had their final
summer interview with their Vet-
erans Administration Training Of-
licer should appear at Room 100
Rackham Building between the dates
of August 12th and 16th.
The Board of National Missions of
the Presbyterian Church in the Uni-
ted States of America has teaching
vacancies in Alaska, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah in the following fields:
English, Home Economics, Music,
Mathematics and Science, Social Sci-
ence, Commerial, Arts and Crafts,
Manual Arts, Elementary, Physical
Education. Salaries consist of cash
stipend, maintenance, and traveling
expenses to field. Full details may be
had at the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Junior Architectural, Civil, Elec-
trical, Mechanical, or Structural En-
gineers, $2,723-$3,174.
2. Assistant Architectural, Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical, or Structural
Engineers, $3,492-$3,968. ,
Closing date is August 22, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Veterans' Wives Club will not
meet during the remaining summer
months. The next meeting will be
on October 7.
Students having lockers at the In-
tramural Sports Building should va-
cate lockers and apply for refunds
prior to August 24. The building will
be closed during the period August
26-September 16.
Graduate Student Council will meet
at the Rackham Building, Monday,
August 19 at 7:30 p.m. It is request-
ed that all members be present.
French Tea: No French Tea today
on account of the celebration of the
anniversary of the end of World War
Manuscripts for the Summer Hop-
wood Contest must be in the Hop-
wood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by
4:30 p.m. this Friday.
German Departmental Library
books are due in the departmental
office by August 16 regardless of a
later date due stamped in the book.
Mr. Benson and Mr. Scallon of
Protor and Gamble will be at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, on Thursday,' Aug. 15, to inter-
view men who are interested in sales
work. All those interested call ext.
371 for an appointment.
State of Washington Civil Service
Announcemenrts lhave been received

in this office for positions in:
1. -Personnel
2. Socia Service
3. Health
4. Clerical
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
The Motion Picture Project of the
Library of Congress has openings for
students who have received special
training in motion picture program
or graduate students now receiving
special training. For information
concerning the positions open and for
further details, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Open House at West Court, Willow
Village, Saturday night, Aug. 17-
dancing, bridge, ping pong from 8
to 11:30.


Lecture: Harlan C. Koch, Professor
of Education, Wednesday, Aug. 14, at
4:05 p.m. in the University High
School Auditorium. The topic will
be "New Horizons in Guidance."
Lecture: William Haber, Professor
of Economics, on Wednesday, Aug. 14
at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. The topic will be "Se-
curity and Freedom."
Dr. Henry M. Hoenigswald of Yale
University will give a lecture, under
the auspices of the Linguistic In-
stitute, on Wednesday, Aug. 14, at
7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, on the subject: "Descriptive
Techniques in Historical Linguistics."
The public is invited.
Lecture: John M. Trytten, Asist-
ant Professor of Commercial Edu-
cation on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 4:05
pm. in the University High School
Auditorium. The topic will be "Op-
portunities for Teachers of Business
Subjects." The public is cordially in-
Hayward Keniston, Professor of
Romance Languages and Dean of the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts will give a lecture on Thursday,
Aug. 15 at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The topic will be "The
Humanities in a Scientific World."
The public is cordially invited to at-
Professor Y. R. Chao, of Harvard
University, will give a lecture under
the auspices of. the Linguistic Insti-
tute, on Thursday, Aug. 15, at 1:00
p.m. in Rm. 308 of the Michigan
Union. His subject will be: "Chinese
Writing." The public is cordially in-
Mr. Everett J. Soop of the Univer-
sity Extension Service will speak at
West; Court, Willow Villa'ge, Wednes-
day, Aug. 14 at 8 p.m. to those who
are interested in various extension
classes including crafts.
Academic Notices
Attention August Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When
such grades are absolutely imper-
ative, the work must be made up in
time'to allowyourinstructor to re-
port the make-up grade not later
than noon, August 31. Grades re-
ceived after that time may defer the
student's graduation until as later

Student Recital: Evelyn Ranson,
pianist, will present a recital in Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, Wednesday 'af-
ternoon at 4:15. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music, Miss Ran-
son's program will include Toccata
in D Major by Bach. .Sonata Op. 57
by Beethoven, Intermezzo Op. 118 No.
2 and Ballade Op. 118 No. 3 by
Brahms and Prelude Op. 12 No. 7 by
The public is cordially invited.
Faculty Recital: Louise Rood, vio-
list and Helen Titus, pianist will pre-
sent 'a recital Wednesday evening,
Aug. 14, in Rackham Assembly Hall
at 8:30. Their program will include
Sonata in B-flat Major by Stamitz,
Sonata in E-fiat .Major by Brahms,
Sonata Op. 11, No. 4 by Paul Hinde-
mith, and Sonata by Rebecca Clarke.
The public is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital. Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, Thursday
evening, August 15, 7:15 p.m.
Student Recital. Composition class,
Thuisiay, August 15, 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Student Recital: On Friday after-
noon, August 16, at 2:00 in Harris
Hall there will be a wind instrument
program, assisted by Beatrice Gaal,
Marvin Bostrum and Mildred Min-
neman Andrews, pianists. The reci-
tal, sponsored by the Kappa Kappa
Psi Fraternity, will include selections
by Mozart, Haydn, Ewald, and Fire-
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Women in Education luncheon
Wednesday, August 14 from 11:45
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Russian Tea
Room, Michigan League.
Men's Education Club meeting
Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 7:15 p.m. at
the Michigan Union.
Operetta. "The Bartered Bride,"
by Bedrich Smetana. Michigan Re-
pertory Players, Department of
Speech, in conjunction with the
School of Music, today, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, and Monday, Au-
gust 19, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Flying Club: There will be a meet-
ing for all members of the Flying
Club in Room 1042 East Engineer-
ing Building, Wednesday, August 14,
1946. This will be the last meeting
of the Summer Session and star
time will be taken away until the first
meoting of the fall session for all
unexcused absences. Faculty mem-
bers and students interested are also
The members of Michigan Chris-
tian Fellowship invite anyone inter-
ested to their last Bible study of the
Summer Session. Margaret DeWitt
will be the leader. Tirpe: 8 p.m. to-
night. Place: Lane Hail.
The final meeting of La Sociedad
Hispanica will take place on Wed.
nesday, August 14, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. A "Noche de Musica" is
planned which will include entertain-
ment, group singing, and refresh-
All students of Spanish and La-
tin Americans are cordially invited
to attend.
Coming Events
French Tea: There will be a French
formal Tea, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., Thurs-
day, August 15. Foreign students and
their friends cordially invited.


~ -The New Republic

Legally, according to the Mayor, they're in
the clear-Ground WAS BROKEN for the bank
building and skating rink before priorities
went into effect. But morally, we're right.

So our Citizens' Housing Committee will
go ahead with plans to stage a protest
rally. We're not alone. Every organized
group and club in town will back us .. .

By Crockett Johnson
How right your father is. And
how fortunate the Little Men's
Chowder and Marching Society
meets tonight. I'll introduce
, l. u e, tiate al,.,,!

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