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July 28, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-28

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sATUDAY, 3JULY 28, 1945

Geology Student
Describes Camp

GU' Grad Leads Search for .
Colone Lost in Crash in Iran

Series of Articles To
In Wyoming Geolop
EbITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a
series of articles concerning Camp Davis,
the surveying and geology, camp of the
University near Jackson, Wyoming. These
article swill all be written by Hal Kauf-
man, a geology student at the camp.
ing-We left Ann Arbor on July 2nd,
sometime in the midle- of thenight,
around 7 a. m. About 35 souls piled
into University owned station wag-
ons and sedans, driven by Professor
H. S. Sharp of Barnard College, plus
the Helen Foster oil burner and the
uncovered wagon of the Hank Grays.
Destination: Camp Davis, 20 miles
SE of Jackson, Wyoming. Reason
Discuss New
Juvenie Court
Reporting System Is
Nearing Breakdown
LANSING, July 27-()-The State
Juvenile Institute Commission asked
Lt. Gov. Vernon J. Brown today to
discuss with them soon the future of
its new juvenile court reporting sys-
Brown recently was assigned by
Governor Kelly to study the commis-
sion's program and the resignations
of Bishop Lewis B. Whittemore of
Grand Rapids and Donald E. Bates'
of Lansing. Both resigned after an
attorney general's opinion declared
the Commission had no authority to
expend funds on an office or hire
Chairman Ernest L. Bridge of De-
troit said the reporting system "Is in
danger of complete breakdown." He
said 95 per cent of the juvenile courts
had been filing the reports until the
Attorney General's opinion was re-
leased. Since then the number has
diminished rapidly, Bridge said.
Probate judges originally opposed
the reporting system, but worked out
a compromise with social workers
at Governor Kelly's insistence.
Growing Diphtheria
Caused by Neglect
LANSING,.July 27 - (A') - Gross
negligence is responsible for an in-
crease in diphtheria deaths among
children, Dr. William Dekleine, State
Health Commissioner declared to-
The Commissioner said 26 persons
died from diphtheria in the first six
months of this year, more than in all
of 1943.

Explain Activities
y, Surveying Camp

for going: To keep Profesor Bou-
chard and his engineers from getting
too lonely and to study geology in
the raw.
The trip west was pretty good.
Only about 44 flats per day. We de-
veloped quite a system of tire chang-
ing :o they didn't delay us too long.
The only casualty was Professor Bel-
knap whose hair (?) turned percep-
tibly grayer. (This trip is not a joy
ride. We were given a general out-
line of the geologic structure of that
part of the U. S. over which we
passed. From what we saw and heard
a detailed structural cross-section
had to be drawn when we got to
Picked Up Prof. Wanless
At Chicago we picked up Professor
Wanless of the University of Illinois
and some more students. We spent
our first night in Madison, Wis., at
the Park Hotel. Very nice place -
the Park Hotel. Soup in Madison is
15 cents minimum.
On Tuesday we went over a lot of
interesting structure, had our 44
flats and spent the night at Hotel
Albert in Albert Lea, Minn. Picked
up one more student here and soup
is 15cents minimum, with cracker-
Saw Badlands
Wednesday. Flat tires, interesting
geology and rain as Swanson's Cab-
ins in Chamberlain, S. D. Because
of the rain it was impossible to get
the price of soup here. We made our
own supper and the canned product
was according to OPA regulations
I'm sure. Saw the Badlands earlier
in the day.
Thursday ditto and soup is 10 cents
in Lead, S. D. On Friday we went
thru the Black Hills after Mr. Noble,
the chief and only geologist of the
Homestake Mine, told us about the
largest gold mine invthe world. Saw
Mt. Rushmore - very impressive.
Spent the night at the Highland Ho-
teal in Lead again and soup was still
10 cents, with crackers this time
(different waitress).
Saturday we saw the Devil's Tower,
had flats and motor trouble andstag-
gered into the Crescent Hotel in
Sheridan, Wyoming. The manage-
ment here had been notified as to
our desirability by the Hotel Asso-
ciation and we spent a swell night
in the Little Goose Tourist Camp on
the outskirts of the town. Soup, 15
Ifthlights of Trip
Left Sheridan on Sunday. Also
left one station wagon, Professor
Wanless and friend. (The thing fell
apart completely.) Usual stuff. Stop-
over spot was quite the thing though.
Holm Lodge, a dude ranch at the
east gate of Yellowstone Park.
Couldn't get soup price and, didn't
want to. This was one of the high-
lights of our trip. Excellent food
(speckled trout for breakfast), beau-
tiful location and wonderful atmos-
Monday through Yellowstone, mo-
tor trouble, gray hairs, flats. Very
impressive (your choice). Passed
thru Jackson (Oh Brother! Pop. 500
in daytime and 5,000 at night). Got
to Camp Davis and were greeted by
Prof. and Mrs. Bouchard, Prof.Bleek-
man, Doc Forsythe and the engin-
eers. Had a swell meal as prepared
by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, then
hit the sack.

Climbing a 14,200-foot mountain,
fighting Iranian troops and tribes-
men, a party led by Major Carl J.
Dougovito, a 1932 engineering grad-
uate and wrestling champion of his
class in the Big Ten Conference,
searched for Col. John A. Gillies,
lost after an airplane crash in Iran.
Camp Named for Gillies
A letter from Sgt. George Stauaer,
also a Michigan graduate, to Robert
0. Morgan, assistant general secre-
tary of Alumni Association,told of
the search for Col. Gillies, for whom
an Army railway camp high up in.
the mountains of Iran has been nam-

ELECTION VICTORS CHEERED IN LONDON-Clement R. Attlee and his wife (center) are cheered at
People's Palace, Stepney, London, following announcement of his victory at the polls in Britain's July 5
election. Left to right, foreground: W. J. Edwards (with rosette), victorious Labour candidate for Whitechapel
Division, Stepney; Attlee, victor in Limehouse Division, Stepney and Mrs. Attlee and between them, in back-
ground, Phil Piratin, only Communist to be returned f or the Mile End Constituency, Stepney.

New Techniques Developed
To Aid i Study of Virus

IRA Will Meet
Monday Nioht


A three year study on the common
cold, aided by a $15,000 grant of
the Kresge Foundation has resulted in
new techniques for studying viruses,
Dean Albert C. Furstenburg of the
School of Medicine has announced.
In addition a previously unde-
scribed virus was isolated by clini-
cians, but its relationship to the com-
mon cold has not been established.
Study Defensive Mechanism
In studying nasal secretions, the
experimenters examined certain de-
fensive mechanisms. They found that
great variation exists in the ability
of the nasal secretions of different
individuals to prevent the growth of
various pathogenic bacteria. The du-
ration of the second phase of the
cold, the experimenters believe, may
be determined by these nasal secre-
They explained that excessive and
Yamagiwa ."
(Continued from Page 1)
fact that the longer instructors have
taught, the more likely they are to
become accustomed to students' mis-
pronunciations--the "Michigan dia-
lect of Japanese," as Dr. Yamagiwa
termed it.
The fitting of textbooks into the
army program also has its difficulties,
since a book which has many good
features may not have been written
with the special problems of this
type of course in mind. The stress
laid on fluency and accuracy in
speaking the language has made it
necessary to devise new methods for
testing these skills.
Choice of teaching personnel takes
special care, in Dr. Yamagiwa's opin-
ion. Since army trainees must learn
both the written and spoken language.
and must become acquainted with
the types of speech used on different
social levels (a very important matter
in Japanese), the most useful in-
structors, he stated, are those who
are informed and {educated and aware
of problems of teaching. An unedu-
cated informant knows only his own
variety of Japanese. The use of edu-
cated instructors also presents the
advantage that solutions of diffi-
cult problems of technique can be
worked out by consultation among
the instructors.
Mr. Sasaki, in describing the or-
ganization of the course, refuted the
common misimpression that the in-
structors teach only spoken Japanese.
While instruction begins with drill in
hearing and speaking the language,
extensive practice in reading and
writing the language is introduced
after the first six weeks.
Mr. Tanabe, in his part of the dis-
cussion, spoke about the background
of the instructors. Most of them
came from the Pacific Coast states,
he stated,

unphysiological amounts of nasal
secretion may lower resistance anc
demonstrated that mucin, one of the
constituents of nasal secretion, low-
ers the resistance of experimental
animals to influenza virus. The drug,
atropine, given to experimental mice
just before the exposure to the virus,
increased their resistance.
Also investigated were the factors
affecting the aspiration of mucus
secretions into the lungs during a
common cold which might result ir
pneumonia and the cause of genera
aches and pains which, they found,
involves an effect on the blood cells
of the patient by products of the in-
fective process.
Dr. Kempf Directs Program
The cold program was under th
supervision of Dr. Alice Kempf. In
addition to the Kresge Foundation
Grant, financial aid was received
from the Rackham School for Grad-
uate Studies and a sum of $500 from
a private individual in Chicago. Sev-
eral grants were made by Parke, Da-
vis and Company for the development
of new methods for evaluating skin
Besides providing money for th
research program, these grants mad
available additional equipment an
supplies, extended aid to five students
working for B. S. or M. S. degrees
and to three medical students. An
opportunity for part-time work was
extended to thirteen high school stu-
Ponto ons Save
Day on Bo rneo
BALIKPAPAN Borneo - (/P) -
American Navy, Seabees and Army
Engineers kept supplies rolling t
the Australian troops invading south
eastern Borneo by building pontoon
wharves in quick order despite Japa-
nese fire and heavy surf.
Three days after the Australians
landed, four of these wharves wer
receiving cargo at the invasion beach-
head. Landing craft, twisting through
a reef, channel and holes blasted
through 'other underwater obstacles
pulled up to the wharves. They drop-
ped their huge ramps and trucks
tanks -and essential supplies poured
The11ith Seabee Battalion, som
of them wearing welders' masks as
they balanced themselves on the bob--
bing pontoons, completed the wharfs
to permit the quick deliveries.
Other Americans, of the 727th and
672nd amphibious tractor battalions
moved supplies forward up steep
ridges from the docks.
Then the 672nd, known for its
share in rescuingthe American and
other internees from the Japanese
Los Banos camp on Luzon in the
Philippines, ferried Australians across
Balikpapan Bay in a shore-to-shore
maneuver which captured Penadjam

: .

Speakers at Meeting
Will Be Colby, Hayden
Dr. Martha Colby of the psychology
department and Robert E. Hayden of
the English department will address
a meeting of the Inter-Racial Asso-
ciation at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m.
CWT) Monday in the Union.
"We must stop looking at the Negro
as a symbol of persecution or an ob-
ject of inferiority and see him as a
human being," Hayden, who will dis-
cuss the "Social Aspects of Racial
Discrimination," said.

Col. Gillies was one of the first
high-ranking officers to lose his
life in World War II. He was killed
Feb. 28, 1942, in a crash almost with-
in sight of Doroud, and he was list-
ed as "missing" for more than six
months thereafter.
Major (then Captain) Dougovito.
an employe of Douglas Aircraft and
four Russian civilians started through
the mountainous territory in which
hostile native tribes and army desert-
ers wandered. Five-hundred troops
of the Iranian Army joined the party,
and they proceeded to the village of
Truce Arranged
After fighting broke out between
the Iranian troops and tribesmen and
continued for 32 hours, the party ar-
ranged a truce with the tribal chiefs.
On Aug. 3 they appeared and agreed
to take the searchers to the scene of
the crash, provided no armed troops
accompanied them. Capt. Dougovito
accepted the bandits' terms, which
also included a provision that valu-
ables found in the wreckage would
not be returned.

wrecked plane were found. The
searchers remained there for several
days, collecting scraps of personal
papers and evidences of the crash.
The party was without proper food,
water, shelter or rest.
Major Dougovito, who wrestled in
the 1932 Olympic games at Los Ange-
les, contracted pneumonia and mala-
ria. He was awarded the Soldier's
Medal on Dec. 14, 1942. s
Statter Releases Story
Details of the search were made
public with a recent press release
by Statter from the Public Informa-
tion Bureau of the Persian Gulf Com-
Major Dougovito entered the Army
in November, 1941, after serving as
commandant of Camp Wells, a Cedar
River, Mich., Civilian Conservation
Corps camp.
He was one of the pioneers in find-
ing a way to get supplies to Russia
from the south under Lend-Lease be-
fore the United States, entered the
war. After Pearl Harbor he was cho-
sen as special courier to carry a secret
packet to Moscow. He was then sent
to Iran.
Guild Members Will
Work at Pinebrook
Members of the Roger Williams,
Congregationalist and Methodist
Guilds will spend today at Pinebrook
Farm to continue the building of a
Work on the cabin began last
spring. When finished it will serve as
the center for a summer camping
program for the Guild members.
Many activities have been planned at

K Ntoeernei
wi th

Hayden believes that unless a pro- Two days later, remnants of the Pinebrook Farm.
cess of education and a complete
s change of attitude toward the Negro
are developed, the racial problem will
remain where it is. AROUND 'IiHE CLOCK WITH W'PAG
Dr. Colby will discuss the genetic
aspect, the least known and most ----
miunderstood phase of racial dis- sAT., JULY 28, 1945 11:05-Kiddies Party. 5:00-News.
a Eastern War Time 11:30-Farm & Home Hour 5:05-Music for Listening.
"If people recognize certain fun- 5:10-Hollywood Reporter.
damental principles in individual be- 7:00-News. 12:00-News. 5:15-Hollywood Preview.
havior as applied in a social situa- 7:05-Songs by Rudy Check 12:15-Jesse Crawford. 5:30-Rec. Room Rythms.
ti 7:15-Sleepy Head Serenade 12:20-Merle Pitt. 5:45-Sports Review.
can be set then a up todeal withthe prob- 7:30-Musical Reveille 12:25-College & Martial 6:00-News.
an 8:00-News. Airs. 6:15-Albert Wallace.
t lem," Dr. Colby said. "We must not 8:15-1050 Club. 12:30-Trading Post. 6:30-Telephone Quiz.
merely despair or talk about it, but 8:30-Breakfast Melodies. 12:45-Man on the Street. 6:45-Flashes From Life.
do something." 8:45-Bouquet for Today. 1:00-News. 6:55-Piano Interlude.
This is the fourth in a series of 8:55-Musical Interlude. 1:05-Salon Music. 7:00-News.
e lectures sponsored by the Inter-Ra- 9:00-News. 1:10-Dick Gilbert. 7:15-Fireside Harmonies.
e9:05-Music Box. 1:15-U. of M. 7:25-Popular Music,
v cial Association, whose purpose it is 9:30-Community Calendar 1:30-Mitch Ayres. 7:30-Front Page Drama.
to further racial unity. 9:45-Lean Back & Listen. 1:45-Phil Hanna. 7:45-Dave Reed.
s- ---_-- 10:00-News. 1:55-Today's Hit Tune. 8:00-News.
S 10:05-David Rose & Orch: 2:00-News. 8:05-Dance Time.
10:15-What Do You Know. 2:05--John Kirby. 8:15-Put & Take It.
s BUY MORE BONDS 10:30-Broadway Melodies. 2:15-Jerry Wald. .. .. ... 8:30-Your American Mu-
- 10:40-Women Today. .2:45-Baseball Brevities. sic.
10:45-Waltz Time. 2:55-Baseball (Chicago at 9:00-News.
__11:00-News. Detroit). 9:05-Woody Herman.
1 Bicyclig
-i -
Enjoy a cooling ALL-DAY IKE-HIKE Pack your
- lunch and cycle out to Whitmore Lake or Island Park.
Bike for the ENTIRE DAY till 6 P.M. $1.00
E 1a 'n A - TAKE A SPIN in the cool eve-
cl ing air to keep yourself in tip-
top shape for school.
~ ~ ~ BIKES OF ALL KINDS - single
speed, three speed, tandems for
, Btwo, and with baskets for your


MEN: The hospital needs you. Janit-
ors, orderlies, and wall washers are
needed. Part time otderly positions
available in evening. Apply person-
nel office, Room 1022, Univ. Hosp.
LOST: Blue, silver cigarette case,
lighter. Sentimental value. Reward.
No questions asked. Call 21347.
LOST: Dark green Eversharp pen
in front of Dental building. Call
4536 Stockwell.

Last Times Today from 1 P.M. COOL.
"FLAME OF THE Week Days 30c to 5 P.M.
Who gets what-a-man Van?

All Michigan is Talking aout This
. f"Like an exciting movie of
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512 original, 8-color illustrations
-colorful historical maps - com-
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Edited by Milo M. Qucuif.



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