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July 07, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-07

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Byrnes Faces Pro-wFranco Fiasco



WASHINGTON-Wise-owl Sec. State Jimmy
Byrnes has decided not to consider State De-
partment reorganization of personnel until he
returns from the Big Three conference. Most
other policy matters, unless of major importance,
will also wait.
One policy matter which will come up for
review soon--it may even be brought up by
Stalin at Berlin-is our continued close re-
lation with Dictator Franco of Spain.
Byrne's predecessors in the State Depart-
ment, led by Jimmy Dunn, have followed a
policy of sending oil, sugar and other strate-
gic materials to Franco. If we withheld these
or withdrew our ambassador, Franco would
fall overnight.
The extreme lengths to which Byrnes' prede-
cessors in the State Department have gone. to
protect Franco is known to very few. For in-
stance, it has been kept a carefully hushed-up
secret, that, in advance of the San Francisco
conference, State Department officials brought
pressure to bear on several Latin American
governments to keep them from breaking with

stances under which Patrick J. Hurley, U.S.
ambassador to China, received $75,000 from
the Sinclair Oil Company during 1945, and
$108,000 from Sinclair in 1942, while in U.S.
'Army uniform.
Senator Langer also asked how many times
Ambassador Hurley has visited the oil-rich
countries of the Near East on his way to China,
an area in which U.S. oil companies have a big
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)

Edited and managed bystudents of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Ray Dixon
Margaret Farme
Betty Roth.
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Editorial Staff
a. . Mnaging Editor
r Associate, Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled-to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $525.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAoiSoN AVE. ' NW YORK N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the viws of the writers only.
Poland Recognized
Europe, may have a chance to go into action
now that the United States, Great Britain, and
China have sanctioned a Polish provisional gov-
ernment of national unity.
After much bickering and stalling, the Allies
have agreed upon a government in accordance
with the Yafta agreement; the Warsaw govern-
ment has been expanded to include other Polish
democrats, with Stanislaus Mikolajczyk, former
London-Polish leader, as vice-premier. Follow-
ing the Crimean plan, the United States recog-
nition provides that the new government' must
hold free elections later.
The news of such agreement on a provisional
coalition is obviously significant as the end of
a cause of Big Three friction and as the be-
ginning of the working of past Allied plans
for sponsoring representative governments.
Minor problems remain, matters of the ordin-
ary workings of a new government. However,
these problems, plus the existence of the London
government may accumulate and aggravate the
age-old conflict of groups in Poland.
-Pat Cameron
CLUBS FRATERNITIES, nations-these are
the beloved barriers in the way of a workable
world; these will have to surrender some of their
rights and some of their ribs. A "fraternity" is
the antithesis of fraternity. The first (that is,
the order or organization) is predicated on the
idea of exclusion; the second, (that is, the ab-
stract thing) is based on a feeling of total
Anyone who remembers back to his fraternity
days at college recalls the enthusiasts in his
group, the rabid members, both old and young,
who were obsessed with the mystical charm of
membership in the particular order. They were
usually men who were incapable of genuine
brotherhood or at least unaware of its implica-
tions. Fraternity begins when the exclusion
formula is found to be distasteful.
The effect of any organization of a social
and brotherly nature is to strengthen rather
than to diminish the lines which divide people
into classes; the effect of state and nations
is the same and eventually these lines will
have to be softened; these powers will have
to be generalized. It is written on the wall that
this is so. I'm not inventing it, I'm just copy-
ing it off the wall.
-E. B. White, as quoted in the
New York Times Book Review,
June 10, by Clifton Fadiman.
Hospital Aides

ALTHOUGH summer enrollment represents a
drop of almost 50 per cent among women
students as compared with last fall's registra-
tion, the need for hospital volunteers has not
From 50 to 150 women are needed to help in

Sovereign Nations

. *

I ATIN AMERICAN countries are sovereign na-
tions and not supposed to require advice on
how to conduct their relations with European
neutrals. However1 on April 4, when a resolution
was about to be presented in the Cuban Con-
gress, the American embassy in Havana dis-
creetly but vigorously protested. So, virtually
taking orders from the U.S.A., Cuban foreign
minister Cuervo Rubio met in secret session with
the Committee on Foreign Affairs and urged
that no action be taken toward a break with
Spain. Temporarily, the resolution was held up;
to be passed overwhelmingly about a month
Again, on April 26, the Venezuelan Chamber
of Deputies was discreetly informed that it
must withdraw its resolution calling for a
break with Franco. A much more diplomatic-
ally worded resolution was substituted.
Also, the Costa Rican Congress voted 36 to 3
to break relations with Spain. But suddenly U.S.
diplomats called upon the Costa Rican president
and foreign minister, and assurances were given
that no action would be taken to break with
In the end, such a surge of anti-Franco re-
sentment boiled up at San Francisco that State
Department officials were powerless to stem the
However, more show-downs regarding our
pro-Franco policy are certain to come up un -
less the new State Department under Jimmy
Byrnes beats Latin Americans to it by revis-
ing our pro-Franco policy.

Middle Roaders
WHAT HAS HAPPENED to American conserv-
ative opinion since the accession of Presi-
dent Truman?
It seems to be having its troubles. The Ameri-
can conservative finds, himself, in spite of him-
self, rather fond of the new President. He is a
Missouri farmer, who spent his boyhood follow-
ing a pair of mules; he is not an Easterner, who
might conceivably have passed his formative
years curled up with a copy of the New Repub-
lic, or the Nation.
It is obvious to right and left alike that no
dim ideological visions haunt the new Presi-
dent. Even his habit of making important ap-
pointments on a more or less straight party
basis, by and with the advice of Mr. Robert
E. Hannegan, rather endears the new Presi-
dent to the opposition. That is being a Presi-
dent, as politicians understand the job; it is
reassuringly familiar; and the Republicans
would rather see a straight party man in of-
fice, who froze them out, than a liberal who
would give some of them jobs, for ideological
reasons. They infinitely prefer losing to a
politician, rather than to a prophet.
AT THE SAME TIME, the American conserva-
tive has a certair sinking feeling; he real-
izes that Mr. Truman does not intend to cause
the repeal of any of the New Deal reform laws.
The American conservatives may be glad that
Mr. Roosevelt is no longer in office; but the feel-
ing is growing on him that though he has won
a battle, he has lost a war. So long as Mr. Roose-
velt was president, the fight over the labor re-
lations act, social security, the regulatory agen-
cies, etc., was a fight in the present tense. With
Mr. Truman's accesssion, these disputes become
a wrangle over ancient history.
A blow at Mr. Roosevelt was a blow at re-
form; a blow at Mr. Truman is a blow at Mr.
Truman. It is no longer possible to make sub-
tle point against trade unionism by saying
something about the President's wife.
American conservatism had a dream about
the administration which would succeed Mr.
Roosevelt's; it was going to be (so fantasy had
it) an administration whose leading figures
would devote happy months to tearing up stat-
utes and throwing bits of paper ecstatically over
their shoulders. But a neutral kind of adminis-
tration has succeeded Mr. Roosevelt's instead,
and the American conservative does not know
quite how to deal with well-intentioned neu-
THE OLDER AMERICAN conservatism has
been thrown a bit off balance by these events.
It does not quite know what to do next, and
so it stages inconclusive demonstrations. It
seizes a Senate committee, and hands down a
tough report against cutting tariffs. But the
report is disregarded on the 'floor. It makes a
field day of the earlier stages of drafting im-
portant legislation; it howls and roars and
writes in the most terrible proscriptions against
O.W.., and the most dreadful plans for ending
price control, knowing full well as it does that
all this matter will be thrown out in conference,
and on the final vote, and that all that is being
accomplished is to articulate a hopeless passion.
Watching all this, we begin to see in a new
way what the Truman administration is. It
is the new American conservatism. It is a con-
servatism which has been able to accept, and
swallow, and digest the reforms of the last
few years, and then go on; it is kindly, well-
meaning, devoted to American ways, but it
lacks that quotient of irreconcilability which
marks and dates the older conservatism. It
is a true synethesis of many elements, a fact
which gives it an inescapably modern char-
acter, and makes the older conservatism seem
narrow, attenuated, and primitive.
We had hoped that the older conservatism,
would "learn a lesson," accept modern reform,
and push ahead. It never did, but men who
have learned the lesson have pushed it aside
and come to power.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-p
letin is constructive notice to all memT-
bers of the University. Notices for theC
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,e
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:3 a. in. Sat-
VOL. LV, No. 4-S
The office of the Interfraternityt
Coencil will be open from 2 to 4 p.m.
(CWT) 3 to 5 p. m. (EWT) every day
except Saturday until July 13 for
general information, and the regis--.
tration of men for Fraternity rushing,
After July 13, the office will be open
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
from 2 to 4 p. m. (CWT) 3 to 5 p. m.r
'- -- -
Important Notice:1
All women students and houseS
heads are held responsible for the
House Rules. Copies of these rules
are available at all times in the1
Social Director's office in the Mich-
igan League.
Recreational Swimming for Womenl
Students: The Union pool will be
open for recreational swimming for
women students on Tuesday andl
Thursday 8:30 (EWT), and Saturdayl
mornings from 8:15 to 10:15 (CWT),
9:15 to 11:15 (EWT). Any woman,
student may swim during this hour
Art Cnera League:
"Rather French," someone com-
mented at the conclusion of L'Orage,
or Confessions of a Bride, its English
title. This is the story, so the legend
goes, of a tempestuous love - and
very stormy it is.
Charles Boyer is handsome as ever
and twice as debonair and Michele
Morgan quite the "femme fatale..
Boyer, in love with the lovely Michele,
is most inconveniently married. Boyer
is harried,Miss Morgan is tortured
and the wife is long-suffering.
The two principles did as much
with their roles as a rather hack-
neyed story would permit, but this
stereotyped version of the ever-
present triangle gave them very
little with which to work. The film
contained the cliche to end all
cliches - "I suppose you despise
mne,"says Miss Morgan the morn-
ing after.
Nonetheless, it's well worth see-
ing, if only for the seriousness with
which the French treat their marital
tragedies. -Betty Roth
* * *
At the Sate :
"The Royal Scandal," supposedly a
Ernst Lubitsch comedy is a parody
of Russian life during the era of
Catharine the Great.
a In the role of Catherine is Tall-
lah Bahkhead whose voice is the
product of a iot ct cigarette smoke.
Opposite, Tallulah in the male lead
was William Eythe who looks pretty
in a uniform, but should have been
cast in something else - anything
At the Michigan:
"Brewster's Millions" is a light
comedy which was funnier than "The
Royal Scandal,"and was nothhammed
up so often.
Dennis O'Keefe takes the role of
a discharged G.. who suddenly ob-
tains a fortune which he must spend
in order to meet the stipulations of
his uncle's will.
The plot, by no means new, gets a
little more complicated as the pic-
ture rolls on, so a detailed summary
is not necessary.

There were numerous off-color re-
marks in the show which prompted
the lady behind me to comment
about the absence of the Will Hays
influence. Also Helen Walker, the
feminine lead wears a dress in the
opening scenes which makes her quite
a neat package - if you like that
sort of thing. -Bob Goldman

Sugared Spain

- * S

Meanwhile, at as secret meeting just before
Byrnes took the oath, State Department officials
proposed sending 60,000 tons of sugar to Spain.
This is a reduction from theprevious year's ship-
ment to Spain, which totaled 100,000 tons.
One official sitting in on the hush-hush
meeting remarked:
"Wait till the newspapers get hold of this
State Department officials claim that if we
do not sell sugar to Franco he will come into
the Cuban market and buy it anyway in com-
petition with us. However, the Cuban govern-
ment is anything but pro-Franco, and not
likely to do as much business with him as the
State Department seems to think.
Hurley's Oil Fees . .
new Secretary Jimmy Byrnes is inheriting is
a letter addressed to under secretary Joe Grew
from forthright Senator Langer of North Da-
kota which so far has not been answered.
Langer has asked Grew about the cireum-
Bicycle Menace
DOES ANYONE have at his command an
equivalent of the golfer's "Fore!" that could
be used by campus bicyclists? Pedestrians, with
the exception of a few hardy souls who possess
a superior amount of agility, are often in need
of an adequate approach signal, now that the
fleet of bicycles is loose on campus walks.
Lacking such a warning, they might settle
for a little less rambunctious riding. Con-
sideration on the part of those lucky enough
to have bikes would avoid all sorts of nasty
collisions as well as protect the grass upon
which walkers usually retreat.
-Anita Franz
Let's stop in at the Witch's house. The
Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, sam
probably is back there now with
her broom and her black cat-
Maybe he
swiped my
D book, too.

provided she has a medical permit.
This may be .obtained at the Health
Service. A fee of 25c per swim is
Men interested in obtaining positions
as maintenance workers at a nearby
summer camp, please contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Opportunities for college graduates
in Indiana State Board of health in
Sanitary Engineering, salary $135 to
$200 a month, Public Health Sani-
taian, $135 to $200 a month, and
Chemists. $135 to $185 a month.
Further information regarding ex-
amination and experience may be
obtained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service an-
nouncements for the following exam-
inations have been received in our
office. Cartographic Engineering
Draftsman 1, 11, and 111, $180 to
$340 per' month, Statistician I, III,
and IV, $230 to $420 per month, Law
Stenographer A, $150 to $170 per
month, Library Assistant A and B,
$125 to $170 per month, Catalog Li-
brarian , $180 to $220 permonth,
Department Librarian I, $180 to $220
per month. Reference Librarian I,
$180 to $220, Traveling Library Li-
brarian I, $180 to $220 per month,
and Milk Sanitarian II, $230 to $270
per month. For further information
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Detroit Civil Service announce-
ments for Junior Forester, $2212 to
$2288, Social Case .Worker $1952 to
$2282, Senior Traffic Checker, $.95
to $1.00 per hour, and Senior Assist-
ant Forester (Gen.), $2829 to $3243
(Plus time and a half for sixth day),
have been received in our office. For
further information stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint-
Job registration will be held in
Room 205 Mason Hall on Monday,
July 9 at 4:15 p. m. This applies to
August and October graduates as well
as to graduate students or staff mem-
bers who wish to register and who
will be available for positions next
year. The Bureau has two placement
divisions: Teacher Placement and
General Placement. The General
Division includes service to people
seeking positions in business, indu-
stry, and professions other than ed-
It is important to register NOW be-
cause there will be only one registra-
tion during the two summer sessions.
There is no fee for registration.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
ATTENTION-All organized houses
in which undergraduate women are
1. Closing hours will be 10:00 p. m.
CWT on Sunday through Thurs-
day and 11:30 p. m. CWT on Fri-
day and Saturday. Every woman
must sign out when leaving her
house after 6:30 p. m. CWT and
must sign in upon her return.
2. Sign-out sheets must be turned in
by the house president by Monday,
July 9 at 11:00 a. m. CWT. These
should include the period from the
opening of the particular house
through Sunday, July 8, and sign-
out sheets must be in by 11:00
a.i . CWT on every Monday there-
after. A composite sheet must ac-
company the original sign-out
sheets. Also attached must be any
late permission slips which are
signed by the house head. All
writing must be in ink.
3. The sheets must be placed in the
box marked "Sign-out Sheets" in
the Undergraduate Offices of the
Michigan League, A model sign-
out sheet and a composite sheet
may be found posted in the Under-
graduate Office. Illustrations are
given of the proper procedure in
encircling permissions, probations,
etc., and methods of recording

these o h opst eod
Copies of house rules, sign-out
sheets, and composite sheets are
available in the Social Director's
Office in the League. House presi-
dents should be responsible for
keeping their houses supplied with
these and for posting a copy of the
house rules in a prominent place.
4. Every house must elect a president
and vote on quiet hours by Friday,
July 6. Basic quiet hours will be:
6:30 p. m. CWT to 9:30 p. m. CWT
Sunday through Thursday. Addi-
tional quiet hours may be estab-
lished by individual houses if they
vote to do so.
5. The house head and house presi-
dent will be held responsible for
the accuracy of all reports turned
in at the Undergraduate office.
The house president shall be re-
sponsible for their delivery. There
will be a compulsory meeting of all
house heads and presidents on
Monday, July 9 at 6:30 p. m. CWT
at the Michigan League.
University Lecture. Tuesday, July
10, Professor Preston W. Slosson,

dents with freshman standing are
also required to take the course un-
less they have had a similar course
These lectures will be given in
Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m.
and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per the
following schedule. (These times are
Eastern War Time).
Lecture No. Day Date
1 Monday July 9
2 Tuesday July 10
3 . Wednesday July 11
4 Thusday July 12
5 Monday July 16
6 Tuesday July 17
7 Wednesday July 18
8 Thursday July 19
Please note that attendance is re-
quired and roll will be taken.
Warren E. Forsyths, M.D.
Director, Health Service
L. S. & A. Juniors now eligible for
Concentration should get admission
to Concentration blanks at Room 4,
Univ. Hall, immediately. These slips
must be properly signed by the Ad-
vise and the original copy returned
to Room 4, Univ. Hall at once.
Sociology 54, Modern Social Prob-
lems, will meet today, as well as
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
next week, as scheduled originally.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctor's degree in English will be
held August 1, 4, 8, and 11 EWT (3,
7 and 10 CWT), at 3223 Angell Hall.
All students desiring to take the
examinations are requested to give
their names to Professor Nelson,
3223 A. H.
Linguistic Institute Lecture-Dem-
onstration: "A demonstration of an
introductory analysis of a language
unknown to the linguist." Dr. Ken-
neth L. Pike, lecturer in phonetics
6:30 p. m. CWT (7:30 p. in. EWT),
Wednesday, July 11, Rackham Am-
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
enrolled in the Summer Term:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be, excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his represent-
ative, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen and sophomores
to Professor Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman of the Academic Counsel-
ors (108 Mason Hall); by all other
students to Associate. Dean E. A.
Walter (1220 Angell Hall.)
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Summer Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of- Literature)
Science, and the Arts.
Chamber Music Program: The Al-
beneri Trio will present a program
of compositions for violin, cello, and
piano, at 7:30 p. m. CWT, Thurs-
day, July 12, in Hill Auditorium. The
group includes Alexander Schneider,
Benar Heifetz, and Erich itor Kahn,
and will appear in Ann Arbor under
the auspices of the Elizabeth Sprague
Coolidge Foundation in the Library
The program will be open to the
general public, with the exception
of small children.
The First School of Music faculty
concert will be heard in Hill Audito-
rium, . Thursday, July 12 instead of
Tuesday, July 10, as previously an-



-i m.-


yre quite small children and
aething might have happened--
1 can't
start of.
little p,

imagine what
trouble anybody
get into in that
3atch of trees-

By Crockett Johnson
WI O'Malley! You bum!

General Library, main corridor
cases. Books printed in English be-
fore 1640.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. Representative
items in the Mi'chigan Historical Col-
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
Events Today
Motion Picture. French film, "L'Or-
age," 7:30 p. m., Rackham Lecture
Hall. Admission free.
Michigan Sailing Club. There are
a limited number of memberships
open this summer. Those interested
meet in the Union at 2:00 EWT (1:00
CWT) today. Bring work clothes
a v'nd if qi' rcihi ',-nvna r.p tro nd the

Co,,vtight. 45;Theewspaper PM, Inc.



What happened?
The Witch! She's in an

S.. . It broke when her black cat
and I made a pancake landing,
I happened to brush against

We can't r nd Pop, Mr. O'Malley.
He's not at the picnic place-

He's LOST?. .. Say! Lucky I
arrived, isn't it, Burnaby?I


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