Grid Professors'
Repeat Past uccesses
If there is ever any question as to
what single factor has had the most
influence in contributing to the suc-
cess of the University of Michigan's
football teams, one need only turn
his eyes to the famed list of coaches
record by compiling 2,821 points to
their opponents' 42.
"Pop" Yost retired as Head Coach
in 1923, after 23 consecutive years
of service, and George Little suc-
ceeded him retaining the position for
one year. Yost again took over in
'25 and '26 while Elton "Tad" Wie-
man coached Maize and Blue crews
the two following seasons.
Kipke Becomes Coach
In 1929 Harry G. Kipke stepped in-
to the head man's berth. Kipke, one
of Michigan's great All-Americans,
and letter-winner in baseball and
track as well, turned out four Con-
ference Championship crews from
1930 through 1933, and added na-
tional honors in the last two of these
Today, the Maize and Blue's
coaching staff is recognized as one
of the best in the country. Faced
with one of the roughest schedules
in its history, Michigan is counting
on "Fritz" Crisler and his aides to
shape a team of the calibre that has
brought the University fame in the
past . . . . a team that will be
a prime contender for national
Crisler Is Key Man
The key man in the picture is Wol-
verine Athletic Director and Head
Football Coach, Herbert Orin "Fritz"
Crisler. "Fritz" became head coach
at Michigan in 1938, after serving in
the same capacity at Princeton and
Minnesota and holding a position on
the athletic staff of the University of
Chicago, his alma mater, from which
he was graduated with scholastic
honors in 1922.
While at Chicago he distinguished
himself in football, basketball and
baseball, becoming one of the Uni-
versity's two nine-letter men. Ici-
violinist in name he lacked any sort
of natural ability.
In his eight years as the directing
genius of Maize and Blue grid crews
Crisler has built up an enviable rec-
ord, coaching Wolverine teams to
48 victories as against only 11 defeats
and two ties. In addition, his 1943
aggregation shared the Big Ten foot-
ball crown with Purdue.
Strategy Of Attack
Crisler's strategy is that of attack.
It has been characterized as "inter-
esting, deceptive, and productive of
victories." Operating from a basic
single wing-back and a "T" forma-
tion on the offense, and utilizing a
variety of "Crisler-devised" defens-
ive tactics, his teams have always
been feared and respected by their
The training of the powerful Wolv-
erine forward walls is handled ably
by Head Line Coach Clarence L.
"Biggie" Munn, who came to Michi-
gan from Syracuse in 1938. In his
seven years with the Maize and Blue
he has built up the reputation of be-
ing one of the finest line tutors in
the country, continually developing
powerful combinations from raw, in-
experienced material.
Munn Picked All-American
Munn played guard at Minnesota
under Crisler, in 1930 and 1931, and
was named to the All-American
squad. He captained both the Gopher
football and track teams in his senior
After assisting Minnesota's coach,
Bernie Bierman, upon graduation, he
became head coach and athletic di-
rector at Albright College in '35 and
'36 and line coach at Syracuse the
following year, after which he came
to Michigan.
Earl T. Martineau, another of
Martineau earned All - American
honors in Minnesota's backfield, in
which he starred from 1921 to 1923.
Before entering college he served
with the Marines in the First World
War. While in France he fought in
every major American campaign, dis-
tinguishing himself time and again
for bravery and heroism, for which
he was awarded the Croix de Guerre,
Distinguished Service Cross, Silver
Star, Purple Heart, three general or-
der citations and four regimental
Coached at Purdue
He has also acted as backfield
coach for three years at Purdue and
head coach five years at Western
Michigan College in Kalamazoo.
The fourth member of Michigan's
"brain-trust" is Bennie G. Ooster-
baan, a man well-known both on the
Wolverine campus and to Maize and
Blue fans. He starred here in foot-
ball, basketball and baseball and
gained especial fame by clinching the
All-American end nomination for
three straight years, 1925, '26, and '27.
Oosterbaan lends his well-devel-
oped talents to training Michigan's
flankmen. As end coach since 1928
he has developed many stellar grid
aces and the fact that none of them
have approached the greatness of
their tutor does not detract from his
recognized coaching ability but, rath-
er, testifies to Benny's natural bril-
liance. Oosterbaan is also the Wol-
verines' head basketball coach.
These four men, assisted by former
Maize and Blue stars Wally Weber,
Bill Barclay and Art Valpey consti-
tute the pillars upon which rest
Michigan's hopes for a successful
1945 grid season. Their job is made
doubly difficult because only one of
that have shepherded the stellar
Wolverine grid squads through vic-
torious years.
Foremost among these. men is
Michigan's "grand old man" Fielding
H. Yost, whose "point-a-minute"
teams established an unparalleled
dentally, it was while playing end
under the Maroon coach, Alonzo
Stagg, that he received his nickname.
After Crisler continually bungled a
play, Stagg christened him 'Fritz,"
sarcastically stressing the fact that
although he resembled the famous
By ILL MULLENDORE, Daily Sports Editor
LAST YEAR, the pre-season dopesters rated the Washington Senators
as a good dark-horse bet to sneak by the leaders and perhaps grab off a
pennant for themselves, but that did not prevent the Nationals from finish-
ing a dismal last.
This season, the experts all but forgot about Ossie Bluege's charges,
but a glance at yesterday morning's standings shows them resting
serenely in second place, one percentage point above the second
place New York Yankees and four and one-half games back of the
league-leading Detroit Tigers. All of which leads us to speculate a bit
on this team which seems to delight in confounding those "in the
We had the opportunity to see the Senators on three occasions be-
tween semesters as they knocked off the Tigers in a three-game series,
two games to one. And by wartime standards, the Washingtonians were
far from unimpressive.
Bluege, in his third season as manager of the club, has put together
a young, aggressive, hard-hitting ball club with a nice balance between
youth and age. Given respectable pitching, it is a team that could offer
a serious challenge to the leaders.
For one thing, Washington can undoubtedly qualify, as the fastest
club in the American League, if not in all baseball. Heading the
list of speed demons is George Washington Case, the phenomenal
sprinter who is claimed to be the fastest man in the game on the
hasepaths. Case is currently leading the league in the base-stealing
department, and his unusual speed and quick getaway from the plate
have gained for him more than the normal number of infield hits.
His legs also make him an excellent ground coverer in the outfield.
But Case is not the only fast man on the Washington club. Out-
fielder Bob Gardock is also a sprinter of some repute, as are infielders
George Myatt and Gil Torres, and outfielder George Binks. Binks, a new
comer to the league, has also proved his worth in the runs-batted-in de-
partment, in ,which he ranks third best in the circuit.
FOR BATTING PUNCH, the Senators have, besides the surprising Mr.
Binks, veteran first baseman Joe Kuhel, Case, catchers Rick Ferrell
and Al Evans, and Myatt, all better than fair hitters. In a year of almost
unbelievably light hitting, Washington stacks up favorably with most clubs.
The pitching department, the big question mark, depends on three
knuckleballers-Emil (Dutch) Leonard, Roger Wolff, and Johnny Nig-
geling-, for its main strength. Also lending a helping hand is colorful
little (5 ft. 6 in.) Marino Pieretti, whose speed and general mound
prowess belie his size. Joe Haynes has also been of some aid. Leonard
and Niggeling, however, are getting on the ancient side, and can
hardly be counted on for regular duty. The work of the others, with
the possible exception of Wolff, has been spotty to date. Thus, pitch-
ing remains as the department on which Washington's chances may
rise or fall.
To predict that the Senators will continue in their winning ways would
be rather hazardous. Every team has its momentary spurts, even the Phila-
delphia Phillies. But this recent surge has been interesting and has caused
the leaders some little alarm. And in these years of wartime baseball,
anything can happen.
- - --- - -
Crisler's valued lieutenants, is charg-
ed with whipping Maize and Blue
backfields into fast-moving, well-
coordinated, hard-hitting units. He
joined Michigan's coaching staff in
1938, coming from Princeton where
he had served under Crisler for the
previous six years.
Major League
last year's starting men is available
for varsity ball.
However, judging from past rec-
ords, it can safely be predicted that
Michigan's "grid professors," al-
though beset by many handicaps,
will produce a battle squad that can
be counted on to pose a major threat
to any top team in the country.
Passing Emphasized in
Wolverine Grid Session
Walt Teninga, Tom nfield, Bob Spencer
And Chuck Lauritsen Try Hand at Hurling
Grimes Leads Yankee Attack;
Detroit Lead Cut by One Game
Bevens Outpitches Overmire Before 31,288
Fans; Greenberg Strikes Out as Pinch Hitter
While the blazing sun beat down
on Ferry Field with all its summer
intensity,Coach Fritz Crisler and his
staff put the 'Wolverine gridders
through their paces yesterday, plac-
ing emphasis on passing for the first
time during the early drills.
Pass Plays Set Up
Beside the usual dummy and
blocking drills, backfield sets and
pairs of ends were taking their first
crack at setting up pass plays. Capt.
Joe Ponsetto and Howard Yerges, re-
serve quarter-back last year, were
among the signal callers. Earl Al-
bright, a new navy candidate, Walt
Teninga, a civilian freshman, Tom
Imfeld, Chuck Lauritson, and Bob
Spencer were among those who took
turns flipping the pigskin on the
Listed among the receivers were
Bob Mann, fast end who was injured
last fall; Ed McNeil, civilian fresh-
man from"Toledo, Ohio; Cecil Frei-
hofer, returning letterman from last
year's squad; Ed Knick, and Ed
Grankowski. Short running passes
were the order of the day, with the
ends splitting, and a back slicing
over the middle.
First Scrimmage Held
At the end of the practice session,
the squad went through an abbrevi-
ated scrimmage, the first actual body
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Model apartment open daily 9 to 6
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REWARD: For return of wrist watch
removed from the Men's Room at
Michigan Union on June 21. Watch
is Graduation gift of great senti-
mental value. Leave at Union Desk
or mail to Dave Mulholland, 610 S.
Lansing St., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
No questions will be asked.
LOST: Ladies' wrist watch, platinum.
Initials K. C. og back. Waltham,
at Whitmore Lake July 4. Reward.
contact since the start of the summer
workouts. For. the most part an of-
fensive scrimmage, the squads ran
through only a few plays to gain
Of interesting note during the
summer drills, is the outstanding
representation of last spring's Michi-
gan track team. Six members of the
thinclad aggregation are seeking
berths on the 1945 edition of the
football machine.
Lauritsen Backfield Candidate
Lauritsen, a pole vaulter, and
backfield candidate; Warren Bentz,
another vault specialist who earned
his football letter last year ; Hank
Fonde, a sprinter and potential back;
John Weyers, high jumper who last
fall played guard; and John Larson
and Russ Reader, both hurdlers,
completes the list of former track-
sters who have turned to the gridiron
this year.
The gridders will lay off today,
with practice slated again for Mon-
day, and continuing straight through
the rest of the week. According to
coach Crisler, "Plenty of, work will
be needed to round off the rough
edges," in the drills to come.
x-Chicago ........38
x-St. Louis.......39
New York........38
Pittsburgh .......36
Boston ............34
Cincinnati ........32
x-Philadelphia ....20
Pct. GB
.600 .
.576 2%
.565 21,,
.521 512
.514 6
.493 71Mf
.485 8
.267 24'
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, July 6-Oscar Grimes
drove in three runs with two singles
and a double today as the New York
Yankees downed the Detroit Tigers
5 to 4 before a record twilight crowd
of 31,288 fans.
New York overcame a three-run
Cincinnati 3, New York 2.
Roston 13, 1 Pittsburgh 5,8.
St. Louis at Brooklyn, incomplete.
Chicago at Philadelphia, incom-
Detroit ..........41 27 .603 ..
x-Washington . .. .37 30 .552 3
New York ........38 31 .551 312
x-Boston .........35 33 .515 6
x-Chicago ........35 35 .500 7
x-St. Louis .......32 34 .485 8
x-Cleveland.......31 35 .470 9
x-Philadelphia ..:.21 45 .318 19
x-Playing night game.
New York 5, Detroit 4.
Boston at Cleveland (2), incom-
Washington at St. Louis (2), in-
Philadelphia at Chicago, incom-
lead to hammer Frank (Stubby)
Overmire from the box in the eighth
inning after the Tiger southpaw had
yielded a dozen hits. Grimes' single,
followed by triples from Mike Gar-
bark and Georgie Stirnweiss, ac-
counted for two runs in the eighth
that put the Yanks' ahead 5-3 and
meant the victory despite Detroit's
rally for one run in the rnth.
Bevens Gives 10 Hits
Floyd Bevens, New York right-
hander, went all the way giving 10
hits, fanning pinch-hitter Hank
Greenberg in the ninth and forcing
Roy Cullenbine to fly out to end the
game with Detroit runners on first
and third.
The Yankee victory, fifth in 13
games on their current road trip, cut
a full game off Detroit's league lead.
The Tigers combined walks by Joe
Hoover, Rudy York and Jim Outlaw
with Doc Cramer's infield hit and
Bob Maier's double to left to chase
across three runs in the first inning
but lost excellent scoring opportuni-
ties in the fourth and fifth when the
Yanks came up with timely double
New York ....000 102 020-5 12 1
Detroit......300 000 001-4 10 0
. . . he had an off day
(Continued from Page 2)
officers, group singing, and tea,
interested are cordially invited.
er actin 'Mdroln
1 r rr i rr+ ."rr4
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation. Morning Worship
Service at 10:40 o'clock, Dr. James
Brett Kenna will preach on "Seeing
the Invisible." Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing at 6 o'clock (EWT). The Rev.
Robert H. Jongeward will speak pn
"TyingLoose Ends Together." Sup-
per and fellowship hour following
the meeting.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
at 11:00 a. in. EWT. This Sunday
the Rev. Alfred Scheips will preach
on the subject, "Your Baptism-
What Does It Mean To You?"
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting
Sunday at 5:00 EWT at the LutheranI
Student Center.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have an Open House in Zion
Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St.,
this Sunday afternoon at 4:30. All
students and service men are wel-
come. Supper will be served at 6:001
and a short discussion of summer
plans will follow.
Zion Lutheran Church will have its
annual Outdoor Service at West Park}
at 10:00.-
per will be served following the meet-
First Baptist Church, Rev. C. H.
Loucks, Minister and student coun-
selor. Saturday-7:10, choir re-
hearsal in the church. At 8:00, Bap-
tist Students and their friends are
invited to an Open House at the Rog-
er Williams Guild House, 502 E.
Huron. There will be badminton,
croquet, ping pong, records, and a
chance to get acquainted with new
people. Sunday morning at 10:00 the
Study class will meet in the Guild
House and continue its survey of St.
Mark. The Morning worship service
in the church at 11:00 will have Miss
Ruth Fritz as soloist, and the sermon
will be "Religion Personified" by Rev.
C. H. Loucks1. The ser'vice will be
broadcast. At 5:00 p. m. the Guild
will hear Dr. Dean F. McClusky, vis-
iting professor in Visual Education.
Supper will be served at 6:00.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
109 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p. m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a. m. Subject
"Sacrament". Sunday school at 11:45
a. in. A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth,
where the 'Bible, also the Christian
Science Textbook, "Science and Hea-
lth with Key to the Scriptures" and
other writings by Mary Baker Eddy
may be read, borrowed or purchased.
} Open daily except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples) Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m.
(EWT). The Rev. Eugene F. Zendt
will deliver the morning message.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at 4:30 p. m. (EWT) at
the First Congregational Church and
go from there to Riverside Park for
recreation, a picnic supper, and Ves-
pers. The Vesper Service will be led
by Johanne McMillin. The group
will meet in the Congregational
Church in case of rain.
from 1 P.M.
Lost Times
Starts Sunday
bie S?