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July 07, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1945-07-07

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I .




Suniny and Pleasant

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600 Superforts PondHonshu
Fire, Demolition Bombs
Hit FiveIndustrialCities "



Allies Make Crossing at
Seize Penadjam Point,

Balikpapan Bay
Harbor Entrances

By The Associated Press
About 600 Superforts smashed at five Japanese war production cen-
ters on Honshu Island early today (Saturday) with approximately 4,000
tons of fire and demolition bombs, in one of the heaviest raids to date in
the rising aerial war on the enemy homeland.
Shimotsu, near Osaka, site of the previously-hit Marusen Oil Refinery,
and Akashi on the inland sea shared the blows with Kofu, Chiba and
Shimzu, all in the Tokyo area. While Akashi and Chiba have been ham-
mered before in demolition raids, it was the first firebomb attack on those
cities as well as on Kofu and Shimizu.
In the southeastern Borneo invasion Australian Seventh Division units
made a three-mile crossing of Balikpapan bay to secure Penadjam Point and
* clamp a firm hold on Balikpapan and

Will Take Office
After Conference
Kentuckian To Succeed Morgenthau
After 'Big Three' Meeting Conmpleted
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 6-Tall, rugged Fred Vinson of Kentucky, Di-
rector of War Mobilization, will be the next Secretary of the Treasury.
The White House made the announcement late today, abruptly end-
ing a swirl of speculation over a successor to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., who
resigned yesterday.
President Truman had said he had a man in mind for the post but would
not name him until he returned from the Big Three conference in Ger-
many several weeks from now.
Apparently Mr. Truman changed his mind and settled the matter
today. A White House aide made the announcement, disclosing that the
_actual appointment will be made on

German War
Prisoners Take
Extension Work
Correspondence Study
Sent by University
Twenty-one' prisoners of war, 18
Germans and three Austrians, locat-
ed in POW camps throughout con-
tinental United States, are being
given University courses through the
Correspondence Study Department,
Mrs. Berenice Lee, director of the
Department revealed yesterday.
The University of Michigan, select-
ed by the U. S. Provost Marshal Gen-
eral's office to provide courses for
POW's, does not solicit or .encourage
prisoners to enroll: Fourteen other
universities and colleges from coast
to coast also provide this service,
Get College Credit
POW's, who receive regular college
credit for the courses are from every
part of Germany, ranging from 21
to 60 in age and from buck private
to captain in rank. ,
The prisoners, who have to pay the
full price for the service and are nof
in any way subsidized by the United
State Government, are "faithful, ser-
ious, and thorough, in doing the re-
quired course work," Mrs. Lee said.
Eleven Participate
Included in the group of prisonerk
taking University courses are six
POW's at Camp Ellis, Ill., three eacli
at Camp Pickett, Va., and Camp Der-
mott, Ark., and two at Camp Camp-
bell, Ky.
"The new University students,'
ranging from a Doctor of Philosophy
to a former trade school student, arc
all in camps outside of the state of
Thought A "Gag"
When the courses were first offer-
ed the former "Nazi supermen," they
were skeptical, Mrs. Lee pointed out
The Germans thought it was "a gag"
in which the American universities
were being used to propagandize
American ideals and to. try to sell
the American way of life.
"But, when the prisoners discover-
ed that courses included only the dis-
emination of objective knowledge
more enrolled," Mrs. Lee declared.
Among the courses elected are
Geography, French, Art, Latin, For-
estry, European History, and Engi-
neering. Absolutely no German is

the entrances to its harbor, largest on
the island.
Other Aussie units pushed toward
the Samarinda Oil Field, 55 miles
northeast of Balikpapan,and closed
in on refineries still held by the
enemy around the oil port.
Jap Dead Counted
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said 3,031
Japanese dead had been counted and
274 prisoners taken in all Borneo
operations, including the invasions of
Tarakan and the Brunei Bay ar~a in
the North. Allied casualties, he said,
were only 214 dead, 22 missing and
420 wounded.
For the second consecutive day,
MacArthur announced sweeps over
the west coast of Kyushu, southern-
most Japanese home island, by Fifth
Air Force Fighter-Bombers newly
based on Okinawa. He also reported
continued bombing of Formosa in-
stallations and a raid on an arsenal
in the Canton, China, area.
Enemy Vessels Hit
Navy and Marine planes sank two
small Japanese vessels and damaged
five others in attacks off Korea, in
the East China Sea, and around the
Amami islands north of Okinawa,
U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquarters said.
Tokyo radio reported that 250 U. S.
bombers and Fighters from Okinawa
and Iwo Jima bases hit Tokyo air-
fields and Kyushu island Friday, for
'he third straight day.
Prime targets for the superforts in
oday's early raid, aside from the oil
efinery at Shimotsu, were KOFU
ailroad and machine shops; Akashi's
:awasaki aircraft company, already
'ard hit; Chiba's rail lines and ware-
iouses, and Shimuzu, with one of the
iation's largest alumina plants.
Tokyo said the United States al-
:eady was hitting Japan with 11,000
Manes. The figure was not confirmed
>y American officials, but the Japa-
iese have been promised daily 1,000
Mane raids.
Superfortress headquarters at
xuam destruction in Japanese cities
ince the start of B-29 attacks last
Jovember totalled more than 120
quare miles, with areas hit in recent
'aids yet to be tabulated.
Heavily hit was Tokushima, largest
ity on Shikoku island, 74 per cent
lestroyed in a July 4 attack.
Senate Cites
Weaknesses of
U. S. Dealings
senate committee complained today
A weak American representation
ibroad which it said was snarling up
war surplus problems, lend-lease and
)ther economic dealings.
The committee also suggested the
desirability of maintaining perma-
nentAmerican Army and Navy bases
"at some points in the European
theater." It criticized what it called
lack of "sensitivity"onthe part of
procurement agencies at home to
:hanging munitions demands from
the front.
The report was issued by the Sen-
ate War Investigating Committee on
the basis of a report by a subcom-
mittee headed by Senator Kilgore
(D.-W.Va.). Kilgore's group is just
back from a visit to Europe.
Robbery of Bank
Of France Is Trap

of Propaganda building in Berlin from which the G erman people were fed a doctrine of world conquest.
Henry L. Griffin, Associated Press staff photographer, made this picture.

Former Student, Regent, Is'
Killed During Luzon Battle

John McFie, Jr., law graduate of
1914 and a member of the Board of
Regents in 1917 and 1918, was killed
in action in Luzon, although he was
a civilian prisoner of the Japanese,
T. Hawley Tapping general secretary
Smuggled Meat
Stopped at U.S.,
Canada Border
DETROIT, July 6--( )--Attempts
to smuggle meat and poultry out of
Canada have resulted in, the seizure
of a number of river boats and auto-
mobiles at the international boun-
dary, customs officials reported to-
Penalties assessed last month, ac-
cording to a customs office spokes-
man, totaled $18.000. The penalties
include a $100 fine for failure to
report to customs, double the value
of the undeclared items and the
value of the boat or automobile.
Officials said today that all the
boats had been redeemed, among
them a $3,500 cruiser and a $2,500
craft. The seized automobiles still
are being held.
A number of Americans, who have
anchored in waters near Peche
Island, have reported being ap-
proached by Canadians with mea;,
poultry, butter and cheese to sell a".
$1 a pound.
VLTrage to Have
Final Performance
The French film "L'Orage" will be
last shown at 8:30 p. in. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) today in the Rackham
The film, presented under the spon-
sorship of the Summer Session Of-
fice, stars Charles Boyer and Michele
Morgan. Admission to "L'Orage,"
which has English sub-titles is free.

of Alumni Association, announced
McFie, who went to the Philippines
25 years ago, was a lieutenant-com-
mander in the naval reserve until
General MacArthur returned him to.
civilian status after the Cavite at-
tack. It is thought that he was killed
when he joined Americans fighting
the Japanese on Feb. 3.
His wife, who had been a prisoner
of the Japs with her husband, has
been released and recently was re-
ported seriously ill.
McFie, a football star in 1911-12,
was a hero of the first World War,,
being cited for action at Verdun. On
campus, he was a member of Phi
Gamma Delta and one of the found-
ers of what later became Pi Kappa
Before joining his brother, Ralph
E. McFie, vice-governor of Mindanao,
the University graduate practiced law
in Gallup and Santa Fe, New Mexico,
and was secretary of the New Mex-
ico Bar Association.
Charter To Be
Subject of Talk
Lobanov Will Speak
To Post War Council
Prof. Lobanov of the history de-
partment will speak on "The San
Francisco Charter, Its Past and Fu-
ture," 7:30 p.m. EWT (6:30 CWT)
Tuesday, at the Union.
Sponsored by the Post-War Coun-
cil, Prof. Lobanov's lecture will intro-
duce a series of talks on the United
Nations Charter. He will compare
the Charter with the League of Na-
tions covenant.A
Prof. Lobanov will be introduced
by Barbara Ann Hazelton, a member
of the Council.
Elizabeth Hawley, president of the
Council, announced that on Tues-
day, July 17, a panel discussion will
be held on "The San Francisco Char-
ter - Does It. Have Sufficient Means
of Enforcement?"

.lea Describes
Auto Regulation
For Summer
Everyone is supposed to relax in
the summer and so is the University
auto regulation, according .to Dean
Walter B. Rea who has charge of
seeing to it that students do not have
too much drive with their jive.
Students are permitted to drive
their own automobiles for recreation-
al purposes, but a special permit
must be obtained from the Dean of
Students Office, Room 2, University
Hall. This type of permit does not
grant complete personal use of a car,
according to Dean Rea, but limits
driving to transportation for outdoor
athletic recreation such as golf, ten-
nis and swimming.
Passengers may be carried in con-
nection with these activities, but
mixed company is not permitted af-
ter 9 p.m. EWT (8 p.m. CWT). After
that hour any driving which includes
mixed company will be considered as
"social" rather than "recreational,"
and will be interpreted as a violation.
With the exception of the recreation-
al feature, the personal use of a car
is not allowed, Dean Rea said.
He emphasized that in all cases a
permit must be obtained and that
"no student may obtain any use of
his or her family car through the
driving of anyone who is not a mem-
ber of his immediate family." A let-
ter of approval from parents and evi-
dence of property damage and public
liability insurance on the car must
accompany each application.
Mayor Tests
'Gag' Ordmance
DEARBORN, Mich., July 6-(A)-
In a fuither test of what he terms a
'gag" ordinance, Mayor Orville L.
Hubbard today petitioned justice
court to declare unconstitutional
Dearborn's municipal statute that
forbids him from having contact with
the public, direct or otherwise, ex-
cepting with approval of the Munici-
pal Public Relations Bureau.
The ordinance, sponsored by coun-
cil president Norman F. Edwards,
and passed over the Mayor's veto
threatens the Mayor with a 90-day
jail term or a $500 fine if he cam-
paigns under the guise of official
It brought about the Mayor's ar-
rest on June 27, after he had ad-
dressed a group of Dearborn army
inductees. Councilman Edwards ac-
cused Hubbard of "strictly political"
acts in bidding farewell to every
Dearborn inductee and handing out
gold star pins to mothers of men
killed in service.
Hull Leaves Hospital;

Pullman Service
For Civilians
To Be Limited
ODT Issues Order;
Army To Use Cars
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 6-Civilian
pullman service will be discontinued
July 15 on all trips of 450 miles or
less in order to make more cars
available to move troops.
The order was drafted by the Of-
flee of Defense Transportation after
consultations with military and rail-
road officials.
It was estimated the order would
result in the withdrawal of approxi-
mately 900 cars now m civilian ser-
This will make approximately two-
thirds of all pullman car available
for the exclusive use of the military
services. There are about 7,500 pull-
The order applies only to sleeping
cars operated by the Pullman Co. It
does not affect chair cars and diners
operated by it.
Col. J. Monroe Johnson, ODT di-
rector, said the unexpectedly heavy
arrival of troops from Europe ahead
of schedule made the action neces-
sary at this time.
Predicting that July may be the
biggest of all months in the rede-
ployment of troops from Europe to
the Pacific, Johnson said that it
might be necessary to curtail civilian
pullman service even further.
Geiger States
Invasion Can
Be MadeNow
Gen. Roy S. Geiger, the Marines'
new commanding general in Pacific
ocean areas, said confidently today
a big invasion against the Japanese
can be staged any time the United
States wants to mass the forces to do
it-and "with no trouble at all."
"It's only a question now of wad-
ing in and finishing this war," he
said at a press conference.
"There is nothing very hard
against us."
Successor to the post of Lt. Gen,
Holland M. Smith, Gen. Geiger ex-
pressed the opinion it would be neces-
sary to invade Japan proper to finish
the war.
Reviewing the Okinawa campaign,
where he served as commander of the
Third Amphibious Corps, he defend-
ed the strategy employed in the clos-
ing phase.
"I think the proper course to take
was the one they took," Geiger ad-
As the campaign closed, the Japa-
nese were fighting among themselves
on Okinawa, Geiger said, pointing
out that the surrender of 7,500 com-
bat troops and 3,400 labor troops
showed the "weakening Japanese
"At the beginning of the war, we
thought they were 'super men,'
Geiger continued, "but at heart they
are cowards and they have an in-

the return from Europe.
That means Morgenthau will con-
tinue in the post for the time be-
ing, as announced yesterday.
Rich Experience
Vinson, 55 years old, has had a
richness of governmental experience
few men ever achieve. He has been
an ace in the legislative, judicial, and
executive branches of the govern-
ment, all within the space of a few
Now he is director of War Mobiliza-
tion and Reconversion. As soon as
it became known that he is the man
who will take over Morgenthau's Job
as chief of the nation's financial
functions, observers were quick to
wonder whether he will lake into the
treasury with him his present task
of "war mobilizer."
Financial Consolidation
The White House gave no indica-
tion as to this but some thought it
was logical for the whole field of
taxes, public debt management, and
reconversion to be consolidated under
the big, shaggy man whose rise from
office to office has been so rapid.
Vinson is not merely familiar with
taxes-he is known as an honest-to-
goodness tax authority.
He served 14 years in the house,
in most cases battling down the line
for President Roosevelt's ideas,
Black Markets
To Be Blasted
Clark Outlines Justice
Department's Plans
WASHINGTON, July 6-( P)-At-
torney General Tom Clark announc-
ed tonight the Justice Department
will concentrate for the present on
black markets, anti-trust violations,
war fraud and tax evasions.
Asserting he has "intense feelings"
on the subject of black markets,
Clark, who took office June 30, de-
clared that over-price dealings in
everyday necessities such as gaso-
line, meat and clothing will receive
first attention.
He disclosed in an address pre-
pared for broadcast over the NBC
that he has directed all U. S. attor-
neys "to double their efforts to put
black marketeers in the peniten-
Clark promised to work closely with
the internal revenue and treasury
departments, to see "that all tax
evaders are punished," adding that
one evil of black markets is concen-
tration of large sums of money which
are not reported for taxation.
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover sees
eye to eye with him on these prob-
lems, he said, and "together we
shall solve them."
Asserting that America obtained a
late start in war production because
of collusive control of markets, Clark
said these "malpractices" will not
again be permitted. He added that
his department does not intend to
allow reestablishment of the prac-
tice of alien business control "that
crept on us after the last war."
Pay Raise Granted
To Postal Workers
WASHINGTON, July 6--(P)-Pos-
tal workers got their first general




Today Hillel Foundation will
hold a mixer from 9 to
12 p. m. EWT (8 to 11
p. m. CWT) at the Foun-
dation. Everyone is in-
vited to attend.
Today The French film "L'Or-
age," will be presented in
Rackham Lecture Hall at
8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT). Admission
is free.
July 9 Russky Kruzhok, Russian
circle, will meet at the
International Center at
8 p.M. EWT (7 p.m.
July 10 Prof. Preston Slosson will
gnaa~ in agrhmrn Am-

Teachers Mst Guard A tainst
Intolerance, Hatiredi - ,Stevens

"Teachers who do not combat their
pupils' racial intolerance and hat-
red are unintentionally sowing the
seeds of fascism in America," George
Stevens, member of the Board of
Education of the Flint school system

instrumental in acauainting his pu-
pils with the basic aims and ideals
of democracy and Americanism, he
"Democracy and Americanism
means equality of opportunity re-

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