Stolen Art Found in Germany
Is Worth $2,000,000,000
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 - The "Don't touch" sign has been posted
on $2,000,000,000 worth of stolen European art found in Germany.
That's the first step in the complex and tortuous job of getting every
piece of sculpture, every painting, every manuscript, back in the hands of
the original owners.
The $2,000,000,000 figure comes from Francis Henry Taylor, director
of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and is the estimate of
the British Board of Economic War-- ---
fare. It also has been quoted by Wil-
liam L. Clayton, Assistant Secretary
of State.
Longest Name, Smallest Staff
Taylor is a member of the com-
mission in charge of the job from the
American end. At the start, it had
the longest name (American Com-
mission for the Protection and Sal-
vage of Artistic and Historic Monu-
State Awaits
News of Public
Works Plans
Kelly Tells Michigan
Planner~s of Problems
By The Associated Press
MARQ UETTE, Mich., Aug. 21 -
A blunt warning that local commun-
ities are anxiously awaiting a deter-
*mination of the Federal Govern-
ment's postwar public works inten-
tions was sounded today by Gover-
nor Harry F. Kelly, opening the Aug-
ust meeting of the Michigan Plan-
Sni1ng Commission.
At his first postwar session with
the planners he said Michigan is
ready with blueprints for public con-
struction but that officials of local
communities are unanimously ask-
ing "How about financing?"
it'sJit Sssion
mThe State Commission met today
in joint session with its Upper Pen-
insula advisory committee primarily
to 'discuss northern Michigan prob-
lems. But the Governor stated that
because it is the commission's first
postwar meeting consideration must
be given to the overall state situa-
Hle recommended that the planners
address a communication to Congress
"urgently requesting" a determina-
tion of the Federal Government's
public works program as soon as
possible after the extra session con-
Venes Sept. 4. He recommended that
another resolution be directed to
"te proper authorities," urging im-
mediate release from the armed for -
c es of architects and engineers nec -
ssary to carry out postwar constru-
tion programs.
.1V~viei fm o ntry
"I am proud of the position Mich-
ian and its surrounding communi-
ties are in today," Governor Kelly
ssid. "We are far ahead of the rest
o° the country in postwar planning.
I -am especially gratified to learn
Michigan has been selected by the
Federal Works Agency as the model
for the whole country in a survey
which it is preparing to launch next
The Governor pointed out that by
Sept. 1, Michigan communities will
have submitted to the State Plan-
ning Commission prjects for which
the planning cost will total $9,000,000
of which the State's share will be
He said that the construction cost
of these projects will be in excess of
Inmate Petitions
For Release
Charges Marquette
Rules 'More Severe'
LANSING, Aug. 21-(A)-Petition
to the State Supreme Court for a
release from the Marquette Branch
Prison because the discipline is "more
severe" was made today by Chester
Jurczyszyn, one of the convicts de-
scribed by Attorney General John R.
Dethmers as a member of the for-
mer "ruling clique" of inmates at
the State Prison of Southern Michi-
Michael J. Mozola of Detroit, coun-
sel for Jurczyszyn, who is serving a
life sentence for murder, asked the
court for a writ of habeas corpus
asserting that his client had been
illegally moved from the Southern
Michigan prison to Marquette after
Dethmers exposed charges of laxity
in the former institution.
'U Grad JoinsNavy .
News Center Staff
A 1941 University graduate has
been added to the staff of the newly
organized Fleet Home Town News.
Center in Chicago.
George E. Nadler, seaman second
class in the photographic section, is
now on duty at what is termed the
largest news center in the country.
It is designed to service newspapers
ments in War Areas), the smallest
staff (an assistant secretary and a
stenographer), and perhaps the
smallest budget ($19,000) of any
commission in Washington.
The original budget was allocated
by President Roosevelt from execu-
tive funds. Congress gave the com-
mission $40,000 in 1944 and an equal
amount this year.
An enormous amount of work must
be done. Before Gen. Eisenhower's
armies drove into Germany, fine arts
and archives officers attached to
them had been informed through
secret channels of the existence, and
usually the location, of some 500
caches of looted art in Hitler's Reich.
First of Its Kind
These field officers, about 25 Amer-
icans and 15 Britons, including those
in Italy, were named by the Army
on the recommendation of the Amer-
ican commission, first of its kind to
be formed by the Allied government.
The officers were summoned as
soon as a horde of treasure was un-
covered, as at Hungen. near Giessen,
at Berchtesgaden. at Mercedes south
of Gotha and near Siegen. Their
salvage missions took them into cas-
tles, banks, brickyards, schools, choir
lofts, tunnels, salt mines and caves.
Systematized Preservation
As described by Huntington Cairns,
secretary-treasurer of the American
Commission, the steps they took to
preserve this artistic wealth were,
(1) mount guard; (2) seek the aid
of civilian personnel having special
knowledge of the cache involved; (3)
hunt out records of the stored ob-
jects; (4) check on their condition
and remove them if necessary from
storage places too damp or of uneven
temperature: and (5) make an in-
Recovered objects now are being
moved to two huge depositaries and
several smaller ones. Some claims
for restitution have been presented.
Some owners are Americans.
Principles of restitution have been
drafted by the commission and pre-
sented to the State, Treasury and
War Departments. Similar princi-
ples have been drawn up by inter-
Allied and British groups in London.
and joint Allied indorsement is nec-
essary before they are made public.
Back to Owners
The American proposals, Cairns
says, are unlikely to be a matter for
controversy; they are such as "any
reasonable man" would subscribe to.
They set a date after which art
transferred to German possession may
be presumed to be loot and define
procedures for recovery. They bear
out, in detail, the general assurance
given by Supreme Headquarters of
the Allied Expeditionary Forces that
art and other precious materials
stolen outright or "bought" with
managed currency shall be returned
to the rightful owners.
Taylor further suggests that ob-
jects destroyed or lost should be re-
placed by comparable objects from
German collections. It may take a
long time, however, to find out what
paintings and sculptures and manu-
scripts have disappeared.
DDT Protection
Against Insects
To Cost Little
By The Associated Press
soon to be available to the public in
unlimited quantities, will give the
average householder a high degree
of protection against mosquities, flies
and other household pests at a cost,
of between $1.75 and $3.50 a year,
it was learned today.
Hot on the heels of an announce-
ment by the War Production Board
that. all controls on the production
of the remarkable war-developed in-
secticide would be lifted Aug. 31, a
United States Public Health official
said in an interview:
See picture, page 6
"Now that the lifting of production
controls is in sight -- with general
distribution bound to be in effectI
within another month -- this will be
"The average householder in the
fiorthern part of the country will be
able to get a fifty-cent hand spray-
er, about a dollar's worth of DDT
powder (about three cupfuls), a
quarter's worth of kerosene and a
soapy emulsifier for mixing purpos-
es, and have sufficient equipment to
give his whole house the single
spring-summer spraying sufficient to
kill the large majority of mosquitoes
and flies entering the house.
* *
Public To View
DDT Displays
State Plans Series To
Demonstrate 'Safe' Use
LANSING, Aug. 21-W)-A series
of demonstrations throughout the
state to prepare the public for the
safe use of the new insecticide, DDT,
is being planned by the State Health
State Health Commissioner Wil-
liam Dekleine said that DDT would
probably be on the market in large
quantities next summer and people
should be ready to use it properly.
* * *
There's No Fly
Upon the Wall
Divorce Total
Has Risen in
State, Bar Says
Bureau Handles Eigh
Times as Many Cases
LANSING, Aug. 21--(A)-An "ap-J
palling increase in the number of
divorces" in Michigan was noted to-
day by the Legal Aid Committee of
the State Bar of Michigan.
Reporting that eight times as many
divorces are being handled by the
bureau than in 1942, Chairman Rich-
ard G. Annis of Grand Rapids said
that questions affecting domestic re-
lations, and purchases of used equip-
ment and housing have replaced
wages, garnishments and credit suits
as dominant legal problems.
The bar's War Work Committee,
recommended that legal assistance be
extended to help veterans and their
dependents on legal problems aris-
ing out of service in the armed for-
ces for six months after discharge.
Legal aid would be used particu-
larly in connection with enforcing
rights to former jobs and in liquidat-
ing obligations suspended during the
By The Associated Press
With the 32nd Division on Luzon-
Manuel Perez Garcia, at 120 pounds,
is probably one of the American
SArmy's smallest soldiers.
"When he comes out of the hills
carrying a full field pack and a col-
lection of souvenirs," commented his
platoon sergeant, "you can hardly
see the guy for the lead."
No. 1 Jap Killer
But the little Cuban, who says he
left his homeland and family in 1941
because "I wanted to fight for de-
mocracy," is recognized as the No. 1
Japanese killer in this veteran divi-
sion. He is credited with having
killed 83 in the northern Luzon fight-
ing - more than one a day for each
day of actual combat since he joined
the division in February.
"And that doesn't count prob-
ables," said Sgt. Eduardo Esteban
of Kansas City, Mo., who usually is
Garcia's patrol leader.
'Beautiful' Soldiering
The day he killed 16 Japanese
within a few minutes is one the men
Ragweed Pollen Climbs
LANSING, Aug. 21 -(P)- Rag-
weed pollen continued to climb be-
yond the danger point in many
Michigan cities today, the State De-
partment of Health's pollen check
f his platoon still talk about in
tones of awe.
"That was the most beautiful bit
of soldiering you ever did see," ex-
claimed Capt. Charles Hoskins III of
Baltimore, Md., the company com-
"A series of Jap caves was hold-}
ing up an entire company. The way}
that man worked was beautiful to
see. Running under fire, he dashed
in on the flank. As he reached a
cave he paused, then took one quick
No. 1 Jap Killer Is One of Smallest GIs
side step like a boxer. Standing
square in the mouth, he emptied a
whole B. A. R. (automatic rifle) clip
in one burst. Five caves and 16 Japs!
What a record!"
On patrol, the Cuban fireball (who
is the father of a 15-year-old boy
and has three other children and a
wife in Havana) always serves as
lead scout.
"He moves like a bat out of hell,"
says Sergeant Esteban, "and the rest
of us can hardly keep up with him."
I. ,,I
College girl
*1 Y __ .
CARO, Mich., Aug. 21-01)-There
were no flies at the Tuscola County
Fair here today. The entire fair-
grounds including eating places and
livestock barns were sprayed this
morning with the new insecticide,
The project, first of its kind, was
sponsored by the State Department of
Agriculture in cooperation with the
Caro Fair Board.
English Economy
Is Subject of Book
Dr. William F. Hauhart, who was
an instructor and assistant professor
of German here from 1906 to 1920,
has written a book, "England's De-
cadent International Economy."
The book analyzes the economic
history of England for the past 50
years, England's dependence upon
Lend-lease and phases of imperial-
Dr. Hauhart is now dean of the
school of business administration at
Southern Methodist University, Dal-
las, Texas.
I -=
Due to publishing difficulties, the Ensian will
not be available before the end of the summer
session. All those who are leaving after eight
weeks and will not be back in the fall, please
leave your address at the Student Publications
Building, 420 Maynard Street, Monday thru
Friday from 1:00 till 5:00.
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