I .-.- -. -.- -
Field Day Featuring Track,
Swimming Events, To Be Held
A Michigan Field Day, sponsored
by the Union, will be held Sept. 8
at Ferry Field.
A part of the Intra-mural sports
program, the Field Day will be a re-
rival of an old Michigan custom and
is the first to be held since the begin-
ning of the war.
Anyone is eligible to enter, and
residence halls, co - ops, fraterni-
ties, and other groups are invited to
enter contests, the only stipu-
lation being that a fraternity pledge
living in a residence hall must run
with his hall rather than with the
Three swimming events are being
'You're on The
Air' Is Topic
Of Discussion
"You're on the Air" will be the title
of a speech by Prof. David Owen of
the Department of Speech before the
Ann Arbor Rotary Club at noon EWT
Prof. Owen will explain what goes
on in a radio studio before, during
and after the broadcasting of a pro-
gram. He will illustrate his talk by
directing a group of University stu-
dents in the broadcast of a radio
play, which will go on the air over
the facilities of station WPAG.
Prof. Owen has been an actor, di-
rector and producer in the American
Little Theatre, Chicago, Ill., and
was a producer of radio shows for the
National Broadcasting Company and
the Columbia Broadcasting System.
He is the originator of the five-day-
a-week radio show and was the origi-
nal producer and director of "Betty
and Bob," "Skippy," "Jack Arm-
strong" and other radio programs.
A member of the speech depart-
ment faculty since 1941, he has also
taught at Northwestern University.
Linguistic Talks
To Close Today
Activities of the 1945 Linguistic In-
stitute will come to a close today
when Dr. Zellig S. Harris, associate
professor of Hamito-Semitic Linguis-
tics at the University of Pennsyl-
vania, lectures on the subject "From
Morpheme to Utterance" at 7:30 p.
m. EWT in the Rackham Amphi-
Prof. Harris, who is interested in
American Indian languages and in
general problems of linguistic analy-
sis, in addition to his special field of
the Semitic languages, was a member
of the faculty of the Linguistic In-
stitute held at the University in 1937.
Today's lecture is scheduled to be
published in "Language," the jour-
nal of the Linguistic Society of
Elaine Rathbun Will
Give Piano Recital
Elaine Asbey Rathbun, pianist, will
be heard in a student recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
at 8:30 p. m. EWT today in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall.
A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss
Rathbun will play compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, Sandro Ruga and
The general public is invited.
Jordan Open House
To Feature Fielding
"Doc" Fielding, well-known Mich-
igan emcee featured in Kampus Kap-
ers, will highlight an open house en-
tertainment at Jordan Hall from 7 to
11 p. m. EWT Friday.
All men on campus are invited to
the party. There will be dancing and
Kerr To Discuss 'Future
Prospects of Air Cargo'
Thomas Kerr, regional traffic
manager of Pennsylvania Central
Airlines, will speak on "The Future
Prospects for Air Cargo" at a meeting
of the Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences at 7:30 p. m. EWT today in
Room 305 of the Union.
Former Detroit News
City Editor Is Dead
GLENDALE, Calif., Aug. 21-OP)-
Harold Waple Roland, 56, former
city editor of the Detroit News, died
here today following a long illness.
Born in Chicago, Roland was
termed by the late President Wilson
as "one of the finest correspondents
in Washington" during World War I.
Airport Space To Let
The city council ruled Monday thai
ground spacefor building privat
hangers and other buildings at the
planned for the morning and eight
track events for the afternoon. There
will be relays, dashes, distance runs,
broad jumps, and high jumps. It is
hoped that baseball play-offs in the
university championships may be
worked into the day's program. The
championship of the four campus
leagues will be at stake.
The Intra-mural Department is co-
operating in running the events,
taking charge of timing, starting,
and judging.
Application blanks may be picked
up in the Student Offices of the
Union. All entries must be turned
in to the Student Offices with a list
of participants by 5:00 p. m. EWT
Sept. 5.
The morning events will be 50 and
100 yard free-style runs and a 50
yard backstroke. In the afternoon a
100 yard dash, low hurdles, mile run,
880 yard relay,. 440 yard dash, 220
yard dash, 880 yard run, mile relay,
broad jump, and high jump will be
A man may enter any event, but
only two men from any one group
may participate in an event at a
Speed Bans Cut
Auto Accidents
With wartime restrictions on auto-
mobile speed, the number of traffic
accidents in Washtenaw County has
decreased, records on file at the sher-
iff's department and police head-
quarters show.
Pre-war average of monthly acci-
dents, as reported by Ann Arbor po-
lice officials, was approximately
double that of the past few years,
Chief Sherman Mortenson estimated.
In 1942 there were. 377 automobile
accidents in . "out-county" areas,
whereas there were 234 reported for
1944. During 1940 in Ann Arbor
there were 461 traffic accidents while
last year the total;came to 265.
"Naturally we cannot expect to
have 35-mile-per-hour speed limits
continue on all highways throughout
the county, Sheriff John L. Osborn
said. On some of sthe large improved
highways, he explained, it is possible
for a motorist to travel at a fairly
high rate of speed and still not en-
danger human lives.
~T' Grad Saves$
60-Mile Tree
Belt in Italy
Heads Negro Aviation
Engineering Company
Commanding a company of Negro
aviation engineers of the 838th Engi-
neer Aviation Batallion, Capt. Ed-
ward J. Swiderski, of Monroe, a grad-
uate of the University, extinguish-
ed a brush fire near Pisa, Italy, thus
averting destruction of a 60-mile belt
of trees stretching from Pisa to Leg-
The flames, discovered by the
Negro airfield-building unit as they
blazed over a 10-acre area in the
midst of a forest near the batallion's
bivouac area, were being fanned
toward a large gas dump nearby and
were exploding caches of German
mortar shells in a continuous barrage.
Under Captain Swiderski's direc-
tion, the unit swung into action,
mobilizing every available man from
KP's to the chaplain's assistant. In-
dividual soldiers hacked away at the
brush with shovels while engineer-
manned tractor bulldozers approach-
ed the inferno. The Negro operat-
ors, disregarding constantly explod-
ing mortar shells, cut roads through
the thick brush for approaching fire
trucks and then swung over to the
job of cutting firebreaks around theI
After six hours of effort, the flames
were brought under control, saving
not only the gas dump but the entire
60-mile stretch of the wooded belt to
which they would have spread.
The 838th Engineer Batallion has
29 months of airfield-construction be-
hind it in North Africa and Italy. It
enlarged and improved Gazes Air-
port at Casablanca in preparation
for the huge current air operations
through that base. Since September
of 1944, the batallion has maintained
important bases of the Mediterran-
ean Allied Air Forces in the Pisa area.
Captain Swiderski, who entered the
Army in 1941, spent 29 months over-
seas as commanding officer of one
of the 838th Engineer companies.
Death Takes Former
Daily Accountant
Eugenia Allen, 72 years old, a
former Daily accountant, died yes-
terday at Simpson Memorial Hospi-
tal after a lingering illness.
Miss Allen, who worked for The
Daily 18 years, lived at 408 S. Fifth
Ave. She is survived by four cousins.
RADAR TUBE -A worker
in Westinghouse's FairmontW.1
Va., plant exhibits electronic
tube equipment ready to become
the "eyes" of U. S. armed forcesi
in radar devices.'
C H O P S T I C K C H O W - Okinawa natives who do odd jobs around the 10th Army's signal
intelligence section eat army rations out of cans, using the time-honored chopstick system. -
Sleek, black dresses - little
dream dresses that sculptor
the figure - subtly flatteringa
and glamorous or severely
smooth and simple. Sizes 9.44.
Priced $16.95 to $35.00.
Scene stealer for fall - the
dressmaker suit - featuring
smooth, rounded shoulders
-deep armholes, and wing
sleeves - slender little skirts
-suit pictured - in green,
red, blue - priced $49.95.
Other suits from $29.95.
"SWEET DADDY" BAPTIZES 200-Some 200 screaming, white-rober
converts to "The United House Prayer for All People Church," Phila-
delphia, Pa., are doused with a 2172 inch fire hose at Baptism services.
"Sweet Daddy" Grace, Bishop of the Church, stands at the far right
under an umbrella held by a member of a uniformed church unit.
bomber skims the housetops of Rockford, Ill., spraying the polio-ridden
city with the insecticide, DDT, in an effort to curb an outbreak of infan-
tile paralysis which has claimed 16 lives.
U D G E - A'hungry gIeam'
shines in the eye of Donald;
Meek, movie character actor, as
he enacts the role of a state fair
foods judge about to samplead
"prize pickle entry.r
C A R R I A C E R I D E F OR MO N T Y -- Londoners crowd the streets as Field Marshal Sir,
Bernard Montgomery (standing in carriage) receives the freedom of Brentford and Chiswick.,'
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