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August 18, 1945 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-18

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Travel Restrictions

Lifted from Nation's Sports

Football Past Ranks
With Best in Country

Michigan's football history down
through the years has been charac-
terized by teams and players of a
high calibre, many Big Ten and my-
thical national championships, and
the placing of quite a few stars on the
annual All-American eleven.
As the Wolverines have been one
of the leading and most powerful
members of the Western Conference,
the nation's gridiron stronghold, for
many seasons, they rank with the
best aggregations ever produced on
the American football scene. In the
fifty years the Conference has been
in existence, Michigan has walked
away with 14 titles, winning four in
a row from 1901-1904, and again
from 1930-1933.
Winning Record
Since the first Maize and Blue
squad stepped out on to the gridiron
in 1879, 'M' teams have won 368
games, including two national cham-
pionships in 1932 and '33, lost 95, and
have ended 21 contests in a tie. This
amazing record can be attributed in
part to work done by such notewor-
MSC Football
Drills Ended
17-Year Old Stars in
Final Intra-Squad Tilt
EAST LANSING, Aug. 17-()-A
half veteran White team defeated the
newcomer Green jersied team, 27-0.
in a final intra-squad scrimmage to-
day winding up the Michigan State
College summer football practice ses-
About 1,000 fans were on hand at
Macklin Field for a first look at the
new material for coach Charley Bach-
man's 1945 Spartan combination. All
previous M.S.C. drills have been clos-
ed to the public. The Spartans will
open fall football practice Sept. 4 in
preparation for the season opener
against Michigan Sept. 29.
Although the White squad was bol-
stered by five lettermen, Bob Lud-
wig, 17-year-old halfback from Mus-
kegon turned in the best perform-
ance of the afternoon, scoring two of
the touchdowns and tossing two of
the touchdown passes. He also kick-
ed three points after touchdown.
Other mainstays in the White ele-
ven were lettermen Bob Godfrey and
Bob Lamssies, guards, Brady Sulli-
van, center, Dick Massuch, right end
and Freshmen Kent Esbaugh, big
tackle from Grand Rapids, Dominic
Conti, quarterback from Niagara
Falls, N. Y., and Fred Aronson, end
from Chicago.
Night Game
St. Louis.......000 101 000-2 8 0
Philadelphia ...001 000 20x-3 8 2
C. Barrett and O'Dea; R. Bar-
rett and Seminick.
LOST: Keys on chain. Tuesday on
State street. Call Audrey, 24547.
LOST: One Physiology lab manual,
between New Granada and East
Med. Bldg. Call 4493.
LOST: August 10, gold Bulova watch
in or between Rackham and Stock-
well. Reward. Call 24471. Jose-
phine Fernandez.
LOST: Brown wallet near library or
Angell Hall. Contains identifica-
tion card. Call Peggy Casto, 22755.
LOST: One Alpha Delt fraternity

pin Thursday afternoon, August 9
in vicinity of campus. Reward, call
leave, training for State Depart-
ment examinations, would like to
exchange a couple of hours tutoring
a day in French for three weeks
vacation at a beautiful northern
Michigan summer home for tutor
and wife. Leave Ann Arbor August
16 or 17, return September 6. Phone
Ann Arbor 2-4180 between 8:00 and
9:00 p. m. Lieut. Wells.

* thy coaches as Yost, Kipke, and Cris-
ler. Add to this another laurel, that
of the 49-0 drubbing of Stanford-in
the 1902 Rose Bowl, and you have one
of the finest records in the history
of the game.
The success of Michigan teams has
been aided no little by the perform-
ances of the many stars that have
been chosen on the mythical dream
team-the All-American. All told,
there have been 28 Wolverines, repre-
senting every position, selected for
this eleven. Of these, only one, Ben-
nie Oosterbaan, present line coach,
was chosen for three years in a row,
from 1925-27. Albert Benbrook, a
guard, made the team in 1909 and
1910. Halfback Willie Heston, of
Rose Bowl fame represented Michigan
on the '03 and '04 All-Americans and
the ever-popular Tom Harmon re-
ceived this distinction in 1939 and
1940. Former coach Harry Kipke
was a halfback on the 1922 team.
Wistert Brother Act
Adolph (Germany) Schulz, often
called th father of the modern center
techniqu , gained. a berth on the
'07 eleven. The list of 'M"All-Amer-
icans even contains a brother act-
the Wisterts. Francis made it in
1933 and "little" brother Al turned
the trick in '42. Both boys played
tackle. Al's running mate at guard,
Julie Franks, was also represented
in the '42 squad.
The end who caught Harmon's
passes, Ed Frutig, made the '40 ele-
ven, and Oosterbaan's pass-thrower,
Benny Friedman, was All-American
in 1926. More recent Wolverines to,
receive this honor were guard Ralph;
Heikkinen '38, tackle Merv Pregul-
man '43, and fullbacks Bob Westfall
'41, and Bill Daley '43.
Gopher Eleven,
Uses Veterans
The 1945 University of Minnesota
football squad which Coach Bernie
Bierman hopes will include 16 let-
termen for the opener against Mis-
souri Sept. 22 will be largely a veter-
an team in two respects.gy
Ten of the leading candidates have'
honorable discharges from the Army,i
Navy, or Marine Corps. In fact, if the1
Gophers could borrow a couple ofj
tackles and one end, the vets of
World War II could field quite a for-
midable eleven of their own.1

Tigers Lose
To Senators
Haef.er Allows Seven
Hits, Cuts Detroit Lead
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Aug. 17-The Washing-
ton Senators trimmed Detroit's Amer-
ican League lead to 21% games today
as Mickey Haefner outpitched Frank
(Stubby) Overmire in a duel of left-
handers and the Nats edged the Ti-
gers, 3-1.
Haefner gave seven hits and pitch-
ed his way out of several trouble-
some spots to record his 12th win.
Overmire yielded nine blows in tak-
ing his ninth defeat.
Detroit took a one-run lead in the
first inning when Skeeter Webb and
Roger Cramer singled ahead of Hank
Greenberg's double, but Buddy Lewis
hammered his first home run since
his release from the Army Air Forces
to tie it up in the fourth.
Decided in Sixth
Bobby Maier's error on Harlond
Clift's grounder set the stage for
Washington to punch across the win-
ning run in the sixth as Fred Vaughn
singled to center and Rick Ferrell
bounced a hit off Maier's glove.
Singles by Ferrell, Gil Torres and
Mike Kreevich accounted for the
third Senator tally in the ninth.
The Tigers lost an extra run in
the first when Webb tried to score
from second on Cramer's short single
to center and was thrown out by
Detroit Muffs Two Chances
Rudy York led off the second inn-
ing with a hit but didn't get past
first and Maier's fourth inning triple
with one away meant nothing as he
was rubbed out trying a double steal
with Overmire, who had walked.
Detroit had another chance in the
sixth when Greenberg led off the
inning with his second double but
Hank was caught between second and
third a moment later and tagged out
by Joe Kuhel as four Washington
infielders took part in the chase.
Only other Detroit batter to reach
first safely in the last five innings
was Cramer, who was hit by a pitched
ball in the eighth.
Haefner fanned five Tigers and
walked two, one intentionally. Over-
mire's only strikeout victim was Kree-
vich, leading off in the first inning.
By winning the third game of the
series before a crowd of 14,770 paid,
Washington assured itself of nothing
worse than an even break in its cur-
rent stop at Briggs Stadium.

Removalof ODT Control
Assures World Series
Johnson,.Bureau Head, Praises Voluntary
Cooperation of Athletic Leaders in Wartime
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17--The government today completely took its
hands off sports with a blanket removal by the ODT of all travel restrictions
affecting athletic events.
Now, for the first time since feeling the pinch of wartime conditions,
the sports field is free to go merrily on its way toward a great peacetime
expansion, with athletic leaders highly pleased over the relaxation.
ODT's action definitely assures the holding of the 1945 World Series,
13 non-championship professional football games, fall and winter horse
racing, post-season college football.- --
games, bowling meets and other
events on the one-time doubtful list.r_
Johnson Makes Announcement Major Lea gie
Col. J. Monroe Johnson, Office of
Defense Transportation Director, an-
nounced the "discontinuance of the
voluntary travel restrictions on majcir
Presidential sports, intercollegiate and NATIONAL LEAGUE
high school athletics, and bowling." TEAMST A L Pet. GB
Johnson, at the same time, paid Chicago ..........71 38 .651 ,
sports a glowing tribute for its St. Louis .........67 45 .598 52
"voluntary" part in the war effort, Brooklyn .........62 48 .564 9
saying: New York ........61 52 .540 12
"The example set by athletic lead- Pittsburgh.......59 56 .513 15
ers, both professional and amateur, Boston..........52 63 .452 22
in voluntarily cutting travel prob- Cincinnati ........45 64 .413 26
ably was the strongest single factor Philadelphia ......30 81 .270 42
in impressing upon the general pub- YESTERDAY5S RESULTS
lic the urgency of the wartime trans- Chicago 4, Brooklyn 3.
portation situation." New York 3, Pittsburgh 2.
Advises 'Temperance' TODAY'S GAMES
Then Johnson dropped in a bit of Chicago at Brooklyn.
precaution, that "temperance in the Cincinnati at Boston.
use of sports transportation is wise to Pittsburgh at New York.
avoid any resumption of restrictions." Only games scheduled.
The relaxation on sports travel was
made possible, he said, by removal of AMERICAN LEAGUE
other restrictions, including gasoline Detroit...62 45 .57
rationing, and he added that he ex- ..... .60 48 .556 212
pects motors (buses, trucks and pri- Washigton .......60 48 .556 2
vate cars) to absorb much of the load Chicago ..........57 51 .528 5
from railroads." Cleveland . .. .. .. . .56 51 .523 6
New York ........52 51 .505 8
St. Louis ..........53 52 .505 8
os Im proved Boston..........52 58.47311
der: Yerges Washinton 3, Detroit 1.
Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 4.
The most improved football player Boston 8, Chicago 2.
on Michigan's summer practice ses- TODAY'S GAMES
sion which ended last week was How- New York at St. Louis, night
ard Yerges, Point Pleasant, W. Va., oston at Chicago.vn
quarterback, according to Coach Her- Philadelphia at Cleveland.
bert O. (Fritz) Crisler.
If the Chicago Alumni trophy were Continuous
still being given, it would have gone from 7 P.M. CO
to the stocky blond Navy athlete.
The trophy was retired from use sev-
eral years ago, when spring practice
lost its significance.

TIME OUT!--Ensign Ernest Petoskey (eft) and Marine Lieutenant
Paul White, teammates on the 1943 Michigan football squad, meet
unexpectedly "Somewhere in the Pacific." They both plan to return
to the University after the war.

-Official U. S. Marine Corps Photo
* * *

* * *

Petoskey Compares Football
Experiences to Navy Action

Ensign Ernest Jack Petoskey, home
on a five-day leave, compared swim-
ming into a beachhead under enemy
fire while towing a raft and demoli-
tion explosives to the football he
played in 1943 as end on the Michi-
gan eleven.
Petoskey, a veteran of Brunei Bay,
Balikpapan, and Okinawa, was a
demolition group leader in each of
Gwolf Touney Field
Narrowed to Four
Results of the Trueblood Golf Tour-
nament so far show the elimination
of 12 of the 16 original competitors.
The men who are still in the run-
ning are Pete Elliot of the football
team, King Weeman, Hank Zimmer-
man, and George Koskina. These men
will play off their matches by the
Aug. 26, when the final round will be

these three operations, and pointed
out that clearing the way for land-
ing craft requires the same precision
and teamwork as making a touch-
down run possible. The thrill felt
after making a good block, Petoskey
added, is also part of a military opera-
Dangerous Job
As group leader of a demolition
team. Petoskey and his men faced the
task of clearing the way for landing
craft by blowing up Jap-planted ob-
structions, mine fields, and other bar-
riers. The Dearborn football player
was not the only athlete on the demo-
lition squad. Each man was a picked
athlete, trained to swim over long
periods and to work under water from
10 to 90 ft. deep. Each member of
the demolition crew had to swim into
enemy fire towing the explosives
planted to hinder the landing of am-
phibious forces.
Petoskey and his group worked as
long as four days without sleeping,
and were often required to remain in
the water under aerial or shore attack
for six or seven hours. Although

Tigers, Cubs Still Leading
Despite Pre-Season Prediction


(Continued from Page 2)
General Library, main corridor
cases: History of the efforts toward
world peace.
Events Today
Operetta. "Naughty Marietta," byl
Victor Herbert and Rita Johnson
Young. School of Music and Michigan'
Repertory Players, Department of
Speech. August 15-18 and August 20.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
109 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p. m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a. m. Subject
"Soul". Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
A specal reading room is maintained
by this church at 706 Wolverine
Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where
the Bible, also the Christian Science
Textbook, "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" and other
writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be
read, borrowed or purchased. Open
daily except Sundays and holidays
from 11:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday afternoon at 5:00 in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 East
Washington St. The Rev. Harold
Yochum, president of the Michigan
District of the American Lutheran
Church, will be the speaker. Sup-
per will be served at 6:00 and fel-
lowship hour will follow.

Zion Lutheran Church will have
worship service in the German lang-
uage at 9:00 and in English at theI
regular hour of 10:30.
Trinity Lutheran Church will'hold
its Sunday morning worship service
at 10:30.
Presbyterian Church - Sunday:
Morning worship, 10:45 a. m. "Thel
Disciples of Freedom" subject of ser-
mon by Rev. Van Pernis.1
The Presbyterian Student Guild
meets at 5:00 every Sunday evening.
Mr. Van Pernis will speak on "The
Prophets of Justice and Love." We
hope that you can be with us this
The American Friends (Quakers)
meet for worship at the Michigan
League at 11:00 a. m. (EWT). Read-
ing and discussion at 10:30.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Sunday service at 11:00
a. m., with sermon by the Rev. Er-
hardt Essig of Ft. Wayne, Indiana,
"Is There a Personal Devil?"
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples) Morning Worship 10:45 a. m.
(EWT) Edward W. Blakeman, Coun-
selor in Religious Education, Univer-
sity of Michigan will speak on "Reli-
gious Changes in Russia."
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the First Congregational
Church at 5:00 p. m. (EWT) for a
cost supper, Discussion, and Closing
Worship Service.

spending most of the time in the sea, By HERB RUSKIN
the group once went 36 hours with- Glancing at the Major League
out drinking any water. standings, today's baseball fan finds
Praises Filipinos that Detroit is leading the American
In spite of the difficult job of his League, with Washington and Chi-
own branch, Petoskey claims the Fili- cago close behind, and that the Chi-
pino guerrillas the toughest fighters cago Cubs are five and one-half games
he saw overseas. "Those babies were in front of the second place St. Louis
small," he said, "but they were really Cards in the National.
tough, and they frequently could and At the end of the 1944 season and
did lick two or three times their at the beginning of this current flag
weight in Japs-and they preferred race, many so-called experts made
the knife to any other weapon," predictions as to the way the 1945
While Petoskey was home on leave, season would finish. All those pre-
he was married to Twila Margaret E dictions have not come true.
Coxon, daughter of A. W. (Doc) For instance, the team that was
Coxon, team physician now and in picked by most experts to finish on
1943, when Petoskey played on the top of the American League, the St.
squad. Louis Browns, is now resting in fifth
place, eight games behind the league
G idders To Meet leashington, the team that finished
in last place in 1944, and was picked
Arm First Time by many to finish there again this
year, is just about the hottest thing in
For the firstr time in Michigan hi- either league today. The Senators
story, a Wolverine football team will have won 12 of their last 16 games to
tangle with the United States Mili- climb within striking distance of the
tary Academy's Cadets when the Detroit Tigers.
Maize and Blue men journey to Amer- The Chicago White Sox were pick-
ica's number one metropolis, New ed by some to finish in first, but so
York City, to meet the Army in far this year they have been running
Yankee Stadium, Oct. 13. hot and cold and are at present rest-
It will be Michigan's fifth. battle ing in third place, five and one-half
with Navy, however, Nov. 10 at Bal- games out of first.
timore. The Wolverines have come Not, many picked Detroit to finish
out on the long end in the other four first because of Dick Wakefield's de-
engagements, winning two, -xlosing parture from the team, but the Ti-
one and tying one. gers have come through and are still

out in front of the seven other teams
in the league.
Turning now to the National
League, the red-hot favorites at the
beginning of last season were the
Cardinals from St. Louis. They have
a .598 percentage, which would be
good' enough to lead the American
League, but which in the National
puts them in second place, five and
one-half games behind the Cubs, who
have won 71 and lost only 38.
The experts however, predicted
some things correctly. The Phila-
delphia Phillies and the Athletics are
currently at the bottom of each
league, and the Boston Braves are
sitting in sixth place, 27 games out
of the top position.
Michigan To Play at Illini
Homecoming This Year
Illinois, which will be playing host
to Michigan on its homecoming Oct.
27 at Champaign, will open its 56th
season of inter-collegiate football in
This season will mark Coach Ray
Eliot's fourth year as head coach,
his ninth on the Illinois staff. The
Illini will play for the 23rd year in
the Memorial Stadium which was
opened in 1923. During the period
since the opening. Illinois has won
63, lost 35, and tied four games in
the Stadium.

.7Prhe ine.ilrood in-


SAT., AUG. 18, 1945
Eastern War Time
7-05-ronn h Rudy Check

11:05-Kiddies Party.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
7 1 -.- mrnfn

5:10-Hollywood Reporter.
2:55-Baseball (Wash. at
5:05--Musio fnr T iteninz

, 4 ,7

TEMPTING MEALS served in an atinosphere of genial. hos-
pita/ify,' cordial service by a staff of well-trained waiters and
.waitresses - these imake the Allenel the first thought of






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