GI's Happy At War's End But
Anticlimax Limits Celebrating
By The Associated Press
LONDON-GI's from London to Casablanca and back again are glad
the war is over-and want to go on record as saying so-but with few
exceptions they seemed to feel no real exhilaration.
On a trip from England to North Africa, I sweated out the peace nego-
tiations for four days with air and ground crews of the Eighth Air Force.
They cheered and pounded backs at the first hint of surrender, kept
listening to snatches of news on their Fortress radios and asked every-
where we landed, "What's the news?" and "Is the war over yet?"
Transports Primary Concern
But flying thousands of feet in the air and being primarily concerned
Army Game b
Seats Reserved
By Alumni Club
A section of 5,000 seats for Michi-e
gan's first game with Army has been
reserved exclusively for members of
the University of Michigan Club off
New York, T. Hawley Tapping, gen-c
eral secretary of Alumni Associa--s
tion, announced yesterday.
The game, scheduled for Oct. 13,'
will be played at Yankee Stadium.t
Larry McPhail, part-owner of the
stadium, attended the Law Schoolt
here in 1907-08 and will act as host1
for the group.
McPhail is well-known for his part
in the attempted kidnapping of theĀ£
Kaiser after the last World War. He
was one of eight members of the 115th
Field Artillery who entered the Kais-
er's home in Doorn, Holland. McPhail
has an ashtray from the German's
office as a momento of the visit.
J*icA9 af&et
Editor's Note: Contributions to this -
column should be addressed to Mich-
igan Men at War ,The Michigan Daily,
Student Publications Building.1
Back in the United States after two
years of duty in the South Pacific,
USNR, has assumed command of the
U. S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station,
Los Alamitos, Calif. Comdr. Rand-
ecker,' who graduated from the Uni-
versity with a mechanical engineer's
degree, served as commanding officer
of land-based aviation units on Green
Island and at Munda, New Georgia,
while in the Pacific.
Second Lieutenant ARNOLD A.
AGREE has been assigned to the'
376th Bombardment Group at Grand
Island Army Air Field, Nebraska.
Prior to entering the service in 1942,
Lt. Agree was an architecture stu-
dent at the University. His duties
are at present with the ground eche-
lon of the 376th, one of the Army Air
Forces most famous units.
Recently returned to the States
on leave from the Pacific is Lieu-
tenant (g) WILLIAM J. DELAN-
CEY, USNR. A graduate of the
University, Lt. Delancey served as
Air Combat Information officer to
a group of carrier-based Navy
Helldiver bombing plane crews op-
erating as Bombing Squadron 82.
Based aboard a carrier of the Es-
sex class, Bombing 82 formed apart
of Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher's
famed Task Force during its five
months of action and also partici-
pated in the pre-invasion blows a-
gainst Iwo Jima and Okinawa.
"All in the day's work," is the way
First Lieutenant JOHN M. REEVES
described the rescue of the crews of
three planes that had been shot down
in the South Pacific-the action that
won him the Silver Star. Lt. Reeves,
who. was a forestry student at the
University before entering the ser-
vice in 1940, is now assigned to El-
lington Field, Texas, an installation
of the AAF Training Command, and
is taking special courses given to air
corps navigators who have returned
from combat areas.
During his 75 missions with the
Thirteenth Air Force, he also won
the Air Medal, the Purple Heart, and
two bronze battle stars.
* *
commissioned ensigns in the Naval
Reserve and designated naval aviat-
ors in ceremonies at the Naval Air
Training Bases, Pensacola, Florida.
Having completed intermediate train-
ing, Ensign Blood, who received his
B.S. degree from the University and
Ensign Rawnick, who attended the
University for two years, will be or-
dered to duty at an Instructor's
school or at an operational base for
further training.
with such jobs as transporting men to
Casablanca for return to the states,
bringing back French refugees and
preparing for duty with the occupa-
tional air force, they seemed very
detached and out of touch with it
After the second day whenever
someone mentioned war you almost
expected the answer to be, "What
Of course, when the end came of-
ficially, they celebrated. They brought
out bottles they had been saving for
special occasions. They danced in
the streets of Marseilles and Martini-
que. They shot off fireworks a giI
flares at airfields in England. And
they expressed a kind of listless pleas-
ure in Casablanca.
But it was a momentary celebra-
tion-almost a "duty" one. The
thing had dragged on too long. There
were too many other things to think
Staging Area
At a staging area near Calais where
thousands of men were being re-
processed for redeployment to the
CBI theatre the most spontaneous
and continuous celebrations broke out
-cheering, shouting, banking mess
kits, shooting guns, making as much
noise as possible.
But within earshot across the lake,
members of the Eighth Air Force
40th wing went about establishing a
new "home" at Istres, France, where
they had just moved from England.
Dust Bowl
"Look at this," said Lt. Ed. Rey-
nolds of Newcastle, Pa., waving his
hand at a "dust bowl" of an airfield,
bombed to ruins by the Germans and
covered with a thick film of red dust.
"Yeah," added Lt. John W. Pur-
kis of Buckfield, Me., "who is going
to celebrate anything when we've got
to stay here for heaven knows how
To only a few of the flying per-
sonnel does the end of the war mean
the one thing they've been working
for-going home-since they all are
classified as "essential."
To the others, the end brings not
so much a sense of jubilation as a
relief and a feeling of wondering
In the planes and on the ground
the things they talked of most were
what kind of jobs they'd get and
where and how much money they'd
be' able to make and whether or not
they could cope with civilian respon-
sibilities again.
"I've been in the Army three years
now," said S/Sgt. Albert Noyes,
Mount Vernon, Wash.," and I want
to get home as bad as anyone, but I
don't know what I'll do."
And all agreed with Lt. Harry A.
Shinkle, Jr., Topeka, Kan., who sign-
ed, "I can't imagine not doing any
Law Review
To Be Issued
Articles by David Haber and John
Hanna will be featured in the June
issue of the Michigan Law Review to
be distributed to subscribers this
Mr. Haber will discuss "Aspects of
Wage Stabilization by the National
War Labor Board," and the article
by John Hanna, Professor of Law at
Columbia, is titled "Legal Liability
for War Damages." -
A third article, "Apportionment of
Representation in the Legislature: A
Study of State Constitutions" was
contributed by Elizabeth Durfee, A.
B., J. D. Research Assistant at the
University Law School.
Also to appear in this issue is the
third in a series of articles prepared
in connection with the Research Pro-
ject in Inter-American Law at the
University, "Promissory Notes in the
Legislation of the Americas," written
by Juan Diaz-Lewis of Panama, L.
L. M.
Articles in the recent decision sec-
tion of the Law Review include a dis-
cussion of the "Esquire" case by Pro-
fessor John B. Watte of the Uni-
versity faculty and one of the case of
Collins V. Thomas by Francis Powers.
Other contributors are Professors
Ralph W. Aigle and Lewis M. Simes.
HENRY A. MARTIN JUNIOR, a Negro graduate of the University, is
here taking the oath of ensign under the new Navy policy of non-dis-
crimination. (See story, Page 2.)
~U' Geology Students Continue'
Rock Research at C Davis
Basic Materials
Released From
Priority Control
Cancel Army, Navy
Preference Ratings
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-Almost
all war-time controls over the three
basic metals-steel, copper and alu-
minum-were abolished today.
The order today specifically applies
to preference ratings assigned by the,
Army, Navy and Maritime Commis-
sion but these account for most of
the business.
Virtually all allotments of these
materials were cancelled, and all
priorities affecting them, with two
exceptions, were abolished.
This almost eliminated the con-
trolled materials plan, in effect for
more than two years, under which the
War Production Board regulated the
use of the three metals.
Announcing the action, WPB said
it resulted from "tremendous mili-
tary cutbacks" and a desire by the
agency to get industry back on a
system of unrated orders as fast as
The only preference ratings re-
tained were double M (military) and
triple A for emergency purposes.
All allotments of the controlled
materials and all preference ratings
except triple A and double M were
cancelled, with the sole exception of
allotments for ship repair.
The effect is to put most of the
steel, copper and aluminum produc-
tion into a "free" market.
Group Travel
Okayed -- ODT
Restrictions May Be
Further Relaxed Later
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-The Of-
fice of Defense Transportation grant-
ed permission today for group travel
for business purposes and Director
J. Monroe Johnson said travel re-
strictions might be relaxed further
"if the general public used its head.'
More Pullman cars may become
available for civilians, Johnson told a
reporter, "if everybody doesn't tr3
to go to town."
Travel agencies now may arrange
transportation for business groups but
not for group pleasure trips.
Also today the ban on sight seeing
and charter bus service was revoked.
Johnson was confronted by somE
complaints that travel bans haven't
t been eased enough. The Unitet
Automobile Workers (CIO) want.
to hold a full-scale convention, and
e Secretary George F. Addes spoke iri
Detroit of "irresponsible action" o:
the Office of Defense Transportatio.
s in limiting conventions to 150 dele.
gates from out of town.
Repertory Players To Give
Added Performance Monday
"Naughty Marietta" will be pres-
ented at 2:30 p. m. EWT and at 8:30
p. m. EWT today and an added per-
formance will be given Monday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
This is the last production of the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
speech department for the summer#
season, and it is the eleventh con-
secutive year that the School of
Music has collaborated with the De-
partment of Speech in presenting an
operetta as a finale to the summer's
Both faculty and students have
composed the staff of the Players for
the present summer session. Play
Production's director Prof. Valentine
Windt was joined by two guest di-
rectors, Claribel Baird and Monroe
Lippman. Scenic Designer was Her-
bert Philippi of the speech depart-
ment. Technical Director was Ivard
Strauss who was assisted by Ernest
Asmus and Jack Bender.
In charge of costumes was Lucy
Class Will Have
Work Published
Students in Prof. C. F. Voegelin's
seminar in Structural Types of Amer-
ican Indian Languages (Anthropolo-
gy 209) will soon have the opportu-
nity of seeing the studies they have
prepared this summer printed in a
volume on the languages of tie world
to be published by the Philosophical
Library of New York.
Prof. Voegelin, who is editor of the
International Journal of American
Linguistics and, during the academic
year, a member of the Indiana Uni-
versity faculty, is one of six lang-
uage scholars chosen as editors of
the different sections of the volume.
There are nine members of the
seminar, of whom four are advanced
linguistic students and five are an-
thropology students. Each has been'
working on the description of a dif-
ferent American Indian language, us-
ing a descriptive device known as
"morphological indexes" which Prof.
Voegelin considers especially adapted
to recording concisely and clearly
the facts about the structure of com-
plex and unfamiliar languages.
Legion Convention Set
Women's Auxiliary of the American
Legion will hold its national conven-
tion concurrently with the Legion's
convention in Chicago Nov. 18-20,
Mrs. Cecilia Wenz, national treasurer,
said tonight.
Barton assisted by ,Jean Loree and
Betty Stacey. Stage Manager was
Jacqueline Kramer and Property
Mistress Dorothy Hickman.
Dorothy Murzek assisted Prof.
Windt and did the choreography with
Jayne Gourley for "Naughty Mari-
etta." Lucille Upham is Publicity
Director of the Players, and the Uni-
versity Oratorical Association.
City Bank Plans
Finances for
State College
Arrangements to finance the pro-
posed $6,000,000 Michigan State Col-
lege building program are being
handled by the Ann Arbor Trust Co.,
it was learned yesterday.
Money will be borrowed and re-
paid over a period of 20 years from
the buildings' income.
Included in the building program
are: three women's dormitories, two
men's residence halls, an apartment
building for World War II veterans,
an addition to the MSC Union, and
a food storage unit.
The women's dormitories will cost
approximately $2,286,000; the men's
residence halls, $1,404,500; apartment
building $600,000; addition to Union,
$1,176,650; food storage building,
$250,000 and contingencies and fur-
nishings, $282,850.
Oslo Explosion
Inj ures Many
Allied Personnel Killed
In Amunition Blast
By The Associated Press
OSLO, Aug. 17-A terrific explosion
of German ammunition on the Oslo
waterfront today killed at least 58
persons and injured hundreds of oth-
ers, including a number of American
and British military personnel.
Blasted bodies still were being un-
covered by midafternoon. The ex-
plosions destroyed two trains, blew
apart numerous waterfront buildings
and wrecked docks, and shattered
windows in homes and shops foran
area of three square kilometers.
Criminal Investigation Chief Chris-
tian Kalternborn said it was not
known whether saboteurs caused the
explosion. The entire blast area was
turned into a military zone for in-
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a
series of articles by Hal Kaufman, Uni-
versity geology student, on tihe geology
campat Jackson, Wyoming, and his ex-
periences there.
Camp Davis, Jackson, Wyoming, 10
August 1945. There are a number of
things I could try to describe here
this evening. I have a whole hour in
which to do it and this is more spare
time than I've had in six weeks.
. We had a very novel four day in-
terval about a week ago. Parties of
two members each were given an
area of several square miles in which
to work, the work being to locate all
the contacts between all the forma-
tions in that area and to plot these
contacts on a contour map.
Packed Sandwiches
I believe that my companion, John
Horeth, and myself had what might
be called a typical experience. We
packed our peanut butter and apple
butter sandwiches in a knapsack,
filledour canteens, and took our
equipment (geology hammer, color-
ed pencils and contour map.) We
piled into a station wagon and joked
all the way to our area. The wagon
stopped and we were let out. The
joke was now on us. As the wagon
wound its dusty way down the road,
we came to realize that we were alone
among an insurpassable barrier of
trees, trees, trees. The point in all
this was, of course, to see rocks. We
are geologists, not students of ar-
boreal vegetation.
First thing was to figure out which
way to turn. This we did, and dis-
covered that we should not have
gotten out of the wagon where we did.
We walked for what seemed to be a
mile or more before we caught a
glimpse of a strip of rock which was
in place (loose boulders don't count).
Then came the question as to what
the stuff was. We argued, John more
fervently than I,, and the choice was
his. Later we found it to be wrong.
The day wa:' full of such arguments
and groping in the woods. We did
manage to figure out, to our satisfac-
tion, how the formations should come
in. It remained for us to find them.
Deeper Into Trees
The following days brought us
deeper into the trees. We did find
some rocks and they corroborated our
suppositions. We looked at a map
which had been made by a geological
conference last year. We only want-
ed to see whether or not we had the
general trend of things. Our area
was not touched on that map.
It is easy to see why not. I still
don't know if we were right or not.
Our contour map now has some six
bright strips of color, one for each
of the alleged formations we swear
are present. It has been handed in
but it probably has not yet been de-
ciphered by Professor Belknap. A
few parties found themselves lost at
one time or another and there was
much confusion to be had by all.
Not Complete Loss
It is not my intention to make this
entire exercise sound like a complete
loss. It was not. The practice to
be had in doing such work as this is
invaluable to students preparing for
a career in geology. To be able to
follow a structure by recognizing in-
dividual formations gives one an in-
sight into some of the geological
events in a particular area. In some
places, for example, certain structural
characteristics may indicate the pos-
sibility of an oil basin.
Back at camp, things go along
pretty smoothly, at the surface. Pro-
fessor Bouchard has to do a terrific
amount of work in order to keep
things running. Everyone concerned
with the maintenance of the camp
has little time to rest.
Cigarette Shortage
The cigarette shortage here is very
acute. (Donations accepted). We
have the Cooley Hypothesis for this
shortage, although it doessnot even
ease the situation psychologically. It
goes something like this: We are
sending cigarettes to the hungry
populace of Europe. They smok
them, on empty stomachs and con-
tract digestive ailments which neces-
sitate diets of bread and water. This
gives us an outlet for excess wheat
Therefore, no cigarettes. The ques-
tion has been raised as to how w
have acquired an excess of wheat
and how come meat is still rationed
Whatever the answer, our cabin floo
looks like a butcher shop's floor. We
have tobacco instead of saw dus
liberally spread over it. Rolling-our-
own. The engineers still beat us to
the mess-hall almost every time.
Roosevelt Loan
Report Expected
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-(A')-A
report on a Treasury investigation o
loans obtained by Brig. Gen. Elliot
Roosevelt, son of the late president
will be given the House Ways an
Means Committee August 27.
The Treasury investigation wa
undertaken on the committee's re
quest, after Columnist 'Westbrook
Pegler reported in June that:
(1) Roosevelt had borrowed $200,
000 from John Hartford, President o
the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea
Company in 1939; (2) Jesse Jones
then Secretary of Commerce effecte
a settlement for $4,000 and
(3) Hartford listed the remainde
as a bad debt on his 1942 income tax
Police Look for Prisoners
DETROIT, Aug. 17-UP)-Michigan
police tonight were asked to aid in
the search for two German war pris-
oners who escaped this week from
Canadian camps.
114 So. 4th Ave. Ph. 5888
* * * * * ****
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