- SAT TTIRDAY, AUGU$T 11,: 4945
Notes from the Big Ten .
THE 1945 football season will be the 50th for the Western Conference.
Chicago won the first championship in 1896. . . . The University of
Michigan has won the most number of championships, 14, despite having
dropped out of the Conference from 1908 to 1917. . . . Minnesota has 13
titles and Illinois eight. . . . Indiana has never won a championship, and
is the only member of the loop never to have cashed in. . . . In addition
to leading in total numbers, the Wolverines also are the only team to have
won the championship four times running. . . . Michigan did it twice,
first during the years 1901-04 when Fielding H. Yost's "point-a-minute"
teams were tearing up the gridiron, and later from 1930-33, during Harry,
Kipke's tenure. . . . Michigan won its first championship under J. R.
Duffy in 1898. . . . Yost bxought home eight more, Kipke four, and H. O.
Crisler, the present mentor, has one.j
Actually, there is no official Western Conference football chain-
pionship., although a move is afoot to have one instituted. The onlyj
title now awarded in football is the so-called "newspaper championship,"
figured on a percentage basis. A suggestion has been initiated to
name an official champion through a vote of the competing coaches
at the close of each season. Every coach would rate the nine compet-
ing teams in order, and the winner would be decided on a point basis.
BOB HANZLIK, starting tackle on Michigan's 1943 eleven. will make an
appearance in the local stadium Nov. 3, but he won't be in a Maize
and Blue uniform. Hanzlik is now at the University of Minnesota where
Coach Bernie Bierman has been attracted by his aggressive play at
guard. The burly 190-pound lineman played at Michigan as a Marine
trainee, but has since received a discharge and is enrolled at Minnesota
as a civilian.
Oct. 27, the day when Michigan will journey to Champaign to
meet the University of Illinois, has been designated as homecoming day
by the Illini. . . . Dave McMillan was recently reappointed head
basketball coach at Minnesota. He has held the post for 15 years . . .
High school students and servicemen. are admitted to Illinois home j
football games for a special price of 60 cents . . . . Johnny Tavener,
Indiana's All-American center of last year who made his presence
more than a little felt in the Hoosier 20-0 conquest of Michigan
last year, has gone into the high senool coacaing business.
Down at Iowa, where they take their basketball so seriously, the
Hawkeye cagers will open practice Oct. 9. The Iowans will be defending
Big Ten champs when the season opens, and will be able to floor practically
the same team that won the title last year while losing only one game.
Iowa, incidentally has a new football coach this fall in the person of Clem
Crowe. He succeeds Elmer (Slip) Madigan. . . .. Minnesota's starting
eleven could include ten war veterans. At least that many are leading
candidates for first string berths._
GOING, Gone !
Controlling Interest in Browns
Is Sold to St. Louis Businessman
Grid Practice
For Summer
To End Today
Workout To Stress
Defensive Tactics.
Michigan's 1945 football team will
bring the present summer practice
session to a close this afternoon at
2:30 (EWT) when it will engage in
its second intra-squad scrimmage at
the stadium.
Last week the Blue, or varsity'
squad, soundly walloped the White
(Junior Varsity) team 66-0 in the
first of these contests. After today's
game the squad will rest until Aug-
ust 27 when fall practice will begin.
Head Coach "Fritg" Crisler, who was
absent last Saturday. will be on hand
today and will take charge of af-
fairs, assisted by Coaches Munn, Oos-
terbaan, Martineau, and Valpey.
During the first five weeks, offen-
sive tactics and speed, with refer-
ence to the linemen, were thekey-
notes of the practice drills. For the
past week, the emphasis has switch-
ed to defensive drills. Crisler noted
that every department of the team
needed polishing and that practice in
tackling was especially lacking. How-
ever, he also commented on the line
team spirit that has been displayed.
game Lineups
Starting assignments have not been
made as yet and the competition for
them is keener than it has ever been.
'Todays lineups will be the same as
those of last Saturday's games, with
the possibility of a few last minute
changes being made by Crisler in the
Blues' teams.
Don Hershberger, Ed McNeill, Ed
Bahlow, or Ed Brunsting will be at
end; George Johnson, Bob Callahan,
Al Wahl, Jim Rehberger, or Gene Hin-
ton at tackle; Dom Tomasi, Joe So-
boleski, John Lintol, or Stu Wilkins
at the guard posts; and Harold Watts
or Anton Momsen will fill in the cen-
ter position.
Ponsetto at Quarter
In the backfield Joe Ponsetto and
Howard Yerges will alternate at
quarterback. Walt Teninga andPete
Elliot will be at left half, Warren
Bentz and Hank Fonde at right half,
and Jim Foltz and George Chiames
will play fullback.
The White squad will have John
Carroll at left end, Stan Kuick at
left tackle, Jack Smith at left guard,
Bob Swanson at center, and Cecil
Freihofer, right guard; Bob Johnson,
right tackle; and Ed Grenkoski will
be at right end. Howard Doty will
start at quarterback, Wes Mueller and
Len Dovalovski will be at the half-
back spots, and Dick Davis will play
YANKS" NATIVE ALLI1ES -:Two Illongot warriors,
former head hunters and violent haters of the Japs, pose for their
picture- on northern Luzon, where they have proved invaluable in
routing Jap stragglers from rough terrain,
C E I S H A ON O K I N A W A-At a native'dance festival
held at Taira, Okinawa, and attended. by U. S. Army, Navy and
Marine personnel, a geisha girl performs a dance dedicated to'
"travelers from Okinawa to the mainland-of Japan.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10-(/P)-Don
Barnes, chubby ruddy-faced president
of the St. Louis Browns, relinquish-
ed leadership of the American League
Baseball club today to Richard C.
MTVckerman, St. Louis businessman,
in a surprise move and said he would
"stand on the sidelines for awhile."
Muckerman, a vice-president of.
the Browns, was elevated to the pres-
Rookie Hurler Beats
Tigers, Benton., 9-0
DETROIT, Aug. 10 -W)- Randy
IHeflin, 25-year-old rookie righthand-
er, handcuffed the first place Detroit
Tigers with four hits today as the
Boston Red Sox batted Al Benton out
of the box for the first time this sea-
Mon with a seven-run outburst in the
sixth inning for a 9-0 victory.
Heflin, notching his first victory
after five defeats, scattered the Tig-
ers' four singles and fanned five men
while walking only two.
idency at a Board of Directors' meet-
ing after which Barnes announced
sale of his stock to Muckerman who
now holds shares representing 56
percent of the total, or the controll=-
ing interest.
"I went into baseball, not as a
business enterprise, but to give Wt.
Louis an American League pennant,"
Barnes said "and now that the
Browns have won it and the club's
financialhposition is favorable I feel
my purpose has been accomplished."
All Michigan is Talking about This
* '."Like an exciting movie of
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512 original, 8-color illustrations
-colorful historical maps-com-
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Edited by Milo MA Quaife
Major League Standings
Detroit ...........56 43 .566.
Washington.......55 44 .556 1
New York ........52 44 .542 2
Chicago ..........52 48 .520 4
Boston ...........50 51 .495 '2
Cleveland ........49 50 .495 72
*St. Louis.. .......46 50 .479 8
*Philadelphia ......33 63 .344 21
Boston 9, Detroit 0.
New York 11, Cleveland 4.
Chicago 6, Washington 3.
St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 1.
Chicago ..........65 36 .644
St. Louis .........62 422 .596 4
Brooklyn .........59 43 .578 (
New York ........54 50 .519 12
*Pittsburgh ........53 51 .510 13
Boston ...........48 57 .457 21
Cincinnati ........43 57 .430 23
*Philadelphia. ..... .7 75 .265 35
*Does not include twilight a
rnight games.
Boston 2, Chicago 1.
Brooklyn 9, Cincinnati 4.
St. Louis 5, New York 2.
Pittsburgh 10, Philadelphia 2.
M OD DI SH H An apron front
edged with black lace features
this crepe dress modeled by Jane
Harker of the films. A large
pink rose is set at left center: of
the narrow belt.
F I L I P i N 0 C R E E T I N G P A R T Y-Natives in outrigger canoes approach a7Coast Guard:
manned U. S. troop transport, somewhere in the Philippine area, to trade souvenirs and dive for coins.
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