Russian.A id Planned at Teheran
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emNo - sosoTN . Los AVGZLs . SAN FRANCISCO
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Housig Needs
THE UNIVERSITY has made extensive post-
war housing plans which include the con-
struction of a large girls' dormitory to be situat-
ed near Stockwell, Mosher-Jordan, and Couzens
Another efficient, big, hotel-like edifice will
be erected. An impersonal cafeteria will serve
more or less well-balanced meals of sufficient
quality and girls will find clean catacombed
rooms and regulated accommodations.
Because of this lack of personal feeling which
the coed experiences while living in a dormitory,
she seeks a compact, friendly unit, a place that
will be her home, in a sorority. There are
eighteen sorority houses on campus and all those
who desire to join are necessarily restricted be-
cause of limited facilities by a shallow, decept-
ive, and often cruel system of rushing, and the
sorority system can hardly be expected to answer
the needs.
The opportunity of living with a small group
of girls in a home-like atmosphere should be
available to every coed.
University supervised houses of about forty to
fifty girls similar to the cottage system of east-
ern women's colleges where there are no sorori-
ties could be provided.
However, the added expense such a system
would entail has forced the University to com-
promise on building small dormitory units hous-
ing about 125 girls. .This is a step in the right
direction, but in the future it is hoped that funds
will be provided for the construction of smaller
buildings on the scale of sorority houses which
will permit satisfactory social conditions as well
as providing suitable living accommodations.
-Margery Jackson
Allied Unity
RUSSIA'S ENTRANCE into the war against
Japan seems to be creating more than spec-
ulation about the shortening of the war. It
gives rise to renewed suspicions about the So-
viet's power politics intentions, suspicions which
are frequently tantamount to fear.
Within a few hours of the announcement
that Russia had joined Britain, China and the
United States to crush Nippon, comments to
the effect that she had taken this action now
only because the Pacific war is nearly over and
she wants to extend her eastern sphere of influ-
ence have been numerous on campus.
Her action has a far greater significance.
it is a reassertion of the recognition by the
Allied nations that, for the safety of all
concerned, we must learn to function'as One
World. Aussia's joining in the Asiatic war
indicates her continued support of world col-
lective security, a cause which she upheld dur-
mg the years of our isolation.
That Russia did not enter the Jap war sooner
can be explained by her preoccupation in the
Iuropean theatre. Transportation of supplies
andmanpower reserves necessary for her current
invasion of Manchuria required time after V-E
Day. This strategy had, undoubtedly, been pre-
pared after consultation with Britain, China,
dand the United States. and was in accordance
with their flans.
When we evaluate Russian motives and ac-
tions, we must make our conclusions on the
basis of facts. Ignorance and emotionalism
i0-1 not e nhance our chance for lasting peace.
WASHINGTON-Inside fact is that Stalin
agreed as far back as the Teheran conference
to come into the war against Japan. That was
the price he agreed to pay in return for the
second front in Normandy. . . . Churchill was
opposed to the second front through France, but
Stalin insisted on it, and FDR threw his weight
with Stalin in return for the pledge on Japan
. . . . More recently at Potsdam, Truman took
the whole matter up again with Stalin.
Chief thing the Russians have been working
on to prepare for the Jap war is re-laying the
Trans-Siberian railway. A total of 30,000
miles of track has now been laid, one of the
biggest, quickest, rail-building jobs in history.
.. .In return for Russian entry into the Jap
war, it was agreed that Russia would get all
Allied military secrets. The atomic bomb at
that time was only an idea, and no one knew
whether or not it would materialize. As far
as can be ascertained, it was not discussed with
the Russians.
Apparently the Germans were thinking about
an atomic weapon for a long time, twenty years
ago, Louis Lehman, concertmaster of the New
York Philharmonic orchestra, went to Utah to
invest in uranium mines. He had been tipped
off by his brother, a pnysicist in Germany, who
foresaw the tremendous possibilities of pitch-
blende and informed his brother in this country
that experiments made it advisable to purchase
options on uranium deposits. . . . The options
are believed to have lapsed, . . . For some un-
explained reason, a staff of publicity men from
Ivy Lee's public relations office has been quart-
ered at the highly secret Oak Ridge, Tenn., site
of the atomic bomb plant for several months.
. . . Ivy Lee is the man who largely reversed
American antipathy for the elder John D.
Rockefeller. . . . What he was doing for the
Army remains to be seen.
There is something awfully funny about the
sudden retraction of scientist Harold Jacob-
son's statement that for 70 years human life
cannot survive in an area struck by an atomic
bomb, and that rain falling in that area will
poison neighboring areas when carried away
in streams... : . The Army's haste to deny
the story, coupled with an Army statement
that Dr. Jacobson was bound to secrecy under
the espionage act made a lot of people examine
facts twice. The Army was obviously worried
about public reaction.
FDR Gambled on A-Bomb
THOUGH a lot of people deserve credit for de-
veloping the new atomic bomb, one man
stood above them all as the greatest single factor
in its development-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Only a few people know the details of how
Roosevelt approached this greatest and most fan-
tastic weapon of international warfare. How-
ever, when he finally decided to pour $2,000,000,-
000 of the nation's resources into hundreds of
miles of government-owned factories certain to
Surrender Offer
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
WHATEVR the status of the Emperor, Japan
is folding up-may already have folded.
The Tokyo announcement this morning is a
confession of inability to continue the war, and
the Japanese are welcome to whatever face-sav-
ing they hope to attain through inclusion of an
"if" regarding the Mikado 's prerogatives.
As a matter of fact, they are going to have to
take the situation just as it stands. Whether it
comes today or wihin a few days, or whether
they will stall around for some time, makes
little difference.
Their only guides as to what may happen to
the Emperor lie in recent American policy and
in the Potsdam Ultimatum. The United States
has preserved freedom of action with regard
to the Emperor by never listing him definitely
among those who, as the Potsdam pronounce-
ment put it, "have deceived and misled the
people of Japan into embarking on world con-
The ruling school of thought on the subject
has held that the Emperor actually has been a
puppet of the military clique and, while his
war guilt might easily be established, his parti-
cipation has not been such as to completely out-
weigh his possible usefulness as a unifying force
in dealing with the beaten country.
The British can be expected to follow what-
ever line is adopted by the United States, which
has borne the burden of the Pacific War not
alone, to be sure, but in overwhelming propor-
tion. What the Russian attitude may be is en-
tirely unknown, but it. too, would seem to de-
pend on Washington's decision.
Just what the sovereignty of the Emperor
amounts to, in Japanese as against American
eyes, may be the decisive factor in whether the
surrender offer is accepted now or is to be fur-
ther negotiated. If the Emperor is to re-
main an impotent Godhead, today's Tokyo
promulgation may be accepted. But if there
is any fear that Hirohito will retain any sort
of position which would make him again a
never for the military, then almost certainly
the word will go back to Tokyo:
"Surrender. We will not tell you any more
than we told you at Potsdam."
consume the energies of half a million critically
needed workers at the peak of the war,_he was
gambling, noL only the nations resources, but
his own name in history.,
Had the project failed, Roosevelt would have
been the goat. The vast plants in Tennessee
and Washington state would have been scoffed
at as "Roosevelt's greatest white elephant."
Political opponents could have used it to keep
the Democratic party out of power for a
Roosevelt, however, never flinched.
Nor is it generally known that the man who
prodded Roosevelt hardest to undertake the
atomic project was another "star-gazing" offi-
cial, former Vice President Henry Wallace. Wal-
lace was the missionary for the project, one of
the few key men in government who understood
the theory of the atom and who, as a friend of
the world's great scientists spurred General
,Marshall and war agency heads into speedier
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Social Changles
Seen for Japan
EDITOR'S NOTE: we print this column, which was for
release July 19, because it throws light on some of the
problems which arise out of yesterday's surrender offer.
progress of the war itself is effecting vast
social changes in Japan. It is destroying the
Zaibatsu, or Japanese big business community.
While we Americans debate whether to keep
the Zaibatsu alive after the war or not, our
B-29s are answering the question in their own
way, by wiping out steel mills, oil plants and
shipyards. When we destroy the property of
the Zaibatsu, we destroy the Zaibatsu. The longer
the war goes on, the less of a Zaibatsu there will
be for us to concern ourselves with.
In much the same way, the war must be
chipping away at the influence and power of
tho Emneror; the longer it continues, and the
more helpless he is shown to . be, the less
exalted must be the station he occupies in the
minds of his subjects. Even the most fana-
tical Western believer in the power of Hiro-
hito cannot suppose that the war is doing him
any good.
2. The war itself therefore almost insures
that in some ways the Japan of the future is
going to be a new kind of Japan. There are
those among us who would like to keep as much
of the old Japan as possible; there are Ameri-
_cans who would-like to preserve the Zaibatsu as
a conservative influence in a bubbling and fer-
menting Asia. But even these conservative Amer-
icans are caught in a maze of contradications for
all of us, even the pro-Zaibatsuites, agree that
Japan must be stripped of her heavy industries
and of her conquered territories.
That, too, means a great change in the Zaib-
atsu, perhaps the end of it, for you cannot have
heavy industrialists without a heavy industry;
the Zaibatsu cannot thrive on the production of
firecrackers, paper parasols and the Japanese
equivalent of corn flakes.
The Zaibatsu would not seem to have a
long life ahead of it under any circumstances,
and thus the conservative plan, to strip Japan
of her possessions, and reduce her to her island
home, but to leave the Emperor and the Zaib-
atsu in control, is probably an unrealistic one.
It would seem better to play for the long-
range goal of a reconstituted and more-or-
less democratic Japan, fit to be trusted in world
trade, than to go on dreaming this dream of a
quarantined Japan, run by industrialists with-
out an industry.
3, The contradictions outlined above make it
hard for us to define any surrender terms which
the Japanese might accept. Actually, we have
no terms to offer to which the present rulers of
Japan can agree without committing suicide.
It is all well enough to talk schematically
about leaving 70,000,000 people cramped on thei'
islands, without an industry, but it cannot be
done, when 30,000,000 of them have depended
for a generation on the wages and profits of in-
dustry for their livelihoods; it is like asking the
British to live on their island without an indu-
stry. We may try to cook up "terms," but it is
doubtful if these can really shorten the war.
If they are really victorious terms, and if they
really leave Japan helpless, it is hard to see how
they will differ enough from unconditional sur-
render to throw any Japanese into ecstacy.
4. Unconditional surrender remains as sensi-
ble a policy as any, for. at the very least, it
applies pressure on the Japanese to modernize
their social thinking. In the last analysis, it
is not Japanese industry which represents a
world problem, but the type of fascist-militarist
mentality which runs Japanese industry. Some
of our conservative thinkers would save the fas-
cist-militarist mentality, and throw out the in-
dustry; but from the long-range view, the world
would be safer with a Japan which had an indu-
stry but had thrown out its fascist-militarist
Our best hone still is that Janan may take
strides toward democracy; dim as that hope
-may be, it is the only one capable of resolving
the contradictions ii the Pacific picture.
(Copyright, 1945. N. Y. Post Syndicate)
rublication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the daya
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-a
urdays). 2
VOL.LV, No, 28S
The American Red Cross has ur-1
gent need for Social Workers. Rec-
reation workers and Staff Aides to
help in Hospitals in this country as1
well as for overseas positions. Age1
23 to 50 and college men and women
preferred. Personnel secretaries from
Headquarters will be in Ann Ar-
bor on August 13 and 14 to inter-
view interested persons.
Appointments for interviews may
be made at Red Cross Headquarters,
The Graduate Outing Club is spon-
soring a supper picnic, Saturday,
August 11 at the island. We will
meet at the back entrance to the
Rackham building at 5 p. m. EWT
and proceed from there. Those in-
terested are asked to make their res-
ervation at the Rackham Building
check desk before Friday noon. The
charges will be fifty cents per person
and food will be provided. In the
event of rain the party will be held
in the Outing Club Room.
State of Michigan Civil Service
announcement for Hospital Super-
intendent V, salary $460 to $575 per
month, has been received in our of-
fice. Further information may be
obtained at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau
of Appointments.
La Sociedad Hispanica is present-
ing a lecture on Argentinian Art by
Prof. Julio Payro, visiting prof. at the
Fine Arts Department from Argen-
tina. The lecture will be given in
Spanish Wednesday, August 15th at
8 o'clock (EWT) in Room D Fine
Arts Department. (Alumni Memorial
Hall). Everybody is invited.
State of Connecticut Civil Service
announcements for Deputy Commis-
sioner in Charge of Child Welfare,
salary $4,800 to $6,000 per annum,
has been received in our office. Fur-
ther information regarding the exam-
ination and qualifications may be
obtained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
am p - --- - - :,v
To the Editor:
a REMAINED silent until I read Mr.
F. Haight's conceited self-defense
this morning. Let's go back to see
some of the obvious errors he has
I remember that back in "Blithe
Spirit" he complained that the
maid was over-played, that she
was a caricature. Does Mr. Haight
know the difference between farce
and comedy? If Mr. Haight could
not recognize "Blithe Spirit" as a
farce, he could have read the pro-
gram, where it was listed in the
author's own words as an "im-
probable farce." I don't think the
man is literate.
In reviewing "Blithe Spirit," Mr.
Haight wrote of the "confused tech-
nicians." He was amazed at the pres-
ence of "Japanese lanterns." These
lanterns were Chinese. These lan-
terns have been known outside the
Orient since about 900 A. D.
Mr. Haight also mentioned that
the piano spouted Percy Grainger.
The melody is an old English
dance. Mr. Grainger has arranged
and used the tune. The music used
in the play was ,an old English
copy of the original. It bore no
traces of Percy Grainger. That
piano was a Victorian spinet. I
am amazed that Mr. Haight did
not notice that. His eye is sdo is-
cerning and he is such a con'nois-
scur of art.
And here I have just touched the
surface. There are many examples~
like the first, showing that Mr.
Haight doesn't know the ABC of
theatre. There are many more ex-
amples like the rest, showing that
Mr. Haight just doesn't know.
He didn't like Mr. Klingbeil, but
I'd love to see Mr. Haight try to
contradict these facts.
-Phil Richards
nouncements for the following have f'
been received in our office. Junior
Accountant, $2,415 to $2,691 (plus
premium pay), Semi-Senior Account-c
ant, $3,105 to $3,588, Senior Account- t
ant, $4,002 to 04,416, Clinic Assist- n
ant, $1.734 to $1,800, Dental Clinic
Assistant, $1,734 to $1,800, Technical
Aid (Male and Female), $1,952 to
$2,084, Sanitary Chemist, $2484 toj
$2,898, Materials Laboratory Aid,
$2.150 to $2.348, Chemistry Aid, $2,149 A
to $2,348, Junior Government Ana- n
lyst, $2,415 to $2,691. Intermediate8
Government Analyst, $3,105 to $3,588,1
Senior Government Analyst, $4,002 to
$4,416, Junior Personnel Examiner,
Intermediate Personnel Examiner,r
and Senior Personnel Examiner.
$2,415 to $4,260. For further infor-
mation stop in at 201 Mason Hall,
Bureau of Appointments.
The University of Michigan Polo-1
nia Club will hold its next meeting on
Tuesday, August 21st at the Interna-
tional Center, at 7:30 EWT. Plans
for a picnic will be discussed at that
Phi Delta Kappa. The last dinner
meeting of the summer will be held
Tuesday evening, August 14, at the
Michigan Union at.6:30 p. m. The
speaker will be Mr. Clark Tibbitts,
Director of the University Veterans'
Program. Members will go through ,
the cafeteria line and proceed into
the faculty dining room.;
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
gives the answer to this vital question
"What about the Missing Link?" Lane,
Hall, Fireside Room, 4:30 p. m. EWT.;
Sunday, August 12, 1945. Interde-
nominational. All invited.
What not to believe about Russia
will be the subject of a talk by Pro-
fessor Andrew Lobanov-Rostovsky on
Monday evening, August 13th, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, at 8:15 p.m.
(EWT). The Russky Kruzhok (Rus-
sian Circle) cordially invites all facul-
ty members, students, and towns-
people to attend.
Academic Notices
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music, and Public Health: Summer
Session Students wishing a trans-
cript of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.
several days before leaving Ann r-
bor. Failure to file this request be-
fore the end of the session will re.
sult in a needless delay of several
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Musi, and Public Health: Tent-
ative lists of seniors for September
and October graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, University Hall. If your name does
not appear, or, if included there, it
is not correctly spelled, please notify
the counter clerk.
Doctoral Examination for Fred
George Walcott, English and Educa-
tion; thesis: "Matthew Arnold and
the Growth of Democratic Educa-
tion in England," Monday, August
13, 3223 Angell Hall, at 9:00 a. m.
EWT. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
Symposium on Molecular Struc-
ture. Dr. Kasimir Fajans will speak
on "Electronic Structure of Boron
Compounds and of Some Carbon
Compounds" in Room 303 Chemistry
Building on Monday, August 13 at
3:15 p. m. (CWT), 4:15 p.m. (EWT).
All interested are invited to attend.
Except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances, courses dropped by up-
perclassmen after today will be re-
corded with a grade of E.
Linguistic Institute. Introduction
to Linguistic Science. "Pidgin Lang-
cages: Problems and Implications."
Dr. Robert A. Hall, jr. Tuesday, Aug-
ust 14. 6 p, in. CWT (7 pa. m. EWT),
East Lecture Room, Rackham Build-
Student Recital: Florence Mc-
Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Mast-
er of Music at 7:30 p. m. (CWT)
Monday, August 13, in Pattengill
Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High
School. A pupil of Arthur Hackett,
Miss McCracken will sing selections'
by Gluck, Debussey, Dvorak, Medni-
koff and Rachmaninoff. The public
is cordially invited.
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
160 Rackham Bfuilding. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war.
MuseumsBuilding, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
General Library, main corridor
cases. Early military science. Selec-
tion from Stephen Spaulding, '27,
memorial collection, presented by Col.
T. M. Spaulding, '021
Events Today
Play. "Over 21" by Ruth Gordon.
Michigan Repertory Players, Depart-
ment of Speech. 7:30 p. m. CWT or
8:30 p. m. EWT Lydia Mendelssohn
Motion Picture. French film, "Ulti-
matum," starring Eric von Stroheim.
7:30 p. m. CWT or 8:30 p. m. EWT.
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Coming t
Concerts, Florence McCracken,
Mezzo-Soprano. August 13; Chamber
Music Series, August 16 Pattengill
Operetta. "Naughty Marietta," by
Victor Herbert and Rita Johnson
Young. School of Music and Michigan
Repertory Players, Department of
Speech. August 15-18 and August 20.
First Methodist Church morning
worship is held at 10:40 EWT. Dr.
James B. Kenna will speak on the
"Dementions of Life."
Wesley Foundation of the First
Methodist Church, will meet at the
church, on the corner of Huron and
State Streets, at 5:30 EWT, and go
to Dr. & Mrs. James Brett Kenna's
residence on 2016 Seneca Avenue.
Dr. G. E. Carrothers will speak on
"Intelligent Living in the Larger
Self." Supper and fellowship will
follow. All Guild members and
friends are cordially invited to at-
First Presbyterian Church: On
Sunday, August 12, Dr. Ernest M.
Ligon will preach at The First Pres-
byterian Church 10:45 a. m. Subject:
"The Church's Responsibility for
Character Education."
Dr. Ernest M. Ligon has been in
Ann Arbor for two weeks giving lec-
tures and conducting a workshop in
Religious Education under the auspi-
ces of the Extension Service of the
University of Michigan. He is di-
rector of the Union-Westminster
Character Research project and pro-
fessor of Psychology at Unioh Col-
lege, New York. Dr. Ligon has writ-
ten two books; "The Psychology of
Christian Personality" and "Their
Future is Now."
At 5 p. m. the Student Guild will
meet. Mr. Van Pernis will discuss
"The Bible and the Common Reader,"
a book by Mary Ellen Chase.
University Lutheran Chapel,. 1511
Washtenaw, will have a Service with
Holy Communion Sunday at 11:00.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet this Sunday afternoon at
3:00. The group will meet at Trin-
ity Lutheran Church, E. William at
S. Fifth Ave,, and leave from there
for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Wash-
ington at S. Fifth Ave. will have its
regular Sunday morning service at
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave., will also hold
regular Sunday morning worship at
First Congregational Church, State
and Williams Sts. 10:45 a. m. (EWT)
Public Worship. Prof. Preston E.
Slosson will give the sermon, his
subject being, "The Seven Virtues
of Science."
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples). Morning worship at 10:45
a. m. (EWT). Dr. Franklin Littell
will speak on "The Churches of the
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard at 4:30 p. m. (FWT) to go
to Riverside Park for a Reunion Pic-
nic supper, recreation and a Vesper
Service lead by Jane Thoms. In
case of rain the group will meet in
the First Congregational Church,
State and Williams.
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron,
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and Stu-
dent Counselor. Roger Williams
Guild House, 502 E. Huron.
Saturday, Aug. 11, 1:00-Members
of the Guild will meet at the Guild
House to go to Pinebrook farm for
a work party. 8:3-Roger Williams
Guild Open House.
Sunday, Aug. 12-10:00-Roger
Williams Guild Study Class will con-
tinue its study of Mark. 11:00-Morn-
ing Worship. Prof. Lionel Crocker
will preach. 5:00-Roger Williams
Guild Meeting. "Ernie Pyle a Mod-
ern Saint." Prof. Lionel Crocker. 6:00
-Buffet Supper.
By Crockett Johnson
CoPYri9ht, 1945. The Mewsnnner PM. lnt.