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August 11, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-11

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Reds Smash Deep
IntoNip Territory
Soviet Mobile Columns Rip 106 Miles
Into Manchuria; Start To Invade Korea
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 10-Russian mobile columns ripped 106 miles into
Japan's stolen Manchurian empire today in a spectacular sweep from the
west, along the Chinese eastern railroad, the Soviet High Command said
Four mighty Soviet forces were pouring in growing masses across the
2,000-mile Russo-Manchurian frontier from Outer Mongolia to the border
area 75 miles northwest of the Great Russian port of Vladivostok, Moscow's
second Japanese war communique said.
Tokyo said the huge Russian drive also had invaded the Japanese-
conquered land of Korea and had smashed into the southern half of Sakhalin

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STATUTE MILES Moppe fusan Ha.y
sweep, rolled into Japan's Manchurian territory. Four mighty Russian
forces were reported pouring in great masses across the 2,000-mile
Russo-Manchurian frontier from outer Mongolia to the border area 75
miles from Vladivostock.
Siren To Herald Suspensi1on
Of All GU' Classes on V-J Day

Nips Ask for Peace;Want
'Son of Heaven'Retained
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-Tottering Japan has issued officially for peace but sought to
save the Emperor from the wreckage of Conquest.
The official surrender offer from Hirohito's government was received here late in the day
through the Swiss government.
Heads of the Allied Nations already were considering the proposition advanced first in a
broadcast by the official Japanese News Agency.
Meanwhile the war went on, though it was announced at Guam that the B-29 Superfortresses
which have contributed a large share to the plight of battered Nippon would not fly against the
Japanese Saturday. This was the first announced relaxation of any Allied force against the
Japanese. The War Department here said it knew of no cease-fire order.
Michael McDermott, special assistant to Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, announced that
the official surrender offer had finally come in, and that it followed the text broadcast by Domei.
That broadcast stressed the condition that nothing in the acceptance of the unconditional
surrender outlined at Potsdam should be construed as permitting the Emperor to be stripped of
the prerogatives of sovereignty.
That was the only apparent stumbling blo k to immediate acceptance of the offer. While
declarations of the big powers have not specificall y covered the case of Hirohito, they have stuck
tight to unadulterated unconditional surrender.

Factory Area 1
Of Nagasaki r
Is Obliterated
30 Per Cent of Vital
Jap Port Destroyed
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Saturday, Aug. 11-Thirty
per cent of Nagasaki, including al-
most all its industrial district, was
destroyed. by Thursday's , atomic
bombing of that Japanese port, Gen-
eral Spaatz announced today.
The irregular nature of the city's
built-up areas, extending like fingers
up low gullies, apparently had some1
effect in -preventing as extensive
damage as was done to Hiroshima,
where the first atomic bomb wipedj
out 60 per cent of the city.
Tremendous Destruction
However, Spaatz in his brief an-
nouncement made clear that the de-,
struction wrought was tremendous.,
(The Japanese radio at the same
time acknowledged that the bomb-;
ing of Nagasaki caused "extensive
damage, including the destruction of3
many houses and a large number of
casualties among the citizens."
(This broadcast, by the Domei
Agency, was quoting the Tokyo paper;
Yomiuri Hochi.)
(The Yomiuri Hochi account said
the- attack was with "parachute-at-
tached new-type bombs"-using the
plural, but later referred to the "mis-
Photos Reveal Damage
General Spaatz said that recon-
naissance photographs taken on Fri-
day-a full day after the bombing-
showed that .98 of a square mile
of the Nagasaki built-up area had
been destroyed.
The built up area totalled 3.3 square
miles, so the destruction done was
approximately 30 per cent.
The area of destruction ranged
along both sides of the Urakami Riv-
er-the heavy inddstrial part of the
southwestern Kyusku city-for two
miles, and was seven-tenths of a
mile wide.

(Karafuto) Island, which lies only 30
miles from the northernmost island
-Hokkaido-of the Japanese home-
New Crossings Made
The Russians made two new cross-
ing of the Amur River and drove
along both the western and eastern
ends of the Chinese Eastern Railroad,
which stretches 750 miles across Man-
churia and feedsthe Japanese ar-
senal city of Harbin.
Using tactics proved in the war
against Hitler, Generalissimo Joseph
Stalin's armies made their deepest
slash into Manchuria in the north-
Tanks and cavalry following in-
fantrymen manning armored trains
surged 93'2 miles from the Russo-
Manchurian border area north of
Hulun (Dalai) Lake and captured the
rail junction and five-way highway
junction of Hulun (Hailar), Moscow's
broadcast bulletin said.
Jap Supply Line Cut
Capture of Hulun cut the only
western highway supplying thousands
of Japanese troops in extreme north-
ern Manchuria.
From Hulun, the Soviets battered
another 121/ miles into the 2,660-
foot-high foothills of the great Khin-
gan mountain range barring the path
to the central Manchurian basin,
tearing out a total gain of 106 miles.
The massive surge carried the Rus-
sians 80 miles from the main, 4,195-
foot-high pass where the Chinese
eastern railroad-formerly Russian-
owned until sold in 1935 under pres-
sure to Japanese-dominated Manchu-
ria - crosses the ;great Khingan
Some 130 miles to the south, tanks
and cavalry swept across the arid,
almost waterless desertland east of
Lake Bor, pushing far beyond the
outer Mongolian border, again reach-
ed the foothills of the great Khin-
gan range.
Three hundred and sixty miles west
of the Trans-Baikal fighting area,
the Russians forded the mile-wide
Amur River 24 miles south of the
Russian base at Blagoveshchensk and
captured the big Japanese army base
of Aigun.
Grad Accepts
Justice Position
Donald C. Cook, '35, has resigned
his position of assistant director of
the public utility division of the Se-
curity and Exchange Commission to
become special assistant to the At-
torney General Thomas C. Clark in
the Department of Justice, it was
announced recently.
Cook has been employed by the
Securities and Exchange Commission
since 1935. He is a member of the
Theta Chi fraternity and is a former
library employe. His home is in Es-

University activities will continue
until a five-minute blast from the
power house siren -official indica-
tion of V-J Day - is heard, Univer-
sity officials said yesterday.
When the siren is heard, all classes
will be suspended and University
offices closed for the remainder of
the day. If news of Japanese surren-
der should come after the day's ac-
tivities are completed, the siren will
be sounded at 7:30 a. m. EW'I the
next morning and the University
activity will be suspended on that
Navy To Celebrate
Capt. Woodson Michaux, com-
manding officer of the Navy college
training program at the University,
said yesterday that the Navy will go
along with the University in its plans
for V-J Day.
Army headquarters will reveal their
special plans for V-J Day when Col.
Reginald C. Miller, commanding of-
ficer of all Army units stationed at
the University, returns to Ann Arbor
While Ann Arbor awaited the in-
evitble news of Japanese capitula-
tion, local businessmen said that
their establishments would close for
V-J Day, with most of them express-
Attention Vets!
Veterans who have not re-
ceived any or all of their allot-
ments are urged to meet today
between 3 and 4 p. m. EWT at the
office of the Veterans Organiza-
tion, Lane Hall.
Those who cannot attend the
meeting today are requested to
make every effort to be at the VO
office, Monday, during the same
hour in the afternoon.

ing, in effect, what one restauranteur
declared, "I'm going to close - V-J
will be a day of real celebration."
University Carilloneur Percival
Price has composed a special "Vic-
tory Rhapsody" which will be played
when the surrender is announced
by car illoneurs throughout the world.
No Intoxicants Sold
All beer and liquor establishments
will be closed for 24 hours following
the announcement, Police Chief
Sherman Mortenson said. The order
was made by the Michigan liquor
control commission.
Although the Ann Arbor Minister-
ial Association is not in session, most
observers said that the procedure of
V-E Day, individual services, would
be adhered to.
15 Secretaries
'Will Review
JAG Battalion
Recipients of a citation and a War
Bond Flag awarded by Secretary of
War Henry Stimson for what he
termed "extraordinary cooperation"
in the purchase of war bonds, 15
women, secretaries at the Judge Ad-
vocate General School, will review the
school battalion at special ceremo-
nies at 1 p. m. EWT today on the Law
Quad parade grounds.
The War Bond Flag, awardedrto
civilian employes of the War Depart-
ment with a record of 95 per cent
participation and a minimum invest-
ment of 15 per cent of their salaries
in the purchase of war bonds through
the Army pay reservation plan, will
be raised on the School flagpole for
the first time at today's exercises.

By The Associated Press
ese Domei Agency tonight ordered
its bureau chiefs throughout the
Orient to stand by for "possible
emergency transmission" of news
through next week.
* * *
NEW YORK-The Moscow radio
in a broadcast monitored by NBC
commented tonight on the Japanese
peace bid with the statement that
"unconditional surrender means just
that - unconditional surrender."
* * *
MANILA-Japan's dwindling air
power suffered new heavy damage
Thursday when Far East Air Forc-
es bombers and fighters from Ok-
inawa smashed at some of the
principal fields on the main home
islands of Honshu, Shikoku and
* * *
MANILA - General MacArthur's
headquarters announced today that
the war is still on for the forces un-
der his command and that his Far
East Air Forces bombers are carry-
ing out their scheduled missions a-
gainst Japan.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The destroyer
escort Underhill has been sunk in
Philippine waters with the loss of
112 officers and men, the Navy
announced today.
* * *
CHUNGKING, Aug. 10-Resurgent
Chinese armies laid siege to the great
inland river port of Tsangwu (Wu-
chow) and sent three column's rarch-
ing on the former U. S. airbase at
Lingling, the Chinese High Command
announced tonight as this capital
wildly celebrated Tokyo's peace bid.
'Ultimatum,' French
Film, Ends Tonight
The last showing of the French
film, "Ultimatum," brought to the
campus by the Summer Session Of-
fice, will be held at 8:30 p. m. EWT
today in the Rackham Auditorium,
The admission is free

The formal proposition came through the Swiss government
in Bern and American Minister Leland Harrison there. Its ar-
rival time was announced as 6:45 p. m. EWT.
Staggered by bombings, surrounded by the mightiest array
of armed might ever assembled, Japan announced by radio she
would yield-if she could keep her Emperor and his powers.
But with that condition attached, Britain, China, Russia ard
the United States showed no immediate, open inclination toward
The White House said in mid-afternoon:
"Our government through the regular diplomatic channels is in com-
munication with Great Britain, Soviet Russia and China regarding the
Japanese surrender offer."
That, said Presidential Secretary Charles G. Ross, "Is all that can
be said at this time." And he added, there would be no further statements
today or tonight.
Offer In Official Channels
The first disclosure that the once disdainful enemy of the Pacific was
ready to call it quits was in an early morning Tokyo broadcast by the
official Japanese news agency Domei. The neutral capitals of Stockholm
and Bern indicated the offer had gone into official channels.
And Ross did not deny that the proposition had been made official.
His announcement of Allied consultation followed an hour's cabinet
meeting at the White House-the first for several of its members.
Secretary of State Byrnes reported that: "We have an agreement by
which the President will give out any news."
'Peace at Any Price'
Some authorities reasoned that if the other Allies wanted to let the
man the Japanese regard as a God as well as an Emperor stay on the
throne, this country would not stand in the way of peace at that price.
The Allies, themselves, however, have decreed that surrender must be

"unconditional" and that they will n
When a "cease firing" order r
remaining highly uncertain. Yet v
Local Men Held
For Gambling
Examination of the first of four
Ann Arbor men, Hal Lee, indicted for
"maintaining a gaming room" al-
legedly at 118 E. Huron St., started
yesterday with Washtenaw County
Prosecutor John W. Rae introducing
a surprise state's witness not until
now linked with the grand jury in-
He is Clyde Fleming, county treas-
urer, who admitted "participating in
a game of' chance" with Lee at the
United Cigar Store on Huron.
Fleming said that he had "won
about $115 in a dice game held on
the second floor of the building.

ot deviate from those terms.
might silence the guns of war thus
victory celebrations were under way
-around the world.
This was the early sequence of
events on a day that appeared to mark
at least the beginning of the end of
arrogant Japanese belligerency
Sequence of Events
1. The official Japanese news agen-
cy Domei broadcast this morning that
Japan would quit if Emperor Hirohito
could retain his prerogatives.
2. The White House lacked any of-
ficial word and indicated the bombing
and blasting continued. But Presi-
dent Truman conferred hurriedly
with his secretaries of state, war and
navy, and called an afternoon cabinet
3. Moscow radio announced the
Japanese Foreign Minister had in-
formed the Soviet ambassador. in
Tokyo that Japan would submit to a
surrender ultimatum issued in Pots-
dam July 26 by Britain, China and the
United States-and subsequently ac-
cepted by Russia-if Hirohito were
left on his ancient throne.
4. An official British statement
said the government was in consulta-
tion with the United States, Russia
and China on the broadcast in which
Japan virtually acknowledged she was
5. Neutral Sweden and Switzer-
land, designated by Japan as inter-
mediaries, were reported to have re-
ceived formal documents to relay to



Today The Summer Session Of-
fice presents "Ultimat-
um," French film at 8:30
p. m. EWT in Rackham
Auditorium. Admission is
Today The Repertory Players
will present "Over 21" at
a 2:30 p. m. EWT matinee
and an 8:30 p. m. EWT
evening performance at
Lydia Mendelssohh Thea-
Aug. 12 The International Center
will present a program
honoring the Far Eastern

Leaders Plan Reconversion As Jan Surrender Nears

Government officials forecast to-
day that gasoline rationing will
anrA wihin a few mawre aftnr Tanan

Board Chairman J. A. Krug and
approved WPB's emergency pro-
gram for an "orderly and simple"
removalo f n many indnstria1 onn-

The end of the war soon will
mean, a WPB official said, that
output of consumer goods, espe-
ciallv smn11 nriuts suh as hnme

in two or three weeks, but that
prospects were slim for any im-
mediate termination of the pro-

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