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August 04, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-04

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See Lochner's Column, Page 2



ForHousing Units
Government Allocates $29,663 for Plans
For New Dormitories, F-M Station
Proposed University dormitories for married students came a step nearer
completion yesterday as the government approved allocation of $23,775
to the University Regents to pay for planning of the apartments,
The Federal Works- Agency also approved a loan of $5,888 for planning
the proposed construction of a University Frequency Modulation radio
broadcasting station.
Total Cost $832,900
Total cost of the new dormitories for married couples is estimated to be
$832,900. They are to be located east ;of University Hospital and north of
the Children's Institute along. Glen

Jap Okinawa Air


On'Allied Invasion Fleet'
*Sinks Only One U.S. Ship

Ferguson Asks
Armed Force
Cites People's Role
In Passing Charter
Calling for a committment of arm-
ed force by the United States to the
new international security organiza-
tion, Sen. Homer Ferguson declared
last night that the people of this
country realize the necessity of or-
ganization for world peace.
In the last of the addresses in the
two-week conference on "The United
States in the Postwar World," Senat-
or Ferguson, a University alumnus,
spoke on the topic "The Role of the
United States in Framing the Peace."
Public Opinion's Role
Public opinion has played an im-
portant role in assuring that the
charter be passed by the Senate with-
out reservations, he declared. "By
my mail, a great number of people
believe that this war would not have
happened had the United States join-
ed the League."
Contrasting the atmosphere of the
present with that of 1919, Senator
Ferguson commented that "in 1917
President Wilson brought about party
politics," which have no place in
matters concerned with keeping the
peace. "The covenant of te League
was drafted without consulting the
Senate," he said.
Able To Abolish Lawlessness
We will be able to abolish interna-
tional lawlessness if we but work
with the charter, he said, after cit-
ing what he believes to be the prin-
cipal objectives of the Charter:
1. " . . to bring the relations
between nations under a system of
law, order and justice g
2. To outlaw- war and aggressors,
by force if necessary:
3. To substitute economic coopera-
tion for economic warfare between
4. To promote social and cultural
relations among the people of the
world forpurposes of understanding;
5. To establish equality under the
law through an international court
of justice;
6. "To join in establishing a frame-
work of international institutions and
agencies-political, economic and so-
cial-as instruments necessary for
cooperation, peace . and justice be-'
tween nations."
New Prison
System Set Up
Penitentiary To Work
As Two Institutions
JACKSON, Mich., Aug. 3 -()-l
Acting Warden Ralph E. Benson1
used his first full day in office at the1
State Prison of Southern Michigan
today to set up an administrative
system under which the penitentiary
will operate virtually as two insti-t
On authority of the state civil
service commission, Benson an-
nounced the creation of a trusty de-
partment designed to operate sep-
arately from the rest of the prison
and serve 'some 1,200 inmates inde-
The former warden at the state
branch prison at Marquette, who was
brought to the Southern Michigan
institution, said the effect of thef
change would be that the prisonk
would ultimately operate as two sys-..
Final responsibility, however, stillr
would rest with the prison warden.

Drive on a two-and-a-half acre hill-
side tract.
This project is expected to fill a
long-felt need for University accom-
modations for married students-a
need which is expected to increase
with the post-war influx of married
Present plans call .for eight build-
ings in the project, each to contain
22 apartments with one to three
rooms. The buildings will accom-
modate approximately 350 residents.
Although the site has been selected,
construction is not expected to begin
until quality materials can be obtain-
ed to make possible a lasting struc-
ture, according to Prof. Lewis M.
Gram, recently retired director of
University plant extension.
F-M Station Planned
The new F-M station is to be part
of the proposed Michigan Education
Radio Network being developed by
the State Department of Public In-
struction. It will consist of four basic
stations to be located in Ann Arbor,
Cadillac, Houghton and Manistique.
Ann Arbor is expected to be the
key station and, therefore, a large
proportion of sustaining programs for
the entire network will originate at
the University. According to Prof.
Waldo Abbot of the speech depart-
ment, "It is not beyond the realm of
possibility to hook up with other state
networks to obtain national cover-
Also on the agenda of post-war
University construction is a new
women's dormitory next to Mosher-
Jordan'dormitories, a dormitory for
men next to the East Quadrangle and
the General Service Building on State
Street next to the Union.
Of Stettin Given
Over to Poland
LONDON, Aug. 3 -(A-- Admini-
stration of the Baltic shipbuilding
center of Stettin, under German con-
trol for 225 years, has been given
over by the Big Three to the Poles,
a British Foreign Office spokesman
said today.
Stettin, capital of the Prussian
province of Pomerania and the port
city for Berlin, was not mentioned
in the Big Three communique issued
after the Potsdam meeting, and from
the definition of the western fron-
tier of Poland in the communique
it appeared it would remain German.
The British Foreign Office com-
mentator explained, however, that it
had been decided to turn over ad-
ministration of the city to the Poles,
who call it by the Polish name of
Thus, while "final delimitation" of
the Polish frontiers must await a
peace conference, the Big Three has
given the Poles immediate admini-
stration of almost all agricultural
Pomerania, industrial Silesia, about
two-thirds of East Prussia and a big
portion of Brandenburg.
The dispute about the Teschen
area on the Polish-Czechoslovak
frontier was left for Poland and
Czechoslovakia to decide.

LAVAL RETURNED TO PARIS-Pierre Laval (right), Vichy premier
during German occupation of France, rides in the rear seat of an auto-
mobile in custody of a French officer to Fresnes prison in Paris after his
arrival by plane from Austria.
*- * *. * * *
Laval Tells Story o Intrigue,
At Trial of Marshall Petain
Pre-War Chancelleries Made Secret Plans
"Evil Genius" of Vichy Testifies in Court
- V ______________________________

By The Associated Press
PARIS, Aug. 3-Pierre Laval, the
swarthy politician who has been call-
ed the "evil genius" of Vichy, testi-
fled at the Marshal Petain trial to-
day and told a story of intrigue and
secret agreement in -the pre-war
chancelleries of Europe while pro-
testing his own innocence of any Fas-
cist or Nazi taint.
Salient points in his testimony at
the trial were these:
1. That he concluded a secret
military treaty between France and
Italy in 1935.
2. That Great Britain made a
naval agreement with Germany
without first consulting France,
after the British and French gov-
ernments had agreed not to treat
separately with Hitler.
3. That the British government
was informed fully at all times of
the progress of the "Hoare-Laval"
agreement which would have given
Mussolini control of Ethiopia.
4. That Petain and Hitler con-
cluded nothing at their famous
Montoire meeting in October, 1940.
5. That King George V sent Sir
Slamuel Hoare to Laval seeking a
solution for the ills of Europe.
6. That he urged the Duke of
Windsor, then the Prince of Wales,
to consult the Germans in an ef-
fort to save the peace.
7. That France might never have
gone to war if the question had
been submitted to parliament.
8. That Hermann Goering told
him Hitler was aware of France's
hostility during the existence of
the Vichy regime.
The Duke of Windsor, in a state-
ment issued by the British informa-
tion service, tonight denied that he
ever had any conversation on politi-
cal matters with Pierre Laval al-
though he had met him at a Paris
social function.
Laval also admitted ruefully that
he had remarked, "here is where we
overthrow the French republic,"
when he had pushed through th'e
acts making Petain virtually dictator
in 1940. This was said in jest, he de-
He acknowledged he had made the
statement "I desire a German vic-
tory," but that was to fool the Ger-
mans, he said.
And, answering a question concern-

ing collaboration, he declared, "who
in his right mind would have thought
otherwise than Germany would win
the war?"
This was all put into the record de-
spite repeated pleas by Judge Paul
Mongibeaux to "please remember this
is the trial of Petain."
"To some extent it also is my trial,"
Laval rejoined.
Huntley Cites
Reasons For
Jap Conflict
Reeducation Must Be
Based on Cooperation
The prognosis for future harmony
with Japan is favorable, Dr. Frank L.
Huntley told a Rackham Amphithea-
tre audience yesterday, if, in the re-
education of Japan, we apply the
principle of cooperation and incor-
porate it into the matrix of an inter-
national society.
Speaking on "Problems in the Re-
lations of the United States and Ja-
pan," Dr. Huntley, instructor in the
Civil Affairs Training School here,
cited three causes of misunderstand-
ing between the two nations: the ri-
val powers which caused Japan to
adopt an imperialistic policy and
become our enemy in thePacificarea;
the failure of our contradictory phil-
osophies to fulfill Japan's need for
understanding Western culture; and
the rapprochement of Japan and
Germany which developed into a
philosophy of concentrated nation-
alistic power.
U. S. Already Committed
Dr. Huntley predicted that defeat
will "bring cracks in Japan's social
armor and Japanese militarists and
other power groups will use strategy
to keep themselves in power. We are
committed," he continued, "to reor-
ganizing Japan as a sovereign nation
and to aiding Japan in the establish-
ment of a responsible government.
Culture Discussed
Dr. Huntley, in explaining the Jap-
anese culture, contrasted it with our
own culture. The Japanese culture,
he said, functions as a whole and is
based on the vertical principle of
father and son fidelity. Each per-
son in Japan is expected to conform
to tradition which is personified in
the Emperor. In our society we have
escaped tradition, he asserted, be-
cause we have progressed rapidly.
Explaining that even though the
Japanese owe their advanced educa-
tional standards to our influence,
Dr. Huntley revealed that they have
not profited from us in the fields of
government, philosophy and ethics.
"They have appropriated the fruits
of Western civilization and rejected
the trees from which it camne," he
'Quality Street' Will
Be~ Presented Twice

Union, Engine
Council Vote
Results Stated
Donnelly, Miquelon,
Heaton Win Election
Thomas Donnelly, Tom Heaton and
Edward Miquelon captured the three
Union vice-presidencies, and Eugene
Sikorovsky was chosen sophomore
representative to the Engineering
Council at yesterday's election, in
which 314 students castballots.
Receiving 84 of the 207 votes cast
by engineering students, Donnelly is
a senior in the V-12 program. A
member of the Union Executive Coun-
cil, he holds offices in the Newman
Club and the Michigan Sailing Club.
He is also a member of Triangles.
L. S. & A. Winner
Winning the L. S. & A. office with
38 of the 58 votes cast, Heaton is a
senior and in the Navy. He is presi-
dent of Phi Gamma Delta and secre-
tary of Interfraternity Council.
Miquelon, chosen by the combined
schools, received 23 of the 31 votes
cast. A junior in the School of Busi-
ness Administration, he is president
of that school's Student Affairs Com-
mittee. He is treasurer of Phi Gam-
ma Delta.
Sikorovsky captured 12 of the 18
votes cast for Engineering Council
sophomore representative. He was
opposed by Henry Kaminski.
Today's polling was a re-run of the
election last Friday, which was de-
clared void by the Men's Judiciary
Council because of "irregularities" in
handling ballots.
SOIC Run-off Postponed
The SOIC run-off election between
the Universities of the Philippines
and Tsing Hua was called off follow-
ing a recommendation of the Student
Affairs Committee that the choice of
a university to receive assistance be
postponed until the fall term.
Total number of votes cast for
Union officers was 296. Breakdown
of this figure follows :
School of Engineering
Donnelly ..................84
Fonde ........................66
Royce ....................... 57
Combined Schools
Chinese Troops
Capture Sinning

with mines, completing the strangu-
lation ring. Nimitz announced land-
based American naval planes yester-
day sank a 700-ton Japanese freighter
in Sagami Gulf southwest of Tokyo.
The 20th Air Force announced Fri-
day that the Superforts had mined all
important harbors of Japan and
Korea to within 21 miles of Russia. It
said only "shadow" shipping could
move now.
Jap Food Supply Cut
Japan's flow of food and war sup-
plies was declared cut to less than
half of the country's needs as a re-
Tokyo radio reported that 500 Al-
lied warships, including battleships
and cruisers, had recently concentrat-
ed in Okinawa waters.
B-29s of Brig. Gen. John H. Davies'
313th bombardment wing haveabeen
busy with the mine-laying operations
during the last four months. They
extended the missions to the most
distant harbors in recent weeks while
other Superforts and Admiral Hal-
sey's Third Fleet were burning and
blasting Japan with the greatest air
and sea strikes of history.
Whereabouts of the Third Fleet
since it attacked southwestern Hon-
shu Monday was still hidden by a
security blackout.
Admiral Nimitz' Friday communi-
que reported that the fleet's Ameri-
can and British carrier planes sank
or damaged 116 Japanese ships and
destroyed or damaged 278 aircraft
in the Monday raids. Thirty-six of
the vessels were warships.
In its three weeks of marauding
up and down the coast of Japan the
Third Fleet did not lose a single ship
and none was reported even damaged.
FEAF Destroy
Jap Shipping,
MacArthur Says
MANILA, Saturday, Aug. 4-(P)-
The Far East Air Forces and at-
tached units in the first seven months
of this year destroyed or damaged
2,846,932 tons of enemy shipping and
1,375 enemy planes in the blockade
of Japan, General MacArthur an-
nounced today.
These air- forces, under MacAr-
thur's overall command, have flown
more than 150,000 sorties and drop-
ped 100,000 tons of bombs.
Heavy bombers of the 13th Air
Force braved adverse weather Thurs-
day and hit Takao, on the southwest
coast of Formosa, causing fires and.
explosions which sent smoke 10,000
feet high.
SI.A.S. Dance
Will Be Held
Leroy Smith and his orchestra will
provide the music for the all-campus
semi-formal Institute of Aeronauti-
cal Science dance, from 9 p. m. to
midnight EWT (8 to 11 p. m. CWT)
Friday in the League ballroom.
All Army and Navy students will
be given 1 a. m. EWT (midnight
CWT) permission for the dance.
Tickets will be on sale today in
the Union.

Plans To Speed
Defeat of JTaps
Truman Declares 'No
Secret Agreements'
By The Associated Press
Powerful new blows to speed the com-
plete defeat of Japan and the libera-
tion of Japanese-held territories were
planned by the Anglo-American high
commands at the Potsdam Big Three
conference, it was disclosed officially
At the same, time, President Tru-
man told reporter aboard this home-
ward bound cruiser that he had made
"no secret agreements of any kind"
in the meeting with Generalissimo
Stalin and Prime Minister Attlee.
The President is preparing a radio
report which he will make ' to the
people of the United States soon af-
ter his return to Washington next
Russia Not Included
Disclosure of the Anglo-American
military talks was made jointly a-
board the Augusta and in London
where Prime Minister Attlee has al-
ready returned. Russia did not par-
ticipate in this announcement since
Russia is not a party to the war
against Japan.
The President and Prime Minister,
their statement said, approved var-
ious undisclosed proposals made by
British and American chiefs of staff.
The military leaders discussed a "re-
allocation of areas and commands
in the southwest Pacific and south-
east Asia areas and consideration
was given to the employment in the
war against Japan of forces of the
other Allied nations that are at war
with Japan."
Command May Be Increased
In Washington, it is expected that
Lord Louis Mountbatten, the British
commander in southeast Asia, will
be given a greatly enlarged command
area embracing the bulk of the terri-
tory over which General Douglas
MacArthur originally had control,
That is the area of, the southwest
Pacific which includes Australia, the
Solomon Islands and the Dutch East
Washington also expects that the
troops of other nations at war with
Japan, particularly Dutch troops,
will be used when and where they
can in these liberation battles and
presumably this was one of the points
covered by the Attlee-Truman an-
Bills on Reich
To Be Limited
Allies To Supervise
Reparations Payments
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3-(P)-Eu-
rope's small countries will have to
refigure their reparations bills against
Germany, faced with virtual certainty
they'll get only a small part of what
they have asked. This was the in-
terpretation placed by officials here
today on the Potsdam communique.
Marshal Stalin, President Truman
and Premier Attlee made it clear that
German reparations will depend on
what the Allies decide should be re-
movedp~ from the iR ci rh nit, nn what

Superforts Mine Jap, Korean Harbors;
Cut Vital Enemy War Supply Lines
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Saturday, Aug. 4-The Japanese, whose every home port now
is blocked with air-sown mines, have lashed out at Okinawa and sunk one
light American vessel and damaged another in air attacks on that island
base where they contend an Allied invasion fleet is massing.
Admiral Nimitz announced today that the ship loss occurred on
July 29, the first time in ten days that the enemy has made any offensive
gesture at Okinawa and the first time a ship has been hit there since
June 22, when two light units were sunk and three were damaged.
Superforts Mine Harbors
While unfavorable weather forced cancellation of most planned air
attacks on Japan, the 20th Air Force announced that Superfortresses have
plugged every major Japanese harbor ;-




CHUNGKING, Saturday, Aug. 4-
(MP)-Chinese troops have captured
Sinning and closed within 121/2 miles
of Chuanshien in a double-pronged
drive toward the former Flying Ti-
ger airfield at Lingling, Chinese head-
quarters sai dearly today.
The fresh advances toward Ling-
ling, 370 miles southeast of Chung-
king, were disclosed after Lt.-Gen.
Albert C. Wedemeyer, U. S. com-
mander in china, predicted large-
scale offensives soon by U. S.-trained
Chinese forces, including paratroop-
Wedemeyer said Chinese forces
transferred from Burma "can be
expected soon" to join the battle in
China, and declared "I hope in the
not too distant future we'll have some
large-scale fighting. I am very opti-
mistic about the future."
Sinning, a Hunan province strong-
hold, was captured Friday morning
by Chinese driving one prong of an
attack toward Lingling, 55 miles far-

Mental Hygiene Clinics Will Be
Available to Neurotic Veterans

form of "night school" treatment will
be available for neurotic war veterans
under plans of the Veterans Admini-
stration for 31 mental hygiene cli-
nics and 19 neurosis centers.
The plans, announced tonight, also
provide for more intensive courses of
treatment at the centers for severely
afflicted patients. VA said it would
follow the example of the Army air
forces and employ hypnotism in some
cases to learn the cause of psychic

Today "Quality Street" will be
presented by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players at


Hines said the greatest value of the
new system of outpatient treatment
by clinics "will be in keeping the con-
fused or troubled veteran in his own
home surroundings, where he will
more readily adjust himself to the
realities of life."
Many Vets Need Aid
The need was cited by a reference
to "the rapidly expanding numbers
of veterans suffering from psychoneu-
Severe cases will be treated at the
neuoss ntr s conrtp with g~

19 New Ministers Appointed
To British Laborite Cabinet

LONDON, Aug. 3 -(P)- Nineteen
new ministe~rs -seven of them ncelP

isters to 25, with eight ministerial

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