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August 02, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-02

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43 A&
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Page 1, Center

VOL. LV, No. 22S



Air Armada Blasts Japan in Biggest I










* *





Purdom Reveals
Colleges, Universities Survey Union,
Serious Personnel Problem Voided
Little Prospect for Relief in View To Be
Though Salaries Increased Recently 'U' Adop
To Be S
Findings of the annual survey of demand, supply, and placement of Persons mus
teachers in the state, conducted by 17 Michigan colleges and universities, Union membersh
were revealed last night by Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the University vote in the re-ri
of Michigan Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information.
"The survey discloses that Michigan schools are facing one of the vice-presidential
most serious problems of personnel in more than two decades," Dr. Pur- Council election
dom declared. * * The SOIC ele


* * *



* -* *

tion Also
ettled Friday
t present summer
hip cards in order to
tnning of the Union
and Engineering
ction, a run-off be-


B-29' s Hit 4
s, Oil Center

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7, $~OKKAI ($ 'f
_ "~kIAomor r
Akt ~*Morioka
HIONSHiU ~~~gn
KOEANa aoka "* i Kodyama
~ ~\Mabas?
!W 1'zur.O~ki aHacho
Susan' Mat"_____ om a TOKYO "
T~ r~giĀ° Nihinomiya + NAGYA~P
Yawat . Eku am U. ' amad ' vJAPAN
Nagasaki' SHiKOKLI
Kagoshi "~ K(YUSHUJ

Targets on 'Surrender or Die' Warning
List Tremble Under 6,000 Tons of Bomb
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Thursday, Aug. 2-Japan trembled under probably the greatest
air raid of history today as a record armada of 800 American B-29s burned
and blasted four cities and a vital oil center.
The earth shook from explosions of more than 6,000 tons of fire and
demolition bombs shortly after midnight. This immense tonnage was
equivalent to loads carried by upwards of 2,000 Flying Fortresses or Liber-

Schools Need 2,000 Teachers
"At the present time, schools in
Michigan are more than 2,000 teach-
ers short, with little prospect for re-
lief in the near future," he pointed
out. "Fifty per cent fewer teachers
are being trained in Michigan edu-
cational institutions this year in
comparison to 1943-44 figures."
The survey indicates that while
teachers' salaries have been increas-
ing during the past five years, the
number of people entering the pro-
fession is decreasing.
"Greatest demand for teachers
right now," Dr. Purdom said, "is in
the field of physical education for
women. In addition there is a pro-
nounced shortage of vocational shop
Details of Crisis
Here is a statistical breakdown on
the personnel crisis situation:
While there is a demand in "Michi-
gan for 4,500 teachers, Michigan col-
leges and universities are training
1,099 from January 1945 to January
The 1,099 figure of teachers in
training represents ,a 50 I.per cent
" dp over the 1941-42 figure;
The number of war emergency cer-
tificates granted in 1944-45 soared
to 1,014;
The number of rural and township
schools which discontinued operation
altogether in the state in 1944-45
totals 940. It is estimated that the
closing down of these schools caused
the dislocation of thousands of Mich-
igan students.
Even the number of teachers trans-
ferring to Michigan schools from
other states is on the decline, Dr.
Purdom asserted. In 1943-44, 940
teachers migrated to Michigan
schools while in '44-'45, the number
decreased to 682.
The survey, soon to be submitted
to school superintendents through-
out the state, does not include De-
troit public schools, Dr. Purdom said.
Mentor Williams
Leaves 'U' Faculty
Prof. Mentor L. Williams, for more
than 13 years a member of the Uni-
versity English faculty, has resigned,
it was learned yesterday.
Prof. Williams joined the staff here
in 1931 as a teaching fellow, and
subsequently was promoted to assist-
ant professor.
Woman Asks OPA Aid
On Way To Adopt Baby
-"How do you go about adopting a
baby?" a feminine voice inquired over
the telephone at the Colorado Springs
War Price and Rationing Office.
The ration board's telephone oper-
ator informed the caller that babies
were a little out of the Board's juris-
"You might try the War Produc-
tion Board," she added helpfully.
Today Charles M. Davis will dis-
cuss "Problems in the Re-
lations of the United
States and the Southwest
Pacific" at 4:10 p. m. EWT
(3:10 p. m. CWT) in the
Rackham amphitheatre.
Today Dwight L. Dumond of the
history department will
speak on "The Conflict of
Tradition and Ideals in
American Life" at 8:15
p. m. EWT (7:15 p. m.
CWT) in the Rackham

tween the University of the Philip-
pines and Tsing Hua (China), will
also be held tomorrow.
Candidates in this election will
be the same as those in last week's
election, which was declared void
by the Men's Judiciary Council be-
cause of "irregularities" in handl-
ing the ballot.
Clarification of the University
rule on campaigning was taken care
of at a meeting of the Council Tu-
esday. No candidate may circu-
late handbills or display banners or
posters on University property, with
the exception that posters may be
placed on University bulletin
Thomas Donnelly, Henry Fonde and
Robert Royce are candidates for vice-
president from engineering school;
Tom Heaton and Richard Hurd from
L. S. & A.; and William Crick and
Edward Miquelon from the combined
Schools of Business Administration,
Public Health, Music, Forestry Phar-
macy, and Physical Education. Henry
Kaminski and Eugene Sikorovsky will
vie for the post of sophomore repre-
sentative on the Engineering Council.
Polling places will be open from 9
a. m. to 2:15 p. m. EWT (8 a. m. to
1:15 p. m. CWT) at the diagonal, the
engineering arch and in between the
Romance Language Building and
Tappan Hall. Voter's names will be
recorded at the polling place to make
certain that there is no duplication
of ballots. There is to be no election-
eering within 50 feet of the ballot


-L1 M

ifim v c m l c

locate cities that have been listed future B-29 targets; including eight
new ones added to a list previously announced by 20th Air Force.
Bomb-burst symbols locate six cities on the original list of advance
targets that have already been hit by the Superforts.
Vuleans, Triangles To Revive
Campus Dance Aug.17 at Union

."a pronounced shortage"
Kelly Steps into
Of State Prisons
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Aug..1-Governor Kelly
moved today to coordinate double-
barreled investigations of the Michi-
gan penal system, one of which has
produced sensational charges of mal-
administration in the State Prison
of Southern Michigan.
Kelly asked that a proposed Sen-
ate investigation of the corrections
system be confined to seeking, flaws
in current operations and policies
and that it not "rehash" Attorney
General John R. Dethmers' charges
of immorality, lax administration,
gambling, drunkenness and favori-
tism in the big southern Michigan
To Meet This Week
He urged that when the Senate
investigating committee is appointed
later this week by Lt. Gov. Vernon
J. Brown it meet with himself, Brown,
Dethmers, the civil service commis-
sion and the corrections commission
to define lines of investigation and
to proceed in an "orderly manner."
Brown declared the Michigan cor-
rections law, called a model statute
by national penologists, contained
"innocations when it was adopted in
1937 and no changes or review of it
has been made since. The question
is whether it has worked as hoped
and, if not, what should be done
about it."
Brown said the Senate investi-
gators would work as a "construc-
tion gang and not a wrecking crew."
Assistant To Be Named
After conferences with Brown,
Dethmers and Leslie P. Kefgen, cor-
rections commission chairman, Kelly
said the commission would act soon
to appoint an assistant director of
prisons in the corrections depart-
ment. Dethmers had recommended
that step on the grounds that Gar-
rett Heyns, state corrections director,
was overloaded filling both jobs.

The "Anvil Swing," yearly campus
offering of the Vulcans and Triangles,
will be revived Friday, August 17, in
the Union ballroom.
Bob Strong .and his orchestra will
supply the music for the first of the
traditional affairs to be held since
the start of the war. Navy students
will be granted late permission for
the all-campus, informal dance.
A limited number of tickets will go
on sale tomorrow at the League and
Union desks, and may also be pur-
chased from members of the two so-
Vulcans is the senior engineering

Davis Will Lecture on Pacific;
Kiss Analyzes Balkan Position

Asks Fair Treatment
Of Peoples By Nations
"The insistence by the great pow-
ers for establishment of fair treat-
ment for everyone is necessary be-
fore any kind of political organiza-
tion can be started in the Balkans,"
Dr. George Kiss of the geography de-
partment said yesterday.
In discussing the "Problems in the
Relations of the United States and
Southeastern Europe," Dr. Kiss pre-
sented the policy of centrifugal na-
tionalism which, he said, had always
existed in the Balkans.
For centuries, the whole of South-
eastern Europe has been caught be-
tween at least two great powers, he
explained. The Balkans are an area
of many small national groups, Dr.
Kiss added, and there has been a
contest between the outside powers
and the Balkan countries straight up
to the present war.
"The only hope for the Balkans,"
Dr. Kiss declared, "will be the es-
tablishment of political regimes
which have a desire to get along with
each other internationally."

Ideals, Traditions Will
Be Dumond's Topic
Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geog-
raphy department will discuss "Prob-
lems in the Relations of the United
States and the Southwest Pacific" at
4:10 p. m. EWT (3:10 p..m. CWT)
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The speech by Prof. Davis is the
seventeenth in a series of lectures
on "The United States in the Post-
War World," sponsored by the Uni-
versity Summer Session.
"The Conflict of Tradition and
Ideals inAmerican Life" is the topic
of a talk by Prof.' Dumond of the
history department at 8:15 p. m.
EWT (7:15 p. m. CWT) today.
Prof. William H.- Hobbes of the
geology department will introduce
Prof. Davis this afternoon. Prof. Du-
mond will be introduced by Prof.
Henry M. Bates, Dean Emeritus of
the Law School.
Senate Starts Vacation
Senate, in continuous session since
January 3, adjourned at 9:09 p. m.
(EWT) tonight for a vacation until
October 8.

honor society, while Triangles is for
Don Lindquist and Henry Watts
are co-chairmen of the dance com-
Leahy Letter
Read at Petain
Treason Trial
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Aug. 1-A letter from Adm.
William D. Leahy, President Tru-
man's chief of staff, to Marshal Henri
Philippe Petain was dramatically in-
troduced by the defense today into
the aged Vichy chief's trial for trea-
Leahy, American ambassador to
the Vichy government in the crucial
days after the fall of France, said
Petain "often expressed the fervent
hope that the Nazi invaders would
be destroyed." But Leahy added that
at times the Marshal declined to op-
pose the Nazis during the German
Churchill Statement Introduced
A statement attributed to former
British Prime Minister Churchill al-
so was introduced by the defense to
support theargument that the Fran-
co-German armistice benefitted both
France and the Allies. Churchill was
quoted as saying that the armistice
did Britain "a good service."
These were the highlights of the
ninth day of Petain's trial in charg-
es of intelligence with Germany and
plotting against the security of
France - a day marked by sharp,
bitter recriminations between the
military and political leaders of
France in 1940 and the jury's lack
of interest.
Await Laval's Arrival
Everyone awaited Pierre Laval, No.
2 man in the Vichy regime and de-
scribed as Petain's "bad counsellor"
and "evil genius." Defense lawyers
indicated they had conferred with
Prosecutor Andre Mornet in the ques-
tion of calling Laval from his new
Paris prison cell.

ators - the heaviest American bomb-
ers used against Germany.
The four cities were all on the B-
29 "surrender or die" warning list.
12 Vital Points Warned
They were among 12 industrial and
transportation hubs notified only 24
hours earlier that they were on the
B-29 schedule.
This new and smashing blow came
as a flagship dispatch disclosed the
marauding U. S. Third Fleet had
struck at Japanese submarines, de-
stroying or damaging at least 10,
after smashing about all that was
left of the Imperial surface and air
Bombers and fighters of the Far
East Air Force added to destruction
on the Japanese mainland, General
MacArthur announced today in Ma-
nila, by blasting shipping and instal-
lations on and around Kyushu Island
Factories, Transportation Damaged
The communique reported factor-
ies and fuel depots were left in
flames; ten locomotives, seven rail-
road cars and a number of motor
vehicles were wrecked, and seven
ships were sunk or damaged.
The B-29s, whose previous record
mission was by a force of 625, at-
tacked the Honshu Island cities of
Mito, Nachioji, Nagaoka and Toyama
and petroleum plants at Kawasaki
near Tokyo.
Spaatz' communique declared it
was a furthering blow -he and oth-
er commanders have announced that
heavier ones are to come - to "bomb
the Japanese Empire until its war
lords are forced to unconditional sur-
Laval War Plot
Told in Paper
LONDON, Aug. 1-UP)-A British
white paper .issued tonight asserted
that Pierre Laval plotted in the fall
of 1940, with German approval, to
involve Britain in war with the
Vichy French Government.
The document declared that Sir
Samuel Hoare, British Ambassador
to Madrid, cabled Viscount Halifax,
then British Foreign Secretary, that
Laval intended to use the French
fleet and military units in recovering
French colonies which had declared
for Gen. DeGaulle's Free French re-
Hoare said he obtained the infor-
mation from the French ambassador.
Britain had promised, the paper
said, to support DeGaulle and if the
French and British fleets had come'
into the conflict the then Vichy pre-
mier would have claimed it was an
act of aggression by the British fleet.

In Brief ..
By The Associated Press
FLEET-Carrier planes and ships,
including a battleship, bombed ari'd
shelled Wake Island installations.
Other fleet units rescued 283 Mar-
shallese natives from Japanese-held
Jaluit in the Marshalls.
OTHER AERIAL-Navy privateers
damaged airfields,. factories and rail
facilities on Korea and bombed the
Sakishima Islands. Seventh Fleet
patrol bombers destroyed 28 coastal
craft in the Swatow and Hong-Kong
areas, attacked airdromes in French-
Indo-China and ranged to Singa-
pore. Fleet bombers and fighters
struck targets from the Dutch East
Indies to the Solomons.
BORNEO-Several Japanese planes
raided. Miri and Brunei in Borneo,
causing some native casualties. Aus-
tralian troops pushed futher inland.
CHINA-Chinese troops captured
Pinglo, Japanese supply base in south
central China, and sent new spear-
head toward Lingling Airfield.
Two Senators
Seek Federal
Housing Help
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1--(')--Con-
gress was asked today to set a goal
of 1,250,000 new American homes in
each of the next 10 years by helping
'cities clear slums, aiding farmers to
build houses and extending existing
federal housing programs.
Senators Wagner (D.-N.Y.) and
Ellender (D.-La.), offered legisltion
which the New Yorker said "proposes
the complete housing program for
which people throughout the country,
countless in number, have waited
long and longingly."
In the main, it embraced recom-
mendations of a report, filed simul-
taneously, from a post-war housing
subcommittee headed by Senator Taft
(R.-Ohio). Taft estimated it would
mean expenditure of $5,000,000,000 to
$6,000,000,000 annually and provide,
directly and indirectly, three to four
million jobs.
Hoffman Calls
Writing Need
The main requirement in writing
for radio is staying-power, according
to Elwood Hoffman, script editor for
the Columbia Broadcasting System.
"Talent in a writer is not enough
if he doesn't have perseverance," he
said in a recent review.
Will Broadcast Today
Hoffman, who has been lecturing
before radio classes this week, will
hold a conference on radio at 4 p. m.
EWT (3 p. m. CWT) today in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Stating that there is no fundamen-
tal requirement inradio writing but
the ability to write, Hoffman said
that formal training helps in that
"the writer makes his trials and er-
rors faster, with an experienced per-
son to help him over the hurdles."


Addressing the sixteenth m
the Post War Conference, A
land, director of the Americz
cil of Learned Societies,,

Uphold Intellectual Freedorn'i-Lelan~d

neeting of
Valdo Le-
an Coun-
said last


freedom all over the

Scientists and scholars must use their ,few years has demonstrated that we
knowledge as well as increase it. can learn far more about other

Leland told the Conference that in-
ternational organizatiohs must ex-

Commenting on the suspicion
that countries cultural activities
are actually psychological warfare,

peoples and their cultures than we
ever knew before. It has demonstrat-
ed he said, that such knowledge can

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