A I - p , , . I
Allied Men, Material Massed
For Final'Punch jn France
(0u(itor's Note: tobert Bunnelle. chief of the London bureau of t1eAssociated
Press, has made a tour of the Normandy battlefront to confer with Associated
Press correspondents and photographers.
plains of Normandy the Allies are winding up their Sunday punch to lcnock
Germany out of the war.
This is no military secret, for the evidence is here for anyone to see.
The strongest proof of the victory that is coming-although there still
must be hard and bloody fighting to achieve it-is the fact that Germany
simply is unable to do anything consequential to prevent this massing of
vast hordes of men and equipment
)RIA s Y ky
AU, JAI'4N i
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for the decisive Allied blow at a
decisive place and at a decisive time.
A tour of the front lines to check
the Associated Press news and news-
photo staff dispositions for the great
events to come brought home vividly
the superiority that Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower's forces are achieving.
For just as the fields from Le-
Haye to St. Lo are packed with
munitions and other war stores, so
the roads are lined bumper to
bumper with every conceivable type
of fighting vehicle-many still on
the secret list.
And, just as the air is alive with
planes of every description from
fields created overnight, so the
English Phannel is lined with a
steady procession of ships briimging
in more material and more men.
Just where and how this avalanche
will be loosed on the Germans, who
already have had a foretaste of what
is to come at Caen, St. Lo and Cher-
bourg, is naturally a secret, but it
must be obvious to them as it is to
other observers that the ultimate en-
gulfment is inevitable.
We flew the channel in an un-
armed transport plane which car-
ried various supplies and import-
ant military personnel, and tra-
versed a considerable stretch of
French coast to the Normandy'
landing strip without escort and
without sighting a German plane.
At the landing strip we hitch-hiked
a ride on a finance officer's truck
carrying, among other things, about
$500,000, and by the driver's error
were whisked almost into the German
lines at the extreme end of the Al-
lied position before we found we
were off the route and about faced.
Thereafter we toured forward lines
from east of Caen to west of St. Lo.
Although fighting was bitter and the
caspalties were high where our troops
were actually engaged, the movement
of supplies and reinforcements pro-
ceeded with a minimum of interfer-
Ncwy Ieports
WASHINGTON, July 22.- (P)-
The submarine Trout, which snatch-
ed a fabulous treasure in gold, silver
and bonds from beneth the muzzles
of Japanese guns in the Philippines,
has been lost in action against the
This was announced today by the
Navy, which disclosed that the sub-
marine Tullibee also is overdue and
presumed lost on a war patrol.
The Trout also won a presidential
unit citation in May, 1943, for having
sunk 43,200 tons of Japanese ship-
ping and damaged many other en-
emy ships including an aircraft car-
rier. What toll of enepy shipping
she had taken since then has not
been disclosed.
Loss of the Trout and the Tullibee
raises to 27 the number of American
submarines lost since the war started.
Pac Ocean t
f T ON N
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Pti-jIfPNES --- ---- ---- - T'
:. { 137 M~ : - ^ - 7 CAROufNf ISLANDS
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Joints to Guam where American troops have landed and are fighting
the Japanese. Distance indicators show Guam's strategic position in
relation to Japan. The position of Sainan in relation to Guam and
Japan is also shown.
Iadoglio Says N azis ffa-e Lost'
ROME, July 22. -- (tP)- Marshal ' a prominent part for the Allies.
Pietro Badoglio, from the vantage The veteran soldier said he be-
point of one who once had access to lieved Field Marshall Gen. Karl
Axis counsel, said today that Ger- Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt, relieved
nmany "is in a tragic moment" in of command in Normandy, and
which "the end can come suddenly others of the same German military
or be delayed some months." tradition planned the revolt and that
"If a group of officers has re- the people had no part in it.
volted against Hitler it is because "The only people in Germany are
Germany has lost the war," he said women, children, old men and 10,-
in an interview only three days be- 000,000 foreigners, such as prisoners
fore the anniversary of the overthrow and forced laborers," he said. "All
of the first Axis dictator, Benito other Germans are in the army and
,Mussolini, in which Badoglio played a revolt must come there.''
Allies March
On Florence
Troops Are Within
For {Miles of Pisa
By (be Associated Press
f OME., July 22.--Three Allied col-
timns marched on Florence tonight,
wxith one force less than 14 miles
away, while patrons on the west
stabbed to within four miles of his-
toric visa and its famous leaning
The British Eighth Army was driv-
ing up the Arno River valley on an-
other good road in the vicinity of
Sangiovanni, 18 miles southeast of
Seventeen miles away on the south-
west, doughboys seizing Castelfioren-
tino were in a position to strike to-
ward Florence on a secondary road
and push on north to the Arno.
' Polish troops on the Adriatic sector
pushed north as much as three miles
and made contact with the enemy
four miles from the fishing port of
Senigallia, at the mouth of the Misa
River. They captured a number of
towns, including Montemarciano.
It was announced that the Poles
seized 2,000 prisoners in the capture
of the port of Ancona, and the enemy
was forced to throw in a new bat-
talion to extricate the 278th infantry
Eastward in the Sentino River val-
ley, Perticano, Seeggia and Sasso
Ferrato were occupied. The Italians
captured the village of Belvedere in
a fierce fight after taking Iese.
Weakened Morale Seen To
Hurt Nazi A rmy in France
Associated Press Correspondent
SHEAF, July 22-----Evidence of sagging German soldier mnrale as a
result of the conflict inside Germany came from the front today, leading
many Allied military men to express belief that a crushing defeat in the
west might break the enemy army's will to fight.
At the same time, Britain girded herself for a final spasm of Nazi
frightfulness with Adolf Hitler loosing whatever new secret weapons he
may have.
Battling at the gateways to Prussia and Warsaw on the Eastern Front
without being able to stop the Red Army, pushed northward in Italy, and
hammered inside Germany with a thousand U. S. Bombers a day, the
German military has been able to -----
(Continued from Page 4)
the University of Michigan in Pic-
Legal Research Library: Fine buil-
dings by William C. Hollands. Lower
corridor cases.
Museums Building: Celluloid rep-
roductions of Michigan fish. Loaned
through the courtesy of the Institute
of Fisheries Research, Michigan De-
partment of Conservation.
Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet today at'2:30 p.m. at the north-
west corner of the Rackham Building
for a hike.
All graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are cordially in- French Club which are free of charge.
vited to attend. Charles E. Koella
.. a.... ...r
w , v.,r. ....
Fas1ion Salutcs
the Casual Coed
Gammla Igelta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have an outing and picnic
supper at Island Park, at the big
stone fireplace, this afternoon. Luth-
eran students and servicemen are
asked to meet at the steps of the
Rackham Building at 4 o'clock. In
case of bad weather, the supper meet-
ing will be held at the Student Cen-
ter, 1511 Washtenaw.
Coming Events
French Tea Tuesday at 4 p.m. in
the Grill Room of the Michigan
League. Charles E. Koella
Sociedad Hispanica: The calendar
of the Sociedad Hispanica for this
week includes four events, chief of
which will be the meeting on Tuesday
at 8 p.m. in the League. Sr. Ernesto
Delgado of Colombia will speak on
"Costumbres Campesinos de Colom-
bia," Miss Alicia Sicard will present
several Spanish selections on the
violin, and the meeting will conclude
with a social hour. In addition, there
will be three meetings for informal
conversation, on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday at 4 p.m. in the Grill Room of
the League, and on Thursday at 4:15
p.m. in the International Center. All
gatherings of the club are open to the
public free of charge.
All women interested in Education
are invited to luncheon, Russian Tea
Room, Michigan League, Wednesday,
July 26, from 11:45 to 1 o'clock.
Speaker will be Miss Cynthia M.
Jones, field assistant, Adult Educa-
tion Program, who will discuss the
topic "Adult Education Work in
Michigan." Come and bring your
French Club: The fourth meeting
of the Club will take place Thursday,
July 27 at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. On the program: General
discussion of important questions of
the day; group singing and social
hour. All students of the Summer
Session and the Summer Term as
Summer Caippus Sing: Conducted
by Professor David Mattern, School
of Music. Besides group singing, spe-
cial features will include songs by
the University Men's Glee Club with
Oswald Lampkin, baritone from De-
troit, as soloist, and several renditions
on the Carillon by Professor Percival
Price. The Sing will be held. on the
Library steps, Friday, July 28, from
7-8 p.m. Everyone is invited to par-
Ch rch es
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation, Sunday: Student Class
at 9:30 o'clock. Dr. E. W. Blakeman
will lead the discussion on "The Post-
War Family." Morning worship ser-
vice at 10:40 o'clock. The Rev. Ralph
D. Dunlop will preach. Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Discussion
groups on "The State of the Church"
"Education" and "Missions and
Church Extension." These are part of
the series in "What Should the
Church Be Doing?" Supper and fel-
lowship hour following the discus-
First Presbyterian Church: Sunday,
10:45 a.m., Morning worship. This
is the fourth sermon in the series on
the Great Prophets "From God to
God"-Isaiah-by Dr. Lemon. 4:30
p.m., The Summer Series on "Reli-
gion and the World's Literature-
Paradise Lost and Regained" will be
the title of the address by Dr. Lemon.
Supper and social hour will follow.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"Truth." Sunday school at 11:45
a.m. A convenient reading room is
maintained by this church at 106 E.
Washington St., where the Bible, also
the Christian Science Textbook, "Sci-
ence and Health with Key to the
Scriptures" and other writings by
Mary Baker Eddy may be read, bor-
rowed or purchased. Open daily ex-
-cent Sundays and holidays from
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): Hill and Tappan Streets. 11
a.m., Sunday morning worship. The
Rev. Pa'rker Rossman, Minister, will
speak on the subject "If a Man Die."
At 4 p.m. students and servicemen
will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard St., for a trip to Riverside
Park for games, a picnic supper, and
vesper service. The group will return
to campus by 7 p.m. In case of un-
favorable weather the program will
be held inside.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at 4:30 p.m. this Sunday in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Miss
Virginia Rock, former president of
the Association, will be the speaker
and her topic will be "What the
Church Meant to Me While a Student
at Michigan." Servicemen and stu-
dents are invited to this meeting
and to the worship services in Trin-
ity and Zion Lutheran Churches at
10:30 Sunday morning.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, will have its regular ser-
vice Sunday at 11. Sermon by the
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Christ's Last
First Congregational Church, State
and William Streets, Rev. Leonard
A. Parr, Pastor. Sunday: at the
morning service, 10:45, Dr. Parr will
speak on the subject "Incessant Af-
firmations." At 4 p.m. students and
servicemen will leave the Guild
House, 438 Maynard Street, for a
picnic and vespers at Riverside Park.
In case of unfavorable weather the
program will be held inside. The
group will return to campus by 7 p.m.
point only to some small bit of
success in slowing down the AlliedE
advance after the original landings
in the west.E
Students of psychological warfare
said a crushing defeat of Field Mar-
shal Erwin Rommel in the west would
complete the cycle of defeat, leav-;
ing the German soldier without hope.
Associated Press Correspondent
Roger D. Greene, questioning Ger-
man prisoners on the Caen front,
found the news of the quarrel be-
tween Hitler and the high com-
mand had seeped down to the
lowliest private.
Mutual distrust among officers,
coupled with a feeling of the sol-
diers that they are being used as
tools by the Nazis and the high
command, is certain to destroy the
morale of any army, high Allied
officers said.
That Hitler realizes the danger is
shown in the rush to reassure the
German army. First were messages
by such men as Field Marshal Gen.
Guenther Von Kluge, commander in
Normandy, Field Marshal Gen. Baron
Maximilian Von Weichs, commander
in Southeast Europe; Gen. Nikolaus
Von Falkenhorst in Norway and
Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering.
Then4Iitler himself, in an order of
the day to the troops today, called
on them to fight on.
For these reasons, the bogging
down in the mud of Gen. Sir Ber-
nard L. Montgomery's western
front offensive at this stage of the
war is keenly felt among the Al-
Meanwhile, British officials are
Troops Forge
Ahead on Guam
Representing the Combined
American Press
GUAM, Sunday, July 23-(AP)-
(Via Navy Radio)-Marines and sol-
diers are fighting fiercely today over
the wild terrain of Guam, expanding
their two beachheads against stif-
fening Japanese resistance.
Sweltering under a tropical sun,
they already have taken some of the
commanding heights and are edging
their way toward others.
American losses have been moder-
ate so far in the fight to recover this
American island from the enemy.
While there is no official estimate of
the enemy dead yet, they have lost
heavily at points--where they have
clashed with any sizable portion of
their garrison forces against the Am-
The Yanks are well dug in. The
Japanese attempted last night to
harass them with mortar fire and
infiltration. The Marines gave the
enemy who tried to slip through their
lines a warm reception. Bullet-rid-
dled Japanese bodies around foxholes
this morning emphasized the enemy's
Life is rugged on the beachheads.
Officers and enlisted men alike are
sharing hardships. A common post
is in a mud-filled ditch.
The beaches have a long shallow
coral reef projecting two or three
hundred feet out into the ocean.
convinced that Hitler will throw
everything he has in reserve into the
struggle as he has nothing to lose,
even though the use of some weapons
is certain to harden the world against
an easy peace for Germany.
While some unconfirmed reports
say the Germans have up to 15 of
their "V" series ofdvengeance weap-
ons, it is known definitely that the
German high command has con-
structed a number of rockets, report-
ed to be of 10 to 14 tons, for the bom-
bardment of England.
U.S. Heavies
Hit PlIoesti iln
record Week
LONDON, July 22-(AP)-Approx-
imately 750 heavy bombers of the U.
S. 15th Air Force smashed at Ro-
mania's Ploesti oil fields today, bring-
ing to more than 7,000 the total of
Fortresses and Liberators which have
struck within a six-day period at Hit-
ler's staggered war plants and re-
Even without counting the Ploesti
bombing, an air force spokesman de-
scribed the Sunday through Friday
onslaught as "The heaviest blows in
a single week in the history of the
U. S. Strategic Air Force in Europe."
18,000 Tons in Week
More than 100 targets in Germany
alone were hit by 6,431 heavies and
5,043 fighters from Britain and Italy,
which dropped more than 16,000 tons
of bombs. Today's Ploesti raid prob-
ably will raise the bomb-weight total
to 18,000 tons.
Battering through dense flak and
numerous enemy fighters, the Medi-
terranean-based bombers carried out
the 11th raid on the Ploesti area.
Escorted by Mustangs and. Light-
nings and using instruments to pene-
trate a heavy ;smokescreen, they
struck their blow a few hours after
a night attack by other Mediter-
ranean-based planes of Parbudice,
site of two or the largest oil refin-
eries in Czecho-Slovakia.
Merlin Hit Again
Berlin itself was battered again
Friday night by block-buster bombs
dropped by swift Mosquitoes-their
12th raid since D-Day on the Nazi
Miserable flying weather over the
channel apparently had grounded
most of the British-based heavy
bombers during the day. However,
by mid-afternoon the weather clear-
ed enough for RAF planes to strike
again at robot installations in north
Figures for the past six days ex-
ceeded the record of the previous
greatest week, Feb. 20 to 26, when
4,326 heavies and 4,796 fighters
smashed Germany's fighter plane in-
dustry so badly it never caught vy
with the losses.
Today's aerial operations from
Britain included an RA Beaufight-
er attack on a Nazi convoy of 40
vessels off Helgoland. Most of the
ships were hit, four merchantmen by
torpedoes. Two merchant ships were
left in sinking condition and five
escort vessels were left ablaze, an air
ministry communique said.
Jap Policy Is
Koiso Takes Over as
Tojo Is Kicked Down
By the Associated Press
A new government under Gen..
Kuniaki Koiso, former governor-gen-
SWEATERS AND SKIRTS are the dress of the
day for the busy coed. Mix um and match um
in contrasting and matching colors. They go every-
where . . . on the campus, to sport dances, into
town, and on weekend dates. A must in every
well as all servicemen are cordially 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until
invited to the weekly meetings of the 19 p.m.
Siuiner UIii J
COOL, charming slcop fashions in
midriff style pajamnas. Gay rayon
flowered prints in tearose and blue.
All sizes ctR
eral of Korea, took office in Japan
today and official spokesmen an-
nounced that Japanese foreign pol-
icy, especially regarding greater east
Asia, would remain "absolutely un-
Gen. Hideki Tojo, outgoing premier
previously stripped of half a dozen
jobs, was officially placed on the
reserve list even in the army, the war
ministry announced in a statement
broadcast by the Japanese news
agency Domei and recorded by' the
Associated Press. This seemed to be
drastic treatment for so young a
general, Tojo being only 59.
Taketora Ogata, vice-president of
the large daily newspaper Asahi,
published in Tokyo, Osaka and Na-
goya, was named state minister and
head of the board of information,
the propaganda agency which is one
of the chief links between official
Japan and the outside world. He
succeeds the widely-quoted Eipi Am.
au, who was ousted with the Tojo
Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai, who re-
ceived the emperor's mandate to co-
nn~ractpwith KWr~i'n i',formatin o f
For you, for gifts
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SWEATERS from 5.95
SKIRTS from 6.50