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July 23, 1944 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-23

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, JAT AT, JULY 21, 1944

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Truman 's Nomination
Is Discussed By Cousin

"He will draw the Democratic
party together," Mrs. Robert T.
Romine, 905 Church Street, cousin
of Sen. Harry S. Truman, said yes-
terday discussing the nomination of
Truman as vice-presidential candi-
date. V
"He is a man of the people,"
Mrs. Romine said, "during the har-
vest season on the family farm he
would share his room with the
help. He was raised on a farm,
you know."
Mrs. Romine, who lived as a girl
on a farm adjoining the Senator's,
told how Truman managed the 600
acre Missouri farm before the first
world war and then left for service in
the Army. After his discharge at
the war's end, she said, Truman, who
had attained the rank of major, nev-
er went back but decided to go into
business. While Truman was in the
service his sister managed the farm.
Mrs. Romine talked with the
senator's 91 year old mother by
phone at her Grandview, Mo.,
home Friday night. The aged Mrs.
Truman, excited by the news of
her son's nomination,htold Mrs.
Romine, "I expect to live to vote
for two more presidents."
Truman last saw his younger cou-
sin in 1943 when his Senatorial in-
vestigation committee paid a visit
to Mrs. Romine's home after com-
pleting inquiries at Willow Run.
Mrs. Romine, widow of a Hudson
Motor Car sales manager, said she
now considered herself a Yankee, and
England Feels
Heavy Attack of
Robot Bombs
LONDON, July 22. - (P) - Robot
bombs streaked across southern Eg-
land's skies again today after one of
the heaviest 24-hour barrages since
the long-distance vengeance attack
Reports of killed and wounded
trickled in from scattered areas.
Many of the victims were children,
although it was announced that more
than 182,000 mothers and children
had been moved from danger zones
to date under the official state aid
program. Tens of thousands of
others have withdrawn privately.
Although the movement of these
large numbers has strained transpor-
tation facilities, the authorities were
making no attempt to slow it down.
On the contrary, home secretary
Herbert S. Morrison urged yesterday
that all mothers and children get
out of danger areas immediately and
stay out.,
Allied airmen maintained a tre-;
mendous assault on the rocket-firing
installations with everything at their
command, including 12,000-pound
earthquake bombs. The Nazis daily
have been threatening to use these
installations to fire yet another
death-dealing device at Britain.
Shown by Nips
Stassen Says Yanks
Grow Stronger Daily
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22.--(P)-
Comdr. Harold E. Stassen, back from
more than a year in the Pacific war
zones, said today the Japanese had'
shown specific weaknesses in the
sea-air battles June 19-20, and "our'
position is growing better every day.",,
The battle referred to took place
between the Marianas Islands and
the Philippines and involved the
famous U. S. Naval Task Force 58
and elements of the Japanese Fleet.
The Japanese lost 402 carrier planes.
Stassen, who is Assistant Chief of1

Staff and Flag Secretary to Adm.i
William F. Halsey, told of being
adrift for two hours in a small boat
on the Kula Gulf, in the Solomons,
with Capt. Arleigh (30-knot) Burke.
They were on an expedition to visit
a grounded Japanese destroyer, he{
related, then their boat became dis-
abled. They drifted aimlessly untilt
a submarine chaser noticed theiri
signal lights.t

her two children were Yankees too,
but she had been interested in poli-
tics ever since the Senator from
Missouri began his political career.
Mrs. Romine's son,.Roy, who is in
the Navy, has an AMM 3/c rating.
Her daughter recently married Wil-
liam T. Sparrow, Jr. who is in the
Anderson Play
To Be Presented
The Michigan Repertory Players of
the Department of Speech will pre-
sent Maxwell Anderson's play "Jour-
ney to Jerusalem" at 8:30 p. m. Wed-
nesday through Saturday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
A large portion of the text of the
drama is taken from chapters in the
New Testament for its historical ac-
counts of the early life of Jesus.
The play is the story of a pilgrim-
age to Jerusalem for the observance
of the ritual of the Passover by a
Jewish family from Galilee. A twelve
year old son, Jesus, is one of its mem-
Shown throughout the acts is the
corruption and greed in high posi-
tions and distress and poverty among
the people. It deals with Roman sla-
very imposed by Augustus but car-
ried out by Herod and the growing
need for spiritual leadership.
The play is related with colorful
imagery and the smoothly flowing
lines which are very typical of An-
Mrs. Claribel Baird, a member of
the faculty of Oklahoma State Col-
lege, will direct the production.
Herbert Philippi will be in charge
of the setting; Robert Burrows and
Ernest Asmus will handle the tech-
nical director; and Miss Lucy Barton
will be the costumiere for the Play-
Industry Gets
Go-Ahead on
WASHINGTON, July 22.-()-In-
dustry received the go-ahead signal
tonight to build models of postwar
goods embodying new materials and
wartime improvements in design and
The War Production Board action
is effective at once. It is the second'
of Chairman Donald M. Nelson's four
orders-hotly opposed by the armed
services until last week's compromise
which delayed some of the proram-
paving the way for ultimate recon-
version of industry to consumer
The permission to build experimen-
tal models, if neither labor nor ma-
chinery is diverted from war work,
applies to passener cars, refrigera-
tors, civilian airplanes, vacuum
cleaners, television equipment, radios'
and numerous other products, even'
including juke boxes and vending
In the case of such flatly forbidden
articles, no assembly of experimental
models has been possible for more
than two years. In some other cases,
like bicycles, WPB's "victory model"
regulations allowed experimentation
only within the rigid, stripped-down
manufacturing standards imposed to
save metal.
The new order not only removes1
such limitations but affords priority.
aid under the fairly high rating of
AA-3 previously available to research1
Any company may spend up to
$5,000 a month in a single plant in
production of models without con-l
sulitng WPB. The models may not
be used for sales promotion, nor may1
technical staffs or other employees1

be diverted from war work. As an
extra safeguard, WPB specifically
forbade trial production runs.
"Models may not be disputed to
promote sales or create demand, and
shall not be displayed to the trade
or the public," the Board ruled. "Pro-,
duction of samples is specifically pro-
hibited, and models of houses, build-
ins or structures involving construe-
tion may not be made.",

Lectures, Panels
To Be Included
In Conference
Prof. Brubacher Will
Give First Speech in
Series on Education
"What Is Ahead in Education" is
the theme of the Fifteenth Annual
Summer Education Conference on
pertinent issues in education, which
will include lectures and panels by
distinguished educators from various
schools, Red Cross and Office of Price
Administration representatives.
Prof. John S. Brubacher, of the
School of Education, Yale University,
will deliver the opening lecture on
"The Future of Progressive Educa-
tion" at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Univer-
sity High School auditorium.
"The Trends in Child Develop-
ment" is the topic of a conference on
elementary education to be held by
Prof. Willard C. Olson, of the School
of Education, at 9:15 a. m. tomorrow
in the auditorium of University Ele-
mentary School.
Guidance Is Koch's Topic
Prof. Harlan C. Koch, of the School
of Education, lecturing on "New De-
mands in the Field of Guidance," will
be introduced by Professor-Emeritus
Calvin O. Davis, of the School of
Education at 2 p.m., tomorrow in
University High School Auditorium.
Various roundtable discussions will
be presented at 3 p.m. tomorrow in
different rooms of 'U' Elementary
and High Schools.
Executive Secretary Ruth Cun-
ningham, of the Department of Sup-
ervision and Curriculum Develop-
ment, National Education Associa-
tion, will deliver a lecture entitled
"The Supervisor and Educational
Leadership" at 4 p. m. tomorrow in
'U' High auditorium.
Dean Stevenson To Speak
Dean Russell A. Stevenson of the
business administration school will
speak on "What Is Ahead in Educa-
tion for Business" in conjunction
with Harold Mayfield, Office Person-
nel Director, of the Owens-Illinois
Glass Company, Toledo, at 9:15 Tues-
day, in the auditorium of University
High School.
"Teaching the G.I. Way" is the
theme of a lecture to be presented by
Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of the School
of Education at 11 a.m. Tuesday in
the auditorium of University High
Lectures and roundtable discus-
sions will be held throughout the
rest of the day in University High
and Elementary Schools.
194,000 More
Enlisted Men
Needed in Navy
Navy Secretary Forrestal declared to-
day that an additional 194,000 en-
listed men are needed by the Navy
before Dec. 31, and another 189,000
may be required by June 30, 1945, to
meet the accelerated pace of the
war against Japan.
Most of the men will be obtained
through selective service. The Navy's
cal for selectees for October already
has been increased 2,000 to a total
of 30,000 men.
Planned Increase of 383,000
The planned increase of 383,000
men by June 30, 1945, Forrestal' said,
will raise the total strength of the
Navy to 3,389,000 men. Most of the
new enlisted personnel will man am-
phibious craft and auxiliary vessels
to be commissioned next year.
"While the war in the Pacific is
by no means approaching an end,"

he said, "it has been possible to
strike at Japan's inner defenses and
to bring. the war to the doorstep
of the enemy sooner than expected.
We have moved faster than we had
expected in the Pacific. Additional
personnel are essential to keep pace
with the acceleration of operations in
that theatre. Men who might not
have been needed until late next year
must now be drawn into service be-
tween October, 1944, and July, 1945,
to assure successful operations on the
revised timetable."
Inadequacy Long Apparent
He added that it has been appar-
ent for several months that the auth-
orized strength of 3,006,00 men in
the Navy would be inadequate for
needs late this year and in 1945, and
"However, since top strength was
expected to be sufficient to satisfy
requirements through September,
1944, firm estimates of the numbers
to be requested through selective ser?
vice were not made until major oper-
ations then pending in both the Paci-
fic and Atlantic could be assessed in
the light of accomplishment."
The possible effects of defeat of
Germany, he said, have been consid-
ered but it was determined that the
end of hostilities in Europe will pro-
vide no measurable relief to the
Navy's personnel problem. He gave
two reasons for this:
"First the most important, the Pa-
cific war has progressed so rapidly
that personnel which may be released
from the Eurnn nthenfte ,n. h




N I F T Y- Georgia Carroll,
now Mrs. Kay Kyser, wears this
fancy pearl-encrusted headdress
as part of a costume for a mo-
tion picture she made with her
band-leading husband.

N E W L I B E R A T 0 R L I N E R -Designed as a postwar luxury airliner, Consolidated Vultee's
new Liberator Liner (above) has numerous features of the Liberator bomber (B-24).

QUINTS READY FOR A DRIVE-The Diligenti quintuplets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, prepare for NEW JAP MINISTER - Admiral
an afternoon drive in the station wagon of their father Franco G. Diligenti, ten days before they Noakuni Nomura (above) has been
celebrated their first birthday anniversary on July 15. Left to right are Carlos Alberta, Maria Fer- named Japanese Navy Minister,
nando, Franco, Jr. Maria Esther and Maria Cris tina. succeeding A d m ir a Shigetao
Shimada,'Tokyo an-ounce,

anese broadcast said that Gen.
Yoshijiro Umezu (above) has been
appointed chief of the Japanese
Army General Staff, taking one of
the posts formerly held by Premier
Hideki Tojo.

REMAINS OF A FLYING BOMB-Home Guard and RAF workers remove the casing of a flying bomb
from the Regent Palace Hotel Annex in London, w here it crashed and exploded recently. The hotel
sustained blast damage, but none of the guests w as killed.

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See Our Stock of
Reference, Fiction, Non-Fiction



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