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July 23, 1944 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-23

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'igers Defeat Athletics

To Chalk up Sixth Straight Victory

Newhouser Wins No. 15
On 13-Hit Performance

#takinf tef<0id
',Dilyj Sports Editor

seize their fifth straight one-run vic-
Detroit thus extended its winning
streak to six games and took scle
possession of fourth place from the
Cleveland Indians who lost to Wash-
ington. It was Philadelphia's eighth
successive defeat.
The Tigers spotted Newhouser, who
has lost six games, a three run early
lead, but the A's fought backto tie
the count in the fifth. York took
charge in the sixth by belting Chris-
topher's first pitch into the lower
left field stands.
Gets Out of Tough Hole
In the ninth, the A's filled the
bases with one out in a desperate
attempt to win. Dick Siebert flied
to medium deep left field and Wake-
field's accurate throw nailed Ford
Garrison at the plate for a game end-
ing double play."
Detroit took a one run lead in
the second inning on successive sin-
gles by Pinky Higgins, Chuck Hostet-
ler and Paul Richards. Two runs fol-
lowed in the third when Newhouser
singled, Joe Hoover walked, Eddie
Mayo sacrificed and Roger Cramer,
celebrating his 38th birthday, looped
a single to center.
Estalella Slams Homer
Base running seemed to take some.,
thing out of Newhouser, however.
Estalella opened the fourth with a
homer to the upper right field
stands. Three singles followedtbut
Richards saved Newhouser further
trouble by picking Frank Hayes off
second base just before George Kell
lined up a single to left.
In the fifth Eddie Busch and Gar-
rison beat out bunts to Higgins and
Estalella singled one run home. Aft-
er Hayes popped, Siebert singled to
tie the score. Higgins then made a
great stop on Bill McGhee to retire
the side.
After York's homer, Newhouser got
along much better until the ninth.
With one out Garrison, Estalella and
Hayes singled to fill the bases. Then
came Siebert's fly and Wakefield's
The two clubs meet in a double
header tomorrow with Johnny Gor-
slca and Frank Overmire facing Don
Black and Jesse Flores of the A's
on the mound.
PHILADELPHIA 000 120 000-3
DETROIT 012 001 00x-4
Christopher, Hayes (Phil) ; New-
houser, Richards (D).
" -"".".

WITH their home opener against Iowa Pre-Flight only a few months off,
Michigan football fans are starting to turn their attention in that di-
The last time that these two teams met was in the early part of the
1942 campaign, when the Wolverines lost a 28-14 decision to the star-
studded Pre-Flight school. At that time, the Iowans, under the tutelage
of Coach Bernie Bierman, former Minnesota mentor, were hailed as one
of the greatest teams in the country, having romped over their previous
opponents with mammoth scores.
And when this array of collegiate and professional stars entered
Ferry Field stadium, they were ruled as nre-game favorites over the
Maize and Blue. However, Wolverine followers were electrified when
their squad started making huge gains through the Pre-Flight forward
wall. And before the astonished spectators could believe their eyes,
Michigan had taken a commanding 14- lead, which looked as if Coach
"Fritz" Crisler was finally going to conquer his old nemesis, Bierman, after
all of these years.
HOWEVER, the undaunted Fliers came back with a vengeance. The
frequent substitutions made by Bierman in .the line was too much for
the valiant efforts of Michigan's famed "Seven Oak Posts," who had to
play the full game, and they capitulated before the terrific onslaught of
the Pre Flighters.
This year will be a different story, for all of the past stars have
dwindled considerably, and Lt. Comdr. Jack Meagher, of the Hawk-
eyes, will have to mould a team around the so-called youngsters.
Thus, when these two schools meet, it will be on a more equal basis
than it was the last time.
At the beginning of the Seahawk's summer football practice, the per-
sonnel soared into three figures, but was immediately cut by Coach Meagher.
This was done because of the utter lack of experience and in order to assure
more time to the definite prospects.
THE CADETS who reported were in perfect condition as a result of their
training in the program, and the former Auburn mentor was able to
start scrimmaging on the third day.
"They are about what I expected," Lt. Comdr. Meagher .commented
after the first week of practice. "There are few boys present with
anything more than high school experience, and many have not had
that, but there are some big youngsters and I would say that we rate
about the same as any college squad carrying on under war time
conditiorrs. That is with the exception of schools who draw from
service students such as Michigan, Northwestern, Purdue and Notre
When I read the above quote, tears welled in my eyes for the inevitable
plight of the Seahawks-that is, until I read the last line concerning the
"schools who draw from service students." It then seemed to this scribe
that Meagher was laying it on a bit thick, and maybe making a few
excuses ahead of time, just in case.
AS HAS BEEN STATED on numerous occasions, most of the great stars
have gone. When Michigan was blessed with former stars, the Sea-
hawks were also for there was a continual shift of military personnel.
And the schools that were fortunate enough to have the aid of Navy and
Marine trainees, were fairly equally matched in strength, as attested by the
records of Notre Dame, Michigan, Iowa Pre-Flight, Purdue and Great
Lakes last year.
In the light of these statements, I would say that the Iowans are
rated "about the same as any college squad carrying on under war
time conditions," barring exceptions.
CADET LYLE DOWNING, who played right halfback for Lt. Don Faurot,
at Missouri, is one of the most promising backs on the squad. Prior to
his college days, he was state's sprint champion while attending St. Louis
Southwest High, and he should add plenty of speed to the depleted Pre-
Flight attack.
This, plus the fact that Lt. Comdr. Meagher's basic plays already dealt
out hinge around the T formation, which carried the Seahawks' to the
number 2 position in the nation last year, in losing only to Notre Dame
14-13, should be ample warning to all elevens that the Pre-Flighter's will
be able to hold their own against all comers.
National Junior and Boys Net
Tourney Begins at Kalamazoo
(AP)-Two tournament tested Tex- mazoo College. Robert Falkenburg
ans and a highly regarded Floridan of Hollywood, Calif., who captured
were conceded today to have good the 1943 junior crown here, is in
chances to break the California the army at Chanute Field, Ill..
stranglehold on national junior and and probably will be unable to coin-
boys tennis championships. I pete. Herbie Flam of Beverly Hills,
The 29th annual national meet Calif., the boys champion, has grad-
starts a week's run July 31 at Kala- uated to the juniors.
Count Fleet Retired After Colorful Career
NEW YORK, July 22--(AP)-After many months of futile attempts
to bring Count Fleet back to hard training and the racgs, trainer
Don Cameron said today the colorful colt owned by Mrs John D.
Hetz had been retired.
Count Fleet, son of Reigh Count-Quickly, wrenched an ankle when
he won the Rich Belmont Stakes last year, and has not started since.
The Brown Flyer was unbeaten in six starts in 1943, his triumhs in

addition to the Belmont including the Kentucky Derby, Preakness,
Withers and the Wood.

Chicago Beats
Yankees Twice
In Double Bill
CHICAGO, July 22 (a'-The Chi-
cago White Sox handed the New
YOrk Yankees a severe jolt to their
rnnant hopes by defeating the
Yankees twice in a donble header,
3-3 and 4-1, before 7,380 fans, today.
Johnny Humphries went all the
way in the opener, holding the
Yankees to eight hits, while the
White Scx pounded Walter Dubiel for
14 hits, including homers by Hal
Tros y and Ed Carnett. Wally Moses
and Roy Schalk each made four hits,
with Moses scoring four times. Nick
Etten hit his ninth homer for the
Yankees, in the ninth inning.
Ed Lpat limited the Yankees to
eight scattered hits in the nightcap
to register his first victory in a
month and giving Chicago a clean
sweep of the twin-bill. Ed Carnett_
drove in two runs off starter Bill
Zuber, doubling in a run in the first
inning, and singling in another in
the fifth. George Stirnweiss hom-
ered for the Yankees in the eighth to
save his team from a shutout.
New York .......000 000 010-1
Chicago .........200 020 00x-4
Lyons, Zuber (N. Y.) ; Lopat,
Maltzberger, Turner (C).
* * *
Nats Top Indians 9-6
CLEVELAND, July 22. - (P) --
Washington's Nationals ended their
four-game losing streak and at the
.ame time snapped the Cleveland In-
dians' string of four straight tri-
umphs today with a 9 to 6 victory in
a free-singing contest.
The Nats pounded Allie Reynolds,
Ray Poat and Joe Heving for 12
blows, including seven doubles, while
the tribe attack against three Wash-
ington hurlersnincludedrPattSeerey's
10th home run and three two bag-
Washington .. 130 003 020-9 12 1
Cleveland......112 000 002-6 10 1
Carrasquel, Lefebvre, Haffner,
and Ferrell; Reynolds, Poat' Hev-
ing, Calvert and Rosar.
Dodgers in Last Place
BROOKLYN, July 22-(AP)-The
Brooklyn Dodgers became sole occu-
pants of last place in the National
League when the Pittsburgh Pirates
won the opening game of a four-
game series 11-0, today.
Fritz Ostermueller, former Dodg-
ers Southpaw, allowed his ex-team-
mates five scattered hits for his sev-
enth victory, his second over the
Pittsburgh .. . .300 510 002-11 12 1
Brooklyn......000 000 000- 0 5 4
Ostermuellet and Lopez, Davis;
Warten, Ruchs, King, Brancha and
* * *
Cubs Edge Giants 6-3
NEW YORK-July 22-(AP)-
Taking advantage of three enemy er-
rors, the Chicago Cubs defeated the
New York Giants, 6-3, in the opener
of a four game series, today.
Chicago ......020 300 010- 6 7 0
New York . . . .010 000 020- 3 7 2

BIG PUNCH - Herschel Martin,
new cutfielder of the New York
Yankees, is one of the big reasons
for the world champions' latest
drive for the 1944 pennant. Mar-
tin, former National Leaguer, col-
lected three hits in a game against
the Browns won by the Yanks,
6-5. He is batting .380.
Byrd .Favored
In PGA Match
Host to State Contest
Midland Country Clubs
MIDLAND, MICH., July 22-(AP)
-A field of 25 golfers will tee off
tomorrow at the Midland Country
Club in quest of the 23rd annual
Michigan PGA championship. Al
Watrous, seven time former winner,
and Sam Byrd, both of Detroit, are
The only other former champion in
the field will probably be Joe Bel-
fore of Detroit, two-time winner. The
defending champion, Jimmy Dema-
ret of Detroit, who posted a two
under par 142 here in 1943 for a
three-shot edge over Watrous, is in
the nav. d r,
Thus for the second war-time re-
newal, the PGA meet will be a 36-
hole one-day affair.

Twilight Tear
Romps Home
At Arlington
Haas Winning Jockey;
Old Kentuck, Pensive
Place Second, Third
CHICAGO, July 22-(AP)-Twi-
light Tear sizzled to her eleventh
consecutive victory in winning the
$80,600 Arlington classic today.
The marvelous three-year-old filly
won by two lengths, with Old Ken-
tuck second and Pensive third, three
lengths behind Old Kentuck.
Only five horses, smallest field in
the sixteen years of classic history,
started. Miss Keeneland was scratch-
ed. Twilight Tear, ridden by Jockey
Leon "Buddy". Haas ran the mile
and a quarter in 2:03 and 3-5.
Twilight Tear, coupled with Pen-
sive, Kentucky Derby-Preakhesa win-
ner, as the Calumet farm entry, went
to the post the shortest priced favo-
rite in classic history and returned
$2.20 to win. There were no place
or show mutuels sold.
New League Completes
Plans for 1944 Season
-The newly organized American
professional football league virtually
completed plans for its 1944 Pacific
coast opening next fall with the sign-
ing of two coaches, leaving but one
coaching position in the eight-team
circuit to be filled.


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