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July 23, 1944 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-23

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23, 1944 TIUE MIC1I GAN ' lI~ILY-_




n Bow


To Highlight Rally at

7:30 p.m.



To Open Proxy
Parent Service
Coeds Are Asked To Register
In League Office on Tuesday
The Women's War Council "proxy
parent" service will resume operation
Tuesday, it was announced yesterday
by Peg Weiss, '44, War Council per-
sonnel director.
Parents may call the League Un-
dergraduate Office or the Social Di-
rector and leave requests for Univer-
sity coeds to stay with their children.
The call must be made before 3:30
p. m. the day the "proxy parent" is
needed, and the parent will be noti-
fied before 5 p. m. whether or not a,
member of the organization is avail-
Coeds, Miss Weiss reminds prospec-
tive applicants, must be in their resi-
dences by 11 p. m. Sunday through
Thursday, and by 12:30 a. m. Friday
and Saturday.
University women are asked to reg-
ister for the "proxy parent" service
Tuesday in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League. There will be a
notice on the bulletin board giving
instructions for signing up for the
service, for which pay is 30c an hour.

Dressing Unit

Journalist To Tell of Positions
For Women in Post-War World

Layton Adopts






In Fall for Work
Hours contributed by a coed to the
League Surgical Dressings Unit dur-
ing the summer session and term
will, upon request of the worker, be
.redited to 'the War Activities record
of her permanent residence or affi-
.iation, according to Billie Jones, '45,
iummer Unit chairman.
Miss Jones points out that this
,olicy will give coeds an opportunity
to add points to the fall War Activi-
ties records, which will be tabulated
and published during the regular
terms as they were last year.
The League Unit is open from 1
p. m. to 5 p. m. every Wednesday and
Thursday, and undergraduate and
graduate women are urged to contri-
bute at least an hour each week to
folding dressings. The Unit has a
quota of dressings for the session,
and coeds are reminded that one
week's supply of dressings prepared
at the Unit lasts less than a day in
one of the hospitals at the front.

iiI I

War Council's Skit To Show
Campus Minus Coed Projects
The highlight of the summer coed
rally to be held at 7:30 p. m. tomor-
row in the Rackham auditorium will
be a talk by Miss Helen Bower, well-
known newspaperwoman and former
U. of M. student, according to Pat
Coulter, '45, president of the
Women's War Council.
Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women,
will be on hand to introduce the
speaker, and Miss Coulter will give
a shorttalk on the purpose and plans
of the War Council for coed summer
The entertainment feature of the
program will in all last approximately
one-half hour and will be a skit by
the War Council, which is sponsor-
ing the meeting.
Speaker is Former Student
Miss Bower's talk will have as its
theme the opportunities for women
in the post-war world. She is in
great demand as a speaker because
of her humorous style and authori-
tative evaluation of what women are
doing in the world today, and she is
well-known throughout the state for
her comments on Detroit public af-
fairs and for her column, "The Book
Rack," which runs in the Detroit
Free Press.
Miss Bower was a student at the
University, and left in 1910 to join
the staff of the Free Press, for which
she had worked previous to entering
college. She is now book and art
editor of the Free Press. A member
of Kappa Kappa. Gamma sorority,
Miss Bower has been editor of "The
Key," sorority magazine, since 1930.
Council to Give Skit
The theme of the Council's initial
"dramatic" effort will be, according
to Miss Coulter, a portrayal of a
campus devoid of coed activity. The
skit, written in rhyme by Helen Al-
pert, '47, shows the University as it
"might" be if the coeds should fail
in their war-time projects.
"The whole thing will look funny
to you," Peg Weiss, ,Council vice-
Former Students
Announce Wedding
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn 0. Williams
of Rochester, New York, announced
the marriage of their daughter Mari-
lyn Marie, to Harvey Edwin Bradley,
also of Rochester.
Both the former Miss Williams and
Mr. Bradley attended the University.
Miss Williams was in the School
of Music.




"Stay out to swing out" is the
motto of Bill Layton and his orche-
stra and Bomber scholarship work-
ers who are cooperating to bring
University students an outdoor dance
with a soft drink concession every
Friday and Saturday from 9 p. m.
to midnight at Palmer Field.
"Every little breeze" picks up the.
strains of Layton's summer-time
swing and carries them to the danc-
ers. Lovely Judy Wood is the femi-
nine vocalist who steps up to the
mike with a smile and a song as the
boys sound her cue.
Favorite numbers both old and new
are in the Layton repertoire, includ-
ing boogey-woogey, waltz rhythms
and an occasional rhumba. Dancers
may attend in couples or individually.
Admission is $.50 per person.
Freshmen volunteers operate the
cokebar located on the terrace of
WAB. Arthur Bradley, Chuck Samp -
son, Gene Derricotte, Charles Wahl,
and Marvin Shebel are offering ser-
vice with a smile as well as the best
cokes in town.
According to Mary Lee Mason, of
the Bomber central committee, these
boys have set a fine example as stu-
dents who are willing to give their
time and effort to campus war ac-
tivities. Vera Zinck, Jane Gray,
Janet Barber and Marie O'Conner,
freshmen women, have also volun-
teered to help.
"Bomber Scholarship is very grate-
ful to these freshmen," Miss Mason
said. "We hope that other students
will be as responsive to requests for

y Out


end of season

Boating, Fishing Are
Open to Servicemen.
Servicemen interested in boating
or fishing have been invited to visif
the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Pratt of Whitmore Lake, Miss Bar-
bara Starr, assistant USO director,
announced recently.
Those interested in taking advan-
tage of the opportunity should sign
up a the USO. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt
have two rowboats on the lake which
hey have placed a the disposal of
any interested servicemen.
The USO will also sponsor its
weekly Sing Swing on Tuesday.
There wil be dancing and group sing-
ing in the Lounge with refreshments
to top off the evening.

fOr /N/en and' 'I/mert

president, said. "At least, we hope
it will look funny. But we really
aren't kidding. We need Your sup-
port for War Council activities this
summer, and the skit will show you
what will happen if you let us down."
In the skit will be Peg Morgan,
Pam Watts, Barbara Bathke, Bar-
bara LaSha, Virginia Thomas, Jean
Hotchkin, Billie Jones, Miss Weiss,
Mavis Kennedy and Miss Alpert.
The meeting will be the only coed
gathering of the semester, and every
undergraduate and graduate woman
on campus is urged by Miss Coulter
to attend the rally. It will be the
starting-point in the summer coed
activities schedule.

Open House To Be
Held for Servicemen
The residents of Stockwell Hall
will hold an open house for all mem-
bers of the Army, Navy and Marine
units stationed on campus from 2:30
p. m. to 5 p. m. on Saturday, it was
announced yesterday by - Rosalie
Bruno, social chairman.
Heading the committee in charge
of the affair is Lillian Mikula.
Among the activities planned to en-
tertain the residents and guests are
dancing, ping pong, bridge, group
singing and other games.

113 less



Rolled-Up Jeans

0 e

cotIle ei

Will Join Mothballs at Stephens






NEW YORK - 02) - The baggy
sweater, moccasins and rolled-up
jeans of the typical U. S. college girl
soon may be put in mothballs.
Stephens College at Columbia,
Mo., plans an all-inclusive personal
appearance course to begin this
fall-designed to spark a new col-
lege fashion.
The unique branch of higher ed-
ucation will be directed by Muriel
King, New York and-Hollywood
fashion designer, who said in an
interview yesterday, she hoped to
initiate "a Stephens style of looks"
among the students of the junior
"College girls alays have con-
formed to certain definite styles,"
she said.-
In my day we all wore identical
middy blouses and the same kind of
skirts, black stockings and brown
shoes. Any girl who dressed dif-
ferently was-well, just wrong.
"Today it's the sloppy sweater'
and rolled-up denims. But they
aren't new any more. It's been
She said she hoped to create an
attractive style, developed by the
girls themselves, which then would

be accepted universally by college
The two-year course at Stephens
will include classes in taste, make-
up, clothes selection and care, hair
styling, posture, grooming and dress
The faculty will include Maurie
Helda, Conover model, and two as-
sistants; a hairdresser to design in-
dividual styles for each girl, and
other experts in feminine beauty.
Marjorie Bowen' s
Marriage Announced
The marriage of Marjorie Bowen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myren Bo-
wen of Niles, Michigan, to Andrew
Caughey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Caugh-
ey of Detroit took place recently in
the Presbyterian Church. It was
followed by a reception at the Michi-
gan League in the Henderson Room.
The bride graduated from the Uni-
versity in June, 1943. She is a mem-
ber of Kappa Delta sorority. Mr.
Caughey, a pre-med. student is now
in the army.

Pink, light blue, lime, beige, white.
to 20.

Sizes 10

by £. J. IZOD Ltd. of London

Time to fill in your mid-summer wardrobe ... and what
better than these? Softly tailored classics that will
stand in good stead for duty, dress-up or casual wear.
Fine of fabric, excellent in workmanship . . . good
"buys" at even their regular prices!
4 Rayon Shantung Bolero Suits . ..... Were 29.95
,Beige, watermelon pink, black. Sizes 10 to 16
16 Jacquard Rayon Crepe Dresses ...... Were 29.95



2 Rayon Crepe Dresses . ...... Were 29.95
Solid pastel top with harlequin print skirt.
Size 16.
3 Novelty Print Rayon Jersey Dresses . .. Were 29.95
White with green or black. Sizes 12 and 14.
6 Rayon Crepe Sunback Dresses........Were 25.00
Novelty prints on blue, yellow, brown and black
backgrounds. Sizes 10 to 14.
3 Novelty Print Rayon Crepe Dresses . .. Were 25.00
Brown, lime or blue backgrounds. Sizes 12
and 16.

by appointment American reproduction

Wear the easy, confident
lines of British sportswear
with a handsomely re-
lated wardrobe this sea-
Pure wool Coventry stripes
in green or brown. Jackets
with cardigan or notched
lapel . necklines. . Kick-
pleated skirts and Match-
ing Topcoats.
Misses Sizes
Suits . . 49.95

flflflflflli1L lJTIU"U lfLA fLfITh"Ilfl
- 4,~~ - \
' /efza1le
fown trown calf p 9.95
It's your turnwto charm ... with De Liso Debs as
your accomplice! Tokens of feminine airs and
graces, these newest shoe-inspirations for Fall give
you all the fun of being "first with the new!"
designed by a 4Nfa'

1 "Cuddle Crepe" Rayon Dress
Aqua. Size 10.

Was 25.00

2 Two-Piece Lumberjack-Top Dresses . ...Were 25.00
Rayon crepe in brown or blue chalk-striped in
white. Sizes 16 and 18.
5 Prs. Rayon Shantung Shorts .......... Were 10.00
White with solid color faille belt. Sizes 10 to 16.
4 Prs. Chalk-Striped Rayon Shorts ......Were 7.95
Green with white stripe. Sizes 12 to 16.


2 Prs. Aralac and Spun Rayon Slacks.
Black. Sizes 10 and 16.
1 Rayon Gabardine Wrap-around Skirt . .

Were 12.95

Was 12.95

Light blue. Size 16.
16 Rayon Crepe Print Blouses . .Were 9.95 and 10.95
Novelty prints on white and colored back-
grounds. Sizes 10 to 18.



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