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July 12, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-12

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Fifty-Fourth Year

T Ihe Need for a Practical Freedom



Edited and managed by students of the University
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
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Back to 1940?

'Und Stay There! You Are Sick with RETREAT FEVER!'

WHEN Thomas Dewey's picture was shown on
the screen of the Michigan Theatre last
*eek, he was greeted with a salvo of applause
nhd a chorus of hisses.
The hisses were one of the most shocking evi-
dences of the immaturity of some in that
We realize that the majority of the Univer-
sity students do not have the reslect for and
cohfidence in Dewey that is exhibited in out-
state Michigan. But for some of them to show
iheir dislike of him and what he stands for by
hissing is totally uncalled for.
Nor was Dewey the only Republican to be
hissed. Warren, Hoover, Bricker, Mrs. Luce all
came in for their share of hissing whenever they
said something to criticize the present adminis-
iration. It would appear that the young Demo-
crats on campus are afraid to take sanely any
criticism which might embarrass their idol.
WE ARE NO LONGER in the days of whisky-
barrel voting, wherein a voter cast his ballot
for the man whose supporters would be most
likely to punch him on the jaw if he didn't. Our
electoral system does not put a man in offige
solely because he gets the fewest catcalls and
Those who do not like Dewey may say so in
a dignified fashion at the polls next November.
They may express their views in a sane man-
her in the public columns of The Daily, which
more than welcomes student "Letters to the
tditor." they have a chance now to show
that they are capable of exercising a little in-
telligent thought through the medium of those
We do not ask anti-Republican students to
like Dewey. We do not ask them to change their
political views in his favor. But certainly they
can show some sort of temperate respect for the
leader of his majesty's loyal opposition.
It is no feather in the cap of the Democratic
party if its supporters' only method of expres-
sibn is throwing eggs at the rival candidate as in
1940, or hissing the present nominee whenever
his picture appears on the screen.
- Perry Logan
Russia's New Policy
NUNDAY the Supreme Soviet, legislative
body of the U.S.S.R. made some sweeping
changes in their internal laws concerning family
According to an Associated Press dispatch
these changes included "revised family taxes
to encourage births." Family benefits, "for-
merly given only to mothers with seven or
more offspring," now begin for mothers with
two or more children. The dispatch con-
tinues: "The new decrees also put additional
emphasis on big families by enacting new
taxes for both the man and wife who have
fewer than three children."
In finding reasons for this most people will
agree that the Soviet Union, as a young, ex-
panding country which has lost more of the
cream of its manhood in this war than any other
country, needs an expanding birth rate to
strengthen its economy and expand it and to
bring to fruition its promise for a better life for
all of its citizens.
It must be remembered that the Fascist na-
tions which promoted higher birth rates were

Misgu ided, Criticisma

NEW YORR July 11.-I notice an outbreak of
short temper among military commentators,
some of whom are pointing out heavily that our
generals ought at once to drop whatever they
are doing in Normandy, and undertake a "war
of maneuver."
Well, a swift-moving "war of maneuver' is
certainly a nicer kind of war than the current
hand-to-hand slugging in the barnyards of
Norman farms, and the back alleys of Norman
towns. And in a "war of maneuver," the sol-
diers ride, which is better than walking, and
far better than crawling.
But, like other nice things, such as breakfast
in bed, a "war of maneuver" is not always to be
obtained whenever and wherever you want it.
We have nothing to 'be disappointed about in
Between Two Stones
The swift-moving northern Russian front, and
the slow-moving but intensely active Norman
front are, strategically,'parts of the same drive,
whose intention is, not to gain territory, but to
divide, disperse, and, finally, to destroy the Ger-
man armies. The German army is being pound-
ed between two stones, and it does not matter
which 'ioves the faster; both are equally neces-
The Norman front is just as much a part of
the Russian drive into Latvia and Poland, as
is the comparatively quiet Rumanian front;
Loose Logic.. .
E HAVE PLEDG.D ourself to a non-parti-
san editorial policy for the next four
months, reserving the right to speak sharply to
Republican and Democrat alike. We will tee off
by noting that Representative Clare Luce's con-
vention speech about G.I. Jim made it difficult
for us to keep anything on our stomach for
twenty-four hours. To hint that the American
war dead died because the majority of us voted
wrong in the last three elections is a palpable
misstatement of fact as well as a staggering
breach of taste, and we must in charity assume
that the lady did not understand the implica-
tions of what she was inspired or advised to say.
The Americans died from the same world sick-
ness that killed the English, the French, the
Poles, the Danes, the Norwegians, the Dutch, the
Belgians, the Russians and the Chinese-a sick-
ness which none of us knows muchabout except
that it certainly could not have been cured by
staying at home with the doors and windows
shut. Moreover, we doubt that the dead have
any politics. - The New Yorker
great experiment in a new form of social and
economic organization will find that in these
new laws there is more of an expression of at
least the latter half of the communist slogan of
"From each according to his ability; to each
according to his need."
- Kathie Sharfman

but no one says the Russians are moving too
slowly in Rumania, or expresses tearful dis-
appointment because the Balkans are not be-
ing taken at the same rate of speed as is
other territory.
The fact that the Germans are resisting furi-
ously in Normandy does not make our drive a
failure; it makes it a success; for it is the pur-
pose of that drive to engage, entangle, use up
and wear out, as large a part of the German
army as possible.
They Want Real Estate
Those who are demanding a "war of maneu-
ver" in Normandy are really falling victims to
the old territorial delusion. They would be
happy if we gained a few more miles per day,
or week. They want more real estate, though
this war has abundantly proved the unimpor-
tance of strictly local territorial gains.
Actually, this is a "war of maneuver." But it
is a world-wide war of maneuver; maneuver in
the east made more possible by local attack in
the west. What the critics are asking for is not
a war of maneuver; they are asking for a local
battle of maneuver, in an area of small fields,
bounded by ditches, rimmed with wire and
mines, which does not lend itself to mobile
SEEM TO HEAR one GI, crawling on his belly
through mud, across points pre-marked for
German mortar fire, saying to another: "Hey,
Joe! They want us to maneuver."
Expressions of disappointment over the Nor-
man campaign are premature. They reveal a
lack of grasp of the continental strategy which
our military leaders are obviously following.
It is wrong to purvey such disappointment to
a home front which has a right to know that
the Norman campaign is fulfilling its military
Other landings, in perhaps far-separated
parts of France, or the lowlands, will come in
due time. These will relieve the Norman front,
and enable it to move faster. These are the
true "maneuvers"' of this continent-wide "war
of maneuver.".
We are maneuvering on a continental scale,
to destroy a mighty army; not on a county scale,
to gain a few miles.
We're All Going to Berlin
No local campaign need do more than its
share. No local campaign is required to win the
war, by itself; no local drive need necessarily
end in Berlin, We have seen large sections of
the Russian front halt, and remain quiet for
months; but other sections immediately became
active. It is "maneuver" on this scale that is
tearing the Nazi army apart, not local end runs
or drives through center.
Miles per day gained in Normandy do not tell
the story. We shall win in Normandy by what
we do on fronts yet unnoted, hundreds of miles
from Normandy. This is one war, in one world.
Remember? Let us lift up our eyes and, once
again, try to see our enterprise in its true dimen-,
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) -

PERHAPS it is superfluous in a
college newspaper in one of the
largest state-supported educational
institutions in the country to write
about freedom, but it is something
which people need to think about
quite constantly during the closing
months-years of this world war.
For most of us the only kind of
freedom that has any reality is the
ZZ~ f/It Ckor
Defense of Literature
Shave read Mr. Rosenberg's com-
ments on life and literature with
much interest and admiration, and
usually with agreement. But his ar-
ticle on "The Failure of Current Lit-
erature" suggested some doubts.
Have life and literature descended
quite to such depths of worthless-
ness? I grant that the Second World
War has not yet produced such a
flock of songbirds as the First (in-
deed, the critic might have added to
his all too brief list of "the verse of
Graves and Spender and Cummings"
the work of Rupert Brooke, Allan
Seager, Joyce Kilmer, Siegfried Sas-
soon, W. W. Gibson and several
others); but when I read "What has
World War II given us beyond Mair-
zy Doats?" I reached out a casual
hand to the nearest bookshelf and
lifted down in immediate sequence
Alice Duer Miller's "The White
Cliffs." Edna St. Vincent Millay's,
"Make Bright the Arrows," Joseph
Auslander's, "The Unconquerables."
If they are not poetry, I am in my
Mairzy Dotage.
Still stranger was the apparent
approval of Brooks Adam's dictum
"the drama has died." As a mat-
ter of fact, the twentieth century
drama has been more brilliant
than that of any other period, with
the possible exceptions of Peri-
clean Athens and Elizabethan Eng-
land. The Americans Maxwell
Anderson, Eugene O'Neill, Robert
Sherwood; the Irish Shaw, Dun-
sany, Synge; the Hungarian Mol-
nar; the Czech Capek, and many
others come to mind.
Perhaps the critic is too hasty in
other fields as well. He is right in
saying that "villainy abounds;" in-
deed, the shameless and wanton
character of the War of the Dicta-
tors surpasses by far the more de-
cently veiled aggressions and chi-
caneries of the last few centuries.
But heroism abounds too. The no-
blest year in British history was
1940; the most heroic chapter in
Russia's tragic history was 1942;
Confucius would be proud of modern
China; and what is there in the past
history of Poland, Norway, Belgium,
Holland, and the other subject peo-
ples which shines more brightly than
the way in which their "under-
ground" dares death and torture for
freedom today? Nor need we with-
hold a meed of approval from our
own country. American valor and
devotion has been tested by land,
sea and air in every corner of the
world and at no time or place has
failed to meet the test.
MR ROSENBERG would grant
this, I think; but he might say,
"All this heroism, all this devotion,
is but wasted; cynical politicians will
spoil the peace." So they may. They
certainly did in 1920. But it is too
early for defeatism. There is still
time to win the peace, as well as the
war. The first step in fighting the
"cynicism very deeply embedded in
America" is not to be cynics our-
selves, "If the salt hath lost its
savor, wherewith shall it be salted?"

If -the idealists, the intellectuals, the
reformers become pessimists and
cynics what shall other men do? I
believe that is what De Voto meant
in his protest against the decadents
of the 'twenties. It is the cheerful,
indomitable striver against odds who
wins all the battles, in civic life as
well as in military; the cynic, the
defeatist, the pessimist, is merely an
impediment to progress. I am no
great admirer of either of Mr. Rosen-
berg's pet dislikes, the matter-of-fact
Lloyd Douglas or the willfully ob-
scure Saroyan (we have had greater;
prophets in our time-Stephen Vin-;
cent Benet, for instance); but in our.
modern world which is, in every
sense, a world of battle, I would
rather have the American spirit typi-
fied by such courageous men than
by the T .S. Eliots and Ezra Pounds
who wailed so drearily a score of,
years ago.
Yours sincerely,
-Preston Slosson

feeling on Saturday nights of choos-
ing between a movie and a glass of
beer and a hot band. Freedom then
means relaxing and enjoying your-
self. Few people even consider the
possibility of freedom on their jobs
and in their thoughts. They let the
foreman run their bodies and minds
eight to twelve hours a day, and then
they let newspaper editors, movies
and radio commentatorsrun their
minds the rest of the time.
This isn't a voluntary arrange-
ment, but who ever heard of being
free on a job? Of helping make
decisions and running machines
instead of being run by them? And
how often do we remember that
our thoughts are not self-made?
That the men who control editorial
policy and slant radio news copy
are the same ones who lobby in
Washington against the Murray-
Wagner-Dingell Social Security
plan, and who are quoted as "au-
thoritative sources"? How can we
know that these men censor our
thoughts before they can even be
formulated, or, once considered,
that they present false evidence to
smear them?
Some people say that the average
citizen isn't ready for freedom. That
he wouldn't know what to do with it
if he had the real article. That peo-
ple must be led. If this were true,
ordinary citizens would be incapable
of voting or organizing or fighting in
this war, which involves ideas of
things like freedom. If this were
true, censors would be the most im-
portant officials in the government.
But, we don't believe in a hierarchy
of "the rich, the wise and the good."
So how could these censors be cho-
sen? Censorship involves the idea
that there are superior people who
know what's best for the rest of us,
who know how to find the Truth.
Innate in the idea of censoring
thoughts, is the idea of censoring
actions, and innate in both is the
theory that there should be a rul-
- ing group to make decisions. Par-
ticularly in war time, when we can
see that people of all sorts can
work together to reach decisions
about complex problems, does the
doctrine of regimentation and cen-
sorship of ideas-from-above seem
out of place.
There are as many kinds of censor-
ship as there are kinds of freedom.
It might almost be said that there
are almost as many people busy de-
veloping new ways of throttling free
men as there are people freeing en-
slaved ones. Censorship can be subtle
or obvious, it can stop knowledge at
the source, or it can wait until the
ideas have gained a little foothold
and then malign them. It can even
let them grow large, and then cut
holes in them, making them appear
obviously untrue. It can appear in
the guise of more freedom, or in the
admitted garb of fascism. But its

function is always and everywhere
the same: to keep people from think-
ing new thoughts and committing
new acts of freedom. To continue the
status quo, to keep people and society
from moving.
IN COLLEGES, the freedom which
seems most important is free-
dom of thought. Knowing the re-
strictions on other kinds of liberties
in the rest of the world, perhaps it
is naive and idealistic to assume
that we should be allowed complete
intellectual liberty at the univer-
sity. But this is not quite accurate.
'This is an institution of higher
learning where students are being
trained, not only as scholars for
their personal satisfaction, but also
as citizens to satisfy the desires of
the state and its taxpayers who
want an enlightened citizenry.
Censorship of ideas automatically
blocks human progress by limiting
the fields of research and scholarly
There are so many professors and
so many texts and so many reference
books which exercise the subtle sort
of censorship that many students
never discover the walls and fences
in which their minds are stored dur-
ing their four years' stay here. We
learn that there was a civil war in
Spain, that John Pierpont founded
the House of Morgan, that there is
such a thing as economic slack-but
we are never shown the connections.
We get a false picture of what is
going on, or no picture at all. And
seemingly the things we drag out of
dark corners, we mustn't mention in
class or in discussions.
The students here now are sup-
posed to be learning about the
future-their personal futures and
the future of freedom. They can-
not learn it if both their sources
and their opportunities for expres-
sion are" bounded by restrictions.
Browsing in unorthodox pamph-
lets can be a very productive pur-
suit, and so can writing down new
ideas, testing them out on paper.
We have to discover freely for our-
selves why things are happening
and failing to happen; it isn't suf-
ficient that someone tell us the
reason (as they see it) and say
they prefer we not poke in that
Perhaps a course in Freedom vs.
Censorship might be instituted, for
students and faculty members alike,
a study in the comparative values (in
terms of human progress) of the two,
and their relation to democratic pro-
cesses. It might be difficult to find
someone free enough to be able to
conscientiously teach such a course,
but this lack of "academic freedom"
must be attacked in some way, and
if this is impractical, we can only
suggest that all departments start
practicing freedom of thought, in
choice of references, statement of
opinions, discussions.



VOL. LIV No. 6-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Sociedad Hispanica: The club will
meet every Tuesday and Wednesday
at 4:00 in the Grill Room of the
Michigan League for informal con-
versation in Spanish. All inter-
ested students are urged to be pres-
Students, Summer Session: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for
credit after the end of the second
week. Saturday, July 15, is there-
fore the last day on which new
elections may be approved. The
willingness of an instructor to admit
a student later will not affect the
operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
To all Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell

Notice to Summer Term Students:
Students registered for the Summer
Term (16 week period), who have
not already had their pictures taken,
should do so at once. Picturea will
be taken at Room 2, University
Hall, between 3:30 and 4:30 every
afternoon this week (July 11 to 14)
and other hours by appointment.
The International Center is form-
ing a soccer team for the summer.
All those interested in playing please
contact Geo. Hall at the Interna-
tional Center. Americans and for-
eign students are welcome.
French Club: Bastile Day will be
celebrated tomorrow, Thursday, July
13, at 8 p. m. in the Michigan League
with an appropriate program. Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
speak. Group singing and social
hour. All students of the Summer
Session and the Summer Term as
well as all servicemen are cordially
invited to the weekly meetings of
the French Club which are free of
Charles E. Koella
Open House for Servicemen, Wives,
Families: The USO is open at all
times to the servicemen and their
wives and families and especially
on Sundays. There is plenty of
room to visit, write letters, read,
play cards or just relax. If you like
classical music, there is a very com-
plete Classical Music Library and a
quiet music room with a radio-vie
combination where you may enjoy
good music.
Dr. Raul Olivera of Cuba will
speak this evening at 8 o'clock on
"Cuba Leads the Way". The lec-
ture will be in the Kellogg Audito-
rium, and under the auspices of
the Latin-American Society and the

What did you want
f nA - r'nltv r vr e sse L x1- .

A treasure? O'Malleyt.. . How
/rn i -nild1 :tf n :-c ts

By Crockett Johnson
I thought that club of yours
wo hai anoth,~aer chowdr

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