Fifty.Fourth Year
The Key to World Security
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant .
Betty Ann Koff man.
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho . .
Peg. Weiss .
Business Staff
Leeu Amer . . .
Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
ON August 21, representatives of
Great Britain, the Soviet Union
{and the United States will meet in
Washington to lay preliminary plans
for the maintenance of peace after
the defeat of the Axis. China will
be brought into the discussions at a
later stage. We assume that these
nlans will include consideration of
joint action, by the Big Four, at
least, to deal with any future ag-
gressor. Such plans must involve!
both the use of military force and l
the application of economic sanc-
tions. Indeed, if the delegates think,
as they should, in terms of preven-
tion rather than cure, and aim to
nip in the bud aggressive tendencies
on the part of any nation before it
becomes powerful enough to involve
the world in war, economic sanctions
deserve first place on their agenda.
It is almost providential that as
the nations confer on this subject
they will have before them an object
lesson demanding immediate atten-
tion, which illustrates many of the
problems likely to be involved in any
future case of the kind. This, is the
danger presented by the fascist and
militarist government of Argentina.
Unless the leaders of postwar inter-
national cooperation can deal effect-
ively with this peril, any plan for
the future may be heavily discounted.
The fascist government of Ar-
gentina' has not yet arrived at the
point where application of military
power is either necessary or justi-
fiable, unless by chance it should
offer forcible resistance to other
measures. The stage has been
reached, however, when the appli-
cation of an embargo would be ef-
fective. The use of this measure
of restraint would be a real possi-
bility at the moment if it were not
for British objections.
The objections of Great Britain il-
lustrate forcibly one of the chief
difficulties to be overcome in any
employment of economic sanctions.
Britain depends upon Argentina for
the import of essential commodities.
She also has a large stake in Argen-
tine ipvestment and trade which will
become important to her as soon as
peace returns. To a smaller extent,
this is true of all the other nations
which might be involved. It would
never be possible to interrupt trade
with a nation anywhere in the world
without injury to those who do the
interrupting. If nations wish to take
preventive action to preserve peace,
they must be prepared to accept the
incidental sacrifices. The real prob-
lem in this case, however, inheres in
the fact that the sacrifice would be
extremely unequal. The United States
would suffer relatively little at the
moment, and Russia would hardly
suffer at all. The necessary conclu-
sion is that if the nations are to en-
dorse a general plan of economic
sanctions ,they must be prepared to
share the sacrifices and to work out
the machinery for doing so.
WE ARRIVE then at the conclusion
that merely political and mili-
tary agreements for protecting the
peace will be meaningless unless they
are supported by extensive world ec-
onomic organization.
Certainly no progress can be made
in the desired direction as long as
there are important economic rival-
ries among the Big Four themselves.
For this reason more significance lies
at present in the efforts being made
by Great Britain and the United
States to deal with possible sources
of economic friction than in the
more abstract plans for world organ-
ization. It is, for instance, of great
importance that these two nations
have recently reached an agreement
about the future of world petroleum
trade. The draft published will not
of course become effective without
ratification by the legislative bodies
of the nations concerned, but it seems
on the surface to be an excellent
plan. It does not involve monopoly
of the great markets. It expresses
concern with the consumer's interest
in prices and production, and it has
regard for the interests of the coun-
tries in which the resources lie.
Other negotiations are proceed-
ing about such delicate matters as;
air transport, rubber and shipping.
The possible conflicts in these
realms are obvious. The British,
and Dutch have hitherto monopo-
lized a great part of the natural
rubber supply and have on occasion
exacted high prices for it. Now the
United States has a synthetic in-
dustry sufficient to supply all our
peace-time demands, which might
conceivably seize the largest mar-
ket of the British and Dutch in-
terests. In air transport Britain
and other countries naturally wish
a large stake for both commercial
and military reasons, whereas this
country is far in the lead in the
manufacture of planes. Britain
has long supplied the lion's share
of the world's shipping and de-
pends upon the payment for ship-
ping services for the stability of
her economic life. Yet the United
States now has an enormous mer-
chant fleet and a great shipbuild-
ing industry.
If these two allies become bitter
competitors for world trade, we may
as well forget about the possibility of
economic sanctions and the check-
ing of future aggression in its in-
fancy. If, however, they can agree
to cooperate in terms of. peaceful
trade, they can also cooperate in
policing disturbers'of the peace.
The practical possibility of any co-
operation of the kind, no matter what
agreements may now be made, de-
pends upon the underlying economic
trends after the war. If we can
have an expanding economy in which
production and consumption are in-
creasing on a worldwide scale, there
will be plenty of room for the legiti-
mate economic interests of all con-
cerned. If, on the other hand, we
must go back to a stagnating
economy, marked by mass unemploy-
ment and financial distress, then any
such agreements will either be violat-
ed or become in operation monopo-
listic cartels restricting output in the
iiterest of special groups of produc-
ers. It is on this account that most
'basic of all- for the chances of fu-
ture peace are the subjects discussed
at the Bretton Woods conference, and
the domestic fiscal policies of the
United States and the United King-
--The New Republic
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Power Polities?
S- GOV. TOM DEWEY is afraid that "if we
get off on the wrong foot of cynical power
politics, we will have lost the war before we
shall have won it." Again Dewey reveals his
inadequacy for the position of leading the
major nation in the world through the closing
war years and the difficult post-war years.
Dewey's statements concerning a permanent
four-power alliance between the United States,
the Soviet Union, Great Britain and China were
interpreted by aides, an Associated Press dis-
patch states, as frankly critical of an enduring
partnership between the Big Four. Dewey
himself clarified his position by stating, "in the
kind of permanent world organization we seek,
all nations, great and small, must be assured
of their full rights."
The United States after this war will un-
doubtedly be the major power in the world
with all the responsibilities of a leader in in-
ternational relations. It is llso undoubtedly
true that China, Russia and Great Britain too
will be dominant powers in the post-war world,
towering over other nations in economic and
political stature.. These facts cannot be dis-
puted. The position of the Big Four in the
post-war world is assured by the important
contributions which all of them are making
in the war effort,
Most fair-minded people would not dispute
Gov. Dewey's statement that a permanent world
organization should give full rights to all na-
tions, large and small. However, most Ameri-
cans sincerely interested in the security of the
post-war days, would take exception to Dewey's
solicitation for the small nations when he uses
it as an excuse to blast a four-power permanent
alliance, one of the major guarantees for a de-
cent future. Perhaps it is just such partisan
attacks which caused Dewey's recent drop in
popularity, announced this week by Fortune
Magazine. Apparently the American people are
sincere in their desire to see a better world
in which all nations are united and in peace.
-Kathie Sharfman
APolitical Trip?
ARD on the heels of the news that the Presi-
dent visited Honolulu comes the expected
criticism that he has done so for political pur-
poses. In the van of the complainants is David
Lawrence, who says the Pacific trip "would ap-
pear to have been a gross impropriety, as well
as an instance of bad sportsmanship in a cam-
paign." Those are strong words. Since Gov.
Dewey, according to Mr. Lawrence, has no such
facilities for addressing troops, the President, he
says, should have stayedhome.
Mr. Lawrence is a very well informed news-
paper man, but when he implies that the Presi-
dent had no important business in the Pacific,
the reader asks himself: "How and what does
Mr. Lawrence know?" Would the President take
Mr. Lawrence or any other journalist into his
confidence on matters of future military plans?
And when he questions the right of the Presi-
dent to discuss strategy with Gen. MacArthur,
saying that this is a matter delegated to the
joint chiefs of staff, the validity of Mr. Law-
rence's criticism itself is open to question.
N0ONE questioned, we believe, the President's
discussion of the highest strategy with Messrs.
Churchill and Stalin at Teheran. Out of that
a. , iYrc;nvi nc ma tlla cpr linrl frnnt NTnr did n.nv-
Another Big Hole in the Wull
SKF Head Remains on WPB
W ASHINGTON - Hard-working WPB boss
Donald Nelson has given some straight-
from-the-shoulder advice to William Batt, presi-
dent of the SKF ball-bearing company, advising
him to resign from the War Production Board
or else resign from SKF.
Some time ago, before the use of Swedish
SKF ball-bearings by Germany became a hot
international issue, Batt had a frank talk with
Nelson, admitting that his connection with the
Swedish ball-bearing firm might prove embar-
rassing. He explained, however, that while he
was head of the Philadelphia SKF plant, he had
no active connection with the Swedish parent
"I can understand the situation perfectly,"
Nelson replied, but the public might not. Why
don't you resign-sever your connections com-
pletely-the way I did from Sears Roebuck.
Then you feel absolutely a free man. You
aren't beholden to anyone.
Batt, however, did not resign, continued to get
a dollar a year from the Government and his
full salary from SKF.
Later, when the shipment of SKF ball-
bearings from Sweden to Germany was re-
sponsible for the loss of American lives, Nel-
son sent for Batt and advised him again to
resign either from the War Production Board
or from SKF. Batt re-explained his position,
said he had nothing to do with the Swedish
"You're using logic," Nelson replied, "when
boys are being killed with SKF ball-bearings.
People don't use logic in war, they use emo-
tions. I don't blame them for demanding
that you resign-either from the WPB or
from your firm.",
Batt, however, replied that he didn't want
to resign from the War Production Board under
fire, and that he couldn't make the sacrifice of
severing twenty-five years' connection with the
SKF firm.
Kind-hearted Donald Nelson didn't argue fur-
ther. Meanwhile, SKF ball-bearings are still
being shipped from Sweden to Germany.
NOTE-Since Batt works for a foreign com-
pany, he is not even required to file the amount
open his mouth to soldiers and sailors of the
United States?
And,' while we are asking questions, how does
Mr. Lawrence know that Mr. Dewey will not be
given facilities to visit fighting areas and address
troops? If Mr. Dewey is denied this right, then
it will be time to question the propriety of the
Of course, anything the President does be-
tween now and election day will be considered
in a political light and it is up to him to set a
pattern of behavior suitable to the presidency.
Unless, however, Mr. Lawrence is privy to in-
formation not available to other newspaper men
concerning the President's reasons for taking
the trip, it is his criticism, rather than the
President's trip, which is likely to be considered
partisan.a -St. Louis Post Dispatch
of his salary with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Thus, while he's a vice chairman
of the WPB. at $1 a year, no one knows how
much he gets from a foreign company. Execu-
tives of U. S. companies are required to file.
FDR Jolts Censors
President Roosevelt probably didn't know it,
but he gave certain censorship boys in the White
House, the Army and the Navy a bad jolt in
his speech from the Bremerton Navy Yard last
Fact was FDRp visited a whole string of
American bases on his Pacific trip, was will-
ing to permit publicity on where he had been.
However, hush-hush boys in censorship decided,
at the last minute to killĀ° any reference to
Adak Island in Alaska so the Japs wouldn't
know we were using it as a large base.
The Navy had already okayed the release of
pictures of the Adak visit, together with cap-
tions revealing that Roosevelt had been there.
So, at the last minute, the, White House sent
out a quick "kill" to all editors, withdrawing
revelation of the Adak visit. The "kill" came
only after a lengthy two-hour conference be-
tween White House aide Tom Blake and Army-
Navy censorship boys.
Pay-off came next night when Roosevelt
himself revealed he had been to Adak, describ-
ed the base there. Were faces red among the
censorship crowd!
NOTE-Thought the President cruise is now
history, censors still will not permit publica-
tion of how many ships accompanied FDR, or
any hint of their type.
Capital Chaff
F RIENDS of both men got an ironical laugh
frm FDR's reference to "my old friend Gen-
eral MacArthur" in the Bremerton Navy Yard
broadcast. It was only a few short years ago
that MacArthur sailed for the Philippines boil-
ing mad because Roosevelt wouldn't reappoint
him Chief of Staff; and only a few short weeks
ago that Congressman Miller of Nebraska releas-
ed the MacArthur letters strongly criticizing the
Roosevelt Administration. Up until then, FDR
was worried about MacArthur's candidacy. Bus.'
man's holiday: Walter Winchell sitting in the
Stork Club until all hours of the night-on a
vacation. Seen at the Capitol: Senator Russell
of Georgia carefully teaching a stray dog to go
through the revolving doors of the Senate Office
Building. The pup had got penned up inside the
Senate and didn't appreciate the atmosphere ...
Politicos are watching the campaign of Colorado
newspaper publisher Arthur Wimmell against
GOP Congressman Chenoweth ... In North Da-
kota, farmers have to scrimp on tires and gaso-
line to get their crops to market. But on Sun-
days they see German prisoners carried in Army
trucks to nearby lakes for a swim . . . If the
Army cleaned up all its spare tires and trucks
rotting in Hattiesburg, Miss., in Alaska, and
near. the Rock Island railroad freight yards
in Chicago, all the farmers in North Dakota and
a dozen other states would be able to get to
(Copyright. 1944, United Features Syndicate)
FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 33-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Candidates for Master's Degree:
Please call for your tickets to the
Master's Breakfast before 4:30 p.m.,
today at the Office of the Summer
Session, Rm. 1213 Angell Hall. Extra
tickets for friends are available for
purchase at seventy-five cents each.
Candidates' tickets are free of
Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 4, Labor
Day, will be a University holiday,
except for Army instructional units
in which special orders are issued.
F. E. Robbins
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative Aug-
ust graduates from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Rm.
4, University Hall, by noon Aug. 30.
Recommendations for tenative Octo-
ber candidates should be in the Reg-
istrar's Office by noon Oct. 25.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
To Members of the Faculty of the
Summer Session: Should you desire
to attend the breakfast for the can-
didates for the Master's degree Sun-
day morning, 9 a.m., at the Michigan
League Ball Room, you may purchase
tickets in the Office of the Summer
Session, 1213 Angell Hall. The price
is 75 cents.
Attention Hopwood Contestants:
All manuscripts for the summer con-
test must be in the Hopwood Room
this Friday by 4:30 p.m.
R. W. Cowden,
House Presidents: Turn in tickets
and money for the I.F.C. dance to the
office, Rm. 306, Union, on Monday
afternoon, Aug. 21, between three
and five.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, Aug. 26. A course may
be dropped only with the permission
'of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.;
W. J. Emmons, Secretary
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF
INCOMPLETES will be Saturday,
Aug. 26. Petitions for extension of
time must be on file in the Secre-
tary's Office on or before Wednes-
day, Aug. 23.
Curtiss-Wright Corporation is hav-
ing an Engineering Cadette Training
Program, starting Oct. 1, 1944, for
girls between seventeen and a half
and twenty-five years of age. For
further details stop in at 201 Mason
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
United States Civil Service An-
nouncements for DEPARTMENTAL
GUARD, Salary $1,824 a year, in-
cluding overtime pay, for Washing-
ton, D.C. only, has been received in
our office. For further details stop
in at 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that the
closing date for acceptance of appli-
cations for ARCHITECT; $2,433 to
$3,828 a year, will be Aug. 28, 1944.
Applications must be filed with the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, 25, D.G., not later
than that date.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Next Monday, Aug. 21, Professor
Oscar Lange, University of Chicago,
will speak on "The Soviet Union in
World Politics" at 4:10 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture
is open to the public free of charge.
On Tuesday, Aug. 22: Professor
Preston W. Slosson will present his
last in aWseries of summer lectures
entitled "Interpreting the News."
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited to
Academic Notices
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: During the last half of the
Summer Term, the Women's Physi-
cal Education Department will offer
classes in dancing, archery, badmia-
ton, golf, tennis, swimming and life-
saving. Any woman student wishing
to register in these classes should do
so in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium,
t - . ii. 9'1
The University Summer Session
Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor,
presents an outdoor concert on Sun-
day evening, Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m. on
steps of Rackham Building.
The program will be as follows:
National Anthem; March-"El Cab-
allero", Joseph Olivadoti; Panis An-
gelicus, Cesar Franck; March-"The
Footlifter", Henry , Fillmore (Con-
ducted by William D. Revelli); Mala-
guena, Ernesto Lecuona; On the
Hudson, Edwin Franko Goldman
(Conducted by Mr. Leonard Mer-
Symphonic Episodes, Felix Fou-
drain; Child Prodigy, Morton Gould
(Piano Soloist-Miss Helen Francis,
Conducted by Mr. William Fitch;
March-"Love's Own S'weet Song",
Kalman (from operetta "Sari") ;
Overture Militaire, Haydn-Skornika;
March-"The Stars and Stripes For-
ever," John Phillip Sousa.
Open to the public. In case of in-
clement weather, concert will be
played in Hill Auditorium.
Student Recital: On Tuesday eve-
ning, Aug. 22, at 8:30, the School of
Music will present a 'program of
string quartet music,- given by the
students of Mr. Gilbert Ross's String
Quartet Class. The program will in-
clude chamber music by Mozart,
Beethoven and Schubert. The public
is cordially invited to attend the
recital which will be given in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
General Library, Main Lobby. Mod-
ern fine printing.
Museums Building: "What the Ser-
viceman May See in the Pacific
Area." (Animal Exhibits).
Rackham Galleries: Original water
colors by Soviet children (50 pic-
tures), and Reproduction of Book
Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir-
culated by the National Council of
American-Soviet Friendship, New
York. Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.,
through Saturday, Aug. 19.
Clements Library: "Army News and
Views in Seven Wars." American
military publications, particularly of
the present war.
Architecture Building, First-floor
cases. Exhibitions of student work.
Michigan Historical Collections:
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
of the University of Michigan in
Events Today
Russian Film: The .last in a series
of motion pictures on Russia will be
shown this evening and tomorrow
Why doesn't O'Malley get here? ...
This waiting is so nerve-wracking!
Yes. I'm afraid he wil... Have you
something I cn read, little boy?
To fake my mind off the perilous
Crockett Johnson
CRoCK.E"'f C'pyright 194 "'Fd PuWk0wio.
Thank you...I'll try to relax-