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August 12, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-12

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SAT6URDAY , AUG~UST 12, 1944

-anBatt _ KEEP MOVING:

_-_- --

Russian Movie Recommended

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.-
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
recond-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car
rier, $4.50, by mail, $25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194344
Editorials published in The Michigan Daly
are written by members of The Daily sta
and represent the views of the writers only.
Veterans Honored
S1RVICEMEN stationed at the University are
establishing a precedent worth following in
giving a dance today at the USO for 200 vet-
erans of this war living in town or attending
the University.
We are apt today, in our interest in the cur-
rent battlefronts, to forget that part of the
war which has already been fought. As we
look toward victory, we cannot afford to over-
look the men who have made victory possible.
More than 1,000,000 men have been medically
discharged from the armed forces and are
being slowly absorbed back into civilian life.
We cannot forget the debt we owe these men.
University civilians are lagging far behind
the armed forces in recognition of the sacri-
fices discharged veterans have made. The dance
being held tonight by servicemen here for war
veterans is a fitting recognition of their ser-
vices. Much more recognition of these men
is needed from all of us.
-Doris Peterson
Canadian Unity Hit
CANADA'S national unity was recently dealt
a severe blow when the Liberal party of
Quebec suffered a heavy defeat in the provincial
elections under the administration of Premier
The Liberal majority in Quebec's legislature
was entirely disrupted, with the vote heavily
divided between the two isolationist parties who
campaigned against the Federal government's
meddling in "provincial affairs." Although the
extreme nationalist Bloc Populaire failed to car-
ry the province, it is certain that the almost as
reactionary Union Nationale Leader Duplessis
will be asked to form the next ministry.
The appalling defeat of the Liberal party in
Quebec came as a surprise for two reasons.
First, Quebec has been the traditional van-
guard of the party. Second, the liberal govern-
ment of Prime Minister Mackenzie King did
everything in its power to refrain from offend-
ing the province, even resorting to a drastic
program of appeasement.
Since the French Canadians of Quebec have
always been hostile to Canada's entrance into
the war ,the federal administration refrained
from applying military conscription to for-
eign service, even though it was authorized to
do so by a general referendum. The policy
of appeasement traveled its full circle, until
the burden of fighting was disproportionately
placed on the English speaking people of the
country. °
The Liberal party of Quebec was Canada's
last hope for the province's co-operation in post-
war planning. With its downfall, the country
will be faced with a serious problem of coordi-
nation both in the military and in the civil
-Neva Negrevski
Argentme Stake
COMMENTS by responsible sources in London,
like "The Economist," indicate that Britain
would be reluctaht to impose economic sanctions
to end the rapidly developing fascism in Ar-
This reluctance is understandable, in view

of the importance to Britain, especially during
the war, of the supplies she imports from Argen-

To Make it Run 'Smoothly
Baruch Inclines to Dewey

THIS is not a blurb, but a recom-
mendation. "The Childhood of
Maxim Gorky," playing at the Rack-
ham Auditorium tonight, is the kind
of movie dyspeptic critics abhor. It
has a good plot, the characterizations
are excellent, the photography and
sound track are better-than-aver-
age. We saw the movie two years
ago, and, although, we remember
neither specific lines nor specific
scenes, we have a very vivid memory
of the feeling and temper of Gorky's
home, and the times in which he
The violent family arguments and
the stern authoritarianism of Max-
im's grandfather are tellingly pres-
ented, as well as the fact that the
primary factor in family living-
sometimes unifying, sometimes dis-
SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 29-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
tetin are to be sent to the Office of the
summer Session, in typewritten forn
by 3:30 p. m, of the day preceding its
publication, except on saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped by upper-
classmen after today will be recorded
with a grade of E. E. A. Walter
Varsity Glee Club: There will be
an important final meeting, Monday,
Aug. 14, 7 p.m. New songs.
David Mattern
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that the
closing date for acceptance of appli-
cations for Junior Engineer, Salary
$2,433 a year, will be Sept. 6, 1944.
The closing date forbAssistant Mater-
ials Inspector, Salary $3,163, Radio
Monitoring Officer, $3,163 and $3,828
a year, Radio Intercept Officer,
$2,433 and $3,163 a year, and Radio
Operator, $2,188 a year, will be Aug.
21, 1944. Applications must be filed
with the United States Civil Service
Commission, Washington, 25, D.C.
not later than those dates.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
United States Civil Service An-
nouncements for Substitute Railway
Postal Clerks have been received in
our office. Salary $2,464 a year. For
further details stop in at 201 Mason
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Civilian Freshmen in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
may obtain their five-week progress
reports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, 108 Mason Hall, from 8:30
to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
afcording to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning A through K,
Thursday, Aug. 10.
Surnames beginning L through Z,
Friday, Aug. 11.
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11-Friends of gaunt,
grey Bernie Baruch are chuckling over how he
always has a political anchor out to windward.
They describe him as the cat with nine lives-
always landing right side up politically. Now it
looks as if he were warming up to Dewey.
When Franklin Roosevelt was up for nomi-
nation in Chicago back in the almost forgotten
days of 1932, Baruch fought to the last ditch
for the late Governor Albert Ritchie of Mary-
land. Bernie was Ritchie's financial godfather.
After the convention, he switched to FDR,
plunked $77,000 into the Roosevelt campaign
One straw was the recent revelation that Bar-
uch's long-time economic adviser, Fred Searls,
Jr., had contributed $2,000 to Dewey's campaign
fund. Searls had been placed in the White
House by Baruck as adviser to War Mobilizer
Last week, further persuasive evidence reached
the White House regarding Bernie Baruch's next
political jump. Gathering for the opening of
Darryl Zanuck's new film "Wilson," came ex-
Governor James Cox of Ohio, Democratic can-
didate for President in 1920 who was defeated
by Harding; also Albert Lasker, who managed
Harding's campaign but who has been a close
friend of Governor Cox's since.
Comparing notes on their way to the "Wilson"
opening, Governor Cox remarked:
"Bernie Baruch has been trying to tell me
what a great man Dewey is and what a fine
President he would be. I used all the argu-
ments on him, asking him to tell me how
Dewey would be able to negotiate with Stalin
and Churchill. But I couldn't convince Ber-
nie. He had almost a fervor in his eye when
he talked about Dewey."
"Yes," replied Albert Lasker, "that's exactly
what Baruch has been trying to tell me."
Lumber Hold-Up ***
With lumber one of the scarcest commodities
in the whole war picture, a situation is boiling
to a head inside the War Production Board
wherein the lumber division has put obstacles
in the path of developing 35,000 acres of choice
pine near San Francisco.
The peculiar delays have caused tempers to
boil inside the Government and may result in
some nasty accusations on Capitol Hill. Inside
fact is that the Army and the Navy both want
the tract developed; the Office of Defense Trans-
portation has indicated its okay, also the War
effort would not be injured by the proposed
embargo, British economic interests would
still be reluctant because of their stake in
postwar Argentine trade and their rivalry
with the United States in this connection.
One thing is certain: if Argentina is not stop-
ped now, the price of stopping her will be
much greater in the end.
-New Republic

Manpower Commission; and the U. S. Forest
Service is ready to throw in some adjacent Gov-
ernment tracts.
Nevertheless, WPB lumber division officials,
some of them previously with big lumber com-
panies, continue to hold up approval.
Now A. B. Angle, a small businessman, is
trying to cut it, and has secured the definite
support of the Smaller War Plants Corporation
to the tune of $2,100,000.
Army-Navy OK Spurned ...
However, Smaller War Plants cannot act
without the okay of the WPB lumber division,
and here Angle has got nowhere. The lumber
division is supposed to approve projects okayed
by the Army or Navy, and in this case Capt.
W. J. Hines, U. S. Navy, San Francisco office,
wrote to Philip Boyd, head of the lumber divi-
sion, asking him to "give early consideration
to this application." Also, Col. Fred G. Sherrill,
lumber procurement officer for the Army, Navy
and Maritime Commission in Washington, tele-
phoned H. E. Holman of the lumber division,
telling him he considered the project a good
one and was ready to write him a letter to that
effect if desired.
Holman, however, spurned the Army's okay.
Later Holman, talking to an official of the
Smaller War Plants Corporation, accidentally
dropped a remark which may be the give-away
as to why the big lumber boys in the WPB
lumber division don't want the Tehama tract
"The competition would be too tough," Hol-
man remarked, then suddenly corrected him-
shelf. "I mean, the competition in getting
Meanwhile, lumber continues one of the scar-
cest war materials in the nation, much more
acute than steel or aluminum.
Break for G.I's . ,
The War Department finally has decided to
give G. I. Joes returning from overseas a real
For months, the War Department has been
deluged with complaints from returning
doughboys that they were herded into camps,
given brief furloughs, and then shipped out
again without even so much as a physical
examination. Some vets have protested that,
after being overseas for a long time, they
couldn't even get furloughs after returning to
this country.
Now, Gen. Marshall at long last has taken
steps to equalize things for the boys who fight
on the ground. He has signed an order under
which General Somervell, chief of the Army
Service Forces, will take over scores of large
hotels and summer resorts where returning "dog-
faces" can go for rest and rehabilitation. All
members of the Army Ground Forces returning
from overseas will be eligible for this special
care, will also be assured psychiatric advice and
reasonable furloughs.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

ruptive-was decidedly the economic
one. The poverty of life in czarist
Russia and the lack of opportunities
for youth cannot be missed, even
by the most white of Russian-sym-
The curtain rises at 8:15.
* * x
We spent a long time yesterday
afternoon reading the procedure
servicemen must go through if they
want to vote. And the red-tape
through which county clerks must
struggle is even more forbidding. If
there were no time limit on the mat-
ter, it is quite possible that at least
a few servicemen would actually get
their ballots counted after all the
middlemen involved (from army vot-
ing officials to Secretaries of State
and mail clerks) had learned their
jobs. But you can't apply for fed-
eral ballots until October 1st (in
order to give the states a chance to
send out state ballots), and they
must be returned to the precinct
where the serviceman lives by
November 7th.
The worst feature of the federal
ballot is not the time element,
however. It is the fact that it is
a blank ballot. If you want to vote
for any official, you have to know
his name. You have to know how
to spell it, what's more. And in
some cases you have to know the
initial, so you won't confuse it with
another candidate by the same
name. Voters who are accustom-
ed to voting a "straight ticket,"
and seldom bother to learn the
names of party men, will only be
able to write in "Roosevelt" or
"Dewey," and perhaps the name
of their senator.
This might serve to wake up the
electorate, to make them more con-
scious of candidates and platforms.
But in the case of the servicemen
Auditorium. The public is cordially
On Monday, Aug. 21, Professor
Oscar Lange, University of Chicago,
will speak on' "The Soviet Union in
World Politics" at 4:10 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture
is open to the public free of charge.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students ,n Speech: All
students in Speech who expect to
receive advanced degrees in August
or October should come to the
Sp'eech Office, 3211 Angell Hall,
some time before 4:30 p.m. Monday.
Demonstration Debate: The na-
tional high school debate question,
"Resolved, That the Legal Voting
Age Should be Lowered to 18 Years,"
will be the subject of a demonstra-
tion debate sponsored by the Depart-
mnent of Speech at 4 p.m. Monday in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building.
Conference in Radio: A conference
on the production and direction of
radio will be held by Robert M.
Shayon, Producer-Director, Colum-
bia Broadcasting System, at 4 p.m.
Tuesday in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building un-
der the auspices of the Department
of Speech. The conference will be
open to the public.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price
will devote his Sunday afternoon
carillon recital to the music of Bach
and Mozart. The program will be
given on Aug. 13 at 3 p.m.
Band Concert: On Sunday eve-
ning, Aug. 20, at 7:30, the University
Band, under the direction of William
Revelli, will present an outdoor con-
cert on the steps of the Rackham
Building. In case of rain, the concert
will be given in Hill Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.

On Tuesday evening, Aug. 22, the
School of Music will present a recital
of string quartet music. Please note
that this date has been substituted
for Monday evening, Aug. 14, as has
been previously stated. The program
will be under the direction of Mr.
Gilbert Ross, a member of the fac-
ulty. The performers are members
of Mr. Ross's String Quartet Class.
The recital will be given in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:30 p.m.
General Library, Main Lobby. Mod-
ern fine printing.
Museums Building : "'What the Ser-
viceman May See in the Pacific
Area." (Animal Exhibits).
Rackham Galleries: Original water
colors by Soviet children (50 pic-
tures), and Reproduction of Book
Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir
culated by the National Council o
American - Soviet Friendship, New
York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5,
and 7-10 p.m.
Clements Library: "Army News and

who intend to vote, since they can't
read "The Nation," "The New Re-
public," or even "Harper's," the only
way they'll know who to vote for is
to watch the "Chicago Tribune" and
vote for the men McCormick damns,
(and, though he tries pretty hard,
the Colonel occasionally misses a
The assumption that a man loses
his ability to reason when he enters
the armed forces of a Democratic
nation engaged in fighting a people's
war against an idea (fascism), as
well as an actuality (the Nazi and
Japanese armies), is a dangerous
one. And one that fits very ill with
the theory of early America: that
the people should form the militia
to protect the nation, and that fight-
ing for the right to vote went along
with voting to decide when to fight,
We hope that servicemen don't
get disgusted and disinterested in
the procedures of democracy, pri-
marily because if they do, postwar
America can be turned over to
nationalists and petty fascists who
are interested in taking over these
procedures. And we hope service-
men vote also because that is what
the reactionaries and Republicans
worked so hard to prevent.
* * *
Our sister is taking a correspond-
ence course in anthropology from the
University of Texas. Since students
don't have to send in photographs
on their application blanks, there is a
printed statement on the outside of
the envelopes: "Negroes not permit-
ted to take courses by correspond-
Perhaps the University officials
feared that northern postmen would-
n't automatically understand, and
might think that education was one
of the things which should be avail-
able to anyone in a democracy.
Events Today
All Alpha Kappa Alpha Women
are invited to attend a tea in the
East Conference Room of the Horace
Rackham Building today from 3 p.m.
until 5 p.m.
Company G ad the Judge Advo-
cates are invited to attend a dance
at Jordan Hall from 8:30 to 11
o'clock tonight.
Michigan Sailing Club: Important
meeting today at one o'clock in the
Union. Absolutely necessary for all
members to attend.
"Fresh Fields," comedy by Novello,
is being presented by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech tonight for the last time
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Tickets on sale in the theatre box
office. Box office hours: Monday
and Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., for
the balance of the week, 10 a.m. to
8:30 p.m.
Russian Film: "Childhood of Max-
im Gorky" tonight, 8:15 p.m. Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Admission free.
This Saturday's Dance is sponsored
by Regiment 2, Colonel Norma Cook.
The servicemen are entertaining the
discharged veterans here in town
this evening. The famous quartet
from Rumor Has It will sing. Come
one, come all.
Swimming Parties: Every Satur-
day afternoon. Leave for Whitmore
Lake at 1 p.m. from the USO.
'Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the
northwest corner of the Rackham
Building for a hike. Total hiking
distance about ten miles. Bring your
lunch with you.
All graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are cordially in-
vited to attend.

Tuesday, Aug. 15: The Sociedad
Hispanica presents Dr. Gabriel Atri-
stain of Mexico City, who will speak
in Spanish on "Tipos Populares del
Mexico de Antano y del Hogano;"
and Mr. Glenn D. Curtis of Detroit,
who will show and comment on his
colored motion pictures of Mexico
and Cuba. The meeting will be held
at 8 p.m. in the League. The public
is cordially invited.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall this Sunday afternoon at 4:30.
Miss Ching-Wen Hu will be the
speaker. Supper will be served at 6.
Both Zion and Trinity Lutheran
Churches will have worship services
at 10:30 Sunday morning. Service-
men and students are urged to at-
tend these services.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
at 11 a.m., with the sermon by the
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Taking Fare-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student


City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Auto Painter and
Striper, Body Upholsterer, Body Up-
holsterer Helper and Printing Plant
Birdery Helper, have been received
in our office. For further details stop
in at 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative Aug-
ust graduates from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the School of Education for depart-
mentalhonors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Rm.
4, University Hall, by noon Aug. 30.
Recommendations for tenative Octo-
ber candidates should be in the Reg-
istrar's Office by noon Oct. 25.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Aug. 15: Professor Preston W.
Slosson. "Interpreting the News."
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
On Wednesday, Aug. 16, Dr. En-
rique Testa of Chile will speak on
"How Chile Strengthens the Inter-
American Front" at 8 p.m., Kelloggt



Mrs. Baxter. Barnaby's bringing his
Fairy Godfather here for dinner,
And that dopey King of the Sea.. .

Such nonsense. If these-imaginary Pixies you and
garnaby see are real, why don't t ever seethem?

By Crockett Johnson
- Y


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