4 ailli
Fair and cooler
with fresh winds
VOL. LIV No. 29 TS
Yanks Battle
To Cut
Off German Escape
300,000 Nazi Pre
Troops Face Vis
Annihilation A
15 Mile Advance
Is Made On Front ALEUTI
SKA, Aug
paid this
DBy The Associated Press visit today
LONDON, Aug. 11-Gen. Ivan prised by
Maslennikov's third Baltic Army was thrille
smashed 15/2 miles through German It was t
lines .on a 43-mile front in southern the Aleuti
Estonia today, capturing the key cific travel
junction town of Petseri in a fresh
effort to annihilate possibly 300,000
Nazi troops trapped in Estonia and WASHI
Latvia. President
Moscow's communique announced from the
the capture of 200- localitiesa by Seattle, W
Maslennikov's army whose resumed Eastern V
offensive is linked closely with oper- Time) the
ations by three other Soviet armies tonight.
which have ringed two Nazi north-
ern armies and are attempting to
pull off a "Baltic Stalingrad." by warship
Lines Run Northwest The chief
Petseri, 16 miles inside Estonia of the arm
from the prewar Russian frontier, is the Aleutia
a road and rail junction below lake tion progra
Peipus. From it lines run northwest en out the
150 miles to Tallinn, Estonian cap- ilitary, n
ital, and southwest 140 miles to remote, bat
Riga, Latvian capital. bly short tA
Farther south in Latvia another Fletcher A
Russian army advancing on Riga Accompa
captured 50 localities, including the Frank Jack
rail station of Sunakste, 58 miles the North
southeast of the Latvian capital. a tour of t]
Moscow did not mention the pro- He expre
gress of the first Baltic army, last
reported within 20 miles of Riga on 711
the south. j OV
Northwest and west of Bialystok inĀ®
northern Poland other Soviet units
swept through 150 villages in a drive
aimed at the southern border of Ger- 0
man East Prussia. In western Lith- So id
uania on the central 'and northern
sectors of the bitterly-contested east By
Prussian front the Russians were WASHIN
fighting a gigantic war of attrition, gressional
Moscow dispatches said, clarify the
100 Villages Taken mit freer
In the sector northeast of War- tures and s
saw, immediately below the drive on Work wa
the southern area of East Prussia, designed t
the Russians were said to have cap- authorities
tured 100 villages in their attempt to interpretat
smash enemy lines linking Warsaw circulation
and the German province. movies, boc
New Applic
Allies Bomb In the
law, severa
of the "Of
SaAir Force"
Vitl er anat post e
* ordered be
Freight Yards a pen por
velt captio
LONDON, Aug. 12, Saturday---(yP) of the Arm
-Nearly 2,000 Allied heavy bombers, "There is
blackening the skies from the Bel- the pictur
gian border to the tip of Brittany, Soldier V
smashed at Germans throughout Fri- President i
day, with attacks ranging from Gen. Alexa
front line support to great move- Army Pub]
ments against distant, choked Ger- Interpretat
man freight yards. As it nor
Wave after wave of heavies of the prohibition
Eighth U.S. Air Force and the RAF tion of pr
roared through clear skies against national el
fuel dumps and transport routes far was "diffi
behind the battle lines in France, terpret thi:
and in the afternoon the Americans, Quick c
in a spectacular operation, rained appeared
armor-piercing explosives on strong among Sen
German fortifications. ator Green
There was little fighter or anti- and Navy
aircraft opposition from the enemy agreed on
during this and other operations dur- said shoul
ing the day, which included steady culties thu
flights by medium bombers and Under t
fighters and fighter bombers which limitation
ranged the front in close support of culation o
ground forces, especially those spear- books, etc.
heading the advance north of Le portation
Mans. fere with f
Up to 500 American heavies at- of publicat
tacked fuel dumps at St. Florentin tially by I
and Pacy on the Armancon River 75
miles southeast of Paris, railway BROA
yards at Mulhouse and Belfort in
Alsace Lorraine, and three airfields
in the vicinity of Paris. DI s
Film on Maxim Gorky
Will Be Shown Today After si
activity ,a
A Russian film, "Childhood of ed war vet
Maxim Gorky," will be shown at
.'. ti:
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rye is . s
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Junction of Petseri
sident Pays Surprise
it to Aleutian Islands
rmed Forces Praised for Campaign and
apid Construction of New Military Bases
The Associated Press
[. 3-President Roosevelt
Aleutian base a surprise
y and, in turn, was sur-
what he saw. He said he
d and gratified.
he President's first trip to
ans, made on his first Pa-
ing of the war. He came
INGTON, Aug. 11.-(P)-
Roosevelt will broadcast
Navy yard at Bremerton,
ash., tomorrow at 8 p.m.,
War Time, (5 p.m. Seattle
e White House announced
p, by the way of Honolulu.
executive praised members
ned forces participating in
n campaign and construe-
im. He said they had driv-
enemy and had built new
aval and air bases on once
rren islands in an incredi-
ccompanies FDR
nied by Vice Admiral
k Fletcher, commander of
Pacific, the president made
he island's installations.
ssed a wish that the people
'larify the
er Vote. ill
The Associated Press
GTON, Aug. 11.-A con-
move was started today to
soldier voting law to per-
circulation of news, pic-
peeches among the troops.
s begun on an amendment
to give Army and Navy
wider discretion. Under
ions of present law, the
of various newspapers,
oks and other material is
cation of Law
newest application of the
1 hundred thousand copies
ficial Guide to the Army
were banned from sale
xchanges. The ban was
:cause the guides contained
trait of President Roose-
ned "Commander in Chief
ny and Navy."
s a question as to whether
e violates Title V (of the
ote Law) now that the
s a candidate," said Maj.-
ander D. Surles, Chief of
Lic Relations.
tion Difficult
w stands, Title V carries a
against federal distribu-
ropaganda bearing on a
lection, and Surles said it
cult" for the Army to in-
s section.
congressional clarification
likely after a conference
ator Taft (Rep., O.), Sen-
n (Dem., R.I.), and Army
officers. Green and Taft
an amendment which they
d overcome all the diffi-
us far encountered.
he amendment the only
to be imposed on the cir-
f newspapers, magazines,
, is that whenever trans-
or other problems inter-
full distribution, the choice
ions is to be made impar-
Army-Navy methods.
back home could see what had been
The Japanese, he said, would never
again be able to threaten North Am-
erica with an Alaskan invasion.
Mr. Roosevelt's impromptu re-
marks were made at an informal
lunch at an enlisted men's mess,
where he made a noon stop during
the inspection tour.
Alaska Invites Settlers
He said he considered some parts
of the United States overpopulated
and predicted that many soldiers and
sailors would seek new homes in Ala-
ska after the war. The territory's
great size and known resources, he
added, invited settlers.
The president did not discuss any
specific war plans for this or any
other theaters. Neither did he com-
ment on the national political cam-
paign, in which he is the national
Democratic nominee for a fourth
Army Dental
Program Is
Order Will Take Effect
At End of Semester
Col. E. H. Young, commandant of
the Army, units at the University,
announced yesterday that the Ar-
my's dental training program here
will be damz.1iinued the order taking
effect at the end of the present term.
The 70 dental students affected by
the order will be given two choices.
They may stay in the Army, be sent
to a Medical replacement training
center, and at the end of training
there, be reassigned to units of the
Medical Corps. Presumably they
will then rank as privates and serve
as medical aid men, technicians or
hospital attendants.
If they desire, however, they may
request a discharge from the Army
and continue their dental work as
civilians. It is understood now that
they will be deferred for this sub-
ject to such draft regulations as ma"
be in force at the time.
The 25 predental students also af-
fected by this new ruling wil have
no alternative choice and will be
sent to a Medical replacement train-
ing center and from there to a medi-
cal unit. Men now in the Army
who applied for a transfer to dental
school before June first can come
to the University as civilians on the
same basis as those already study-
ing here. This order in no way af-
fects the medical training program
of the Army.
GM Strikers
To Obey Order
DETROIT, Aug. 11.-(')-Strikers
who have tied up production at five
plants of Chevrolet gear and axle
division of General Motors Corp.
voted tonight to return to work on
Monday, submitting to a War Labor
Board order.
The vote to end the four-day
strike, precipitated by GM's firing
of seven men for their part in last
week's walkout at the war plants,
was announced as "90 per cent" in
the affirmative by Walter P. Reu-.
ther, vice-president of the CIO's
United Auto Workers.
Iwo Island
Is Bombed in
Heavy Strike
Bombers Based on
Marianas Islands
By The Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 11.-Heavy
bombers of the Seventh Army Air
Force bombed Iwo Island in the Vol-
cano group Wednesday in the first
full scale heavy strike from newly
won airfields in the Marianas. Iwo
is 750 miles from Tokyo.
The Liberators dropped 47 tons of
bombs on the Iwo airfield and adja-
cent installations, Adm. Chester W.
Nimitz said in a press release today
announcing the raid.
This first Army heavy bomber
strike at Iwo starts a new stage in
the 7th AAF's leap-frogging air neu-
tralization campaign across the Pa-
That campaign started with raids
on Wake Island from a base on Mid-
way Island and worked over the
Gilberts, Marshalls and Carolines en
route to the Marianas.
Iwo, 725 miles northwest of con-
quered Saipan, is situated about half
way from Saipan to Tokyo. It was
first bombed from the Marianas by
Navy Liberator search planes in a
series of strikes starting July 19.
Those comparatively light raids
had been preceded by attacks by
carrier-based planes, the first of
which hit the Bonin and Volcano
islands on June 14.
Several enemy fighter planes at-
tempted to intercept Wednesday's
raid, Nimitz reported, but did no
damage. Anti-aircraft fire, however,
caused minor damage to three of the
A dive-bombing and strafing at-
tack was made the same day on Mii
atoll in the Marshall Islands by more
than 100 planes of the fourth Ma-
rine aircraft wing.
Mitehells Sink
Four Jap Ships,
Damage Two
Aug. 12--()-Mitchell bombers sank
or damaged six freighters near Hal-
mahera Island, northwest of New
Guinea, headquarters announced to-
A total of four vessels were sunk
in the Halmahera region, ranging
from 1,000 to 2,000 tons. At the
same time the Allied raiders again
struck at airfields on the vital island,
stepping stone to the Philippines,
during their assault Thursday.
In another aerial strike the same
day, fighter planes killed many of
500 Japanese caught on parade at
the Hamate Airdrome near Sorong,
Japanese base about 60 miles south-
west of the American beachhead at
Yank planes harassed retreating
Japanese in the Aitape-Wewak area
of British New Guinea. Yesterday's
communication announced conclu-
sion of organized Japanese resistance
in this region, where the enemy
fruitlessly attempted to break Al-
lied encirclement, losing an estimat-
ed 18,000 dead and wounded.
Liberater bombers again hit air-
dromes on Yap island, in the western
Carolines, Thursday with 33 tons of
The Halmahera strike continued
aerial assaults against this barrier,
some 300 miles south of the southern
Philippines and a barrier to the push
I to the archipelago,
OLD GLORY IS RAISED-U. S. troops are shown raising the Ameri-
can flag on Guam. Reconquest of Guam cost 7,247 American casual-
ties, of whom 1,214 were killed in action, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
announced yesterday. 10,971 Japanese dead have been counted on
Senate Passes George
Bill on Two-wto-mOne Vote
Falling Back
West of Paris
American Armor
Advances 10 Miles
By The Alsociated Press
FRANCE - Yanks near Paris.
One report says troops on out-
skirts. Allied pincers close *on Ger-
man Seventh Army. Aerial war
roars over enemy targets.
RUSSIA-Reds hurl 12 divisions
into new offensive in Estonia.
Make gains all along front.
ITALY-Allies gain in Adriatic
sector. Some fighting near Flor-
ence but battle lags.
PACIFIC-Iwo Jima in Volcano
Islands, 750 miles from Tokyo,
blasted by planes from Marianas
. *~ *
SHAEF, Aug. 12, Saturday-(R)-
U.S. tanks battled to close a 33-mile
escape gap on an estimated 100,000
Germans reported in retreat west of
Paris last night while other wide-
ranging armor struck out suddenly
from Nantes, burst across the Loire
River barrier to southern France and
plunged ten miles beyond.
American armor, in apparent con-
trol of the field, was lashing out in
every direction across the northern
plains of France and nowhere did
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-With a
Republican-southern Democratcratic
coalition in command, the Senate
passed overwhelmingly tonight a
"states rights" post-war reconversion
bill after rejecting, 49 to 25, the Mur-
raw-Kilgore measure setting up fed-
eral standards of unemployment
The vote on final passage was 55
to 19.
The approved measure, sponsored
by Chairman George (Dem., Ga.) of
the Finance Committee, sets up an
office of war mobilization and re-
conversion under a presidentially-
appointed director to coordinate
planning for the gigantic switch back
to a peacetime economy.
3,500,000 Employes Covered
It embraces a provision extending
post-war unemployment compensa-
tion coverage to 3,500,000 employes
of the government, in addition to the
millions now covered, but leaves the
fixing of rates to the states. Under
it the government would reimburse
states fornpayments to ex-federal
workers and set up a federal fund to
guarantee the solvency of state un-
employment systems.
The rejection of the Murray-Kil-
gore bill, setting up a much broader
Office of War Mobilization and Ad-
justment, came on an indirect vote
by which the Senate substituted pro-
visions of the George bill for sections
of the rival measure which included
the federal jobless pay plan.
Eleventh Hour Effort Fails
In an eleventh hour effort to over-
come opposition, the Murray-Kilgore
Churchill Is
Now Visiting
Italian Theatre
ROME, Aug. 11-(/P)-Allied head-
quarters announced tonight the ar-
riva 1 of Prime Minister Winston
Churchill in Italy on his first trip
to this war theater. The purpose of
the trip or how long he would stay
were not disclosed.
Earlier this week Britain's prime
minister visited the Normandy
beachhead in France.
Churchill's visit to Italy gave the
Germans a new case of jitters-this
time bringing Nazi predictions that
the Allies are on the verge of a new
invasion of Europe. The Germans
have been forecasting repeatedly
bill proponentsreduced from$35to
$25 a week the proposed maximum
benefits payable under its terms.
But, with the votes in their pock-
ets, and the White House keeping
hands off, the opponents of the mea-
sure were in no mood for a com-
The George bill now goes to the
House for action with indications
that it will be referred to the Ways
and Means Committee for considera-
tion early next week.
Takes Over 103
Truck Firms
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.- ( )-
The government tonight seized 103
midwestern truck companies em-
broiled in a strike of 25,000 drivers,
established a federal manager and
ordered all the men back to work
immediately to avert a traffic bottle-
neck that was rapidly endangering
movement of military supplies.
President Roosevelt ordered the
seizure at 5:30 p.m., Eastern War
Time. He assigned the office of de-
fense transportation to conduct the
$50,000,000 segment of the truck in-
dustry until the controversy is settled
and said the weight of the Army
would be behind ODT in its task.
The strikers quit work last week
after the companies refused to pay
a seven cents an hour wage increase
ordered by the War Labor Board.
The operators said they couldn't
afford it unless they got financial
relief from the government.
Col. J. Monroe Johnson, director of
ODT, said his organization was tak-
ing over actual operations at mid-
night and from that time on the men
would be paid the authorized wage
'Starlight Cabaret'
To Be Held Today
"Starlight Cabaret," a semi-formal
dance styled after a dry night club
will be held by the International
Center from 9 to 12 p. m. today in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
George Hall, assistant to the di-
rector of the Center, has been in
NEW YORKAugv 11-(-P)-NB
reporter Ed Haaker, broadcasting
from London, said tonight he had
learned on the best authority that
the American drive in France had
carried all the way to the outskirts
of Paris.
the Germans seem able to parry the
rain of blows, such as this new one
across the Loire.
Germans "In Bad Way"
"The great bulk of the German
forces in northwest Europe are in a
bad way," Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont-
gomery, chief of Allied ground for-
ces, messaged his troops in France.
"We are 'round behind them in many
places and it is possible some of them
may not get away."
Lt. Gen, Omar N. Bradley's forces
striking north from Le Mans were
closing in on the entire German Sev-
enth Army-which once boasted over
30 divisions-and the Paris radio de-
clared they already had driven
through Alencon, 33 miles south of
where Canadian forces were fighting
before Falaise.
At the southern end of the front
his thrust across the broad beaches
of the Loire within 24 hours after
the river port of Nantes fell still had
encountered no resistance in
American troops were mopping up
along the north bank between Nan-
tes and Angers, which also was cap-
tured yesterday, but there was no
word of any crossings.
Von Kluge Gives Signal
As the Germans were confronted
with the same sort of peril with
which they bewildered the French in
the 1940 lightning war, captured
troops reported that Field Marshal
Gen. Guenther Von Kluge had given
the signal for a general retreat.
Vichy Cut Off From
Paris by Partisans
BARCELONA, Aug. 11.- (AP)-
French partisan forces surrounding
Vichy have cut all direct railroad,
highway and telephone communica-
tions between the collaborationist
capital and Paris, reports reaching
here today said.
Extra Performance of
Operetta Will Be Given
Because of the exceptional demand
for tickets, an extra performance of
"The Chocolate Soldier" will be pres-
charged War Veterans Form 'U' Club
x weeks of organizational
nucleus group of discharg-
erans formed the Veterans
,^" rrr.,s TT.iFrSit+M of
discussed the cooperative movement
with the men.
"We have organized this club"
Laszlo Hetenyi, President, said "in
a amn to nL al ldischarged
tion is planning to embark on a
vigorous campaign to enlist the act-
ive support of the more than 150,
veterans now enrolled in the Univer-