Dick Rifenburg Lost to Wolverine Eleven for Next
v,-_______ __-
Loss Is Great Blow
To Wolverine Hopes
Michigan's Outstanding High School Athlete
Will Leave for Merchant Marine Shortly
A telling blow was inflicted on Michigan's grid hopes yesterday when
it was learned that the Wolverine's brilliant freshman athlete, Dick
Rifenburg, will not be available for service this fall.
Rifenburg will leave for the Merchant Marine very shortly, and
yesterday was his farewell to Michigan football after a short but very
impressive showing. The lanky 6 ft. 1 in. wingman entered the Univer-
sity in July.
Rifenburg was considered by sports experts as one+of the most versa-
tile athletes ever developed in the state of Michigan. He garnered all-
state recognition in two sports, football and basketball. He was also adept
at track and baseball and his chances of becoming the second Michigan
man to capture four letters seemed quite feasible. Elroy Hirsch accom-
plished this feat last year.
Rifenburg's high school career was - -----------
culminated by his being selected as
Michigan's most outstanding prep Nicholson M ost
athlete. Rifenburg almost single
handedly led Saginaw to a stateVay
basketball title. His play in the tour-
nament was considered nothing short
of sensational. scrimmage was long Says Colem an
and arduous but much was accom-B
plished. The first part of the aft- By The Associated Press
ernon wa devted o puting Evansville Bob Coleman, manager
ernoon was devoted to punting of the Boston Braves, today picked
practice with Bob Wiese doing all the Chicago Cubs to win the second-
of the booting. Wiese got off some place scrap in the National League
long kicks during the workout, and andlabelled the Bruins' Bill Nichol-
his boots averaged consistently in son the most valuable player in the
the neighborhood of 40 to 50 yards. circuit.
Michigan's mammoth tackle, 6 ft. As the national's eastern teams
2 in. 230 lb. Clem Bauman, broke headed west for their last long jaunt
through on two occasions and block- of the season and the St. Louis
ed Wiese's kicks. This giant athlete Browns led the American's western
also started on tackling practice.-+ clubs on a final eastern invasion,
After tapering off on the tackling Coltman left little doubt about his
dummies, Coach 'Fritz' Crisler then concession of the flag to the St. Louis
sent his charges through a 45 minute Cardinals whom he called the "only
scrimmage, in which the Reds emer- real ball club" in the majors.
ged victorious 21-6. With the exception of the New
Star of today's'scrimmage was York Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates,
Michigan's passing ace, Bill Cll- who are playing off a postponed
gan. IHe not only stood out in the game in Pittsburgh, all big league
passing department but ran for clubs enjoyed a second successive
two touchdowns. One of them was open date.
a 25 yard jaunt, and his second With the Cards enjoying a 16 2
marker was a 20 yard return of an game lead and only 55 to go, Nation-
intercepted pass. Culligan figured al League managers couldn't be
in another touchdown when he ' blamed for following Coleman's train
tossed a beautiful 30 yard pass into of thought and talking about the
~he waiting arms of George Ab- second place scrap.
The portly catcher from back
bott, who was camped in the end home in Indiana who is completing
eichigan's stellar fullbacks, Wiese his first season as a big league man-
and. Ralph Chubb, again accounted ager doesn't hit Chicago for another
for onsderale ardge. othmenweek, but thought of Nicholson trou-
for considerable yardage. Both men ble his sleep.
tore gaping holes in the enemY de- When the Cubs were stumbling
fenses, and these two battering backs around the basement, Nicholson was
have thus far been the most consis- hitting' around .230," the Boston
tent ground gainers in the summer skipper pointed out..
If the gridders show up well this Baksi Beats Savold
week, it will mark the last sessionB ki
of the summer workouts. CoachInd
Crisler indicated that, if enough pro-
gress isn't made, the boys will have CHICAGO-()- Without causing
to practice an additional week. Champion Joe Louis any particular
After the workouts are completed, "GI" unrest, youthful Joe Baksi last
the team will be given a two-week night methodically pummeled Lee
layoff. Then they return to begin Savold off the wartime heavyweight
final preparations for the opening top row in a 10-round scrap wit-
game Sept. 16 against the Iowa Sea- nessed by a disappointingly small
hawks in Ann Arbor. crowd of 16,135 at Wrigley Field.
Three Favorites
Fall in Women's'
Golf Tourney
Mary Agnes Wall Will
Meet Sally Sessions
In Day's Top Match
CHICAGO, Aug. 8.-(A)-Upsets
marked the first round play today in
the women's western amateur golf
championship, but three of the high-
ly favored stars-defending titlist
Dorothy Germain, medalist Sally
Sessions and veteran Phyllis Otto-
came through with crushing wins as
the field was reduced to 16 contes-
Last year's co-medalists, Cather-
ine Fox of Bloomfield, N.J., and Kay
Byrne of Rye, N.Y., and veteran Ann
Casey of Mason City, Iowa, were ex-
pelled in a series of surprises.
Jean Hopkins, 23-year-old Cleve-
land, O., district chaipion and a
graduate of Smith College, North-
ampton, Mass., was one under par in
lknocking out Miss Casey 5 and 4.
Despite shooting a deuce on the 190-
yard ninth hole, Miss Hopkins lost
the hole when her caddy, hypno-
tized by her curling 40-foot putt,
failed to pull the pin as the ball
trickled into the cup. The hole auto-
matically went to Miss Casey with a
par 3.
Illini Champ Wins
Marjorie Lindsay of Decatur, Ill.,
the 1943 Illinois State Champion,
was only two over the standard in
ousting Miss Byrne 4 and 3. Mrs.
H. M. Sims of Evanston, Ill., former
Minnesota state titlist while residing
in St. Paul, defeated Miss Fox 2 and
1 after the 19-year-old easterner
blew a two-up lead at the turn by
stringing out four consecutive bogeys
on the last nine.
The tournament's cinderella girl,
small Miss Sessions of Muskegon,
Mich., swept into a six-up advantage
over Mrs. Thomas E. Nolan of New-
castle, Pa., by sinking a 25-foot bir-
die putt on the ninth for a 40 and
eventually won the match 7 and 5.
Germain Wins
The Philadelphia sensation, Miss
Germain, was one-under-par in
trouncing Carol Clark of Cincinnati,
6 and 5, starting her round by bag-
ging birdies on the first four holes
and requiring only ten putts on the
first nine. Steering even with par,
Miss Ott6T of Omaha, Neb., runner-
up in the 1942 western open, routed
veteran Marjorie Row of Detroit, 7
and 6.
Closest match of the day was the
19-hole victory of Betty Jean Rucker,
Spokane, Wash., over Lillian Town-
send of Evanston, Miss Rucker, the
runner-up medalist with a 78, bird-
ied the extra hole after pitching her
third shot from the rough to within
three feet of the cup.
Featured match of tomorrow's?
second round sends Miss Sessions
against a Michigan rival, Mary Ag-
nes Wall of Menominee, runner-up
for the western amateur crown last
Iakfin9 tte kound4
Daily Sports Editor
BASEBALL'S BIGGEST BAT-Roy Mack of the Philadelphia Athletics
examines a display for Connie Mack's golden .jubilee as a big league
manager-a giant bat presented to the 1913 world champs by the
Avoca, Neb., club.
Dick Siebert, Drixie Walker Tk
Over A.L., NL Batting Leads
WHEN MICHIGAN'S football squad trots onto the field at Marquette on
the night of Sept. 23, it will mark the first time in almost forty years
that these two teams have met on a gridiron.
It will also bring about a new innovation for Wolverine gridders, as no
Michigan football team has ever performed under the lights previous to this.
However, Marquette's officials requested that this contest be played at
night as an additional attraction to the renewal of this rivalry, and Coach
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler readily consented to this idea.
Another very unusual feature concerning the game with the Hill-
toppers is that the lights will only be on for the second half of the
game, as the first half of the tilt will beplayed during the early hours
of the evening, and both teams will have to acclamate themselves to two
sets of playing conditions.
THIS then looms as the game that the genial Marquette Coach, Tom
Stidham, will be pointing for, and this thought has been driven into
the minds of the 50 candidates that have showed up for practice every
afternoon since the start of the present summer drills.
More than half of Stidham's personnel is made up of Navy V-12
students, a quarter more are 16-17 year olds and the rest are discharged
war vets, four-F's or deferred civilians.
Coach Stidham is proud of his gridders who have seen actual
military duty, stating that "some of them wear three and four ribbons
on their chests, but they dig into football like they were unearthing
Japs or Germans. All, of course, played high-school football and they
are tickled to get back in harness while taking officer training." He
was also very emphatic in saying that he would not cut his squad at
all as long as the present team is satisfied to come out every day and
work hard.
Six lettermen are counted upon to form the nucleus of the 1944 eleven,
but a few other veterans have been excused from summer practice for
scholastic reasons, and they are scheduled to be on hand this fall. Those
men in togs now include halfbacks Johnny Rudan and Paul Copulos,
quarterback Bob Lodde, fullback Bob Teik, tackle Bob Krebs and center
Marty Silovich.
The experienced help that has come to the Hilltoppers Campus
by transfer, Navy or otherwise, seems to be scarce, but it does include
end Bob Gannon, who earned two letters at Rutgers, and Paul Glas-
ener, a first stringer at the University of Iowa last fall.
HOWEVER, it is from the quota of kids that the Marquette mentor is
searching for material to'bolster some of the gaps on the squad.
Francis Romeo, a 16 year old and weighing 195 pounds, looms as one of the
outstanding linemen. Two other 17-year-olds from Cudahy, Wis., Jerry
Benka and Francis Kosikowski, halfback and end, respectively, have been
playing first string so far this summer.
Though the Marquette schedule, which also includes Purdue, Wiscon-
sin, Fort Sheridan, the Iowa Seahawks and two tussles with Great Lakes,
is one of the toughest that they have ever played, Coach Stidham is not
at all pessimistic about the season and he predicts that his eleven will be
capable of springing a few surprises this fall.
Inasmuch as the Hilltoppers have set their cap for an upset
against Michigan, and in view of the material they have on hand,
this statement by Stidham broods no good for the Maize and Blue,
and if they expect to come out on top, they will have to be on their toes
NEW YORK-()--- Dick Siebert
of the Philadelphia Athlatics took
over control of the American League
batting lead today as Dixie Walker
of Brooklyn again nosed past Stan
Musial of the St. Louis Cards to top
Major League
the National. Only one point separ-
ated the leaders in each league.
Siebert's .328 average was just a
shade better than Bobby Doerr's but
enough to oust the Red Sox second
baseman from first place. Wholesale
changes in the junior circuit's top
ten found Vern Stephens of the
Browns, Georg Stirnweiss of the
Yanks, Pinky Higgins of the Tigers
and Oris Hockett of the Indians dis-
placing Eddie Garnett of the White
Sox, Chuck Hostetler of the Tigers,
Roy Cullenbine of the Indians and
Bobby Estalella of the A's.
Walker squeezed past Musial .358
to .357 including games of Sunday
as the two leaders changed places
again. Bill Nicholson of the Chicago
Cubs, who tied Frank Mcormick of
Cincinnati for tenth place, was the
only newcomer in the National's se-
lect circle.
St. Louis .......61
Boston .........55
New York ......
Philadelphia . . ..47
Washington .....44
*Games behind leader.
No games scheduled.
St. Louis .......72
Cincinnati ......55
Pittsburgh ......52
New York .......50)
Chicago ........46
Boston .........41
Philadelphia ... . 38
33 '
4 a""a.. w Z" 4 ' h
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t a
f , a Y:
\.. a a^ y l Z
1 V
r y t / -
4a Oa L l
AtI f f AI f.
*Games behind leader.
New York 8, Pittsburgh 4.
Only game scheduled.
LOST--Money in envelope, approxi-
mately $50, near or in University
High School July 20. Call 23211.
GAMMA PHI BETA sorority pin lost
Friday. State street or vicinity.
Finder please call 22569. Reward.
LOST--A black knitting bag contain-,
ing blue and white stripped knit-
ting and a few personal articles.
Libby Batlin, 24561.
JAPANESE SEAL about 1%/2 by 3/8
x % inches with seal on end (like
American rubber stamp) lost in
University Library,. Michigan
League, or. Rackham Building.1
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precious wool pullovers and good, old
reliable shirts.
You'll find plaids and solid colors in tweeds and
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mer suits and skirts. A
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d por-
mt cut
, blue,
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block and half from
live farther away?
Ave. or phone 8124.
single rooms
campus. Why
719 Tappan
WANTED: Girl to lay out display
advertising for Mademoiselle
Shops. Call 5796 General Office.
TWO STUDENTS to wait table for
room and board. Call Myron Zeis,
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pink, maize.
Sizes 32 to 38.