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August 09, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-09

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Tresh Fields,'
Novello's Play,
To Open Today
Repertory Players To
Present Production
The Michigan Repertory Playerst
of the Department of Speech willt
present Ivor Nov e ll's comedy,I
"Fresh Fields" at 8:30 p.m. today
through Saturday at the Lydia Men-j
delssohn Theatre.t
Two Ladies Starred1
The comedy is the story of twor
ladies who have inherited a spaciousr
mansion in London. The time isr
spring. During the course of thet
action, past acquaintances in Aus-
tralia suddenly descend upon the
ladies as "paying guests."f
Mary Jordan is cast as Lady Lil-t
ian, Mada Ruth Steinberg plays the
role of her sister, Lady Mary, and
Don Mullin portrays Lady Mary'sI
son, Tim.i
Other members of the cast includer
Georgia Anderson as Miss Swain,t
Byron Pershing as Ludlow, Blanche'
Holpar as Mrs. Pidgeon, Mardy Mc-<
Keever as Una, George Mills as Tom
Larcomb, and Jean Westerman as
Lady Strome.I
Viehman To Direct
Theodore Viehman, head of The
Little Theatre of Tulsa, will direct
the production.
Herbert Philippi will be in charge
of the setting, Robert Burrows and
Ernest Asmus will handle the tech-
nical direction, and Miss Lucy Bar-1
ton will be the costumiere for the
Keep A-Head of Your Hair
Our modern services are avail-
able for your inspection.
Between State and Mich. Theaters
ContinuousM. COOLi

Latin-American Life

"Knowing Spanish is not the prin-
cipal prerquisite for landing a job
in Latin America," George Hall, as-
sistant to the. director of the Inter-
national Center, said in a speech
before the Spanish Club yesterday in
the Grand Rapids Room of the
Hall described Americans in the
United Fruit Company Divisions in
the Tropics and the social life there.
He pointed out that there are three
main racial groups; the white, the
negro, and the mestizo, who are a
mixture of Indian and Spanish. "So-
ciety in the United Fruit Company
Divisions in Panama is all divided
into two classes, the whites being' the
first class and the negroes and Mes-
tizo, the second class," he said.
Hall commented on the beauty and
pageantry of the fiestas patronales,
which is the patron saint day that
inaugurates the three day carnival or
mardi gras. Even though originally
these celebrations were entirely reli-
gious, he said that they have now be-
come festive occasions.

"At such times they have cock
fights, bull fights, athletic meets,
group horse back riding and dances.
Since each town has a separate pat-
ron saint, and all the towns try to
pick saints whose day of celebration
falls during the dry season, it is
possible for one to attend five or six
of these festivities in an interval of
about four months," Hall added.
Probably the most important event
at these celebrations, he said, was the
election of the queen. There is usu-
ally intense rivalry among all the
beautiful girls of the village at such
times. The queen is elected by popu-
lar vote. These votes are sold for a
nickle apiece. He said that you nev-
er find a poor girl being queen. The
money collected is used to pay for
the expenses of the holiday.
"These festivities have aroused the
curiosity of the Americans and has
been one means of introducing Am-
ericans to the colorful customs of
the Latins," he stated.
"Even though I claim that Panama
is the cross roads of the world, Miss

Canadian CatholicH Clergymen
Study Health Education Here

Catholic clergymen of six orders,
studying at the School of Education,
form the first group to be sent by
the Ministry of Health of the Pro-
vince of Quebec, Canada, to study
health educationrat United States
universities in order to gain the
knowledge necessary for teaching this
subject competently in Quebec nor-
mal schools.
Public health nurses are also at-
tending the University under the
auspices of the Quebec Ministry of
Health. They are being trained as
Union Offers
Free Cards




Last Times


To ServicemenI
As in previous wartime semesters,
the Michigan Union offers free mem-
bership to servicemen stationed on
campus this summer.
The holding of a Union card en-
titles the serviceman to use of all
the Union facilities, including the
swimming pool and the billiard
tables, gives him a convenient place
to cash his checks, and later in the
summer will admit him free of charge,
to the Union membership dances.
These dances are planned for Friday
and Saturday nights and will begin
in the next few weeks.
Registration will begin Tuesday
and will continue through Thursday,
Aug. 17. Servicemen are asked to
register according to the following
Victor Vaughan-11:30 a. m.-1 p. m.
West Quad-11:30 a. m.-1 p. m.
East Quad-11:30 a. m.-1 p. m.
Thursday, Aug. 17.
Civilian men who have not yet
registered and servicemen who can-
not sign up at that time may regis-
ter in the Union offices from 3 to 5
p. in. any day.

health educators and will work
among adult groups throughout the
Province of Quebec.
Problem Attacked at Source
"We are getting at the problem
at its source by training normal
school teachers in public health so
that they can transmit the sorely
needed knowledge to the student
teachers of Quebec," explained Dr.
Jules Gilbert, director of health edu-
cation of the Province of Quebec,
speaking of his task of directing and
coordinating the work of the train-
The two priests and five teaching
brothers now working for their
master's degrees in Public Health at
the Health Education Workshop of
the School of Education, have been
graduated from normal schools and
have studied a year at Yale Univer-
Scholarship Presented
The Kellogg Foundation, which is
financing the field work in both the
nurse and religious groups, has also
presented Dr. Gilbert with a schol-
arship in the School of Education
workshop, so that he takes part in
and follows closely the work of the
priests and brothers.
The Cleveland Health Museum and
the Teachers' Institute in Boston are
the next stopping places of the cler-
gymen in their training program.
Nurses Will Visit Institute
The nurses; who are now working
in the Kellogg community health pro-
ject area, will spend a week at the
American Medical Association health
institute at Chicago.
The Rev. Fr. Roland Blondeau,
The Rev. Fr. Raymond La Voie, Rev.
Br. Joseph Dion, Rev. Br. Gaston
L. Quenneville, Rev. Br. Gilles For-
tier, Rev. Br. Paul E. Gagnon and
Rev. Br. Lucien Plante are the priests
and brothers sent by the Ministry of
The nurses are Miss R. Aubin, Miss
C. Geyette, Miss M. A. Chamard and
Miss A. Seguin.

Elba Molina claims the Puerto Rico
is and anyone interested in a more
serious discussion of the culture of
Latin America can have their ques-
tions answered by her at her lecture
Wednesday," Hall concluded.
Many Negroes
Go to Polls
In Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Aug. 8.-
(P)-Negro voters turned out in
greatly increased numbers today for
Arkansas' Democratic primary run-
off in which youthful Rep. J. W.
Fulbright and 53-year-old Gov. Ho-
mer M. Adkins engaged in a bitter
contest for Hattie W. Caraway's Sen-
atorial seat.
The Negro vote was estimated by
Dr. J. M. Robinson, president of the
Arkansas Negro Democratic Associa-
tion, at about 5,000. This turnout
compared to only about 900 in the
preferential primary two weeks ago
in which the new state party rule
substituting a party loyalty test for
a racial ban was given its first trial.
Fulbright, who was removed as
president of the University of Arkan-
sas in 1943 by a board of trustees
named by Adkins, an old political
opponent, led a five-candidate field
in the first primary in which Sena-
tor Caraway, the nation's only wo-
man senator, was eliminated. Mrs.
Caraway adopted a hands-off policy
in the run-off.
Prof. Lange To
Talk on Soviet,
World Politcs
Prof. Oscar R. Lange, who re-
turned two months ago from a trip
to the U.S.S.R. during which he con-
ferred with Stalin and other high
officials, will lecture at 4:10 p.m.,
Aug. 21, in the Rakham Amphi-
theatre on "Soviet Russia and World
Born in Poland, Prof. Lange was
a member of the University of Cra-
cow until 1931 when he received a
Rockefeller fellowship to study in
Great Britain and the United States.
He is now a professor of economics
at the University of Chicago and has
taught previously at Columbia and
the University of. California.
Prof. Lange's mission to Russia
coincided with that of Father Orle-
manski in that both of them made
the trip to discuss Polish-Soviet re-
He has been active in the Russian
Economic Institute and this year
wrote a treatise on "The Working
Principles of the Soviet Economy,"
which was published by the Research
Bureau for Post-War Economics.
Among his other published works
are "The Economic Theory of Social-
ism" and "Economic Conditions in

On Campus...
Slonimsky To Lecture .,.
Nicolas Slonimsky, conductor, pia-
nist, writer and critic, will lecture on
"Soviet Rissian Music" as part of
the Russian series on 8:30 p. m.
tomorrow in the Rackham lecture
. A former student at St. Peters-
burg Conservatory, Mr. Slonimsky
came to the States in 1923 to be on
the faculty staff at Eastman School
of Music. As conductor of modern
music he has performed in Havana,
New York and Paris.
His suites for piano and violin have
been featured by such artists as Jas-
cha Heifetz, Roland Hayes and
George Copeland. He has also won
recognition as an outstanding auth-
ority on modern Russian music.
* * *
Church Will Be Topic..,.
"The Church in Post-War Re-
construction" will be discussed by
the Rev. Paul Tanner in a lecture
at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Sponsored by the Student Reli-
gious Association, his talk will deal
with the attitude of the church
toward general problems of recon-
struction and the effect which they
will have upon the activities of or-
ganized religion.
Father Tanner is now head of
the youth department of the Na-
tional Catholic Welfare Confer-
* * *
Speech Program Today
A program of readings will be pres-
ented by Department of Speech stu-
dents, including those in terpretation
classes of Prof. L. M. Eich and Prof.
Richard D. T. Hollister, at the speech
assembly at 3 .p. m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
Doris A. Cuthbert, Grad; Lucille
Genuit, '45; Smith D. Little, Grad.;
Elizabeth Miller, Grad; Daniel W.
Mullin, Grad.; Ruth Wyman, '44;
Charles W. Benjamin, USMC; Lois
H. McIntyre, '47; E. W. Mueh, Grad.;
and Alfred Srere, '44 will participate
in the program.
* * *
Molina To Speak . .
Miss Elba Molina will give a
speech on "Where Two Civiliza-
tions Meet-Puerto Rico" at 8 p. m.
today in the Kellogg Auditorium.
She will discuss the vital roll of
the American insular possession,
Puerto Rico, in the futureof Inter-
American affairs, and the effect of
the impact of two cultures, Amer-
ican and Spanish.
Trow Lectures
On Permanent
Army Service
"Before accepting permanent com-
pulsory military training for eigh-
teen year olds after this war, the
citizens of this democracy should
discuss the problem thoroughly and
from every angle," Prof. William
Clark Trow, of the School of Educa-
tion said yesterday in a University
Lecture in University High School
Arguments Listed
"Those military men who advocate
a year's compulsory training usually
advocate it on other than military
grounds. Health, economic and edu-
cational arguments are the most
"Military training will not stop
another war. Both France and Rus-
sia had military training, which did

not prevent Germany from attack-
ing them. We already have the ASTP
prepared for policing the world,
which should make other trainees
unnecessary," were two of the argu-
ments presented.
"Some of the military say that
compulsory military training is nec-
essary to provide healthful living,
vigorous physical, and medical care,"
Prof. Trow continued.
Program Not Inclusive
"If tax money is to be spent to
recondition men, it would be much
wiser to spend that money on- citi-
zens during the early part of their
lives," he said.
"Another point," added Prof.
Trow, "is that the Army is for the
robust and is tough for the weak

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climax, a glorious array of new Fall shades.


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