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August 06, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-06

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Fifty-Fourth Year


Dominie Says


Edited and managed y students of the University
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Ly Ann Koffman
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subspriptions during the regular school year by car-
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Irreconeilable GOP
ONE of the most ridiculous of the Republican
campaign tactics is the attempt to make an
issue of disunity in the Democratic party.
The reactionary Republican press howls with
glee at the Texas and South Carolina revolts.
Hosts of fair weather friends defend Senator
Barkleys in his short-lived choleric burst at the
president's tax veto. Not so veiled rumors are
spread about other suggested disagreements,
grievances and revolts of the Southern Demo-
crats against the New Deal.
But actions belie Republican assertions. The
recent primaries have eliminated such Demo-
cratic intransegents as Joe -Starnes, Dies and
"Cotton Ed" Smith and others. And the ardent
southern New Dealers, Hill and Pepper, have
been renominated. The Texans seem reconciled
by the vice-presidential compromise-substitut-
ing the liberal Truman for the higher-liberal
Wallace. And generally the Democrats are iron-
ing out their difficulties with only a little if any
sacrifice of essential principles.
BUT on the other side of the fence the Repub-
lican irredentalists must be considered. The
young Republicans are having a hard time try-
ing to swallow their heritage of Old Guard
reaction, isolationism and bigotry. Dewey must
consistently guard against his esteemed running
mate's rather shady past connections. The G.
L. K. Smith incident probably won't (be the
last. Ham Fish's renomination won't bolster
the fine Republican anti-discrimination declara-
Not even by the nomination of Dewey, a man
with no .stated political philosophy as yet,
but with a New York governorship record blight-
ed by negativisnm and hyperconservatism, can the
Republicans hope to reconcile their irreconcil-
-Doris Peterson

Total War

Use of WASPS Irks Congress

SUNDAY, AUG. 6, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 25-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Varsity Glee Club': Rehearsal for
serenade; also reading of new con-
cert material. All men on campus
are welcome. Michigan Union, 3rd
Floor, Monday, 7 p.m.
David Mattern
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: There will be a
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts in
Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, Aug. 7, 1944,
at 4:10 p.m.
Notices of this meeting and the
proposed agenda and reports have
been distributed through campus
mail. Edward H. Kraus
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign;. Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music and Public Health: Summer
Session students wishing a transcript
of this summer's work only should
file a request in Rm. 4, U.H., several
days before leaving Ann Arbor. Fail-
ure to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a needless
delay of several days.
Robert I,. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Music and Public Health: Ten-
tative lists of seniors for September
and October graduation including
candidates for the Certificate in
Public Health Nursing have been
posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4
University Hall. If your name does
not appear, or, if included there, it is
not correctly spelled, please notify
the counter clerk.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncement for Junior Art Curator
has been received in our offices. For
further details stop in at 201 Mason
Hall. ,
University Bureau of Appointment
and Occupational Information
Milwaukee County Civil Servic
Announcements for Assistant Plan-
ner, salary $250 to $275, Planning
Research Technician, salary $250 to
$300, and Senior Planner, salary $25
to $300, have been received in ou
office. For further details stop in a
201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointment
and Occupational Information
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance repor'
cards are being distributed throug
the departmental offices. Instructors
are requested to report absences o
freshmen on green cards, directly t
the Office of the Academic Counsel-
ors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff card
should be used in reporting sopho-
mores, juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula
tions concerning three-week absen
ces, and the time limits for droppin
courses. The rules relating to absen
ces are printed on the attendanc
cards. They may also be found o
page 47 of the 1943-44 Announcemen
of our College. E. A. Walte
Students, Summer Term, Colleg
of Literature, Science and the Arts
Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug
12, by students other than freshme
will be recorded with the grade of E
Freshmen (students with less thai
24 hours of credit) may drop course

without penalty through the eightl
week, upon the recommendation o
their academic counselors.
Exceptions to these regulation
may be made only because of extra
ordinary circumstances, such as seri-
out illness. E. A. Walte
Monday, Aug. 7: Dr. John Somer

W ASHINGTON, Aug. 5-Air forces commander
General "Hap" Arnold may not know it,
but he is facing a regular cloudburst from Capi-
tol Hill as soon as Congress gets back to a
full-time job.
The Congressmen are up in arms over Ar-
nold's efforts to sidetrack the law by continu-
ing to use the WASPS while more than 5,000
trained men pilots, each with an average of
1250 flying hours, remain idle. All this has
happened after Congress refused to let the
WASPS be incorporated into the regular
Fact is that the Government has spent more,
than $21,000,000 training lady flyers, primarily
at the behest of vivacious aviatrix Jacquelin
Cochran, wife of financial magnate Floyd Od-
lun. Magnetic Miss Cochran seems to have
quite a drag with the Brass Hats and has even
persuaded the Air Forces' smiling commander
to make several secret trips to Capitol Hill to
lobby for continuation of her pets, the WASPS.
Though not generally known, twenty-five
WASPS have already been killed while ferrying
planes in the United States. Further, after
almost two years of training and the expenditure
of millions of dollars, only eleven WASPS are
able to fly twin-engine pursuit planes and only
three are qualified to pilot four-engine bombers.



jobs with the air transport command, but
still Jacky Cochran trains more WASPS. These
flyers point out that the WASPS, like the
WACS, claim they were recruited to release
men for active service. Now they say the
WASPS are "just replacing men, period."
THE FEDERAL Communications Commission is
usually in hot water with the big broadcast-
ers, but the latest sizzler was touched off -by the'
CIO's United Automobile Workers. They want
the FCC to take away the license of Station
WHKC, Columbus, Ohio.
The Commission has never taken away a radio
license in its ten years of existence. Its prede-
cessor, the Federal Radio Commission, took away
only three-and those because the stations were
owned by quacks.
The auto workers,, however, claim that WHKC
has suppressed freedom of speech by censoring
a script by UAW official Richard T. Franken-
steen. As part .of its brief to the FCC, UAW,
enclosed portions of broadcasts by Fulton
Lewis, Jr., and Boake Carter, heard over
WHKC, which dealt with the same subjects
that were cut from Frankensteen's script.
Lewis and Carter took an anti-labor viewpoint
and were not censored.
Labor is also plenty het up over NBC's recent
cancellation of the Labor for Victory program
because the network considers anything CIO
does to be "political" in an election year.
Even more ,disturbing to the networks is the
pressure drive by the National Association of
Manufacturers to force a series of thirteen
quarter-hour transcriptions on the nation's 900
radio stations. The series is called "Business
Men, Look to the Future," and NAM is asking
free time for these programs.
The letter sent to all broadcasters asking
for free time states that "local business men
will,be informed of the degree of cooperation
received from each station.
On the'letterhead, are featured the names
of Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., and James S. Adams.
Sloan is chairman of General Motors, which
bought $835,884 worth of radio time last year;
also a director of E. I. du Pont de Nemours,
which spent $608,400 for radio time. Adams is
president of Standard Brands, Inc., which spent
$2,168,422 for radio time last year. No wonder
the networks are jittery.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

ville of Cornell University will speak
on "Soviet Russian Education" at
4:10 p.m., in the University High
School Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
The Inter-Racial Association will
again present Mr. Karl Akiya in the
second of his series of lectures on the
History of Anti-Japanese Prejudice
in the United States on Monday,
Aug. 7 at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. He will speak on the impact
of Pearl Harbor on the Nisei and his
experiences during relocation.
Monday, Aug. 7 through Friday,
Aug. 11: Professor Charles B. Shaw,
Librarian, Swarthmore College, will
present a series of five illustrated
lectures on contemporary typogra-
phy, "Seeing Things in Print." The
lectures will be held each evening at
8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Everyone is invited to attend.
Tuesday, Aug. 8: Professor Preston
W. Slosson will present his weekly
talk on "Interpreting the News" at
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Tuesday, Aug. 8: Mr. George Hall,
secretary of the International Center,
will address the Sociedad Hispanica
concerning "Un Gringo en Panama."
The public is cordially invited.
Wednesday, Aug. 9: Miss Elba Mo-
lina of Porto Rico will speak (in
English) on "Where Two Civiliza-
tions Meet-Porto Rico," at 8 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspi-
ces of the Latin-American Society
and the International Center.
Thursday, Aug. 10: Mr. Shih Chia
Cuof the Library of Congress Ori-
ental Section will present his last in
a series of lectures on Chinese Civili-
zation. The title of his lecture wil
be "China Today and Tomorrow,'
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre
The public is cordially invited, admis-
sion free.
Thursday, Aug. 10: Professor Nico-
las Slonimsky of Cornell University
will lecture on "Soviet Russian Mu-
sic" at 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lectur
Hall. The public is cordially invited
to attend free of charge.
Academic Notices
Conference in Speech Pedagogy
Dr. Karl F. Robinon, Assistant Pro
Sfessor of Speech, Head of Speech
e University High School, and Direeto
r of Teacher Training in Speech at th
University of Iowa, will conducta
conference in speech pedagogy a
4 p.m. Tuesday in the West Confer
t ence Room of the Rackham Buildin
under the auspices of the Departmen
s of Speech.
Graduate Students in Speech:P
graduate symposium on the subjec
t of radio will be held by the Depart
z ment of Speech at 4 p.m. Monday i
s the West Conference Room of th
f Rackham Building.
D -
Students in Speech: The next as
s sembly of the Department of Speec
- will be held at 3-p.m. Wednesday i
0 the Rackham Amphitheatre, whenf
program of group and individua
- readings will be given.
e All Russian Choral Evensong: Firs
a Methodist Church Choir, conducte
t by Professor Hrdin Van Deuser
r School of. Music. Soloists,' Bonni
Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, an
SHarriet Porter, Contralto; organis
rIrene Applin Boice. Russian instru
. mental selections will be rendered b
n Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, and Rub
Joan Kuhlman, pianist. Sunday

n Aug. 6, 8:30 p.m., First'Methodis
s Church. The public is cordially in
h vited to attend.
Ls Carillon Recital: On Sunday, Aug
- 6, at 3, Percival Price will present;
varied program of carillon music. Th
r recital will include compositions b;
Mendelssohn, French sacred air;
songs by Schubert and Godard, an
"Juba Dance" by the well-knows
- American composer, Nathaniel Det
Student Recital: Miss Florence Mc
Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will presen
a recital on Monday evening, Aug '
at 8:30,=in the Assembly Hall of th
Rackham Building. Miss McCrack
en's program will include composi
tions by Brahms, Handel and Monte
verde. The public is cordially invitee
String Orchestra Concert: 03
Tuesday evening, Aug. 8, at 8:30 p.m
the University of Michigan Strin
Orchestra, , under the direction o
Gilbert Ross, will present a concer
of music of the 17th and 18th cen
turies. The program will feature Dor
othy Ornest Feldman, Soprano, an
Jeannette Haien, pianist, as soloist:
Mrs. Feldman will sing the Cantat
"Idolo Mio" by Alessandro Scarlatt
and Miss Haien will play Haydn'
Concerto in G major, No. 2. Th
orchestra will present the music d
Vivaldi, Frescobaldi, Mozart, an
Sammartini. The public is cordial]
invited to attend the concert whic
wil ha Ln in Ps; m+pnzilAm iditn

"dF LAW," Hooker wrote, "there
can be no less acknowledged
than that her seat is in the bosom of
God, her voice the harmony of the
world." Here is a poetic putting of
the fact of faith as against the will
to legalize values into existence.
There are at least three zones of our
common life where values are needed
but absent, and we seem unable to
do anything about it:
(1) The black-white growing
tenseness; (2) The falling apart
of groups in the political cam-
paign; and (3) The estrangement
between soldier and production
In some states, the legislators have
attempted laws on one or more of
these perplexities. In the black-white
case, Congress in hearings and the
Supreme Court, in reversal of an old
decision, have appealed to specific
action. What Hooker was emphasiz-
ing was that faith must be altered
and values already with us must be
invoked or the surface acts will be
in vain. In fact; the surface acts of
legislation when good in the view of
history may immediately make worse
the very case which such legislations
are designed to correct.
WHAT, THEN, can one do for his
country when such a dangerous
psychological period comes upon us?
Here is where a genuine high religidn
should serve. Religious citizens, fam-
ilies, neighborhoods, groups stretch-
ing across states and regions can be
of rare national assistance. We know
that the Quakers, for example, due
to a peculiar training and a certain
sensitivity, on the one hand will slow
the anger of their communities and
on the other, will awaken the corres-
ponding duty. Those "old-fashioned
aristocrats" whom we designate as
out of the American past will be the
gentleman and lady regardless. Be-
neath the folds of their generous
1 skirts, as it were, the hounded minor-
ity person can be hidden until danger
is past.
The values cultivated in man's
soul long before they can possibly be
framed into law or stated as a move-
ment become, in these groups of in-
dividuals, a social guarantee in ad-
r Vance.
He' who loves his university, in
e common with each who takes de-
light in the pursuit of learning, and
every eager student whose heart
is in his work, wishes he could
find assurance that our alumni
scattered across the nation, and
all our fellows in Ann Arbor might
constitute such a family of sacred
- honor.
* No such assurance can be ours to-
r day. But eventually when the in-
e signia "Bachelor of Arts" really be-
acomes one with this law which
t ooker finds only in God, we shall
- be able to assert that, by the Demo-
g cratic Way, we have actually ma-
t tured.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Educatlop
t viceman May See in the Pacific
- Area." (Animal Exhibits).
Clements Library: "Army News and
Views in Seven Wars." American
- military publications, particularly of
h the present war:
a Architecture Building, First-floor
l cases. Exhibitions of student work.
Michigan Historical Collections:
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
of the University of Michigan in
. Pictures.


Pressure on FCCa. ..

Congress Counts, Too
AMERICAN voters today are focusing their
attention too much on presidential nominees
at a time when an effort should be made to
evaluate other candidates in the coming elec-
Vitally important to the future of this nation
in the war and postwar world is the Congress
we elect in November. Thus the reorganiza-
tion yesterday of the CIO Political Action Com-
mittee here is an encouraging sign of an at-
tempt to arouse Ann Arbor voters to an aware-
ness of the Importance of the coming election
both for president and for Congress.
Pledged to the support of President Roose-
velt and to the defeat of Earl C. Michener,
the PAC has undertaken a heavy responsi-
bility in a predominantly Republican district.
It is to be hoped that the PAC will take act-
ive steps to bring to the voters of Washtenaw
County both the Democratic and Republican
records. Only thus can the voters evaluate
the candidates and choose the best man for
the job.
F THE PAC can point out to the voters of
this county Dewey's record as governor, of
New York State, how he turned down the
federal soldier vote and refused to support state
bills to stop the sources of race riots in Newy
York State, they will have taken a great step
toward presenting vital facts. If they point
out Michener's opposition to a federal ballot
and his objections to subsidies and higher taxes,
A- _ _ ,rll ..10 p.x? +sa vn+. . C n n +nnh n

AFTER CONGRESS refused to let the WASPS
into the Army, Arnold and Miss Cochran
adopted back-door strategy. It was arranged
to sign the WASPS up as WACS, then have them
reassigned to the Air Forces, this despite Con-
gress' clear ruling that the WASPS should not
be taken into the regular Army.
When Col. Oveta Culp Hobby, head of the
WACS, got wind of this deal, she sent emissaries
on forced marches to Capitol Hill to have her
rank raised from colonel to brigadier general.
Oveta was afraid that Jacquelin Cochran would
be made a colonel in the WACS and wanted to
outrank her.
All of which has made Air Corps pilots and
transport flyers see red. Hundreds retiring
from active combat are anxious to stay in the
Army as transport ferry pilots. More than a
thousand discharged pilots are unable to get

1 1

Isn't it about time we got that
pirate treasure, Mr. O'Malley?
Plans and preparations
for a job of this size
require time, Barnaby.

By Crockett Johnson

Rackham Galleries: Original water
colors by Soviet children (50 pic-
tures), and Reproduction of Book
Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir-
culated by the National Council of
American - Soviet 'Friendship, New
York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5,
and 7-10 p.m.
Events Today
Sunday, Aug. 6: It's an old Ameri-
can custom, late breakfast Sunday
morning. You can have yours at your
own USO. Crisp bacon; eggs, good
hot toast, and coffee. -
USO Bulletin: Nothing better than
a Sunday picnic to brighten up the
week. And no better place to go than
Saline Valley Farms, one of the lar-
gest cooperative farms in the county.
Come and enjoy a bang-up picnic
dinner. Buses leave the club at 3:30.
Volleyball, baseball, swimming. .75
transportation charge.
'Coming Events
Women Students - Swimming-
One open night: The Union Pool will
be open for recreational swimming
for women on Monday evening, Aug.
7 only from 7:30-8:30.
Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women
Monday, Aug. 7: At the USO: Poor
AVonday?? How about rummaging
around in your brain and telling us
what to do about Monday.
Tuesday, Aug. 8: Sing Swing at
USO to make the welkin ring-Warm
up that larynx on some good solid
singing. Refreshments, to keep up
your pep.
Frenchi 'FrI. iesdanvt, 4 n m .in

I've got an estimate on a likely
vessel we could charter for the
work. But we must be sure our
operational costs don't exceed
a reasonable percentage of the
value of the treasure. Must do
things in a businesslike way..

If t can persuade Davy Jones
to give us a rough idea-oh,,
within half a million-of the
amount of gold we'll uncover-
How much will
the boat cost?
t _
z c

With'only one pair of oars,
ffiy cents an hoursCash.
So lot's find
my pat Davy,


But, Mr. Jones Iwon't ask him to help us FIND
said he can't it, Barnaby. I don't want him to
help us with break any of the rules.. . All we
the treasure want from Davy is an estimate
of the value of its contents. . .
\\ r



He'll fell us that much, surely.
When he gets in an expansive.
mood. After we've wined and
dined him in a lavish manner-
11 d ni nk

Oh, any establishment where
the cuisine meets my exacting
requirements-Ah! I have it!
mother won't mind settina

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