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August 06, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1944-08-06

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Volunteer Help
Now Needed at
Ci ty -Hospitals
Sumnmer Heat Brings Decrease
in Volunteers, Not in Patients;
Manpower Shortage Is Acute
"Summer heat does not lessen the
number of patients in University and
St. Joseph's hospitals consequently
volunteers workers are as urgently
needed as during the cooler months."
Barbara LaSha, soph project chair-
man, said yesterday.
Miss LaSha added that one way to
keep cool is to forget about the heatJ
and the best way to forget it is to
keep busy. Her suggestion for keep-
ing busy is /a few hours of hospital
volunteer work each week. Volun-
teers are given instructions by Miss
Lealah Beardslee, head of University
Hospital Volunteers, and by Miss Ma-
rie Wanzig at St. Joseph's.
Jackets Furnished
After being assigned jackets, each
volunteer is given a specific post on
a private floor, in a ward or in a
c 1 i n i c. Volunteer work consists
mainly of tasks designed to give pa-
tients the extra care and personal
attention that busy nurses do not
have time for. Passing ice water,
mailing letters, doing errands for
nurses and doctors, passing trays are
included in volunteer jobs.
Pleasant Work
The work is pleasant and interest-
ing," Miss LaSha said. "No better
way can be found to aid in the
war effort than to help alleviate the
manpower shortage which has handi-
capped hospitals through the loss of
nurses and doctors to the armed for-
ces and also other staff members such
as orderlies and ward helpers. In-
formation about volunteer work may
be obtained by calling either Uni-
versity or St. Joseph's Hospitals and
asking for the Volunteer Offices, or
by calling Miss LaSha at 6610.

One of the most interesting of the
Michigan Union's many traditions is
the story of its carved table tops.
Perhaps the coeds here on campus
who have never invaded the "sanc-
tu n of Michigan's menhave never
seen them, but there is hardly a malej
on campus who has not scanned the
names carved on these table tops in
the Michigan Union cafeteria.
Each of these table tops tells a
story .in itself. Many of Fielding H.
Yost's point-a-minute teams have a
1 table top hung along one wall. Their
records and names, carefully pre-
served, were carved at the turn of the
century. The Veterans of Foreign
Wars have carved one table top; the
1944 NROTC unit, another.
Tradition Precedes Union
This tradition was started long
before the present Union was erected.
Most of the round tables have come
from the Orient, famous saloon near
Wahr's of pre-prohibition days. In
1919, the present Union organization
bought the table-tops from the
Orient and hung them on the walls
of the cafeteria. Since this time the
tradition has been carried on by
countless Michigan graduates.
Tradition has it that the senior
men carve their names and graduat-
ing class on the table tops. The Union
tries to preserve this tradition, and
so even furnishes the carving tools.
Many organizations have carved their
names as a body: the NROTC of 1944,
the V.F.W., and some of the football
Tables from Orient
The rectangular table tops are ones
which have been carved since the
present building has been erected,
and the round ones come from the
Orient. The tradition was also car-
ried on in Joe Parker's a rival of the
Orient, but these tables are unobtain-
Many a second and third genera-
tion Michigan student has found his
father's name carved on some board.
The carvings may be a little annoy-
ing whei one is trying to balance a
cup of coffee on the table, but it is
one of the Michigan Union's many
proud traditions.
singing with refreshments to keep
up their' pep."
The Lions enjoyed themselves so
much last week that they have again
extended an invitation to fifty ser-
vicemen to be their guests at North
Lake next Sunday, Mrs. Burton an-
nounced. Among the activities of-
fered are swimming, fishing and golf-
ing, and those attending will be serv-
ed supper at North Lake. The party
will leave the USO at 1 p. m."and
cars will return servicemen to Ann
Arbor at various hours after 6 p. M.



League Is Hub of Campus Life,
All Facilities for Student Use





Bfreakfast Today
Bacon, eggs, toast and coffee will
be the main attractions at the USO
late breakfast today, Mrs. Robert
Burton, USO director, announced
The weekly Willow Run tour will
give twelve men an opportunity to
see the Bomber Plant. Cars will
leave the USO. at 1 p. m. today and
those interested must sign up at the
club before that time.
Tuesday the club will hold a Sing
Swing where servicemen can "warml
up that larynx on some good solid

Officer Posts
Physio and Occupational
Therapists and Business School
Graduates Especially Needed
Business administration students
and specialists in physio-therapy and
occupational therapy are especially
wanted by the WAVEs, Lt. (j.g.)Hel-
en Stewart said on her recent visit
to Ann Arbor.
Lt. Stewart also announced the
procedure for applying for enlist-
ment or officer candidacy in the
WAVEs. Persons should write to
her office on the 9th floor of the Book
Building in Detroit to obtain appli-
cation blanks, and should make an
appointment for physical and apti-
tude examinations, which are con-
ducted in Detroit.
Following the examinations, the
Detroit office forwards recommen-
dations, as it sees fit, to personnel
headquarters in Washington, and in
approximately two weeks' time the
prospective WAVE learns whether or
not she has been accepted. The ap-
plicant is not actually a member of
the service until she is sworn in.
and may withdraw at any time pre-
vious to being sworn into the Navy.
A total of 7,900 women have been
commissioned at the WAVE midship-
men's school at Northampton, Mass.,
since August, 1942, when the school
was founded. WAVE officers repre-
sent 734 colleges, junior colleges,
universities, and specialist schools.
The University of California leads
in alumnae WAVE officers, with 225.
Smith College, where the indoctri-
nation school is located, is second
with 194. Third, with 170, is Welles-
ley College, whose president, Capt.
Mildred H. McAfee, is director of the
Dorsey, Hall
'Mix Blows
Mike Romanoff, Oldfield also
Fight in Hollywood Slugfest
HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 5. - OP) -
There was a double main event on
Hollywood's bright lead fight cir-
cuit last night and, unusually enough
in these impromptu bouts between
celebrities, some blood actually was
Top half of the double feature
was band leader Tommy Dorsey ver-
sus actor Jon (correct) Hall, and the
battle, police reported, took place on
the balcony of the Dorsey apartment
early this morning.
A Swell Fight
Hall, treated at an emergency hos-
pital for cuts about the face and
head, said "It was a swell fight un-
til two other guys jumped me." He
said he had met Dorsey and Tommy's
pretty wife, Pat Dane, at a night
club and had been invited to the
Dorsey home.
"Later there was a little misunder-
standing and we got into a fight,"
he reported.
Capacity Crowd
The battle attracted quite an audi-
ence among the neighbors and their
shouts of cheer attracted police and
sheriff's officers. Hall was able to
drive himself to the hospital. Dor-
sey escaped with a bruised nose and
skinned knuckles. The band leader
could not be reached, servant re-
parting he didn't wish to be dis-
The other half of the bill featured
Barney Oldfield, the former auto
racer, and "Prince Mike" Romanoff,
restauranteur. Romanoff said Old-
field, a stranger to him, called him
a "phony" and "attacked me with-
out provocation."
Oldfield said Romanoff "tried to
crowd me off the highway," an al-
leged act repugnant to an old race

pin on campus Friday night. Call
25618. Reward.

Although members of the opposite
sex may walk through the front door
of the Michigan League, the build-
ing and its organizations are an act-
ive and stimulating force in campus
Although they allow men to pour
through the halls and lounge about
the lobby, campus women have kept
the League building, one of the few
of its kind in the country,sthe love-
liest spot on the campus. With
theatre, garden, chapel, and ball-
room, the League was built as a cam-
pus center, and its meeting rooms are
used by many organizations,
While the Union may be a "post-
exchange and canteen," the League
is the "day-room" for the campus'
servicemen, barring those with her-
mit tendencies. Uniforms are often
seen in the soda' bar, in the lobby, or
on the second floor, where the vic-
trola is the property of all campus-
With the war, League members
(all the women on campus), through
their leaders on the League Council;
decided to drop their social lioness
tendencies for the duration. They
started to staff the hospital, make
surgical dressings, sell bonds and
stamps, work at the laundry and
in the cafeterias, clean up the

WOMEN TAKE OVER-Weather observation is one of the many vital
jobs now being done by members of the Women's Army Corps.





Rise in .Prices
first new cars, refrigerators and
washing machines will cost 20 to 35
per cent more than their pre-war
counterparts, a survey of government
and trade sources indicated today,
Radio sets will not increase so
sharply, but householders expect a
postwar trend to better quality re-
ceivers embodying war time improve-
ments, industry -spokesmen reported.
Wage increases, higher material
costs and taxes account for the bulk
of the expected price rises.

Ann Arbor Weekend Picnics

The question of "what to do in the'
winter when there are no more beer
picnics" is an aged one in Ann Arbor,
and has never yet been answered.
For in a town where under-21-
year-olds are stopped at the door of
the students' favorite beer hall, where
there is only a postage-stamp dance
floor on non-week-end nights, where
the movies show their worst pictures
on Saturday nights . . . the beer
picnic has become not only a diver-
sion, it has become a necessity.
Couples or Mobs
Beer picnics are of two types: on
the first, people come in couples; on
the second, a mob of men and women
just descend on the keg. Both types
invariably end up the same way, so
there is little distinction there.
Beer picnics may be classified in
another way: on one, there is not
enough beer, and the picnickers end
up fighting over the last few drops;

CN and

on the other, there is too much beer,
and the picnickers end up throwing
it on each other ... in a fight, any-
way. So these also end up the same
Always Softball
A special feature of the beer picnic
is the softball game, which continues
until the players can no longer see
the ball when it comes at them and
someone is knocked out by something
other than beer.
Sunburns, mosquito bites and grass
stains are the undesirable accoutre-
ments of every beer picnic. Many a
sailor pays for his fun by spending
long hours bending over a wash basin
trying to remove the tenacious stains.
Singing around a campfire is fun
even when the day time temperature
soars into the nineties. Michigan
songs, service songs and the favorites
that generations of picnickers have
loved are sent up itno the sky along
with trails of wood smoke.
Department, at 4 p. m. yesterday.
The former Miss Starr is the daugh-
ter of Justice and Mrs. Raymond
W. Starr, of Grand Rapids. Capt.
Schreckenaust's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel A. Schreckengaust, of
Harrisburg, Pa.
Capt. Schreckengaust is a gradu-
ate of Gettysburg College, Gettys-
burg, Pa., and the Dickinson School
of Law, of Carlisle, Pa., and is a
member of the Pennsylvania Su-
preme Court Bar. He is a member
of Phi Sigma Kappa, social fratern-
ity, and Phi Beta Kappa. Mrs.
Schreckengaust is a graduate of Oli-
vet College, of Olivet, Mich.
* * * I*.
Maxine Hines, of Adrian, was mar-
ried to James B. Blanchard, of Mor-
enci, on July 27 in Adrian. Mr.
Blanchard, a member of Phi Delta
Theta, received his B.S. from, the
University in 1943.
Mrs. Blanchard, a member of Al-
pha Phi sorority, attended the Uni-
versity of Alabama.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Nesbitt, of De-
troit, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Dorothy Louise, to
Sgt. L. D. Burdette, son of Leonard
Burdett, of Alexandria, Va.
Miss Nesbitt attended the Univer-
sity last term, and Sgt. Burdette was
a member of ASTP Co. C while his
unit was on campus.

'r i-

.. destined
to make you a
fashion major!
Now here's a grand Gabar-
dine two-piecer, breast-pocket
and front opening of this
form fitted jacket are trim-
med right up to your chin in
contrasting braid. The skirt
is different and really spells
0omph," with five pleats in
front and a kick pleat in
back, comes in your favorite
flattering colors.
Sizes 9'to 15

grounds, and entertain the town's
With apologies to Moscow, the
League Council changed its name to
War Council, and enlarged its func-
tionsto aid in alleviating the man-
power shortage and do what little
it could for the war effort.
Results? They're in black and
white-in total stamps and bonds
sold, in hours put in by University
women in extra-curricular work.




The engagement of Janet Carruth-
ers Taylor to Pvt. John Edmund Gil-
ster, son of Dr. and Mrs. Burtrum
Edmund Gilster of Chester, Ill., has
been announced by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Irving Taylor of
Miss Taylor attended the Univer-
sity and is a member of Chi Omega
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Nathen Bialostock of
Grand Rapids announce the marriage
of their daughter, Fritzie, to David
Kleiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Kleiman also of Grand Rapids.
Mr. Kleiman attended the Univer-
sity and is a member of Phi Sigma
Delta fraternity.
* * *
The Michigan League garden was
the scene of the wedding of Miss
Barbara Starr, assistant director of
the local USO, to Capt. Samuel A.
Schreckengaust, a member of the
staff of the Judge Advocate General's

10.95 group

..l... .... ....now


24.50 group .............. now
Sweaters, Blouses

* 'unforgettable' shades
I in

Etizaheih IiitlOnfShOP
'round the corner on tate
YOUr complete vacation and Fill-in
for Fall and Winter Wardrobe now
2 pric, and less
Formals, casuals and dressy frotks. . Ploy clothes, travel
clothes winter cots and suiss. . . We have them all.
S-T-R-E-T-C-H your bonds and Fun Money. . Buy Now!
Three groups of Spring Shetlands . . . Twills and Fleeces in
Blues, Tans, Reds - at
14.98, 19.98 a nd 2 5.00
Three groups of Fall and Winter Coats in Natural Comets
Hair, Tweeds, Darker Colors. Some with snap-in linings
at 19.98,22.50,29.98


5.95 Sweaters... ... ...now
7.95 Sweaters ............ now
I group of Blouses ..........at


20% off
Costume Jewelry ............50% Ioff

Compacts were 1.50-1.95... . now
2.00-3.95... .now


Summer bags ... . .
Seamless hose....

./ .of f
.at45c and 54c

GAMMA PHI BETA sorority pin lost
Friday. State street or vicinity.
Finder please call 22569. Reward.
LOST-A black knitting bag contain-
ing blue and white stripped knit-
ting and a few personal articles.
Libby Batlin, 24561.
JAPANESE SEAL about 1/2 by 3/8
x 1/4 inches with seal on end (like
American rubber stamp) lost in
University Library, Michigan
League, or Rackham. Building.
Finder please phine 23884.
workers with more than 2 years
college. 5 day, 40 hour week, pro-
fjP~inn~ earper ervic. beinnfiflg

Make-Up is unmistakably smart
- unforgettable'is the only word
to describe the lovely shades
she creates ... the newest-
just out and quite the rage
-RED LILAC . .. better
get your RED LILAC
Lipstick now -before
the lines start forming.


.; $100a


a 4

Original prices: 29.95 to 59.95

Sizes 10-44-


Three groups of Tailored and Classics ir Back, Brown, Tan,
Blue and Pin Stripes in Grey. Original Values 29.95 to 59.95
at 14.98, 22.50, 29.98
5.00 7.00, 10.00

I C7i /l I

,; , z
_. _ L


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