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W eather
Continued Warm
Yanks Smash into Brittany in
Ten Mile Advance
Break on
Big Front
Total of 7,812 Nazi
Prisoners Taken'
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Wednesday, Aug. 2-Surg-
ing columns of American armor
pointed at- the heart of France broke
into Brittany at four points Tues-
day, smashing ten miles from cap-
tured Avanches in two directions;
and infantry forces, taking over the
brunt of the thunderous offensive
along a wide front, bagged a one-day
total of 7,812 prisoners from the
broken ranks of the retreating Ger-
While the armor drove down the
coast beyond Avranches American
infantry came into its own with a
powerful inland smash into the
streets of Villedieu-Les Poeles andl
Tessy-Sur-Vire, and along the whole
inland side of the Yank breakthrough
German resistance was crumbling.1
As the great offensive rolled into
its ninth day, a Supreme Headquart-
ers Communique said armored spear-
heads captured two dams in an area1
ten miles southeast of Avranches
across the Selune River, boundary of
the last natural barrier before Brit-
tany. A front dispatch said the ad-
vance was so swift the Germans had
no chance to blow up the installa-
The Americans also smashed across
the river four and one-half and six
miles southeast of Avranches, taking
Pontaubault and Ducey.
Fish Leads in
New York Race;
Clark Trailtng
By The Associated Press
Rep. Hamilton Fish led in his New<
York district and Senator Bennett
Champ Clark trailed in Missouri inl
first returns from balloting in four
state primary elections yesterday. I
Fish, seeking the Republican re-
nomination against the opposition of{
Governor Thomas E. Dewey and
Wendell L. Willkie, had a two to one
lead over Augustus W. Bennet in the1
count from the first 17 districts toj
While vote counters were at work,
Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio, the
Republican vice presidential candi-
date,/ at a news conference in St.
Louis, denounced Gerald L. K. Smith
and his America First party for plac-
ing Bricker's name on the America
First ticket.
At Springfield, Ill., Dewey brought
his presidential campaign into the
cornbelt today to pay homage to the
first Republican chief exetutive, Ab-
raham Lincoln, to take swipes at
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Gerald L.
K. Smith, and to assert that "our
strength depends upon the Ameri-
can people and upon no one man."
Congress Talks
Controversy Develops
As Committee Begins
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. - ()-
Congress ran into a full-grown con-
troversy over post-war unemploy-
ment compensation, today before re-
turning members were well settled
in their return from the summer
political recess.
With all reconversion and demo-
bilization legislation awaiting com-
mittee action, actual sessions were
listless and sparsely attended.
But the lines of future debate were
clearly drawn by two developments:
1. Snator George (Dem., Ga.) fin-
ance committee chairman, moved to
Capture of
Guam from
laps Near
By The Associated Press
moving marines, winding up a nine-
day operation, have erased all organ-
ized Japanese opposition in Tinian
and an intense bombing of an esti-
mated 10,000 Nipponese on Guam is
paving the way for complete con-
quest of that island.
These developments in the pro-
gressive American sweep over the
South 'Marianas were reported to-
night by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz in
two communiques.
The same second and fourth Ma-
rine divisions which helped in the
bloody investment of Saipan wound
up Monday, July 31, the drive they
began July 23 on the fine air base
island of Tinian.
Planes Spread Death
On Guam, as Yank conquerors of
the south half straightened their
lines with advances of a half to three
miles, carrier planes spread death
among enemy concentrations in the
north part, increasing a Nipponese
toll which already exceeds 6,000.
More than 2,500 others have been
killed on Tinian. An additional 2,000
are being cut to pieces in the cave
and beach area of Marpo point on
south Tinian by Marines who earlier
aided in the slaughter of more than
21,000 Nipponese on Saipan.
Two Airfields Captured
The leatherneck sweep down Tin-
ian's 12-miile length, aided by a de-
structive secret weapon, overran two
airfields the Japanese built.
On Guam, northbound Yanks oc-
cupied four small towns while
straightening out their line which
extends from a mile north of the
captured capital city of Agana on
the west coast to Pago Bay on the
Bloodshed Prevented
The fierce bombing and rocket at-
tack plainly indicates the tacticians
are doing their utmost by air and
sea to prevent as much bloodshed as
possible among the American troops
when they drive into the rugged
northern area.
All of Japan's southwest Pacific
empire east of the Philippine-Halma-
hera line was isolated by a bold move
200 miles westward to Sansapor on
the northwestern tip of Dutch New
Guinea by Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Gen. Stilwell
Promoted to
Highest Rank
The four stars of the army's high-
est rank were given today to Uncle
Joe Stilwell, the gaunt and zealous
scourge of the Japs in Burma, and
the man with more titles than any
other general in the Army.
President Roosevelt sent to the
Senate the nomination of Lt. Gen.
Joseph W. Stilwell to be a full gen-
eral, making him equal in rank to
Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, to
whom Stilwell is deputy for the Al-
lied southeast Asia command.
But Stilwell is more than deputy
commander in chief, southeast Asia.
He is also commanding general, U.
S. Army Forces, in China-Burma-
India, and chief of staff to General-
issimo Chiang Kai Shek.
Stilwell has been an insistent pro-
phet of the military potentialities of
the Chinese soldier.
Opening Session of Conference
On China Will Be Held Today
Kuanas Seized;
Trap Shut
Authorities on the history and cul-
ture of China will convene here for
the opening session from 2 to 4 p. m'
today in the Rackham Building of a
four day conference on China.
Registration for the conference
will be held from 10 to 12 a. m. and
from 1 to 2 p. m. today in the
lobby of the Rackham Building.
'There will be no charge.
Ruthven, Judd to Speak
The Honorable Walter H. Judd, M.
D., medical missionary in China, will
lecture on "China and America Face
Mannerhei m
Named Finns'
New .President
Replaces Risto Ryti
By The Associated Press
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 1.-Aged Mar-
shal Baron Carl Gustav Manner-
heim, commander-in-chief of Fin-
land's armed forces, tonight accepted
parliament's call to the presidency
succeeding Risto Ryti and opening
the way for formation of a "peace
Thus again as after World War 1,
the Finns turned to their number one
soldier to save the country.
The Finnish Parliament met five
times during the day in the face of
the crisis resulting from the Russian
advance to the Baltic which threat-
ens to cut Finland off from her ally,
Resignation Cancels Pact
Ryti's resignation in effect cancels
his pact with Germany in which he
promised Finland would not make a
separate peace, as the pact depended
solely on Ryti's signature because
Parliament was not consulted.
Ryti, in his -letter of resignation,
dated Aug. 1, said civil and military
powers ought to be concentrated in
one person because of "the hard and
dangerous conditions" in which Fin-
land finds itself. Secondly, he said,
his health had been affected.
Appointed by Parliament .
Mannerheim took over the presi-
dency after Parliament had adopted
a special decree legalizing his succes-
sion without an election, official an-
nouncements in Helsinki stated.
The maneuver recalled the French
switch from Premier Paul Reynaud
to Marshal Petain, who promptly
surrendered France to the Germans
in 1940. in this case Finland may
reorganize 'her government as an
essential preliminary to a peace with
Collision Injured
Are 'Doiig Nicely'
Three men injured in the train-
truck collision last Friday afternoon
are reported to be "doing nicely" by
doctors at St. Joseph's Hospital,
wherethey were taken after thesac-
cident and resulting fire.
Fireman John Cummings and en-
gineer Clyde Brown, who were caught
by flames rushing through the cab
of the Toledo bound Ann Arbor Rail-
way train have both been up today,
their floor nurse said. Skin grafts
may be required. Ben Stillwell, who
Irove the colliding truck, is confined
with his leg in a splint. He also
suffered minor burns in the gasoline
the Future" at 8:30 p. m. today in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. President
Alexander G. Ruthven will also ad-
dress this session of the conference.
Louis A. Hopkins, associate profes-
sor of mathematics, secretary of the
University Senate and of the Uni-
versity Council and director of the
Summer Session, will give the wel-
coming address at 2 p. m. today.
University Is Related
Other speakers at the afternoon
session will be Edward H. Kraus,
Raymond Dennett and Mischa Tit-
iev. Dean Kraus, professor of Crys-
tallography and mineralogy and dean
of the literary college, will speak
on "The University of Michigan and
the Far East."
Mr. Dennett, secretary of the Am-
erican Council of the Institute of
Pacific Relations, will talk on "The
American Council, Institute of Paci-
fic Relations."
China's Contribution Is Topic
Mr. Titiev, who is an associate
professor of anthropology at the Uni-
versity now on leave for the Office
Osmena Named
Upon Death of
Manuel Quezon
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.- (-
Sergio Osmena today took over as
president of the Philippine Common-
ealth, succeeding Manuel L. Quezon,
ho died earlier in the day at Saranac
Lake, N.Y.
The 65-year-old Osmena, who has
been vice-president since 1935, may
thus become the first president of an
independent Philippinearepublic since
President Roosevelt and Congress
have pledged that the Philippines
shall have complete freedom as soon
as the Japanese invaders are ousted.
Osmena was originally scheduled
to become president last November
15 when Quezon's term expired but
Congress extended Quezon's tenure
of office.
Long a prominent figure in Philip-
pine political life, Osmena was speak-
er of the first Filipino assembly in
1907 and continued in that post until
Formerly on opposite sides of the
political fence, Quezon and Osmena
joined forces in the Nacionalista par-
Quota of Blood
Bank Is Filled
University men and women have
filled their quota of 275 blood donors
for the Red Cross Blood Bank, which
will be held Thursday and Friday,
August 10 and 11, in the Women'
Athletic Building.
Tom Bliska, Union presdent, yes-
terday reported that 200 men have
been registered, including 75 civilian
students. The remainder of the
quota is being filled by members of
the local Navy V-12 Unit, Bliska said.
Meanwhile, Miss Ethel McSormick,
League seial director, announced
that campus women have exceeded
their quota of 75.
The League registration was spon-
sored by the Women's War Council
through Pam Watts, secretary-treas-
urer of the organization. Sandy Per-
lis of the Union staff, was in charge
of the registration of campus men.
of Strategic Services, Washington,
D. C., will speak on "China's Con-
tribution to the Far East".
The chief purpose of this confer-
ence is to awaken an interest in
China on the part of the teachers
who are attending the summer ses-
sion and to acquaint them with some
recently prepared materials, hoping
that this interest will in turn be
transmitted to the children and
young people whom they teach.
The conference is being sponsor-
ed jointly by the Institute of Paci-
fic Relations and the University.
Allies To Plan
World Security
At Conference
U.S., Britain, Russia
Will Meet in Capital
The question of the proper organiza-
tion and use of military force to sup-
press aggressor nations and preserve
world peace will be a major concern
in conversations among Britain, Rus-
sia and the United States at a world
security conference to begin here
Aug. 14, officials disclosed today.
The attention to be given the use
of force was emphasized by the fact
that out of 16 advisory members of
the American delegation, six are gen-
erals and admirals.
Announced By Stettinius
Acting Secretary of State Edward
R. Stettinius announced plans for
the three-power meetings..
"After the conclusion of these con-
versations, representatives of this
government, England and China will
conduct similar conversations on the
same subject."
Stettinius will head the American
delegation, but Secretary of State
Hull will keep in close touch with
all developments. Hull, Stettinius
said, probably will open the sessions.
Probable Foreign Delegates
Britain's conferees will be headed
by Alexander Cadogen and Maxim
Litvinoff, vice commissar for foreign
affairs, may head the Russian group.
The six American military partici-
pants-all of whom now have assign-
ments in connection with Army and
Navy planning for the future-will
be Lt. Gen. Stanley D. Embick, Maj.
Gen. George V. Strong, Maj. Gen.
Muir S. Fairchild, Admiral Arthur J.
Hepburn, Vice Admiral Russell Will-
son, and Rear Admiral Harold C.
Sphinx Adds
Six New Men
Sphinx, Michigan's junior honor-
ary society, was bolstered by the
addition of six third year men, Treas-
urer Bob Nussbaumer announced yes-
Those receiving the coveted award
are Bliss Bowman, Bruce Hilkene,
Dave Loewenberg, Joe Ponsetto, Bob
Stevens and Bob Stevenson.
These six men, along with the
veteran members of Sphinx, will hold
the initial summer meeting of the
club at 12:45 p.m. Saturday in the
Michigan Union.
The meeting will concern itself
with the election of new officers and
plans will be made to hold several
parties before the summer term is
Surgical Dressings
Unit Will Be Open
The League Surgical Dressings
Vnif will hc nn nfrnm 1 tn 5 .m.
All Road, RailCommunications Slashed
Between East Prussia, Northern States
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 1-The Russian First Baltic Army slashed the last
road and rail communications between the north Baltic states and East
Prussia tonight, isolating two German armies in Estonia and Latvia, while
two other powerful Soviet Army groups captured Kaunas, pre-war capital
of Lithuania, and closed a steel arc of siege around burning Warsaw.
The trap in the Baltic was being closed by Gen. Ivan C. Bagramian's
men, who seized Tukums, rail center nine miles south of the Gulf of Riga
and 30 miles almost due west of
stations were among more than
midnight communique announced,t
strophe in a single sentence:
Liepa a Jelga a
0 500
" r"TMGuby
,,rGrog o
Siedlte BLtovsk
0 O50i
the city of Riga. Six other railway
100 taken in that drive, the Soviet
describing the threat of German cagta-
- "Thus our troops have cut all roads
leading from the Baltic to East Prus-
Stalin has announced the capture
of the former Lithuanian capitalA
of Kaunas (middle arrow) and also
of Jelgava and Siedlce (other top;
and bottom arrows). The Germans
have reported that Russian forces
had opened an attack against a
Warsaw industrial suburb on the
east bank of the Vistula River.
Turks Prepare
To Brek Of f
Nazi Relations
LONDON, Aug. 1-(AP)-Turkey
tonight solemnly approached an ap-
parently imminent rupture of her
relations with Germany, gambling at
last on the chance that the Nazis
are shackled sufficiently by European
developments to prevent full-fledged
reprisals and hoping to win cheaply
a place at the peace tables.
Turkish action, irrevocably widen-
ing a breach caused three months
ago by halting shipments of steel-
hardening chrome to the Axis, was
expected within the next 36 hours.
The decision is generally expected
to come at the Wednesday meeting
of the Grand National Assembly,
when the obedient People's Party
Deputies will approve the course of
action set by President Ismet Inonu
and Prime Minister Sukru Sarocaglu.
The Budapest correspondent of
the Turkish News Agency reported
a cabinet crisis in Hungary as all
army leaves were cancelled and SS
men patrolled Budapest streets.
World News
In .brief.. .
Eighth Moves Ahead.. .
By The Associated Press
ROME, Aug. 1-Five German di-
visions drawn 'in a tight arc south
and southwest of Florence lashed
back bitterly today at Eighth Army
forces punching their way methodic-
ally toward the great art capital
through a succession of enemy strong-
* * *
How many Germans remain there
is uncertain, but their 'numbers are
believed to be large, as both the 16th
and 18th armies, once totalling 350,-
000 men, were assigned to the Esto-
nian-Latvian defense and gave no
indications of pulling out even as
the escape routes narrowed daily.
Germans Make Claims
The Germans claimed they had
driven Bagramian's forces back in the
Siauliai area so that 12 miles sepa-
rated them from those thrusting to
the Gulf of Rigo, but even if true,
this was a minor success offering
small promise of saving the German
armies to the north.
The Russian communique, broad-
cast from Moscow and recorded in
London by the Soviet Monitor, reit-
erated Premier Stalin's earlier order
of the day announcing that Kaunas
had been taken by storm by Gen.
Ivan D. Cherniakhovsky's third White
Russian Army, and told of continu-
ing progress on all the northern sec-
tors of the 800-mile front.
Arc Is Closing
Very soon, it seemed ,the victory
salutes would be for Warsaw, where
Marshal Komstantink K. Rokossov-
sky's troops were fighting tonight less
than six miles away, closing in on
it a great steel are so near that their
heavy guns were firing into German
strongpoints inside the city over open
Elsewhere, too, the Soviet drive
progressed formidably. The Germans
acknowledged in a broadcast tonight
that Russia troops had gained seven
bridgeheads on the west bank of
the Vistula River in the Deblin area
57 miles southeast of Warsaw.
Has Race Riots
With Strihes
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 1.,- ()-
Groups of Negroes attacked white
auto and truck drivers tonight in a
flare-up of race disorder attendant
upon a tie-up of Philadelphia's pub-
lic transportation system.
The first disturbance occurred
when two white men in a car stopped
at a traffic signal. Spectators said a
group of Negroes dragged them from
the car and beat them. They escaped
and drove away.
The second incident took place an
hour and a half later at an intersec-
tion where a Negro lodge carnival
was in progress. There, police said,
two other white men were dragged
from a coal truck and beaten.
The transportation walkout, de-
priving 1,500,000 citizens of their
normal means of urban travel, was
still in progress tonight, after trolley,
bus and subway employes had lis-
tened in silence to Army and Navy
pleas, and then booed down their
own union officers begging them to
end the stoppage that began sud-
denly this morning.
Michigan State GOP
Renames Officials
GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 1.-(P)-
The Republican state convention to-
day renominated Herman H. Dinan.
Special to The Daily
NEW YORK, July 30.-Warrant
Officer Thor Johnson, conductor of
Whitmore and Jack Lowe, duo-
pianists, and Sgt. Eugene List,
m-ara. +nm,.. rTnnenintro-=
tion, optimistic in character. It
plays about seven and three-quar-
ters minutes. This is its first per-
formance anywhere.