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Fifty-Fourth Year
The eea-uation of Nietzsche
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press,_ 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
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ERMAN exterminationists, whose
ranks swell the closer we come to
Berlin, will not admit the duality in
character that has always been part
and parcel of the people they would
wipe out.
Such observors select those indexes
of culture that best suit their pur-
pose. Consequently, they seize upon
the philosophies of Schopenhauer or
Fichte or Hegel and extract from
them their most ignoble aspects.
In belaboring the obvious similar-
ity between some ideas expressed by
Nietzsche and some acts committed
by Schiklegruber, these pepole think
they have proved the whole German
people to. be marked by innate de-
pravity and belligerence.
That for every Nietzsche there
are Goethes and Lessings: the fol-
lowers of Lord Vansittart leave this
fact to cool its heels on the cold
doorstep of ignoration. That "de-
pravity" and even the militaristic
spirit are not inborn but result
from external frustrations, is also
disregarded. The assumption has
been that anything nice Germans
do is merely a mask to cover up
evil intent. "Calm is the bottom
of my sea: who would guess that
it hideth droll monsters?" Actual-
ly, what exists here is not a single
tendency hidden by another, but
two tendencies, simultaneous and(
contradictory, one of which must
be cultivated for war, the other for
peace. This "ambivalence"-to use
the word sociologists have coined-
is extant everywhere.
At any rate, I have recently put
myself through that irreverent emo-
tional wringer of philosophy, "Thus
Spake Zarathrustra," Friedrich Niet-
zsche's masterpiece. One reading of
this book, which can be found in an
inexpensive Modern Library edition,
clears up many misconceptions.
FIRST of all, in the glorification of
power and war and "voluptuous-
ness" and selfishness and paganism
and pitilessness, Hitler is a true disci-
ple of Nietzsche. But, the two men
completely diverge on several fun-
damental points. Hitler's greatest
monument has been the erection and
the maintenance of a monster state.
Yet Nietzsche spewed forth the ven-
om of his hatred (and how he loved
to hate) against the encroachments
of the state with the same fury he
is more familiarly known to have di-
rected against God.
He praises the virile man, the
man as yet unborn who will "sur-
pass himself" in physical prowess.
Could this include the effeminate
Hitler and his sniveling minions?
Or would they more likely be in-
cluded with the "many too many"
who overpopulated the world as
Nietzsche saw it?
I think that if he had been pres-
ent at the birth of Joseph Paul Goeb-
bels, for one, he would have prevailed
upon the father to expose his son on
a mountain top, as the Romans of
old were in the habit of doing when
a deformed baby slipped into the
world. Nietzsche, alive today, would
have nothing but recriminations for
the National Socialists who, in their
mad adoration of Might, have per-
formed the most signal disservice to
it. This war chronicles the survival
of the least fit. Hitler instigated a
cataclysm that has nearly destroyed
the flower of manhood. It follows
that eugenists will have much poorer
material to work with if they want
to breed a higher race of. Methuse-
In his concept of the Superman,
one searches vainly for mention of
German racial superiority. It must
be acknowledged that Wagner influ-
enced Nietzsche and the Wagnerian
Siegfried Superman-perhaps implicit
in Nietzsche's-was distinctly Teu-
tonic. However, Nietzsche's grada-
tions go: from ape to man to Super-
man; not like Hitler's from ape to
man to German. Nietzsche forsees a
Superman in the dim future: Hitler
claims his present existence.
WE SHOULD know by now that no
trail leads directly from an or-
dered philosophy to the machinations
of Hitler. The Fuherer never read
Pareto and Sorel, and 'it is doubt-
ful if he ever read Nietzsche, although
Mussolini reportedly sent him a copy
of the latter when the Axis was still
Paradoxically enough, the chief
theorists of German-Nordic racial
supremacy were the Frenchman, De-
Gobineau, and the Englishman,
Chamberlain (who married Wag-
ner's daughter.) They formulated
and propagated the notions Hitler,
an Austrian, has used since his ap-
pearance in the public eye. The Ger-
man people were receptive to these
ideas. They comforted a thwarted
nation. The German people were
receptive to Hitler as well-and for
the same reason.
If we can hold out a construct-
ive democratic program for post-
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'Who Wants Fish?'
China Conference
THE CONFERENCE on China which opens
today has been designed to awaken an inter-
est in China on the part of teachers who are
attending the summer session hoping that in
turn this interest will be transmitted to the
young people whom they teach.
The average person in the United States
Inows very little about our Far Eastern ally.
Before the war many people in this country
considered China of little importance to us.
Since the war this situation has changed with
th realization that victory and lasting peace
in the Pacific can only be achieved through
Information on this vital subject can be spread
primarily through our schools. But that will
be only a beginning. It is even more important
to get this information to the adults in this
country who have already finished school.
The Summer Session in connection with the
Institute on Pacific Relations has made every
effort to make this information available to
everyone at the University.
The importance of spreading this information
cannot be over-emphasized. If we hope to co-
operate with China in winning the war we have
to understand the Chinese people better and
rid ourselves of the prejudices which we have
built up because of our lack of information
about them. Cooperation will come only when
the people in China and the United States
develop mutual understanding. The current
conference is a progressive step in this direc-
-Doris Peterson
FDR's Foes Defeated
LAST WEEK Gov. John Bricker of Ohio, GOP
vice-presidential candidate, predicted a Re-
publican victory in November. Also last week
Senator 'Cotton Ed' Smith of South Carolina,
one of the bitterest enemies of FDR and the
N{ew Deal, went down to defeat in the primaries.
Predictions and promises such as that of Gov.
Bricker are merely words until measured against
reality. Just as we must take into account the
voting records of congressmen when considering
platform promises, so must we look at the actual
political situation before accepting Gov. Brick-
er's predictions.
'COTTON ED,' who has had six terms of office
was not defeated by a flaming liberal, but
by Gov. Olin D. Johnston, conservative but a
wholehearted supporter of FDR's program. This
is a significant fact. In Arkansas, the Senate
seat of Hattie Caraway, long-time foe of the Ad-
ministration, was won by Rep. Fulbright, author
of the House resolution on internationalism, and
a supporter of President Roosevelt in his foreign
policy. Victories have been won by such staunch
FDR men as Claude Pepper and Lister Hill in
Florida and Alabama. And the list of leading
Democratic enemies of the Administration al-
ready eliminated in previous primaries includes:
Costello (Calif.) Disney (Okla.) Dies (Tex.)
Kleberg (Tex.) Starnes (Ala.) Newsome (Ala.)
Vincent (Ky.) and Reynolds (N. C.)
Such an impressive list is not accidental--
it represents a trend. Within the broad mass
of the Democratic Party, especially in the
growing political awareness of organized
labor, there is a measureable swing toward the
policies of FDR, embodied on the home front
in the New Deal, and in foreign affairs in
the ideals ennunciated at Teheran.
Nazis Are Their Enemies
NEW YORK, Aug. 1-Dr. Goebbels has issued
two new orders, one forbidding all vacations
for women workers in the Reich, and the other
compelling front-line troops to do the heavy
manual labor of bridge-building and road repair-
ing which until now has been done for them by
the special Todt labor organization. This means
that the German people are going to be just a
little more tired than they have been, or, as
the Bible tartly puts it: "And the smoke of their
torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they
shall have no rest day or night, who worship the
beast and his image."
It is one of the characteristics of a true pre-
revolutionary situation, that every step taken by
the rulers to prevent revolution makes life less
tolerable and revolution more necessary. In the
final acts of such somber dramas as the one now
being played out in Germany, the ruler becomes
the servant of that which he opposes. It is our
aim to increase the pressure on the German
people, and Hitler's only answer is still further to
increase the pressure on the German people.
Himmler shoots those whom our bombs miss,
and Dr. Goebbels deprives of rest those whose
sleep our missiles have failed to disturb.
Just as French refugees, fleeing from Hitler,
once blocked their own roads to their own
armies, and thus made their capture by Hitler
more certain, just so do Hitler's hasty counter-
measures against revolution and defeat make
revolution and defeat more certain. We make
war on Hitler, and Hitler makes war on Ger-
many. He has become a transmission belt, dis-
tributing to the German people the blows we
aim at him. We bomb Berlin, and Dr. Goebbels'
mighty answer is to announce that not even pots
and pans are going to be manufactured any
more; to replace those lost in bombings; he
shakes his fist at us, but makes our bombings
all the more complete. It was not in our power
to have made the Germans eat cold food. Only
the Nazis could have done that for us, and they
have done it.
THE NAZIS have a bitter need for German
national solidarity, but they find themselves
compelled to launch an hysterical campaign
against the German upper classes, and sections
of the "bourgeoise." In the name of national
unity, they proclaim civil war.
To a population distressed by our bombings,
they announce that all Germans "must now
live as do the bombed-out." Oh, fine, that is
one of our strategic aims, too, and the Nazis
cannot keep themselves from carrying it out.
A perverse fate dogs them now in every field.
They are briskly engaged in bolstering the mor-
ale of the army by shooting its officers.
The Nazis, like characters in a dream, do our
work for us. They seek to ease German terror
by terrifying Germany. Their only formula for
keeping Germany in the war is to be more
cruel to the Germans than the Allies could
possibly be.
A true sign of their bankruptcy is that each
of their remedies only provokes a crisis
sharper than the one it seeks to solve. Their
remedies are our weapons.
It is when the German trooper, looking back
over his shoulder, realizes that the worst of his
enemies is behind him, that he will resign the
battle. History is making a point, clearly and
brutally. It will not let the chief of Fascism
leave the stage until he has proved that Fas-
cism is the enemy of all peoples, including its
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
Evidence from Von Papen ...
' THERE IS no longer much doubt that Hitler
has put down the revolt of the Generals.
The confirmation comes, not from Berlin or
Berchtesgaden, but from Ankara, and it is sup-
plied by Franz von Papen, German Ambassador
to Turkey.
"Following the attempt on Hitler's life," the
report says, "Von Papen retired to his quarters
for two days, declining to see any visitors." At
the end of his cogitation, Von Papen scanned
the scene and "sent a telegram of loyalty to
The wily Van Papen is a highly dependable
weathervane. If he now congratulates Hitler,
it is certain the Fuehrer is still boss of Ger-
All this recalls an imaginary epitaph written
for Von Papen by one of his critics some years
ago. It goes as follows:;
"Maj. Von Papen of the First Reich, Chan-
cellor Von Papen of the Second Reich, Am-
bassador Von Papen of the Third Reich,
Comnissar Von Papen of the Fourth Reich,
Mr. Papen of the Fifth Reich."
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
war Germany, instead of profer-
ring dismemberment plans, she
will be receptive to that, too
Nietzsche represents the worst
qualities of Germania. Still, there
is much value in reading him. Zara-
thrustra spake these words, "In the
mountains the shortest way is from
peak to peak but for that route thou
must have long legs. Proverbs should
be peaks, and those spoken to should
be long and tall." A book of poetic
proverbs, of blasphemies, of false-
hoods aplenty - and razor-edged
truths: but the wonder of "Zara-
thrustra" is that it does, in fact,
move "from peak to peak" like the
scenes of a Dostoyevsky novel in a
way that compels the reader to un-
derstand what Nietzsche meant when
he said that his work was written not
to be read but to be memorized.
Japanlese Metaity. .
AM not a Japanese-hater, nor do
I wish in this article to arouse
anti-Japanese feelings in the readers,
but I do earnestly desire to warn the
American public against a strange
phenomenon in the Japanese men-
tality with which the Chinese have
had the misfortune of becoming
familiar for a number of years. I
mean the Japanese genius for manu-
facturing half-truths.
Half-truths, by their apparent
plausibility, are as a rule more
dangerous'than falsehoods, and,
when employed as an instrument
of propaganda, more potently
deadly. Monday evening's lecture
on anti-Japanese "prejudice," de-
livered by an American citizen
born of Japanese ancestry and ed-
ucated in Japan, was an excellent
illustration of this.
Putting aside the question wheth-
er the alleged ten percent of Chinese
population in California constituted
a relevant portion of the lecture, the
whole affair was a sad instance of
the human ability to distort facts by
an ingenious use of words. Instead,
for example, of calling the Japa-
nese aggression of Manchuria as
such, the speaker referred to it re-
peatedly as the Japanese "war
against Manchuria," as though the
Manchurians had invaded the peace-
ful shores of Japanese Islands and
poor Japan had been compelled to
resort to violence to defend her Em-
THE students and friends of the
University have shown their true
spirit of democratic tolerance and
universal good-will by giving the
speaker and persons of similar status
the privilege of free speech; but may
they also learn to season their toler-
ance with caution and their good-
will with discrimination, so that they
may cultivate an informed ear that
will guide them in distinguishing the
different graduations of truth.
I do not doubt that there may
be Japanese in this country who
are loyal to the United States, and
indeed some of them have proved
their loyalty by their engagement
in active combat service for the
Allied cause; but I have yet to
meet a Japanese who is pro-Chi-
nese-or rather, since that would
be impossible, who is not anti-
Chinese. Whether that bitterness
against the Chinese is a resultof
training, or whether it is an in-
stinctive response to the regretful
discovery of Japan's cultural debt
to China, it is hard to say. But
whatever the cause, the fact re-
mains that that bitterness helps to
induce in the average Japanese a
blindly credulous mood in which he
finds it convenient to parrot, when-
ever the subject of China presents
itself, certain Japanese home-made
expressions which are peculiarly
revolting to persons who are ac-
customed to calling white, white,
and black, black.
But let us not hate the Japanese
because they are Japanese. Let us
rather pity them, and hope for their
mental recovery. After all, they are
not wholly to blame if they have not
learned to think straight, and it cer-
tainly does not rest with their own
choice to have been born natives of
that small, pitiful country, Japan.
--Celia Hwaguen Chao
Engineering, Steel Rule, Origin of
Friday, Aug. 4, 2-3: Solar Family,
Exploring Space, Exploring the Uni-
verse. 34: Transfer of Power (2
reels), Elements of Electrical Cir-
Student Recital: Miss Jacqueline
Bear, soprano, will present a song-
AUG. 2, 1944
No. 21-S.
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: The civilian fresh-
man five-week progress reports will
be due Aug. 5 in the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
The five-weeks grades for Navy and
Marine trainees (other than Engi-
neers and Supply Corps) will be due
Aug. 5. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and =the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
Arthur Van Duren
Supervisor, Navy V-12
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
State Civil. ServiceiCommission An-
nouncements for Civil Service Exam-
inations for War-Duration Appoint-
ments have been received in our
office. Examinations will be given
for Supervisor of Field Service, Sen-
ior Field Representative, and Field
Representative. Salaries ranging
from $3,456 to $4,200. Applications
must be filled in the offices of the
State Civil Service Commission before
Aug. 18, 1944. For further details
stop in at 201 'Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Today: "China and America Face
the Future." The Honorable Walter
H. Judd, M.D., representative from
Minnesota and former medical mis-
sionary in China. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is
cordially invited.
Today: University Lecture. "Brazil,
Steppingstone to Allied Victory." Dr.
Egberto Teixeira of Brazil. 8 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium. Auspices, Latin-
American Society and the Interna-
tional Center.
Thursday, Aug. 3: Professor Shih
Chia Chu will not lecture on this
date, but will lecture, as previously
scheduled, on Aug. 10.
Thursday, Aug. 3: "Interpreting
China to the West." Dr. Arthur Hum-
mel, Chief, Division of Orientalia,
Library of Congress. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is
cordially invited.
Friday, Aug. 4: "China Hopes and
Aims." Dr. Y. C. Yang, President ofI
Soochow University. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Academic Notices
Students in Speech: The weekly
assembly of the Department of
Speech will be held at 3 p.m. today
in the Kellogg Auditorium with a
program to be devoted to speech sci-
ence. The public is invited.
Zoology Seminar: There will be a
meeting of the Zoology Club on Fri-
day, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m. in the East
Lecture Room of the RackhamBuild-
ing. Robert Miller will speak on "The
Fishes of Death Valley."
O'Malley's not even-
going to try to getj4 yr. O'Malley, my
back this year. .. Fairy Godfather,
has to come back
He's too here! To get the
smart.. pirate treasure!
By Crockett Johnson
This can't interest you, Barnaby. We're talking
about the election and Congressman O'Malley.
Not that imaginary Pixey of yours. Run along-
O'Malley's friends keep \
an ear to the ground...
(C "
Yes, George. I'm sure O'Malley's close political
advisors know exactly what they're doing-
Barnaby! What
are you doing?Y
I don't know, Pop.
CS)Mr. Shultz said-
C ~cK C "tm
1 1
. J
I seemed like a bad break for
When he didn't get nominated
Sure he did. He's in line for
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