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July 22, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-22

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Taken as


Retreats to


* ,* *

Yanks Batter Railway Yards In Rome

-Associated Press Photo
Pall of heavy smoke hangs over the bomb-blasted San Lorenzo
railway yards in Rome after 500 American bombers staged a devastating
raid on the Axis transportation bottleneck. The American pilots were
thoroughly trained for the first raid on the Italian capitol to avoid
hitting churches and cultural objects.

Pope Deplores
Bombing of
Italian Capital
Calls upon Catholics
To Pray for Peace,
Salvatidn of Rome
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 21.- The Vatican
radio broadcast today the text of a
letter from Pope Pius XII to his
vicar general for the district of
Rome, Francesco Cardinal Mar-
chetti-Salvaggian. 4ep. oing.,K -
day's bombing of the Italian capitol
and calling upon Catholics the world
over to pray for a speedy peace.
* In the letter, broadcast in English
and recorded here by the Associated
Press, the Pontiff said he had
thought that "the horrors and de-
struction of bombiig could be spared
to our dear Rome." Citing the his-
torical, cultural and religious impor-
tance of Rome, the Pope then said:
"All that we put before competent
authorities on several occasions in
clear terms, recommending to them
in the name of human dignity and
of Christian civilization the inviola-
bility of Rome.?
The Pope then stated he had felt
justified in hoping that the Papal
authority and its Impartiality "would
have secured us the consolation,
among: such bitterness, of finding a
reception by the contending parties
of our intervention in favor of
,"But alas," he said, "this so rea-
sonable hope of ours has been dis-
The Pontiff inentioned damage
done to the Basilica of San Lorenzo,
"the veneration of all Catholics by
its ancien' associations" and "now
in very great part destroyed."
The Pope closed his letter with
the call for prayers for an early
Child Guidance
To Be Theme
Of Conference
Guidance and adjustment in
schools is the central theme for lec-
tures and discussions being held to
day as part of the Annual Education
Week Conference sponsored by tie
School of Education in the University
High School.
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of
the Summer Session, will act as
chairman at the general morning
meeting at which Prof. Harlan C.
Koch, of the School of Education will
lecture on "Guidance in the Postwar
Roundtable discussions will con-
sider guidance in schools and com-
munities as related to both delin-
quent and normal children. Miss
Marie Skodak, director of the Flint
Guidance Center, will speak at the
general afternoon session on "An
Experiment in Guidance in the Flint
Txa CLurf ,, 1

Illinois Mine
Workers Gain
Pay Increase
WASHINGTON, July 21.-O(P)-
John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers
signed today a contract granting
35,000 Illinois coal miners an in-
crease of about $3 a day in pay--$1
more than Lewis originally demanded
unsuccessfully for the nation's 500,-
000 miners.
The two-year pact with the Illi-
nois Coal Operators Association,
however, still hinges on approval by
the War Labor Board and other gov-
ernment stabilization agencies and
on an increase in the ceiling price of
coal to compensate for the wage in-
Government sanction of the agree-
ment, effective from April 1, 1943, to
March 31, 1945, apparently would
give Lewis an opening wedge to line
up operators on a regional, piecemeal
The contract provides $1.25 a day
for portal-to-portal (underground
travel) pay, chief issue in a bitter
wage dispute that thrice resulted in
closing the nation's coal pits.
Engine Senior Office
Petitions Due Soon
Students wishing to run for senior
class offices in the Engineering
School must have their petitions in
Dean A. H. Lovell's office by noon
Monday, Dave Upton, '44, chairman
of the election committee said yester-
Elections will be held next Thurs-
day and Friday.
All September graduates and all
NROTC students who will have com-
pleted eight semesters by the end of
the summer term are eligible to run,
Upton said.
Petitions must include name, ad-
dress, phone number, general schol-
astic average and spring term aver-
age. In addition to this information,
applicants must give their qualifica-
tions and secure the signatures of
15 students from their class, Upton

Reds Now
Nine Miles
From Orel
Russians Capture 90
Towns near Outskirts
Of Nazi Stronghold
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday, July 22-The
Red Army captured Optugha, only
nine miles northeast of Orel, and
also toppled Zolotarevo, 11 miles east
of the gravely menaced German
stronghold, yesterday in an offensive
of rising power which smashed new
German reserves hurled into action
after forced marches, Moscow an-
nounced officially early today.
The Russians overran more than
90 villages on the fringes of Orel,
whose fall would unhinge the entire
Nazi southern front; killed more
than 5,800 Germans in fighting rag-
ing as far south as the Sea of Azov,
and knocked out more than 77 tanks
and 131 enemy planes, and scored
gains of four to nine miles.
Hitler Orders Orel Held
(Adolph Hitler has ordered Orel
held "at all costs," the London radio
said in a broadcast recorded by
German tank and infantry coun-
terattacks mounted in fury, but
failed to halt the Russians who had
launched their first successful sum-
mer counteroffensive after absorbing
the full shock of a German attack
launched July 5 below Orel.
One Red Army column advancing
on Orel from the northeast struck
straight down the railway from fallen
Mtsensk, seizing Dumchina, Otrada,
and Optukha in that order, a special
communique announced. This col-
umn and other units striking cross-
country to outflank Orel occupied 40
villages during the day.
Russians Prepare to Shell Orel
Soviet heavy artillery apparently
now was being hauled into position to
shell Orel.
A second army driving in frontally
from the east "occupied over 50 pop-
ulated places," said the communique,
recorded by the Soviet monitor.
These included the district center
and railway station of Mokhovaya,
and the railway station of Zolotarevo,
11 miles east of Orel. Five of the cap-
tured localities were described as
The third Russian army driving
up from the south was meeting the
toughest German opposition.
The threat was most imminent to
Orel but an equally important Ger-
man base and rail hub at Bryansk
was also imperilled. A Russian col-
umn had captured Buky and was
within 35 miles of Bryansk and with-
in five miles of the crucial railway
linking Bryansk to Orel. Buky is
about 40 miles to the west of Orel.
Wiese, Upton Are
Board Candidates
Two varsity lettermen, Bob Wiese
and Art Upton, will be the candi-
dates today for the student positions
open on the Board in Control of
Physical Education.
Voting will take place at the En-
gine Arch and in University Hall
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to
4 p.m., and will be open to all men
students. Identification cards must
be shown at the polls.
The winner will take the place of
George Ceithaml, last year's football
captain, who graduated in May. The
other student member of the board
is Bob Stenberg.

Against a hilly background, American landing craft unload men and vehicles on a beach near Licata
in southern Sicily. Intense activity such as this contributed greatly to the rapid advance of forward
troops who have penetrated halfway across the large Italian island.

Yanks Unload On Sicilian'Beach

* * *:

Advanced ROTC May
Return to Universities
Reduced Quotas Will Allow Undergraduates
To Go to College Before Officers Training
'N -

WASHINGTON, July 21. - (P) -E
The return of a large number of
advanced ROTC students to college
to continue their academic educa-
tion has been authorized as a result
of reduced quotas at Officer Candi-
date Schools, the War Department
announced today.
Second year advanced ROTC stu-
dents who have been graduated from
college are being placed in Officer
Candidate Schools now, and all of
them will have been assigned by
Sept. 30.
Other advanced ROTC students
who have been called to active duty
will be permitted, upon their request,
to return to college on inactive sta-
tus. Second year advanced students,
not yet graduated, will be permitted
to remain in college through the
semester or quarter in progress next
Dec. 31, unless graduated sooner.
First year advanced ROTC stu-
dents, now undergoing basic military
training at replacement centers, will
complete that training before being
assigned to college under the super-
vision of the Army Specialized Train-
--- ----*- _____________--------*-------
Allies bombard
Bairoko Harbor
22. (Thursday) - Allied bombers
poured 133 tons of bombs upon Bair-
oko harbor on New Georgia yesterday,
in the heaviest air raid of the South-
west Pacific war, while American
troops sent Japanese jungle fighters
reeling back after an unsuccessful
counterattack at Munda.
More than 150 bombers-Dauntless
and Avengers--with a strong fighter
cover participated in the assault on
Bairoko which lasted throughout the
The communique from Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur's headquarters said it
was the heaviest raid ever made by
either the Allies or the Japanese in
the war theatre.

ing Division. They probably will re-
main in college for two or more
quarters before vacancies will permit
their assignment to Officer Candi-
date Schools.
Michigan ROTC men who had
completed more than one semester
of training were placed on active
duty here on March 17 and 18. They
were stationed in Allen - Rumsey
House in the West Quadrangle.
Shortly after the end of last sem-
ester, most of the men were ordered
to Camp McCoy, Wis., to await trans-
fer to OCS or to take basic training.
Letters from the camp tell of all
men now taking stiff basic training.

Dr. Waggoner
Gets Selective
Service Job
*Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, di-
rector of the University Neuropsychi-
atric Institute, has been appointed
consultant to Draft Director Lewis
B. Hershey, Washington Selective
Service officials announced yester-
Dr. Waggoner, a specialist on men-
tal maladjustments, was called in a
move to improve a condition that
has resulted recently in rejection of
23 per cent of all draftees for neuro-
psychiatric reasons.
Draft officials have been increas-
ingly concerned over the large num-
bers of men turned, back on the
ground they probably would be un-
able to stand the shift from civilian
to military life and have been search-
ing for a more definite basis for de-
cisions on these cases.

British Bomb
Catania, Push
Germans Back
Allies Now Hold Half
Of Sicily; Nazis Dig In
For Despeirate Fight
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, July 21.-- Ameri-
can and Canadian troops have cap-
tured the central road hub of Enna
to control half of Sicily, and tonight
demoralized Axis troops had begun a
general retreat toward the escape
port of Messina two miles opposite
the Italian mainland.
Enna also is the "back door" to
Catania 40 miles to the cpst where
the British Eighth Army had
pressed back a stubborn German
foe to the southern suburbs of that
port. British warships still were
pumping shells into the city whose
fall would pave the way for an
Axis rout similar to the Cap Bon
disaster in North Africa.
'Attempt Strong Line'
Of the ferocious struggle around
Catania, key to eastern Sicily, Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Allied Com-
mander-in-Chief, said:
"The Germans had attempted to
establish a very strong line, includ-
ing Mount Etna, on the east and to
do so brought certain formations
from the Italian mainland."
American and Canadian armored
columns seized the mountain fort-
ress of Enna yesterday and pounded
on after an enemy whom Allied ob-
servers said was withdrawing north-
eastward apparently for a last stand
in the Messina area or below there
on the 55-mile road leading to Ca-
War Prize of Centuries -
The fall of Enna, a war prize
through the centuries, isolated large
numbers of Axis troops in Western
Sicily whose only effective means of
escape is along a northern coastal
road 30 miles above the advancing
Americans and' Canadians.
Catania's defenders also were
cut 'off from inland Sicily except
for that circuitous northern road,
and presumably some of the Cana-
dians have turned eastward to out-
flank the Germans on the coast
who were fighting one 'of the most
ferocious battles since their unsuc-
cessful stand at the Mareth Line
in southern Tunisia.
Gerbini and its neighboring air-
dromes are 30 miles east of Enna,
and the Germans apparently had
withdrawn most of their units from
central Sicily to defend the Catania
area. Gen. Eisenhower, in his inter-
view, said that the Americans were
meeting weaker resistance in their
rapid advance, "thus over-running
substantial portions of the island
and confining the enemy to pro-
gressively smaller areas."
Prophesies Complete Victory
The general expressed confidence
in a complete Allied victory on the
island, but said the British and Can-
adian forces faced bitter fighting
and the prospect of a generally slow
Ahead of the Allied columns split-
ting Sicily in half raced airmen
strafing the enemy's road of retreat.
But the targets were becoming so
slim in Sicily for the Allied airmen
they were raising their sights gener-
ally to attack Sardinia, island above
Sicily, and airports on the southern
Italian mainland.
Italian prisoners captured in
central Sicily also declared that
German forces had spedNeastward.
They complained that the Nazis

were deserting them, grabbing all
transport and leaving them afoot,
but it was likely that the Germans
were concentrating their forces in
the vital Catania sector.
The Italians also bitterly de-
nounced their own government, say-
ing the fascists had given them in-
sufficient guns and food to with-
stand the Allies.
OWl Head, Davis Is
Enroute for London
LONDON, July 22, Thursday-()
-Some quarters here said today
they believed that Elmer Davis, U.S.
Office of War Information head, re-

Roosevelt Expected World War
In 1937, Dr. ShepherdSays

President Roosevelt and officials in
the intelligence service knew back in
October, 1937 that the Sino-Japanese
conflict was the beginning of a world
war in which all nations would be
involved sooner or later, Dr. George
W. Shepherd, American missionary
from China, said yesterday.
"Your nation will join us when it is
attacked, the Generalissimo told me,
and when you join forces with us,
we'll win.
"But while the President and Col.
George V. Strong of the Intelligence
Service believed we would have to
fight Japan, authorities were uncon-
vinced, and the steel manufacturers
just didn't see why they shouldn't
ship material to Japan."
Chiang Kai-Shek's genius in lead-
ing China and fighting against her
formidable enemy dates back to
Shanghai when he resolved then that
his life was to be committed to the
cause of freedom for his own people,!
Dr. Shepherd emphasized.
"Chiang has helped to keep Amer-
ica free, in fact, to keep civilization:

free, more than most people realize,
because he is a man with a cause.
He has said that the only way to win
this war against Japan is for every
Chinese to get in and hold on-and
that is what they are doing.
"After the war China will have a
perfect right to stand on an equal
footing with Russia, Britain, and
the United States, and God help the
United Nations if she doesn't."
Dr. Shepherd, who spoke under the
auspices of the Ninth Annual Con-
ference on Religion, will lead a panel
discussion on "The Faith that China
Keeps," at 2 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Goal Announced
For Treasury
War Loan Drive
WASHINGTON, July 21.-(/P)-A
$15,000,0,00,000 goal for the third
war loan drive was announced to-
night by Treasury Secretary Morgen-
thau, who said only non-banking
sources will participate.
The goal for the largest financing
program in world history is $2,000,-
000.000 above that of the second
war loan drive in April, which
brought in a total of $18,500,000,000,
but of that amount banks bought
more than $5,000,000,000.
The third war loan drive will open
Sept. 9, and' Morgenthau said the
securities, to be essentially the same
types as those sold in the second war
loan, will be offered only to individ-
uals, corporations, insurance com-
panies and other non-banking
Spurred by the promise their dol-
lars will be converted into an air-
craft carrier, the USS Shangri-la,


"The race riots in Detroit were
caused by a long series of social,
economic and political policies car-
ried on by the ruling class in De-
troit," Rev. Horace White of the
Detroit Congregational Church
said in his lecture interpreting the
nation-wide riots yesterday.
"The police department richly
deserves criticism," Rev. White
said. "If the police had not han-
dled the situation with kid gloves
and arrested as many whites as

are too dumb to plan sucha
he said.
"The great masses of whi
just as degraded as the1
West of Woodward Avenu
are three times as many pe
there were a few years ag
yet there are no new dwelli
new recreations and no cha
the curriculum of the schoo
Negroes are not allowed to
the administrative branch
education system. No Negr
chers are permitted in

Class Caused
a riot," the whites did not wish them to 2,000 wa
have work, but that if they would Negro po
tes are stay with Ford, he would give by one,"'
blacks. them jobs," he added. "Of co
e there "When the white laborers struck when th
ople as for higher wages Ford put his Ne- White sa
o, and groes to work in the plant. This their job
ngs, no policy was carried out by manu- sist on s
ange in facturers throughou', Detroit. The let Negro
ls. The whole idea of the rmanufacturers is Negro so
be in to break up the Unions by break- the Army
of the ing coalition between Negro and principle
ro tea- white workers," Rev. White said. these co
white "They force the race issue. The to be b

nting homes. Streets for
opulation are opened one
he added.
urse there willbe conflicts
e boys come home," Rev.
said. "They will demand
bs. The Unions must in-
eniority rights. They can't
es be thrown out of work.
Idiers will get jobs through
y also. After fighting for
s without fear of death
lored men will not stand
booted around," he said.

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