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July 22, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-22

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THUgDAYnT, JULY 22,-.1943

Fifty-Third Year


I'd Rather Be Right

- - --®--+- ---s- - --- . , 'r*=mm e n t- e--a
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Q~f Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday and Tues-
day during the regular University year, and every morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer,
Member of The Associated Press
TeAssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all iews dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Anil Arbor, Michigan, as.
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Sta,,
Marion Ford . . . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor.
Harvey Frank . . . . . . Sports Editor
Ed Podliashuk . . . . . . Columnist,
Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager.
Molly Winokur . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

seem, on the part of American-liberals and
those sympathetic with progressive movements
toward discouragement. They are discouraged
not With the principles they back, but with the
response their humanitarian program has re-
ceived from the very humanity they seek to
improve. They are frankly quite depressed with
the-hob Congress has been playing with reform
and the lack of protest it gets from the people,
whom these reforms are designed to benefit.
The blackballing Wallace received from Roose-
velt has been like sand thrown on the coals for
a great many, particularly those who have stuck
with the New Deal as, the opening wedge for
enlightenment in this country.
The. mounting storm of reaction looks black
indeed. This doesn't mean to imply that lib-
erals are scattering for the shelter of obscurity.
'here's too much marrow in the bone structure
of the American progressive movement for
that. Rather, the attitude is a manly shrug of
the shoulders and a resolve to take a battering.
Their discouragement isn't unreasonable, how-
ever. When a. Army is forced back after get-
ting well under way, its spirits are not apt to
be. rollicking.
IGHT AJOUT NOW, I believe, would be a
goodtime for liberals and progressives to.
look over their forces. Rather than putting on
the cloak of self. pity, they could start asking
themselves. some incisive, questions.
For one, why doesn't liberalism seem to catch
on more readily with the American masses? One
ugly fact grins out at us, to be sure. The extreme
reactionary elements, which symbolize- economic
power, has been able to keep the body politic
confused as to the concept of: progressive move-
ments. Samuel Grafton's term, "Obscurantism"
fits very nicely here. They manage to tangle
honest opinion and rational lines of reasoning
and planning with startling cries from many
places at once, with a hodgepodge of contradic-
tory statement, which while no decoy to the
ciearheaded, analyst, has served to give the
people a political nervous breakdown.
Could it be, however, that the approach, em-
ployed by liberalism has been one of its own
stumbling blocks? I believe in a sense that it
has. Except in the case of: certain unions, the
progressive movement has been given to the
people as a set of theorbs, a social blueprint
arrived at by scientific observation, whose con-
clusions are difficult to refute on any reason-
able grounds.

Yet this same intellectual and rational basis
for liberalism may be what makes it so distaste-
ful to a great many of the common clay. It may
be that it has the awesome air of a weighty trea-
tise which they have stumbled across on a book-
shelf, and which they close after reading t the
first few -lines as too complicated, too indirect to
help them solve their problems. The truly suc-
cessful liberal trade unions have been so because
they laid their ideas before their members in
simple terms, with straight talk of what liberal-
ism meant for the individual and for the better-
ing of society. They had the intellectual basis
as the foundation, but they translated it into
terms that could be handled easily.
Outside of labor, however, I can't see where
the progressive trend has made a profound im-
pression on any other single large group. There
is a vast well of unsounded material for liberal-
ism which has been neglected unwittingly be-
cause of the lack of personal appeal in presenta-
tion. I refer in part to the millions of white
collar workers, the farmers, and many wage
groups who would be benefited by the progressive
trend if they knew where to catch hold of it.
I believe the case for liberalism could be
carried to these groups if a variation of the
methods used by successful unions were uni-
versally applied. The reactionary forces have
used the animal weakness of tending to follow
the most attractive object very well. Their
lollipops have sparkled a lot clearer in the
American eye, even though they were poison-
ous, theirs has been a sensory appeal.
These groups who regard liberalism as some-
thing out of this world, should be convinced that.
the progressive movement is their baby, to nur-
tulre and raise, to point at with pride, that it is
democracy in action. It's almost impossible to
sell them on it with a trayload of doctrines and
theories, however. They want to see themselves
in the scheme. They want the human element.
Besides the unions, and PM in the liberal jour-
nalistic field, I don't believe there are many pro-
gressive organizations which make the earthy
step of presenting liberalism as a thing for all,
a living social organism which can give them an
active role in American life.
This idea may be small solace to liberals await-
ing the full force of reaction, but I would like to
see more done about it in the near future. I
think it presents an exciting challenge to the
progressive movement, a challenge which if an-
swered correctly can result in a swelling of the
ranks of American liberals and a subsequent.
uplift of spirit and impetus. - J. M.

NEW YORK, July 22.- We have
a way of treating the Jews of Europe
as a special problem when we want
them to be a special problem, and as
part of the general problem when we
want them to be part of the general
Thus when Jews are gassed (,as
thousands have been gassed in the
execution caravans of Poland) we.
treat them as a special problem; our
terrible warnings to the enemy
against the use of poison gas do not
But when it is suggested that
Jews can be rescue# out of certain
Balkan countries, the Allied an-I
swer is that the Jewish problem is.
the same as the problem of all
refugees, that nothing can be done
until victory is obtained.
The Jews of Europe are a special
case when they are executed; they
are part of the general case when
they are denied rescue.
Never in the Right Class
All the classifications leave them
in Hitler's hands. They never seem
to be lucky enough to achieve a
classification which saves them. If
their position is the same as that of
the other peoples of Europe, then
must we not consider that Hitler is
using poison gas against Poles when
he uses it against Poland's Jews?
But if there is a difference, if they
are a special case, then can we con-
tinue to give them the dusty answer
that their rescue must await the
general rescue, that their problem is
the general problem?
Actually, the Jews are a special
case. Hitler has made them so.
They are the only people he has
threatened to exterminate. To tell
them to wait along with the others
is to disregard this special classifi-
cation. They cannot wait. Hitler
will not let them wait.
They Cannot Wait
Either we consider the Jews part
of Europe, and therefore we retaliate
against their murderers as against
the murderers of Europeansi or we
must consider them a special case,
and therefore devise a special means
of rescue. There are no other alter-
natives, in logic or in honor; only
these two.
{I hope it will be the chief bus-
iness of the Emergency Conference
to Save the Jews of Europe, now
meeting in New York, to sharpen up
these alternatives, to strip the ora-
torical ivy from them, so that all
democratic mankind may clearly see

the two horns and decide at last
which it will grapple with.)
But how can the. West rescue the.
Jews of Europe? The answer to
that is that the West. cannot do it
at all, until it starts to do it. It
must make at least the beginning
of setting up one man, or one
agency, in one room, as an office
in charge of rescuing the Jews.
The situation is not that the West
has failed in this task. The West
hasn't even assigned the task.
We don't know who has failed, be-
cause nobody has even been asked to
try to succeed.
A Hatful of Answers.
The Bermuda conference decided
that it was really a conference on all
refugees. Therefore it stepped out
of and away from the special prob-
lem of the Jews. It was like a con-
ference on apples which decided to
hold a meeting on pears, and began
by defining apples as being really

pears. Its first order of business
was, actually, its resignation.
What could a special agency do?
After all, howumany Jews can we
get out of Rumania, and where
can we send them? The spirit that
begins by asking such questions
will not rescue anybody, even it-
self. We take as many out of the
Balkans as we can. We use retali-
ation. We use poison gas in Ger-
many as the answer to poison gas
in Poland. We make the flat
promise that all Jews who reach a
neutral country will be received
and maintained, if only as prison-
ers of war. No one of these moi~es
is a policy, but all of them together
become a policy.
How can we win the war? It has
been a hell of a complicated business
finding the answer to that one, too.
We did not depend on any one an-
swer, either. We tried them all.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


By Lichty


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"I'm new at this farm work, Mr. Perkins-are you sure this is the right
way to make hay while' the sun shines?"

United Student Effort
Needed To Stop 'Holdup'
A DAILY EDITORIAL last week urged students
and faculty members to boycott a certain
sandwich shop and in this way make them lower
their prices to a reasonable level. At that time
it was impossible to expect anyone to cooperate
because the hungry had to be fed, and there wss
just no other place to go at the late hours.
But no a united boycott is possible because
at least two reasonably priced places to eat
will be open from now on. One which has not
been taken full advantage of by students, is
the soda bar at the League. Here sandwiches,
cakes, pies, cokes and sundaes are served
nightly until 11 p.m. and on the week-end
until midnight.
A privately owned restaurant recently an-
nounced that they would be open until later.
Here the manager said a ten cent coke will cost
ten cents and a sundae will be 15 cents-with
ice cream in it, too.
NO ONE is trying to drive the sandwich shop
out of business, but we are merely trying to
show them the error of their ways.
With your help the students of Ann Arbor
can prevail upon them to lower their prices.
Besides aiding the pocketbook of every poten-
tial after 9 p.m. coke buyer you will be helping
remove some of the antagonism the servicemen
feel toward Ann Arbor.
Everyone hates to be gypped-prices charged
by the sandwich shop are definitely unreason-
able. To remedy the situation stop crowding
their booths, but instead go to one or another
of eating places that will also be open. Perhaps
a united student body can do what the OPA
has failed to do. - Margaret Frank
UMW Move Is Step to
Stronger Labor Front
THE RECENT MOVES by John L. Lewis's
United Mine Workers toward a reaffiliation
with the American Federation of Labor indicates
a strong labor step toward consolidation.
Labor is getting scared and it is taking steps
toward the union in which there is strength.
During the past decade labor reached a pin-
nacle of power in this nation. Now it has start-
ed on the decline. UMW strikes were influential
in causing that decline. Because. there is a war
going on, Congressmen pushed the Smith-Con-
nally Law through over the President's veto and
dealt a death-blow to labor's freedom of action.
Consolidation nowseems labor's.only hope.
of winning back their power and of maintain-
ing what they still retain, Congress is plainly
inimical to a strong labor front holding the
whip hand over war production. President
Roosevelt's support appears to be doing little
for labor. Their only hope of escaping even-
tual Congressional action toward further con-
trol appears to lie in the maintenance of a
strong labor front and effective lobbying.
Political Action Committee headed by Sid-
ney Hillman was one step in that direction.
Lewis's move toward the AFL which his UMW
left more than five years ago appears to be an-




WASHINGTON, July 22.- Final decision to
oust both.Jesse Jones and Wallace from any con-
nection with Economic Warfare, replacing them
with Leo Crowley, was attended by much inner
White House debate and personnel, juggling. It,
showed significantly how the President's new
crop of advisers line up.
The solution first proposed by ex-Justice
Jimmy Byrnes was to make Wallace's director,
Milo Perkins, an Assistant Secretary of State
under Cordell Hull. This would have kept
Perkins, an able administrator thoroughly fa-
millar with Economic Warfare, but put him
back-under the State Department, where Eco-
nomnic.Warfare. was originally.
Two years ago Secretary Hull got his Tennes-
see. dander up. when this job was transferred
away from his slow-paced diplomats and.he has
never stopped pulling wires to get it back.
Not many peopleknow it, but in the end, it
wasTom Corcoran who, in the present imbroglio,
swung the Economic Warfare job away from
Hull to Leo Crowley.
The young brain truster, formerly the Presi-
dent's closest, adviser, had been euchred out of
his White House, intimacy by. Harry Hopkins.
So this was a real triumph.
Ropkins, now closest to, the President, spiked
Corcoran long ago; but Tommy still has a
powerful friendin Justice Byrnes, also in Ben
Cohen and Leo Crowley. Thus indirectly,
Corcoran was able to convince the White
House that Economic Warfare should, not go
back to the State Department, where it. had
sagged woefully, but should, get fresh, new,
blood through Crowley.
Note: Whether it can, get that fresh blood
through Crowley remains to be seen. An Al
executive, Crowley is already overburdened with
Federal Deposit Insurance and Alien Property
Custodian. He has done a good ,job, but sodid
Jesse Jones before he took on too many responsi-
Hopkins vs. Wallace
Final line-up of the White House inner circle
on ;the basic question of ousting Henry Wallace
was a split 'pte,-3 to 2.
Harry , Hopkins, Judge Sam, Rosenman, and,
Byrne* all voted against the..,Vice-.President:
Hopkins has always been against Wallace, has
made catty remarks about him for years, start-
ed some time ago to euchre him, out of renomi-
natio if FDRAruns for a 4th term, Also Harry
is,a, poker-playing intimate of Jesse Jones.
Siding with Wallace were . Budget Director.

Wallace. The Vice-President had submitted a
memo to the White House two weeks before,
telling of recent Jesse Jones delays in the pur-
chase of strategic materials. These were not
delays of 18 months ago, as stated in the Presi-
dent's letter, but instances of the past few days
and weeks where war materials were held up
despite the constant importuning of Wallace
and Perkins.
After this memo had been on the President's
desk for two weeks with no action, Wallace fin-
ally opened up his public blast.
He told the President in advance that he was
going to make a statement, but either Roosevelt
did not appreciate how strong the statement was
going to be, or else Wallace got his dander up
and warmed to the writing afterwards.
At any rate, the blast caught the President off
base and he was irked.
Judge Vinson Performs
White House adviser who did the most effi-
cient job for the President during the Jones-
Wallace row was hard-hitting Judge Fred
Vinson. He was the man who stopped the_
Congressional investigation of the dispute.
Because the President had okayed four letters
authorizing Jesse Jones to hold up rubber, alu-
minum and other strategic materials, a Con-
gressional investigation was the last thing the
administration wanted. It would have shown
that the President had acted hastily, to say the
least, in signing Jones's memos.
So on the day the House Rules Committee was
to vote.on an investigation of the Jones-Wallace
row, smart Fred Vinson went up on'Capitol Hill
and got his successor in Congress appointed to
the Rules Committee.
When Vinson resigned from .Congress in 1937
to become a court of appeals judge, he helped
elect Kentucky's erudite Joseph B. Bates to the
vacancy. So with the Rules Committee dead-
locked over whether or not to investigate Jones
and Wallace, Vinson got Bates appointed, and
Bates broke the Rules Committee tie.
Social Security
Sir William Beveridge, author. of the famous
Beveridge plan for increased social security in
England, gave a most enlightening address in
Washington recently, but later proved unable to
"take it" at a reception at the home of Pennsyl-
vania's ex-Governor Gifford Pinchot.
At the reception, Assistant Attorney General
NormanLittell, who made the Navy take back
its Elk Hills deal with Standard Oil of Cali-

VOL. LIII, No. 18-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Chairmen of Student Activities are
reminded that at the beginning of
each term or summer session every
student shall be conclusively pre-
sumed to be ineligible for any public
activity until his eligibility is af-
firmatively established by obtaining
from the Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs a Certificate
of Eligibility. The Chairman shall
file with the Committee on Student
Affairs the names of all those who
have presented certificates of eligi-
bility with a signed statement to ex
clude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may,
be obtained in the Office of the Dean
of Students.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations.
The United States: Dental Hy-
gienist, $1,620 per year; Estimator,
and Jacket Writer,. $3,000 and $3,-
300 per year; Medical Officer, $3,200
to $4,600 per year; Student Nurse,
$288 (quarters, substinence, laundry,
and medical attention included) per
year; Technical Aid, Quartz Crystals
(Trainee), $1,620 per year. Closing
date Sept. 10, 1943.
State of Michigan: Graduate
Nurse, $125 to $145 per month.
Baltimore: Senior Recreation Lea-
der, $1,600 per year. Closing date
July 29, 1943.
Further information may be had,
from the notices which are on file in.
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-

estry, Music, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of I or
X at the close of their last term or
summer session of attendance will
receivea'a 'grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by July 28. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H., where it will be trans-
Academic Notices
Makeup Examinations in History
will be given on Friday, July 23 from'
4 until 6 o'clock in Room C Haven
Hall. Any student expecting to take
the examination should get his in-
structor's permission in' advance so
that an examination may be pre-

France. Group singing and a social
hour. All students and men in uni-
form, as well as Faculty people inter-
ested, are cordially invited.
-Charles E. Koella
Russian Tea: There will be a Rus-
sian tea at 4 p.m. today at the Inter-
national Center. Per§ons interested
in speaking Russian are cordially
Pi Lambda Theta- Initiation' Re-
ceptioni This evening at 7:30 p.m.
in the Women's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building.
"Which Way China in the, Post.
War World" will be presented Thursr
day by Dr. George W. Shephe' d at
8:00 p.m. in the Rackham A aphi-
theatre under the auspices of the'
Post-War Council. The public is
cordially invited.
Coming Events
A Motion Picture showing the ac-
tivities of the Adjutant-General's
Office in keeping up-to-date records
in the field will be shown in the"
Rackham Amphitheatre, third floor
or Friday, July 25, at 7:30 p.m. While
of particular interest to Army Ad-
ministrative Personnel, this film is
open to the public in general. Pre-
ceding the film 'a short lecture de-
scribing the I. B: M. System' of
Punched Card Records will be given
.by Mr. Meacham of the Tabulating
Service Department of the Univer-
Chairmen of Carnival Bootha:'
There will be a meeting at the WAB'
at 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 23 of repre-
sentatives from each house sponsor-
ing a booth. It is important that.
everyone" be present.

German Departmental
Hours during the Summer
a.m. to 12 noon, Monday
Friday; 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
through Thursday.

Term: 8

Mentor. Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members
during the 5th week and again dur-
ing the 11th week of the semester.
These two reports will be due on July.
31 and Sept. 11. Report blanks will
be furnished by campus mail.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sei-
ences: A meeting will be held on
Tuesday night, July 27, at 7:30 p.m.,
in Room 1213 East Engineering Buil-
ding (Lecture Room, North Wing).
A sound motion picture entitled
"Aerodynamics-Air Forces on an
Airfoil" will be shown. Institute
members and any others who are
interested are invited to attend.
Events Today
Meeting for all women interested
in golf at 4 p.m. in the W.A.B. .Any
woman interested who cannot attend
the meeting, call Jane Richardson,



WA Purple Heart

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