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July 21, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1943-07-21

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VYDNESDAY, JULY 21,1 4943t



____________________________________________ ______________________ I

s. r. .

Top A
Lea gu
leading American
averages have quit
war worker's incomo
begun to resemble ti
of Joe Shortstop f
sandlot team-much
of such young men a
Vern Stephens and
Figures Go Down
Where once the
tician was privileged
remarkable figures
.448," "Higgins, .363,
.342," he sat do'
scrawled off "Curt
.333; Stephens, St.
Wakefield, Detroit,
Card Slug
Baitung A
Musial, ihe sophomoi
St. Louis Cardinals,
tinued to set the p2
tional League batter
stepped up the beat
a .338 average.
His authoritative h
than sufficient to k4
although the veteran
of the Brooklyn D
proved his mark by
.332 to stay in sec
Stan Hack of the
climbed eight point
third place.
While this trio of 1
moving upward El
Dahlgren of the Phil
league for many we
erage that was in the
borhood, continued
ward. In the last w
age dropped from
today he was in four
Based on 200 or m
in games played b(
others in the select
leading hitters wer
Cincinnati .314; G
St. Louis .312; Fra
Cincinnati .310; Wa
Louis .309; Arky Vac
,307; and Augie Gala
Detroit Lions
More Football
DETROIT. July 20
ing of six more p
nounced today by th
professional football
They are Harry H
back from Nebraska;
185 pound end fron
State Teachers Colle
guard from Detroit
Dalsandro, 195 pound
had experience with
Rams; Jerry Conlee,
ter from St. Mary's
and Bill Kulin, 190 p
Cataret High School

verage for Americani
e Batting Is Only .333
20.- (P)- Those once referring to his tables on astro-
League batting nomical mathematics.
looking like a Even so, the fact that Guy Curt-.
e tax and have right, the White Sox rookie who took
he hitting marks such a long time achieving sufficient
rom the corner times at bat to rank among the lead-
s to the distress ers, is still in front of the field, de-
s Guy Curtright, spite his modest .333. Vern Ste-
Dick Wakefield. phens of the Browns, the day-in,
day-out leader all season until Curt-
League's statis- right "arrived," is second at .327 and
to compile such Dick Wakefield of the Tigers is cling-
as "Stephens, ing to third place with a .323 mark.
," and "Hockett, Cleveland's Hockett Tops List
wn today and That left over places in the top ten
tright, Chicago, to Oris Hockett of Cleveland at .315,
Louis, .327, and Luke Appling of Chicago at .309; Bob
.328," without Johnson of Washington at 2.96;
Pinky Higgins of Detroit at .294; Bill
Johnson of New York at .293; Roy
ocerCullenbine of Cleveland at .289; and-
Chet Laabs of St. Louis at .288.
R ° Wakefield remained ahead in total
La sshits with 109, Stephens in home runs
with 13, and Etten in runs batted in
verag e with 58. Ken Keltner of Cleveland
was credited with the most doubles
at 25 and Johnny Lindell of New
20.-(UP)-Stan York and Rudy York of Detroit'were
re slugger of the tied in triples at seven. The 24 stolen
not only ,con- bases by George Case of Washington
ace for the Na- were tops in pilfering.
s this week but Pitching honors continued to restP
seven points to with Orval Grove of the Chicago1
White Sox and Hal Newhouser ofc
itting was more the Detroit Tigers. Grove had theI
eep him on top, best winning mark with eight tri-
ri Billy Herman umphs and no defeats, and New-
odgers also im- houser led in strikeouts with 93.
four points to P
cond place and .
Chicago Cubs Biv s Seeks
s to .330 andc
hitting stars was Louis Crown
lsworth (Babe)
lies, who led the
eks with an av- Heavyweight Slugger
.340-.350 neigh- Rated Below Billy Connt
to slide dorn-
eek his percent- WASHINGTON, July 20.- (A)-I
323 to .317 and Jimmyy Bivins of Cleveland wasf
th place. named a logical contender for Ser-f
ore times at bat geant Joe Louis' heavyweight crown
efore today the and Slugger White of Baltimore
society of ten moved into the already-muddledt
e Lonnie Frey, lightweight picture in new quarterlyt
eorge Kurowski, ratings announced today by the Na-t
nk McCormick, tional Boxing Association.
lker Cooper, St. Boxers serving in the armed forces
ughan, Brooklyn dominate the list. Division cham-
n, Brooklyn .306. pions whose titles NBA has "frozen"
for the duration include Louis of the-
Sign Six Army, light heavyweight Gus Lesne-
vich of the Coast Guard and middle-
Players weight Tony Zale and welterweight
Freddie Cochran of the Navy.
-UP)-The sign- Bivins, ranked in the heavyweight
layers was an- class for the first time, was rated
e Detroit Lions, behind Billy Conn and Melio Bet-
team. tina, both of the Army, as a heavy-1
Iopp, 210 pound weight contender..
Ben Hightower, Following Bivins were the "out-
n Sam Houston standing boxers," Tami Mauriello ofI
ge; Bill Chonko, New York, Lee Savold of Des Moines,
Tech; Danny Iowa, and Turkey Thompson of Los
3 guard, who has Angeles.
the Cleveland
200 pound cen-
s of California; Bannasch House Tops '
ound back froW Bandage Unit Competition
- ~-"Bannasch League house with
25 per cent participation, topped all
of the other houses in last week's
surgical dressing competition," Jean
r'Whittemore, '44, chairman of the
unit, said yesterday.
Ih It The houses which are especially,
invited to the unit tomorrow are,
jnA stoy Jordan Hall, Alphi Phi, Pi Beta Phi,
Pickerill Cooperative and the Colvin,,
Wilson and Benson League houses.,
The unit will be open from 1-5 p.m.
_Ax today. "We have already sent in our1
first bag of 500 dressings under 1
quota No. 4 and we have started on'
another," Miss Whittemore added.

"Ongs-0 RATES
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
f& additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
ROOMS for rent-3 blocks off cam-
pus. Call 6674 after 9:00 p.m.
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State.
0% 9ae _ _ _ __i

Rookie Does All Right

... star White Sox rookie out-
fielder, is up among the American
League batting leaders.
Lt. King Giver
Recruiting Job
WAC Officer To Be
Stationed at League
Lt. Joan King, of Springfield,
Mass., arrived here Sunday to assume
her new duties as officer in charge
of the WAC recruiting office in the
Lt. Barbara Bethell, formerly in
charge of the office here, has re-
ceived orders to report to Fort Des
Moines this week.
In addition to the regular WAC re-
cruiting office, the WAC recruiting
booth in the League Lobby will be
open this week under Lt. King.
Lt. King, who enlisted in the WAC
last October, took basic training at
Fort Des Moines, where she also at-
tended administration school and
was sent into field work at Fort
Devan, Mass. Hers was among the
first WAC companies to go into the
She will live in the League and be
available there at any time during
the day for information concerning
the WAC and receive anyone desiring
to enlist.
After receiving her commission on
June 5, Lt. King was assigned to the
Sixth Service Command
(Continued from Page 1)
bla and other Latin American coun-
tries. All servicemen and students
interested in Spanish and Portu-
guese are invited to attend.
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta Initiation Re-
ception: Pi Lambda Theta will hold
an initiation reception in the Wo-
men's Lounge of the Rackham Buil-
ding Thursday, July 22 at 7:30 p.m.
A Motion Picture showing the ac-
tivities of the Adjutant-General's
Office in keeping up-to-date records
in the field will be shown in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, third floor,
or Friday, July 25, at 7:30 p.m. While
of particular interest to Army Ad-
ministrative Personnel, this film is
open to the public in general. Pre-
ceding the film a short lecture de-
scribing the I. B. M. System of
Punched Card Records will be given
by Mr. Meacham of the Tabulating
Service Department of the Univer-
LOST: Green Parker fountain pen
with name engraved. Reward.
Elizabeth'Rychener, 2-4471.
MAKE MONEY-on your used clo-
thing by phoning Claude H.
Brown. 2-3736, 512 S. Main.
Film Loads-For 36 hour service
come to 335 E. Ann 6:30-7:00
cellent references would like to
take care of your home for sum-
mer while you are away. Call

LOST-Black. leather wallet Sunday
between eight and ten. Contains
valuable papers. Return to Mich-
igan Daily. James Devantzis. Keep
LOST: Alpha Sigma Tau sorority
pin. Name Eleanor Wanty on
back. Notify 5056 Stockwell.

Prof. Pollocki
Speaks at First.
Education Meet
Mclusky Discusses
Youth, Post-War World
At Week's Conference'
Opening the current Educational
Conference Week, sponsored by the
School of Education, Prof. James K.
Pollock, of the political science de-
partment delivered an address on
"The Citizen and Foreign Policy"
Monday in the University High
School auditorium.
Humans Decide Policy Success
"The success or failure of foreign
policy depends upon the decisions of
human beings, not economic determi-
nants," Professor Pollock said. "The
average citizen is not fully aware of
the details of operation of the Amer-
ican system of foreign policy," he
'Professor Pollock then analyzed the
roles played by the President, the
Senate, the House and the State
Department in shaping American
foreign policy, and indicated changes
he feels are necessary to make the
existing methods of ratification of
treaties with foreign nations more
McClusky Addresses Conference
Dr. Howard Y. Mc lusky, of the
psychology department, addressed the
Conference in an afternoon meeting
Monday. He spoke on "Youth and
the Post-War World."
"In my judgment," Dr. McClusky
said, "the status of the American
youth will be affected in three vital
areas following the war. These areas
are military, educational and eco-
"The international situation will
compel the United States to main-
tain a large military establishment.
For this reason the coming genera-
tion of American youth will undoubt-
edly face a period of compulsory mil-
itary service. For the first time there-
fore, the military authorities will
share with educators a major respon-
sibility for the nurture and develop-
ment of American youth."
~Co. A Will Sing,
Present Skit at
JGP Carnival
Songs and a skit by members of
Co. A 3651st Service Unit, will fea-
ture the JGP July Jamboree on
Palmer Field July 31, Jeanne .Paty,
'44, chairman of the carnival com-
mittee announced yesterday.
Men's and women's houses and
other campus organizations are spon-
soring booths toward the sale of war
stamps and bonds. Stockwell Hall
has announced plans for a "fun
house," while other residence halls
and houses have started work on
other types of games and stunts. The
Women's Athletic Board has agreed
to lend equipment, and local mer-
chants are donating articles for

Open House Demonstrates Work

Students and local residents had
an opportunity yesterday to observe
some of the methods used in rehab-
ilitation for twenty-nine children
suffering from speech defects at one
of tVle first open houses of its kind
sponsored by the University Depart-
ment of Speech.
Operated by the Institute for
Human Adjustment and the De-
partment of Speech, the Speech
Clinic has as its purpose the pro-
viding of facilities for research
and, teacher training in speech
This summer the Clinic's program
is designed primarily for the rehabil-
itation of cleft palate cases, although
the enrollment includes stutterers,
spastics and children who are hard.
of hearing.
Children Divided into Age Groups
.; anging from 7, to 20 years, the
boys and girls are divided into two
age groups. Each child receives in-
dividual as well as group treatment.
The students, who spend five hours
every day at the Clinic, are givenI
every opportunity to put their newly
acquired speech habits into actual
"We cannot afford to work only
on the speech disorder of the indi-
vidual," Dr. Ollie Backus, assis-

tant professor of speech and acting
manager of the Clinic, said yester-
day. "Many of those children are
suffering from social maladjust-
ment and personality problems,
and if we fail to rehabilitate the
'whole' individual, removing their
speech defects will not solve the
entire problem."
Most of the cleft palate cases have
been repaired with an operation by
the Department of Oral Surgery un-
der the direction of Dr. John Kem-
per. The work of the Speech Clinic
begins where surgery leaves off.
Corrective Activities Planned,
Numerous activities are planned
for speech correction. The children
participate in blowing exercises by
practicing on soap bubble pipes and
whistles and by blowing up balloons.
In this way they learn how to send
air through their mouths rather
than through their noses. In the
group speech class they practice
making various speech sounds. The
ear training course teaches them to
distinguish between correct and in-
correct sounds. Even music classes
are included for getting correct
speech habits into practice.
After just two weeks of work at
the Clinic, many of the children

have already improved both in
their speech and their social out-
"Some of these children who were
painfully shy before, are becoming
perfectly willing to talk to people.
A few have even obtained part-time
work," Dr. Backus said. "We empha-
size the fact that they are poten-
tially normal people and the will
have to learn to take their place in
society along with evryone else," she
Students Conduct Club
One feature of particular interest
to visitors at the Clinic yesterday was
the business meeting conducted by
the older group of students. The
"Up and At It" Club, as they call
themselves, was organized primarily
to give every person a chance to talk,
and in spite of their speech defects
every person does participate in the
hoar-long business meeting.
The Club operates just like any
student organization, with a pres-
ident; secretary, social' chairman,
program chairman, and even a
speech chairman-whose job is to
ring a bell every time someone
makes a mistake on a word he has
learned to pronounce correctly.
The Clinic is' housed in its own
building at 1007 E. Huron. Included
in the 29 room house are classrooms,
laboratories, and a library.
Individuals may come to the Clin-
ic at any time to observe the speech
rehabilitation work and groups may
visit by appointment.
Dr. Reeves Will Speak
Here at Methodist'Church
Dr. Cora Reeves, who received her
PhD in biology in 1917 at the Uni-
versity, will speak on "Training for
Christian Leadership in the Orient"
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the West Side
Methodist church. -
Dr. Reeveg'was professor of biology
at Ginling College, Chengtu, West
China, from 1917 to 1941, when she
returned to the States.
Among her students was Yi-Wang
Wu, who came here later as a Bar-
bour scholar, receiving her doctor's
degree from the University.
There will beameeting. of
Sphinx, Junior Honorary Society,
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the



Dr. Inchaustegui Will Speak
ORepublic Today


"The people of the Dominican
Republic are very familiar with the
North American mind, so I haven't
been surprised at anything," Dr. J.
Marino Inchaustegui, who is tour-
ing this country at the invitation of
the Department of State, said laugh-
ingly yesterday.
Dr. Inchaustegui To Speak Today.
Dr. Inchaustegui is scheduled to
speak on "The History and Geogra-
phy of the Dominican Republic" at
8:15 p.m.,today in. Lane Hall.
Dr. Inchaustegui, who is studying
the education and educational pub-
lications of various universities
throughout the country, said that
his country has been campaigning to
foster inter-American relations
through compulsory study of English
in schools there.
Students Like To Learn English
"We feel that if everyone in this
hemisphere could speak both English
and' Spanish we will be able to
build a bridge between the Spanish
and Anglo-Saxon cultures.
"Our students are delighted to

learn English," he said, "because we
see your movies, and hear your
broadcasts, and of course those who
don't know English can't understand
"We have also started an extensive
campaign against illiteracy," he
said, "and at the present time we
have more than 4,900 schools for
adult education scattered through-
out the country.
Dominican Government Smile on US
"I don't think the people of the
United States realize how' similar
the government of the Dominican
Republic is to your own, he said.
"Our president, Rafael' L. Trujillo,
was elected last year for a term of
five years, and we have houses com-
parable to your Senate and House of


Wearing .

Bought, Rented, Cleaned
and Repaired
Student and Office Supplies


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.Good Looking;


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pid Amneric
road this SIZZI

iUT ET 21st ,

FOR PLAYTIME -Working in the
Victory Garden or defense plant.
Trim fitting and sturdy (madej on
women's lines). They're expertly,
made to withstand wear and give
maximum service while still retain-
ing their casual good looks.

Wednesday and Thursday

f rom 7-9.

till YOU sve ti
C"!the f
h F, t w

Registration hours are 3-5 during the
day. Men students are urged to register
by Friday before hours are cut down.
LY 2tnd
jrThere will be an election of ai student

SLACK SUITS of cotton gabardine and luana cloth
from 8.95. Slacks of every kind and color from 5.00
to 10.95. Navy denim slacks at 3.00 Matching blouses
at 2.00.

Panda cardigan of brushed
rayon and cotton in whit(
and gay colors at 4.50.
Cotton Pullovers from 2.00.
White sharkskin blouse at
right is one of many at 3.00.
Others from 2.25.

rf I I r

member of

the Board in Control


4220%vum mo.0

Physical Educatio-n this Thursday. Bal-
lot boxes are to be in the Engine Arch

and in University Hall. Polls will



from 1 P.M.


open from 9-4. Voting by men students

Also, flocks of SOX from 39c.
Buy a Stamp a Day


Candidates are:



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