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July 21, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-21

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PAGE rout WWNESDAY, JULY 21, 1043

New Classes
To Start Here
At JAG School
Second OCS, 12th
Officer's Group, Will
Begin Courses Monday
The Second Officers Candidate
Class and the Twelfth Officers
Training Class will begin courses at
the Judge Advocate General's School
Monday, it was announced yesterday
by Col. Edward H. Young, School
There will be more than 65 men
in the new candidate group; the
first to undertake the four month
course in accordance with the pol-
icy now prescribed by the War
Department. In the officers group
there will be more than 35 men,
ranging in rank from second lieu-
tenant to major.
Military Government Course Added
"The additional month in the can-
didate program will permit us to add
a course in military government to
the curriculum," Colonel Young said.
"We will also expand the course in
staff functions and generally devote
more time to matters that heretofore,
have necessarily been minimized be-
cause of the pressure of time," he
With certain minor exceptions.
the courses of the candidates and
the officers will be similar. Em-
phasis- will remain on military
training and discipline as well as
the subjects with legal background
such- as military justice, military
affairs, claims and contracts.'
Almost 200 Students Enrolled
The Twelfth Officers Class is one
of the smallest in the history of the
School. Usually the class number'
is about 70 as was that of the Elev-
enth Officers Class which graduated
Saturday. However, with the new
classes added to the First Officers
Candidate Class now on its last half
of training, the number of students
will total a new ,high ofalmost'200.
As orders call.:for. them to report
on Saturday and Sunday, the 'new
arrivals will be. processed at Athat
time. Orientation lectures are sched-
uled to begin Monday.

Victorious Chinese Display Captured Jap Equipment

Sailor Recalls Exciting Experiences

"December 7, 1941, was a day of I
great excitement for our crew," Ro-
bert Moran, member of the V-12 pro-
gram, said yesterday.
"On the first day of war we thought
we had sighted an enemy ship from
our aircraft carrier," Moran ex-
plained. "We were one day out from
the naval base at Norfolk, Va., when
we got our first contact by radar with
what we all thought to be a Jap ship.
Mystery Ship Locates Carrier
"Before we could get our aircraft
off the hanger deck there were planes
over us. The other ship had located
us first. But instead of the Jap ves-
sel we had anticipated, we found the
mystery ship to be a British carrier.
A little disappointed by perhaps re-
lieved, we exchanged identifications
and joined in the search for enemy
ships lurking off our eastern cost,"
he continued.
"Most of Uiy twenty months at
sea were rather peaceful," Moran
said, "but I've seen a lot of water in

that time. Aboard the aircraft carri-;
er, we traveled from Newfoundlandi
to Trinidad, visiting Bermuda, the
Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and
Jap Trick Turns Out French
"One day coming in from a cruise,
we thought we had our hands on
another Jap cruiser," he said. "We
picked up a ship on the distress band
sending out signals for help. It looked
like a Jap trick. We chased it for ten
or twelve hours and found it to be a
French ship on the wrong frequency.
"My only contact with the enemy
was before December 7 when a Jap
ship steamed by the base at Norfolk
ST. LOUIS, July 20.--P)-Because
her book of recipes, "The Joy of
Cooking," was outselling Wendell
Willkie's "One World" in St. Louis,
Mrs. Edgar R. Rombauer sent him a4
copy with "sincere apologies" written
on theflyleaf.

and looked over the fortifications
there. We didn't feel just right about
it then," he added.
"Having to wash our own uniforms
is something new for me," Moran
said, "our carrier was equipped with
a laundry capable of handling 1800
men's uniforms a week, a cobbler,
tailor, and an excellent barber.
Dr. Perdomo To Speak
At Hispanic Cluh Meeting
All soldiers and students who are
studying Spanish and Portuguese are
invited to attend the third program,
of the Hispanic Club meeting at 8
p.m. today in the Michigan League.
Featured for the evening will be
Dr. Jose Ignacio Perdomo of Bogota,
Colombia, now at the Lawyers' Club,
who will speak on "Colombian Liter-
ature" in Spanish and Dr. Aloysio
Pimenta of Brazil now at the Uni-
versity Hospital will discuss modern
Brazil in Portuguese.

Victorious over the Japanese in fighting in the upper Yangtze River valley of late May and early
June, these Chinese display some of the great quantities of equipment captured from the enemy. Rifles,
helmets, and Japanese flags form the major part of t he loot taken by the fighting Chinese soldiers and
guerrillas. The Chinese said that about 40,000 Japs were killed or wounded in the action. .

lii! ~pJ

War Departnent Gives Bomber
Fund Official Congratulations

The Bomber Scholarship Fund re-
ceived official commendation from
the War Department last week in
the form of a letter from Col. Fran-
cis T. Spaulding, Chief of the Edu-
cation Branch of the Special Service
Department, to Mary June Hastrei-
ter, chairman of the scholarship
"The purpose which underlies the
Bomber Scholarship plan at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, and the thor-
oughness with which the arrange-
ments for the plan have been worked
out, are to be commended," stated
Col. Spaulding.
Present Total Is $20,000
"We are now in the second week
of our summer drive," Miss Hastrei-
ter said yesterday, "and by Monday
we hope to reach our goal of increas-

No Racial Distinction Before
Slvrde adnSays,

"Before the American slave trade
there was no racial distinction in the
world, Robert' Hayden said Monday,
in the second of his series of lec-
tures on Negro history and culture.
Slavery Never Carried Stigma
Hayden stressed the fact that al-
though.there was slavery in Africa
before the American slave trade, it
never carried with it the same impli-
cations. Warring tribes took con-
quered people into slavery but they
were 'the same color so soon inter-
mhingled. Mohammedans also took
black slaves. However, as soon as
the slave accepted the Mohamme-
dan faith he was received into their
society. Color discrimination came
in with the American slave seeker.
"The success of the Haitian up-
heaval and other revolts through-
out the colonies was the stimulus
for insurrections," Hayden said.
Thinking that the English would
emancipate the slaves, Negroes
fought on their side in the Ameri-
can struggle for independence.
Hayden then traced the history of
the Negro from the time immediately
preceding the Civil War through the
Reconstruction. He emphasized the
work of the Northern abolitionists,
the underground railway, and Negro
leaders. Nat Turner, commonly

called the Black Prophet, led a well-
known revolt. Sojourner Truth, who
aided the underground railway, was
proclaimed "the voice of her peo-
Slavery Occasioned Civil War
Certainly slavery was the occasion
of the Civil War if not the cause,"
declared Robert Hayden. The Sou-
thern purpose was to preserve the
cotton South and slavery.
"Negroes did not dominate Re-
construction and contrary to pub-
lished histories the colored men
who sat in the chamber which re-
vised the South were intelligent,"
declared Hayden. Civil rights for
Negroes, new educational facilities,
reorganization of county and state,
and revision of taxes were their
immediate accomplishment. "They
certainly were no worse than our
present Congressmen," added Hay-
After the talk a short question
period was held in which Robert
Hayden was quizzed on various pha-
ses of the Civil War. In the coming
lectures Negro literature and poetry
will be discussed and the series will
be concluded with the graphic arts.
Hayden's lecture series sponsored
by the Inter-Racial is free of charge
and open to the public.

ing the pr'esent total of $20,000."
Money contributions may be made
by individuals as well as by organi-
zations and houses on campus. The
money will be converted into war
bonds for the duration. After the
war, scholarships will be provided
from this fund for men and women
returning to the University from the
Bomber Success Is Responsibility
"The success of the Bomber Schol-
arship Fund is the individual re-
sponsibility of everyone wishing to
aid in post-war reorganization," Miss
Hastreiter said.
Donations may be turned in to
Dean Walter B. Rea, Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall, or may be mailed to
him by check.
Heller Tals
At Conference
(Continued from Page 1)
or in Chinese and Uho Tsao, chair-
man of the Chinese Club.
Under the sponsorship of the
Post-War Council, Dr. Shepherd will
present a discussion of "Which Way
China in the Post-War World?" at 8
p.m. tomorrow. Elizabeth Hawley,
chairman of the Council, will intro-
duce the speaker, and three faculty
members will question him in a round
table talk after the lecture. Included
on the program will be Dr. Esson
Dale of the International Center.
Prof. Decker of the history depart-
ment, and Dr. George Kish of the
geography department.
All lectures and panels are open
to the public.
Speech Clinic Will
Demonstrate Work
Work done at the Speech Clinic
with various types of speech defec-
tives will be demonstrated in the
weekly assembly of the Department
of Speech at 3 p.m. today in the
Rackham Ampitheatre.
Taking part in the demonstration
will be two groups of children repre-
senting different age levels.
Members of the Department of
Speech faculty who will participate
in the program include Prof. Ollie L.
Backus, acting manager of the
Speech Clinic, Miss Harriet M. Dunn
of the University of Pittsburg, who is
on campus for the summer as super -
visor at the Clinic, and' Dr. L. Dell
Henry, staff physician at the Clinic.
The program is open to the public.
1944 RING
is now ready
BRm. Patterson

from de
HUNDREDS of Army men cheered
the famous G. I. "Gold Eagle" as
it flew low over the University cam-
pus Monday evening leaving behind
what proved to be the first payroll
many of the ASTP men had seen in
nearly three months.
The Army Air Corps' rousing
song "Ive Got Sixpence" was given
a cheerfully ribald airing with par-
ticular emphasis on " - - happy
is the day when the Army gets its
pay and we go rolling, rolling
home!" at Engineer Headquarters
Co. F, which is housed in Sigma
Several humorous situations were
precipitated by the shortage of green-
backs. Notable along the campus
were men long on hair and short of
cigarettes. It was not uncommon for
three sol4iers to jealously share a
single butt. One soldier wra actually
seen hiding behind a tree with his
hand guarding his shh't jacket while
he surreptitiously pulled out a pack
of cigarettes.

Will Lecture at
"The Genius Which Underlies the Work of Chiang Kai-Shek"
Auspices of Conference on Religion
"Which Way China in the Post=War World?"-1
Auspices of Post-War Council


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