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July 21, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-21

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- - - - ---------- -

Fifty-Third Year
A -F
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of student Publications.
Published every morning except Monclay and Tues-
day during the regular University year, and every morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by nmai '$5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

I 11------- ------.- , . -. - -----,-------- --- A



I ..~B 1 A u :, I , COIX N,

NEW YORK., July 21_ If there were no great
popular movement in Frane, !le officials of
North Africa would iot be givg that curio s
impression that they are walking stiffly on eggs
toward the future.,
They have tried to make themselves free of
the people. and how unfree they are! Even
Giraud's trip to Washington was a complicated
kind of obeisan e to the people, a sort of dec-
tioneering. He has tried to act independently
of the French resistance movemint, to be
uncontruBled by it, and sri he has bad to cross
an ocean to impress it.,
How tense they are, those who would do w iithi-
eut the people! Ten times day, they pause
unwittingly to bow to the very people they are
trying to do without.
It is so, around the xvorld. Even the harrison
Spangler wing of the Republican pa rty, which
is trying to get around the ptopie's desire for a
more stable world, finds that it lias to work by
agreeing that it wants a more stable world and
by setting up a committee to plan, or something,
for it.
And Governer Bricker of Ohio finds he has
to work for "a retun to local 5i 1 -governWilt
by saying, gulp, that he is in favor of iter-
national cooperalion. N&o this kind, of 'om-M,
hut maybe if here is o other kind, wnyl
naturally. .
All this nervous stufl! It is only we who are
content to go with the m ijority who are r xed I
at ease and full of c harm
We never feel compel 1ed. like I he ma1k es Iof

Marion Ford
Bud Brimmer
Leot Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Ed Podliashuk
Mary Anne Olson

Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
City Editor
Sports Editor
. . . . )Coumnist
. . . Womn's Editor

the i( w"F oi. For Whmi the Bell Tolls," to
Etrike Via vn 1 n Il anc a1( 11between Spain's fas-
cst 10' i 1I'> , and to abuse both sides in
exac1y h e ame inmher of running feet of film.
We think t)e Iascists were m-u-u-tech the worse.
.w w(\V \\>nOdfl to be free, and to be able to
iretcnh rn 's armsl5 out, and not to have to call a
[asemt 5 "01tionfist''"
S:e. w'r e net nervous. We feel fine. That is
xwby wiedeo~cralsire such good company. When
tIhe gue. ion of Italy comes up, and who is to be
()f it. e (Io not go all tense and silent. No
jitteaers, us. We think the King of Italy is a
ma~iseraal , 1 anheroic monarch. and probably a
mnoroxl. an'd we say so.
The dirawn, morose claminiig-up of the
1 xher b ( tlis crucial subject is (again) a
te :u ronia to the power of democracy. It is
like a :nit o'f siience in honor of the people.
'Those w ho think against the people have so
Hicmh hr..bh saying ghat they think.
Ii ml so sad. to spend one's entire life
skating n t1n ice, making omelets without
breahinl e-gs, and overcooking the broth. Italy
miIt, e a republic! What fun, to stamp the
(( p fIl , and hear it ring.
odi ot to worry about the
r. sto . <mrk on a career of worry. That
mivet ng gar!iam t of nlcers at Vichy is the
ini oa go ot' a lF e1ch movement which long
ago dec d o ig uore the people, and look at it.
t~ebra w , ;nurnes and begs and forever
Ora - eta is military record, like a bum
a0 as e stree ctoing to make an inpression and
I tOillil,
Aind; Vy i:t' 1 art (lo th o meat worlIdbro-
1.1 t" Ii o 0' lacy (verwrought, whose branch
1' '' I "% woking lately at such projects
b: i ie ing 11 il cinthe ground that this
ia IA e~' umd trying to move the whole
1 1( 10 I ic Pacific on the ground that it
Th to' a lro'xmls! Surely it is fine to be a
d0n0 L W-t ,cat.1only in hot weather. And
C lie 1l.. .Sem to be on our side.
t y 1i . 194 . N.Y. Post Syndicate)

rvicerncn vs, Civilians
T IS PLEASING to note that mem-
bers of The Michigan Daily are
interested in such problems as mak-
ing the servicemen on this campus
feel "at home."
There is much validity to the con-
clusion of those who made a recent
survey of servicemen that campus1
students are somewhat "cold" in
their relations with campus service-1
men. But such must be the case.
Wherever large groups of people
congregate, there is always a con-j
siderable number of impersonal re-
lationships. In large groups: im-
personality prevails. On the other{
hand, in small groups, it is possible
to get more personal and friendly;
it is also possible to get to know
almost everyone in the group.
In large groups, it is possible for
an individual to know a limited
number of people. The individual
may have an "inher ring" and an
"outer ring" of friends. Outside of
those rings are the strangers, who
must far outnumber those inside of
the rings.
One may say that the above prin-
ciples may be valid but that they
could not be applied to the Univer-
sity of Michigan. The opposition
could point to the fact that because
both servicemen and civilian stu-
dents are students of the University,
that they therefore have much in
common and thus should be more
I friendly toward each other.
T IS TRUE that Michigan students
have much in common, but still,
the principles that apply to large
groups still prevail. In any group
that numbers in the thousands, even
if the entire group consists of a
single organization that has a given
aim and method, people do not greet
each other with a smile and a "hel-
1o," just on the basis of the fact that
they belong to the same organiza-
tion. This writer recently came here
from a large university in Chicago
Sand has found that the "large group
Iprinciple" applies there as well. as;
here. In fact it applies to any large
University. Another "campus cold-
ness" factor is that there are some
shy students. There are also a few
1 students who develop "pseudo-so-
phisticated" and "blaise" attitudes.
The opposition could also contend
that "doesn't the war make any dif-
ference?" It does, but not enough.
It is unnatural to expect civilian
Ftudents to begin talking to every
serviceman they meet because of
the fact that we are at war. One
nay contend thatthis can be donet
if various campus organizations

I * $,

By Lichty

urge their members to do so. But
to force students to be friendly
would mean that in many cases
their friendly approach would not
be sincere-a fact which would be
disliked by the servicemen as well,
as- the students themselves.
Then what can be done about
helping the serviceman feel "at
home?" Just this-the sponsoring
of social events designed to get civil-
ian students acquainted with ser-
vicemen. And this is already being
done by many campus organizations,
with excellent publicity from The
Michigan Daily. These events are
doing a fine job as an uplifting mor-
ale factor, but they should be in-
creased and expanded. Publicity for
some of these events should be con-
ducted on a larger scale, such as
placing posters or bulletins right in
the servicemen's "ships" or "bar-
racks," since not all servicemen read
The Michigan Daily. It would prob-

ably be a good idea for this paper to
conduct an extensive survey asking
servicemen the type of events they
approve of most, and then seeing
that such events are sponsored.
-Dan Mason, A.S., USNR
PX Here?
umn of Sunday's Daily, J. M.
advocates a PX (post exchange)
for the servicemen. Does J.M.
know that the Army has tried to
get a PX here for the men? Does
J.M. know why the Army hasn't
gotten one here?
The reason is that the patriotic
tradesmen of Ann Arbor refuse to
permit a PX here. They would,
of course, lose profits. J.M. sup-
poses that a project like a PX
would require Army sanction. Why
doesn't he ask the Army here
about that?--T.B.




Busincss .Staff

Jeanne Lovett
Molly Winokur

. . T. siness Manager
Associate Business Manager

Ielephone 23-24-1
Editorials pu blishcd in The AMichigan Daily
are writ/en by members of The Daily saf
and represent the iews of he wri/ers only.
New U iowiiug cR;Of Gas
Equalizes U.S. Bttrden
W HY SOME Midwestern Congressmen should
gripe at a levelling process of gas rationing
when they have enjoyed privileges that the East-
ern states have never had is a question that has
ro answer.
The Eastern seaboard of this country has
had to bear the brunt of gas rationing for a
long time. They were rationed while the Mid-
west and Southwest were still driving merrily
on picnics. They rode bikes and took street-
cars under pleasure driving bans while out
here ars still flocked the roads unmolested.
IFANYBODY has a right to gripe it is the East-
ern States who are at last seeing the Midwest
and Southwest bear its share of the burden.
Just because this part of the country has enjoyed
privileges that it should not have had, in all
fairness, does not entitle it to complain indi-
vidually or collectively when an attempt is about
to be made to equalize the "unfairness," if any
person can call a necessary measure in wartime
by such a name.
The Midwestern Congressmen who are com-
plaining about a diverting of their motor sup-
plies to the East have no kick coming. If
they have to yell about something why don't
they yell about a further equalization of ra-
tioning which will include the west coast,
- Jane Farrant
Lewis Proposes
AFL-UMW Merger
TE COAL MINERS with their sundry prob-
lems probably are not going to be helped by
the newest idea conjured up in the fertile brain
of John L. Lewis.
That notorious potentate of America's min-
ers has decided that it would be advantageous
to his United Mine Workers' Union if it were
to join forces with the American Federation of
Just exactly how he plans to benefit is not
quite clear at the present, but then John L.
Lewis seldom plans anything without knowing
where he is going and how it will affect him and
his union.
Six years ago the UMW was a part of the
Federation, but Lewis split from the craftsmen
and created the now powerful Committee of In-
dustrial Organization. After three years of this,
he tried something new again by placing the
miners in a separate category.
Within the last few months the, American
public has become sick and tired of Lewis and
his threats; while many of the citizens were
sympathetic to the miner's demands, they were
in no mood for a strike during this critical per-
iod of war. And a thoroughly disgusted Con-
gress passed the anti-strike Connally bill.
Just how well Mr. Lewis' new idea will be e-
ceived by the American public will make little
difference to him, but whether or not the pro-
posal goes through will depend upon how well
the tol. officialis can iron out a .urisdictional
At present both rnionst are operating in
several of the same fields. If Lewis volun-
tarily yields to the AFL on the point of who
shall have the final say-so as far as control of

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(A~ C/uA

(.0111 hE C"O F A AS AGO)I lralind i 1We
looking at a few copies of the 'Nutoal
Quarte'ly,. a leading B it i Ii Conser'atie
monthly. The latest one was a July' issue.
The magazines were interesting reading. 0O
course, the war news was first but Brih Fem
pire news wasn't far behind. There was an r
title on New Zealand and Australia in wvhich
the writer blamed the Churchill government for
not establishing a British Information Center
able to compete with the American OWI offices
there. The writer claimed that the OW and
this ought to be read by some of our anti-Admin-
istration Congressman) was winning both Aus-
tP alia and New Zealand away from the British
Empire and unless Britain got to work fast there
wouldn't be any Empire in tihe Antilles to salvage.
The writer charged that one of the most
effective American propaganda tricks has been
to rebroadcast prcgrams of Bob Hope to Aus-
tralasia. This Hope fellow, said the writer,
seems to have appealed far more to the rough
and ready Anzacs than the slow type British
The publication, however, did not stop there
in its anti-American tirade. Quoting freely from
the statements of Clare Booth Luce on American
control of the airways, the publication took up
her challenge and said that Britain has and
always will control the main air-routes in West-
ern Europe and will fight, commercially, any
attempts by America to expand.
Another article, also anti-American, was more
liberal. Here America was denounced for sup-
porting decrepit Giraud against TDe "au"le.
A BIT DISGUSTED with the anti-American
tone of the magazine, though I am an ardent
supporter of General DeGaulle, I was about to
put it down when I noticed an article that
praised the United States but vigorously de-
nouneed the Union of South Africa. The article
was, of all things, on the Negro question. The
writer claimed that the South Africans were
unfair and uncultured in forbidding Negro wvori-
ers to join trade iuions and participate in na-
tional life and pointed to America as an example
of a country which was ma king progress along
that line. having the Detroit. riots clearly in
mind, this praise for us seemed rather ironically
Right after that article was aoot lr one
advocating more stringent punishntent for co-
onials in British East Arica who are already
subject to sch punishn tsi as lashig for
non-payment of taxes and impisonent for
inability to repay debts. I guess British tolon
ids a rei't Negr0es to the "Quarterly, they're
more like human cattle.
British Conservativs ar l l like that, 'uwl,:k to
crit iize dominionss sind ioreign countr1is;, slow
to Iacdintl !their own ('im and mist(k(i s;. It's
always "those uncullwedlt babai'ari;as when taIlk
ing of ,SouthAfricani rac-pr juelic( )r Amlricani
race riots; it's just "Colonial British IAdminisIa~
tion' wh'n talking of brutsiltes in enya, Bit-
s11 FIst Africa or India
lb t that's by no' mens all 1here is to Iitlish
coriservatinm. 'There is i; it ti:he ieaIitnss, the
spirit, tle romantic livor of Kiping when it
1 aves abnsut tie fighing itniiy of the Englti
speaking Conuronwealth. wen it 'alls for the
1)t'C're ivat ion (:1 [( 1 21sh iilt (re' suP tad(itiot o:
Then it a1mos c15a to b ' Cousecvat tmai, stole'
but bt'icomres' the voice of a proudri Bitishi nation-
alism thatc armt, hIl. ..b...tspirall..wit.whom
it counts into contact

4DID43, Chicago Times, Inc. -I a~

WASHNGTON. July 21.--- Postmaster Gen-
e "t Frank W Iker and Czech Ambassador Hur-
ban called on the President the othe' day with ,a
shet. of newly printed stamps commemorating
f' v' I of Czecl hoslovakia. FDR immediately
beg;n kidding Walker about the fact that he was
gettIing balid.
"Btss" reliitd the Postmaster General, look-
ug (dtwn pon tl' seated President, 'you're get-
ting bald yourself. Any worries?"
"Not a t\'orI'y in the world," replied FDR, run-
ning a hand over his thinning hair.
"Well, yoti mustn't worry." joked Walker, "we
don't vant you to get bald."
Then he antd the Czech Ambassador handed
IRoosceel the new stamps for his collection. The
Pre'tsideinp. (n10 of the leading philatelists in the
count!r,' examined the new issue carefully, com-
.lmnted Walker on it. Then as his callers
wee aloutt to leave, the Postmaster General re-
muarked -
"By the way. ho.w about some money? We're
s''ig th'se to you, not giving them."
'The Prae itu- laughed and felt in his pockets.
'h1e wer' empty. Carefully, one by one, he
'xamined seah pocket. He didn't have a cent
to his name. Finally he had to send out and
g't sme mifioncY to pay for the stamps.
N01'a;: Most people don't realize it, but the
Pinesuent of the United States seldom has an
uoiii'tunii y It spend anything for himself.
All his household bills are paid by the house-
Lee jcr. When he travels, an aide takes care '
of all expenses. So the President gets out of
th halii 0 'a'r'ying money.
I1 Jon II. LI0s coutld lxhave hea1rd what went
1n 05 52s11 ('r meeting of Assistant President
ams IlyiIn's snd Wari Labor Board members
i lis hirsift 'ma0n0 would have shaken like a bush
Il a wtidst orm.
One thing se'riously discussed at this meet-
in; ws 3 g ve rnent stop-order on further
ao,ection li'+s 1y Lewis from United Mine
Wo rsi'i, if e ar'ries out his threat to strike
th 1114;A minis are returned to private own-
.,'. laoi' od Chairman William H. Davis,
ho Ii ': 1t Lewis, savagely all through the
'eat ptr is mad it clear to Byrnes that he and
Iiis titheip's hilitve in restoring private own-
e hip of I' min's as soon as possible.
"Th~ goveinment is going to have to meet
his" hallenge by John L. Lewis," declared
Ovis, ".just as it has met the challenge of em-
'loyers who have defied the government, even
1 m iwa7sH niping sanctions of some kind."
1'Sil pritktd up his ears and asked what
I>' 11 r11 otlhicr lithaln enforce the Anti-Strike
Alt to Ie best of Iiuw government's ability.
"Well, if tie continues to defy the govern-
it," .s uggested Dean Wayne Morse, WLB
r'r'sen ati4e ot the public, "there's one way

'Hon. Spy report U.S. people so hungry, congressman do not send out
seeds any more-many resort to throwing out "red herring
to calm populace!"



VOL. LIII, No. 17-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation. except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notice of Withholding Tax Deduc-
tions: All persons upon the Univer-
sity Payrolls for services rendered
after June 30, 1943, are notified that
under the federal "Current Tax Pay-
ment Act of 1943" there will be de-
ducted from each salary payment
made an amount equivalent to 20 per
cent of such payment above legal
elected, under Federal authority, to
base this deduction, after legal ex-
emptions, upon 20 per cent of the
salary payment to each individual
calculated to the nearest dollar. Ev-
ery employee of the University, in
whatever capacity, should secure, at
the Business Office, or at other of-
fices at which they will be available,
a copy of the Government withhold-
ing exemption certificate, Form W-4,
'and should promptly fill out and
mail or file this exemption certifi-
cate at the Business Office at which
the certificate was obtained. The
burden of filling out and filing this
form is under the law exclusively
upon the employee and if it is not
filed in time the deduction of 20 per
cent must be taken upon the basis of
the employee's entire earnings with-
out benefit of the exemption to
which the employee would be en-
titled if he or she filed the certifi-
-Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary
Identification Cards: Are ready for'
distribution in Room 2, University
Hall. Civilian students in the Sum-
mer Term whose pictures have been
taken since June 23 should call for-
their cards.
Chairmen of Student Activities are
reminded that at the beginning of
each term or summer session every

Blanks for the chairmen's lists may
be obtained in the Office of the Dean
of Students.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations.
The United States: Dental Hy-
gienist, $1,620 per year; Estimator
and Jacket Writer, $3,000 and $3,-
300 per year; Medical Officer, $3,200
to $4,600 per year; Student Nurse,
$288 (quarters, substinence, laundry,
and medical attention included) per
year; Technical Aid, Quartz Crystals
(Trainee), $1,620 per year. Closing
date Sept. 10, 1943.
State of Michigan: Graduate
Nurse, $125 to $145 per month.
Baltimore: Senior Recreation Lea-
der, $1,600 per year. Closing date
July 29, 1943.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
"Which Way China in the Post'
War World" will be presented Thurs-
day by Dr. George W. Shepherd at
8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Agnphi-
theatre under the auspices of the
Post-War Council. The public is
cordially invited.
A cademic Notices
Psychology 42 Makeup final exam-
ination Thursday, July 22 from 2-4
in Room 2125 Natural Science Build-
Students in Speech: A demonstra-
tion of clinical procedures in the
treatment of various types of speech
abnormalties will be given at the
Speech Assembly at 3 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Makeup Examinations in History
will be given on Friday, July 23 from
4 until 6 o'clock in Room C Haven

German Departmental
Hours during the Summer
a.m. to 12 noon, Monday
Friday; 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
through Thursday.

Term: 8

Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty, members
during the 5th week and again dur-
ing the 11th week of the semester.
These two reports will be due on July
31 and Sept. 11. Report blanks will
be furnished by campus mail.
There will be a meeting for all
women interested in gqlf at 4 p.m.,
Thursday, July 22, at the W.A.B.
Any woman interested who cannot
attend the meeting, call Jane Rich-
ardson, 2-4471.
Events Today
"The Genius Which Underlies the
Work of Chiang Kai-Shek" will be
presented as a lecture by the Rev.
George W. Shepherd of China in the
Rackham Amphitheatre at 8 p.m.
this evening.
At 8:15 p.m. Licenciado J. Marino
Inchaustegui will offer a lecture
about his native country, the Domin-
ican Republic. The lecture will be
given in Lane Hall.
Women in Education Lun~cheon,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan League,
11:45-1:00. Miss Adelia Beeuwkes,
instructor in public health nutrition,
will speak on "Civilian Nutrition Ac-
tivities in Wartime and the Teach-
er's Responsibility."
French Tea: There will be a
French Tea today at 4:00 p.m. in
the Cafeteria of the Michigan
League. Students, men' in uniform
and Faculty people are cordially in-
vited. -Charles E. Koella
The Inter-Racial Association: Pre-
sents this evening at 8 o'clock in the
Michigan Union Rev. Horace White
of Detroit speaking on "Recent
Trends in Racial Relationships."
There will be a short business meet-
ing before the lecture.

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