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July 21, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-21

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W eather
ittle Change










Ul nda

Pushes into
South Sicily
Italian Troops Mutiny
Against Nazis; British
Shatter German Tanks
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, July 20.- With
some Italian troops reported in mu-
tinies against German officers and
surrendering in great batches, Amer-
ican forces are spearing deeper in-
land in a mighty drive to chop Sicily
in two and are fanning swiftly along
the southern coast, Allied headquar-
ters announced today.
British Shatter Tanks
In the East near strategic Catania,
British troops shattered German
tank attacks with bloody losses and
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery
was gathering strength for a blow to
topple that seaport and perhaps car-
ry the offensive fully sustained to
Messina to seal off Sicily from the
The situation clearly was critical
for-the Axis.
"There are many indications of
mutinies among Italian troops com-
manded by German officers," today's
war bulletin declared.
Italians Rise Against Nazis
German officers have been threat-
ened or killed by Italians seeking to
surrender, official reports said, and
the cleavage between the bitterly-
resisting' Nazis and war-weary Fas-
cists has become an inter-Axis strug-
Germany's manpower shortage in-
duced the Axis high command to
make what now appears to have been
the mistake of using Italian troops
under German officers and non-
comS without.sufficient Gernman pri-
vates in the same units to dominate
their morale, observers said.
Over-All Picture Given,
This was the over-all picture of
Western, (American) sector: U.S.
Seventh Army troops have dashed
10 miles west along the coast from
Agrigento, front dispatches said.
Other units already about 30 miles
inland bore a more dangerous threat,
aiming at Sicily's central lifelines.
From captured Caltanissetta, U.S.
troops with Canadian forces are
throwing a pincers upon Enna, key
of the island's inner defensenastride
main highways and railroads east
and west. The Americans also may
be thrusting northwest, toward Pa-
lermo only 60 airline miles distant on
the northwest coast.
U.S. Continue Push
"United States troops continue to
push forward in the central and
western sectors," headquarters said,
taking prisoners by the hundreds
and meeting "almost total lack of
Hitler Flies To
See Mussolini
LONDON, July 20. -UP)- Adolph
Hitler flew into Italy Monday for a
conference :with Premier Mussolini,
the Axis announced tonight, indi-
cating the Nazis ares gravely con-
cerned over the fate of their junior
partner, trembling under Allied at-
London sources said the con-
ference, held at an unnamed town
in northern Italy, apparently was a
last-minute attempt to whip up the
flagging spirits of Italy, whose em-
pire has been lost, her European soil
invaded and her capital bombed.

Choice of yesterday as the meeting
day was a curious one for Mussolini.
While the dictators were discussing
"military questions," Rome was being
pounded by more than 500 bombers
in the biggest raid to come Il Duce's
The meeting-first since the dic-
tators conferred at Salzburg April
7-10 while the position of Tunisia
was becoming serious-was not un-
expected in view of recent Allied suc-
The fact that Hitler went into Italy
was interpreted in some quarters
here as an indication that Mussolini
is holding the whip hand at the mo-
ment-and the only whip Mussolini

Take Steps To
Unite Again
Lewis Confers with
Tobin in Three-Hour
Session; Outlook Better
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 20.-Reaffili-
ation of the United Mine Workers of
America with the American Federa-
tion of Labor appeared a step nearer
today following a three-hour confer-
ence between John L. Lewis and ex-
ecutives of the AFL.
UMW Left AFL 5 Years Ago
Lewis and his United Mine Work-
ers left the AFL more than five years
ago, when the mine union leader
started the CIO. His recently-filed
application for reaffiliation is to be
acted on by the AFL executive coun-
cil when it meets next month in
Daniel J. Tobin, AFL vice-president
who heads a three-man committee
studying the Lewis application, told
reporters the outlook for reaffiliation
"looks somewhat better" after today's
Accepts AFL
Asked what he thought about the
outlook, Lewis handed reporters a
brief statement asserting that "in the
interest of unifying the policies of
organized labor" the UMW "has pro-
posed reaffiliation" and "in doing so
it accepts the American Federation
of Labor as it now exists, and ex-
pects the' American Federation of
Labor to accspt the United Mine
Workers of America as it no exists."
Neither Lewis nor Tobin would say
whether jurisdictional obstacles had
been settled, or even discussed, or
whether another meeting would be
necessary before the Chicago session.
War Is Run by
Business Men
Ickes Charges Faults
Are Not New Dealers'
NEW YORK, July 20.-(P)-Inter-
ior Secretary Ickes said today that
drafted businessmen were running
the war and "if the war program has
broken down at any point, it hasn't
been chargeable to the 'Brain Trust-
ers,' to the 'New Dealers' or to the
"It isn't the New Dealers who have
been running this war," he said in an
address before the sales executive
club. "I challenge anyone to ngme
names and fix responsibilities. If I
know anything about Washington it
is that business men who have been
drafted have been running the war-
men like Knudsen, Nelson, Stettinius,
and many others whom I might men-
tion. And while you are pondering
this fact, consider also that many
of the most influential and busiest
executives in this Administration
were never New Dealers. Nor are they
Ickes said the "toughest job" of
converting to war purposes fell to the
Federal government

Allied Bombers Hit Rome Rail Yards
- Mian Venice °
*Turn _
Bologna Plrs
Genoa .
Nice Leghorn ~flrence °Ancona "-Split
*- -"'4
AjcME Barletta
Aghero Naples - aranto
Oristano-. 4
Ciari tyrrh enedn Cosenza.'
Palermo Messina
°' ' "Cal ai
BizerteC Marsala6
" ; Catania

1~) -



Allied light and heavy bombers (arrow) bombed railroad marshall-
ing yards in Rome, capitol of Fascist Italy which thus far escaped
Allied attacks, according to a War Department announcement. Mean-
while, Allied invasion of Sicily has placed one-third (black area) under
control and London heard that Axis headquarters in Sicily has been
transferred to Reggio Calabria (1) on the Italian mainland.
* *~ * * * *
ita lian ToopRevolt in
Sicily Raise U.S. Hopes
Collapse of West, Central Defenses May Be
Near; Allied Raid on Rome Kills 166 People
LONDON, July 20.-- UP-- Official news of mutinies among Italian
troops in Sicily raised hopes in American quarters in London today for
collapse of the defense in at least the western and central portions of the
Meanwhile the Italian communique, admitting "very great damage,"
said the Allied raid on Rome yesterday had killed 166 persons, injured
1,659, and hit "11 buildings sacred to faith and science," and a Rome broad-
cast termed the bombing a "psychological error" that would boost Italian
fighting spirit.
A Rome broadcast recorded by the Associated Press said King Vittorio
Emanuele of Italy had placed 1,000,000 lire (nominally $52,600) at'the dis-
a posal of Rome's governor for the aid

Reds Extend
Offensive to
Mies River
Russian Troops Break
Through Nazi Lines
In Front of Taganrog
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 20.- The great
Russian summer offensive broke out
over a 450-mile front Tuesday, ex-
tending from the Orel sector, where
that vital Axis-held "hinge" city was
threatened with encirclement, to the
Mius River, where Red army troops
breached German defenses in front
of Taganrog, it was announced in a
special Soviet communique tonight.
Troops Break Across Mius
The Russians said their troops had
broken across the Mius River and
also the northern Donets River south
of Izyum and southwest of Voroshi-
lovgrad, in an area about 300 miles
south of Rel, apparently aiming at
the heart of the Donets basin. Here
strong German forces had thrust
back deep into the rich industrial
territory last spring to recapture
Slavyansk and other steel and rail
centers as part of that offensive that
reclaimed Kharkov.
50 Towns Recaptured
At least 50 more towns were recap-
tured by the Soviet forces driving on
Orel, including Mtsensk, 31 milesl
northeast of Orel on the railroad to
Moscow, and Bolkhov, 32 miles north1
of Orel, the Soviet special war bulle-
tin declared. It was broadcast by
the Moscow radio and recorded by
the Soviet radio Monitor here.
The Soviet midnight communique,
broadcast by the Moscow radio sev-
eral hours after the special war bul-
letin detailed the new successes, saidT
the offensive about Orel was con-
tinuing without let-up despite spir-
ited German resistance which was
costing the enemy heavily.
Germans Hit South of Orel
Another Moscow broadcast dis-
closed that in a prelude to Tuesday's
smashing land offensive, large forces
of Russian heavy bombers smashed
at German concentrations and air-
dromes southeast of Orel late Mon-
day night, destroying a "considerable;
number" of Nazi air force planes,
caught on the ground.
Moscow's midnight communique
listed more than 4,700 of the enemy
killed in engagements about Orel
and Belgorod, with another 1,000
declared to have been killed or
wounded and 140 tanks disabled or
destroyed, in addition to 53 artillery,
mortar and self-propelling gun bat-
teries put out of action.
Rev. White To
Speak Today
Inter-Racial Society
Is Sponsoring Lecture
Interpreting tge nation-wide race
riots in a speech on "Recent Trends
in Racial Relationships" the Rev.
Horace White of the Plymouth Con-
gregational Church, Detroit, will
speak at the first meeting of the
Inter-Racial Association at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Union.
A speaker before University aud-
iences in the past, the Rev. White is
a former member of the state legis-
lature and of the Detroit Housing
Commission. He was one of the
leaders in Detroit who distributed
leaflets asking his people not to be-
come involved in the recent riots.

Navy Projects
6 More Years
Of Jap War
Liberator Bombers
Strike Paramushiro,
Key Tokyo Outpost
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 20. - The
Navy publicly projected six more
years of war against Japan today,
and within the hour announced that
great Liberator bombers striking far
beyond their Aleutians base on the
short route to Tokyo had damaged
heavily the strategic enemy outpost
of Paramushiro.
U.S. Planes Attack Jap Side
This bastion is on the northern-
most of the Kurile Islands which
stretch south 700 mileselike a dagger
pointing to the Japanese mainland.
To raid Paramushiro, American
planes of the North Pacific Command
made their first announced attack
mission over the enemy side of the
Issuance of the' battle report so
soon after a press conference set up
by Secretary Knox to knock down
false optimism in this country sug-
gested that if there are to be six
more years of Pacific fighting, as
Vice Admiral Frederick J. Horne
intimated to the conference, they will
be spent largely in Japan's own
Navy Will Cover Escape
Horne, stressing this prospect, said
that from here on the American Nayy
would be working all over the ocean
while Japan would be fighting on
steadilyashortening interior lines.
Moreover the Admiral, who is Vice-
Chief of Naval gperations, said the
United States must build island bases
from the ground up as it advances,
and it must be prepared for the
heavy fleet losses always expected
in offensive operations. -
Horne was one of four persons who
discussed the war situation and its
relation to munitions production at
Secretary Knox's press conference.
The others were Charles E. Wilson,
executive vice chairman of War Pro-
duction Board; James V. Forrestal.
Undersecretary of the Navy; and
'We Are Over Optimistic'
Knox himself declared that we are
"already feeling the effects" of over-
optimism about the war's end. He
said that these effects are apparent
in a drop in production.
Wilson reported that the aircraft
industry should produce 8,500 planes
in July because it had the facilities,
materials and manpower to reach
that scheduled peak. However, he
said, there is every prospect that it
will fail to achieve the goal. Knox
blamed this on complacency which
he said robbed workers of their "will
to produce."

ous and difficult. A slow but con-
stant deterioration of his beleaguered
garrison can be expected unless our
blockade ring can be broken."
Total Losses Listed
Repulse of the fourth Japanese
naval attempt to run the steadily-
tightening American sea and air
gauntlet into Munda brought the
official toll of enemy military ship-
ping losses in Solomons waters to:
Sunk-three cruisers, 13.destroy-
ers, one submarine chaser, five cargo
vessels and one tanker.
Probably sunk-five destroyers.
Damaged-five destroyers and five
cargo vessels.
Catalina flying boats picked up the
Japanese force of three light cruis-
ers, six destroyers and two trans-
ports in the gulf between Vella La-
vella and Kolombangara islands
shortly after midnight yesterday and
shadowed the enemy convoy until
strong formations of Avengers, Mit-
chells and Liberators arrived on the
Transports Head for Vila
Apparently realizing that the
darkness failed to conceal their
movements, two ,transports with the
protection of three destroyers headed
for Vila, Japanese, base across Kula
Gulf from -the main island of New
Georgia, while the cruisers and re-
maining destroyers steamed farther
offshore to give a flanking cover.
Board To Ask
By Grand Jury
DETROIT, July 20.- (P)- Mayor
Edward J. Jeffries' Inter - Racial
Board has decided to ask a grand
jury investigation into the causes
and circumstances of the race riots
here last month which claimed 34
William J. Norton, chairman of
the 12-man board, said tonight the
members had adopted unanimously
a resolution askingrWayne County
(Detroit) Prosecutor William E.
Dowling for a one-man grand jury
investigation of unsolved crimes
growing out of the rioting.
The resolution also asked that the
grand jury apprehend participants
in the riots, probe rumors, find insti-
gators and study any other available
A three-man subcommittee was
chosen to present the matter to Dow-
ling, Norton said.
If appointed, the grand jury also
would be charged with attempting
to fix responsibility for the deaths of
13 of the riot victims. These 13, in-
cluding six white victims, are listed
by the police as unsolved deaths.
Meanwhile, incidental phases of
the rioting were still under inquiry
by the police department.

Land, Air, Sea Forces
Decide Enemy's Doom
Fourth Naval Attempt To Send Reinforcements
To Beleaguered Men Repulsed by Blockade
By The Associated Press
Wednesday- Three more Japanese warships sank to a coral-fringed grave-
yard in waters around New Georgia in the Solomons early yesterday morn-
ing-victims of American bombs--as air, land and sea forces maintained
overwhelming pressure to seal the doom of the beleaguered enemy at Munda.
American Liberators, Mitchell and Avenger bombers thus beat off the
latest attempt by the Japanes Navy to fight assistance through their hard-
pressed comrades on Munda, and General Douglas MacArthur said in to-
day's communique:
"The tightening investment of Munda has now rendered supply or
<' reinforcement of the enemy danger-

Germans Execute
50 French Citizens
July 20.-UP)-Fifty French citizens
were executed in Paris last week in
retaliation for the shooting of a Ger-
man lieutenant, trustworthy infor-
mation reaching this Swiss area from
the former French capital revealed
One of the 50 escaped while march-
ing to the shooting-ground. He im-
mediately was replaced by a man
picked from the crowd of specta-
tors, it was reported.
Hostage executions were said to
have been carried out at regular in-
tervals in an effort to offset sabo-
tage, but since the Axis occupation
of the entire country they rarely are

Dr, Bernard Heller Tells of
Suffering of EuropeanJews

of impoverishedsfamilies "that have
remained victims of the enemy's air
While no informed source in Lon-
don was willing to make an unquali-
fied prediction that the Sicilian cam-
paign was heading for a swift close-
within a week or so-great interest:
was aroused by the Allied communi-
que's statement that "there are many
indications of mutinies among Ital-
ians commanded by German offi-
."That's most unusual language tor
an official communique and there
must be much behind it or it would-
n't have been included,", one officer
. * * *
Rev. Mooney
Regrets Raid,
DETROIT, July 20.-(A')-Assert-
ing that the war must be won in the.
hearts and minds of men as well as
on' land, on sea and in the air, the
most Rev. Edward Mooney, Arch-
bishop of Detroit, expressed "surprise
and regret" today that Allied military
authorities had taken the moral risk
involved in the recent bombing of
At the same time, the Archbishop
who is chairman of the Administra-
tive Board of the National Catholic
Welfare Conference, said the Italian
government could have prevented the
danger to Rome's "priceless monu-
ments of religion and culture" had it
declared Rome an open city and
acted "in sincere conformity with
that declaration."
New Nazi Brigade
Moves Down Aegean
IZMIR, Turkey, July 20.-(A')-A
new German brigade was reported to-
day moving down the Aegean 'Sea
in the direction of the Dodecanese
The first units of the brigade,

"Trying as were the Jews' ordeals'
throughout the 19 centuries of the
Christian era, they appear as peace-
ful meanderings through, gentle
meadows when compared with what
European Jewry had to endure dur-
ing the last fifty years," Dr. Bernard
Heller, well-known Jewish scholar
and author, said yesterday in the
first evening lecture of the ninth
annual Summer Conference on Re-
ligion held at the Rackham Building.
"Indeed, the last stretch of the
road which the Jews have been
forced to traverse may veritably be
termed their 'Via Dolorosa,' " he
Jews Have No Status
"People ask me about the present
status of the Jew in Europe," he com-

been shipped to the ghettos of Po-
land to be exterminated and tortured
Dr. Heller, who was formerly di-
rector of Hillel Foundation for 9
years, cited seven outstanding ex-
amples of persecutions of Jews
through the pages of history. Includ-
ed were the relation of the Dreyfuss
affair, the Kistuneff massacre in
Russia, the Mendel Berlis ritual ac-
cusation, the pogrom at Pinsk and
just last April the heroic sacrifice of
the Jews in the ghetto at Warsaw.
Use Underground Channel
When asked about where he re-
ceived his information concerning
the atrocities committed against the
Jews, he replied that his office in
New York had contact with an un-
derground channey. "If their stories
.:.._ - f-.v " - - - n+.+1.nin -


250 Register for Wee k Conference

More than 250 persons have regis-
tered for the Education Conference
Week now in progress, it was an-
nounced yesterday by the School of
Education which is sponsoring the
Today's sessions will include an
afternoon lecture on "Education
and the People's Peace" to be de-
livered by Dean J. B. Edmonson,
of the School of Education. Morn-
ing and early afternoon programs
will consist of roundtable discus-
cain&nc pannnr health and nhvsi -

Yesterday's conference with the
representatives centered around the
topic, "Adjusting Instruction to War
Demands." Both the audience and
members of the panel agreed that
one of the most valuable types of
wartime instruction teaches. members
of the community as well as stu-
dents the importance of aiding the
war effort through purchasing war
stamps and bonds.
Other questions, raised during
the discussion were: What courses
should we offer boys to prepare

who go directly into the services
from high school do not have an
opportunity to experience life in civil-
ian democracy and therefore should
be given every opportunity to learn
about democracy during their pre-
induction tiraining.
Win the War First
Rawl Is Grigsby, of the United
States Office of Education, reminded
the panel and members of the audi-
ence that education should act first
and foremost to win the war, and
that everything else should receive

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