SA1VP)AV, JULY 17, 194'
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~A~! TWk~E
Hen shatv A llows Eight Hits
A's Tigers Defeat Sailors, 1 O
GREAT LIAKES, Ill., July 16.-(P)
-Roy Henshaw yielded eight hits-
seven singles and a double-and al-
lowed only one Bluejacket to reach
third base in pitching Detroit to a
1-0 victory over Great Lakes today.
It was the sailors' fifth defeat in
10 games against Major Leaguers and
their seventh setback in 38 contests
this season.
The Tigers scored their lone run
in the sixth inning, on singles by Al
Unser and Roger Cramer.
The losing pitcher was Tom Fer-
rick, who was with the Cleveland In-
dians last year.
Henshaw breezed along with the
help of four double plays-two of
them, started by outfielder Ned Har-
ris. The little lefthander allowed only
one walk in pitching Detroit to its
second win over Great Lakes in two
Yanks Trim As, 6-5
NEW YORK, July 16.--VP)-The
Yankees' sore-back and sore-leg set
-Bill Dickey and Charley Keller-
came back to work today and the
Bombers beat out the Philadelphia
Athletics 6 to 5, but it was little
Frankie Crosetti's bat that spoke the
big piece.
The snappy shortstop veteran, who
has put new life in the Yankee in-
field since being called off the bench
a few weeks ago, put some of the
in the some in the Bomber's batting
attack this time with three, singles,
the last of which broke a deadlock
and sent the winning run home in
the eighth inning.
Pirates Whip Cards
PITTSBURGH, July 16.-VP)-Rip
Sewell won his 13th game of the sea-
son today as Pittsburgh defeated St.
Louis, 9 to 5, aiding in his own vic-
Major League
tory by rapping out three hits, in-
cluding a double and stealing a base.
Bob Elliott was the hitting hero,
counting three doubles and a single.
Pittsburgh's victory, coupled with
Brooklyn's defeat by Boston, moved
the Pirates to within three and a
half games of the second place bums.
Braves Take Dodgers, 3-2
BOSTON, July 16.--U)-Branch
(the reverend) Ricky made a special
speech to the Brooklyn Dodgers to-
day to restore peace to the troubled
bums, for apparently all Branch the
reverend succeeded in doing was to
put their bats to sleep.
For, after he completed his "kiss
and make .up" lecture, the Dodgers
went out on Braves Field and were
thumped 3 to 2 by the Boston Braves.
Nate Andrews, the husky right-hand-
er, hand-cuffed the Brooklyns with
five hits to chalk up his seventh win
of the year, but the big damage wcg
done by Johnny McCarthy, who, in-
cidentally, was once a Dodger him-
Giants Pay $7,500
For Joe Medwick
NEW YORK, July 16.-(k)-Joe
Medkick, only three years ago con-
sidered one of baseball's most valu-
tble properties, tonight was just an-
other $7,500 ball player.
The New York Giants today
claimed him from the Brooklyn Dod-
gers for that waiver price, the trans-
action being the second in recent
days involving a prominent Brooklyn
Medwick, after a spectacular ca-
reer with the St. Louis Cardinals, on
June 12, 1940 was the chief figure in
a six-player, $100,000 transaction be-
tween the Cardinals and Dodgers.
Five days after joining the Brook-
lyn club he was beaned by a pitch
thrown by Bob Bowman of the Cards,
and since then has not lived up to
what was expected of him, although
he 'has yet to hit less than .300 in
the big show.
Public Is Invited to
Hillel Record Party
An informal concert of recorded
music will be held from 8-10 p.m.
today at the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation and is open to service-
men, students, and townspeople.
The concert will be followed by a
social hour in which refreshments
will be served. This will be the first
in a series of concerts which are to
be held throughout the summer. Re-
quests may be submitted to the
The program today will be Sibeli-
us' "Fifth Symphony", Br a h m s'
"Variations on a Theme by Haydn",
Tschaikowsky's "Violin Concerto"
and Strauss' "Don Juan".
Septegenarians Marry
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., July 16.-(A)Y
-William Howard, 77, and Maggie
Smith, 79, obtained a marriage li-
cense today at the county court
clerk's office.
"We've both been married before,"
Howard said. "I've got eleven great-
grandchildren. How many have you
got, Maggie?"
er ectiantdern
Lt.-Col. Johnson
Explains Status
Of State OCD
Fire College Forum
Inchides Speech by
Baker on Blackouts
Lt.-Col. Charles T. Johnson, field
artillery, assistant regional director
of the Sixth Civilian Defense Region
explained the Civilian Defense setup
between the region and the state in
a talk before the last meeting yes-
terday of the fifteenth annual Michi-
gan Fire College.
Colonel Johnson also discussed the
job of the auxiliary firemen under
the OCD program.
Chief Floyd Baker, OCD staff in
Lansing, spoke on the new regula-
tions for blackouts and the purpose
of certain rules and signals. He also
explained the use of the auxiliary
equipment that is allocated by the
state to various towns.
J. W. Just, director of the Fire
Service Extension of the University
of Maryland, sent a written address
which by Chief Harry Rog-
ers. Mr. Just compared the fire de-
partment 25 years ago with the fire
department of today.
"Now the fire departments are pro-
gressive and changing. They use
time-saving and labor-savinghdevices.
New recruits undergo regular train-
ing instead of learning by experi-
ence. The loss caused by house fires
has been greatly reduced in recent
years. The time is past when the
water used by the fire department
does more damage than the fire,"
Mr. Just wrote.
Chief Arnold Renner, Chief Fire
Marshal Division of the Michigaqi
State Police, Norman Conrad, Sixth,
Regional OCD in Chicago, and
George Haberle, state OCD property
officer, led an open forum discus-
A total of 170 firemen from all,
_ ..... . ,..... :m c
Joe Louis Warms Up For Tam Golf War A encies
Sgt. Joe Louis, heavyweight champion now on Army furlough,
blasts a ball from a sand trap as he tries out the Tam O'Shanter course
in Chicago, where he'll compete in the All-American amateur golf meet.
Reigion Conference To Open
Tuesday at Rackham Building
Repr esetatives
Will Meet Here
Afternoon Talks of
Education Conference
To Begin This Monday
"Representatives from the Treas-
ury Dept., the OPA, the OWI, and
the Office of the Commissioner of
Education will be in Ann Arbor Mon-
day to participate in the week-long
Education Conference sponsored by
the School of Education in the Uni-
versity High School," Dean J. B.
Edmonson of the School of Educa-
tion announced yesterday.
These representatives are mem-
bers of the Federal Education War
Council, a recently created agency
whose function is to coordinate the
educational policies of all govern-
ment agencies and departments.
One of these four representatives,
Dr. Homer Anderson, was formerly
superintendent of schools at St. Lou-
is, Mo. He now has charge of the
Educational Section of the War Sav-
ings Staff.
A second representative, Dr. Rawl
Grigsby, is special assistant to the
United States Commissioner of Edu-
cation. Dr. James R. Mendenhall, a
third representative, is connected
with the Educational Services
Branch of the Office of Price Ad-
ministration. Dr. Mendenhall was
formerly Professor of Consumer Ed-
ucation at Stephens College.
The fourth representative is Major
Thad Hungate of the War Depart-
ment Army for trained manpower.
He will give special attention to
problems relating to pre-induction
The representatives of the Federal
Education War Council have been
scheduled to take part in meetings
which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Mon-
day through Wednesday. They will
also participate in roundtables on
selecte4 afternoons.
Pollock To Talk
At Conkorence
"The Citizen and Foreign Policy"
will be the topic of an address Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department will give at 11
a.m. Monday at the opening meet-
ing of the annual Summer Education
Conference sponsored by the School
of Education.
Dr. J. B. Edmonson, dean of the
School of Education, will act as
chairman at the lecture. Roundtable
discussions of topics pertaining to
the adjustment ofischools in war-
time will take place during the re-
mainder of the morning and during
the early afternoon.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
University psychology department
will address members of the confer-
ence at 4:15 p.m. on "Youth and the
Post-war World".
Although the conference is spon-
sored primarily for members of the
School of Education Summer Ses-
sion, all meetings and conferences
are open to the public. All sessions
of the conference will be held in the
University High School.
over Michigan attended the
New York ........ .
x-Wash ington . ...... .
Detroit .............
x-St. Louis...,........
x-Cleveland ..........
x-Boston .............
44 30
41 38
38 35
36 36
36 37
36 39
35 40
34 45
Rogers To Be
School Head
'U' Student Appointed
To Spencer District
Malcolm B. Rogers, 40-year-old
University graduate student, has
been appointed superintendent of
the Spencer School District near
Ypsilanti, it was announced yester-
In accepting the appointment,
Rogers assumes responsibility for or-
ganizing a four-school district which
has seen its school population jump
from 50 or 60 pupils to more than
2,500 because of the influx of Willow
Run workers.
Rogers attended Albion College and
the University of Chicago and has
been studying for his doctorate in
education at the University.
Special classes, forums and lec-
tures will be included in the three
day University of Michigan Summer
Conference on Religion opening with
a panel on "Religion in Marital Re-
lations" at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
The conference, which deals with
religion in the present and post-war
world, will bring' to Ann Arbor two
well-known authorities for evening
lectures. Rabbi , Bernard Heller,
former director of the Hillel Founda-
tion here, will speak on "The Jewish
Status in Europe Today," at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Rackham Building.
Dr. Heller Is Consultant
Author of several books on religion,
history, and philosophy, Dr. Heller
is at present consultant for the Syna-
gogue Council of America in its prep-
aration of textbooks for Jewish edu-
cation in New York City.
The other speaker who has been
The bond *and stamp carnival
committee needs more students to
help plan entertainment, booths,
games, refreshments, and to con-
tact local merchants and handle
finances. Anyone interested
should contact Jeanne Paty, '44,
or sign up at the Diagonal stamp
booth or in the Undergraduate
Office of the League.
called "the closest friend of Chiang-
Kai-Shek" is Dr. George W. Shep-
herd, an American missionary to
China. Closely associated with relief
and the beginnings of reconstruction
after Japan's attacks on Shanghai
and Nanking, Dr. Shepherd was ap-
pointed one of the first co-directors
of the New-Life Movement -a liberal,
cultural "revolution."
"The Genius of Chiang-Kai-Shek"
will be the subject of Dr. Shepherd's
talk at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the
Rackham Building.
China To Be Discussed
''Social and Religious Problems in
China" will be the subject of the
American missionary's panel at 2 p.m.
Thursday. With him will be Prof. Es-
son Gale, Mr. Gerald Tien and, Mr.
Other panel discussions scheduled
for Tuesday and Wednesday will deal
with "Religion in Marital Rela-
tions," and "Religion in Our Pro-
duction Area." Jews, Catholics, and
Protestants will participate in the
Tuesday panel. Included are Rabbi
Morris Adler of Detroit, Mrs. Howard
Bigelow of Kalamazoo, Father Ber-
nard Kearns of St. Mary's Chapel,
Dr. Leonard Himler, psychiatrist in
the Health Service, and the Rev. H.
0. Yoder, pastor of the Trinity Luth-
eran Church.
Sawyer To Play Latest
Tunes at League Tonight
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
swing out with the latest hit tunes
from 9 to 12 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom, when coeds, serv-
icemen and students gather for danc-
A new song which was introduced
yesterday "Does a Boy Get a Chance
To Whitewash a Fence Everyday?"
will again be sung by Pat McNough-
ton in response to many requests,
Sawyer stated. "We will also play our
arrangement of the 'Second Hungar-
ian Rhapsody' by Franz Liszt," he
Iureau Is Open
To Graduates
"We want the officers and grad-
uate students to know that they are
welcome to register at the Acquain-
tance Bureau too," Mary June Has-
treiter, '44, chairman of the Bomber
Scholarship Fund said yesterday.
The Acquaintance Bureau will be
open from 1:30-5!45 p.m. Monday
and Tuesday. Miss Hastreiter stat-
ed that the coeds should try to regis-
ter from 1:30-3 p.m. while the men
should register after 3:30 p.m. if
So far the response has been "ex-
cellent", she reported. "We have
had an excess of girls registering,
but that is largely because the men
were not informed that the bureau
was opening."
The Bureau has already arranged
a number of coke dates. Miss Has-
treiter expressed the hope that all
of the applicants would write a post-
card to the Bureau stating. how well
they liked their date and if the coke
date was successful."
Speech Clinic
To Hold Exhibit
Cleft Palate -Cases
Are Now Under Study
Featuring an exhibition in speech
rehabilitation of cleft palate cases
and functional articulatory disor-
ders, the Speech Clinic of the Insti-
tute for Human Adjustment will
hold open house for all interested
students and townspeople from 10
a.m. till noon Tuesday.
The Clinic, which is operated for
the purpose of providing laboratory
facilities for research and teacher
training in speech science, has ad-
mitted twenty-nine children this
summer for examination and re-
Devoted especially to an intensive
study of cleft palate cases, the Clinic
this summer has twelve children en-
rolled from the ages of seven to nine,
and seventeen, who are suffering
from functional articulatory disor-
ders, ranging from eleven to twenty
Dr. Ollie L. Backus, assistant pro-
fessor of speech, is acting manager
of the Clinic while Dr. Harlan Bloo-
mer is on active duty in the Naval
Air Corps.
The Institute for Human Adjust-
ment, Speech Clinic, is located at
1007 East Huron Street.
for women who wear
,10-44 16 1/2-2411/
$500 and $700
spun rayon
Store ours.
T~ues., Thur., Sati.,
9:30 to 6 p.m.
Mon., 12noon
a lo3 : Qp.m.
x-Does not include night games.
Friday's Results
New York 6, Philadelphia 5.
Boston at Washington (night).
Cleveland at St. Louis (night).
(Only games scheduled.)
Club W
St. Louis ............ 48
Brooklyn .............47
Pittsburgh ............. 40
Cincinnati ............39
Philadelphia .......... 35
Boston ...............33
Chicago .............. 34
New York ............ 30
Friday's Results
Boston 3, Brooklyn 2.
Pittsburgh 9; St. Louis 5.
(Only games scheduled.)
(Continued from Page 2)
gin at 7:45 o'clock.
cordially invited.
Last Times Today
Chas. Laughton
cool! Continuous
*from 1 P.M.
Coming Sunday
Michigan Outing Club is planning
to take a bike trip to Delhi Falls for
a swim. All those interested meet
at the Women's Athletic Building on
Sunday, July 18 at 2:30 p.m. Plans
will be discussed for further activi-
ties this summer. Servicemen are
invited. For further information
call Barbara Fairman, 24471.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
in the club quarters at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 18, for a hike to the
Saginaw Forest Preserve west of
Ann Arbor. This is a fairly stiff hike
and members should plan dress and
footwear accordingly.
Delta Kappa Gamma members
from out-of-town chapters are in-
vited to attend a picnic at 5:30 p.m.
July 21 in Ypsilanti. Please call
University extension 2152 by Monday
for directions.
Record Concert at Graduate
School: Another weekly record con-
cert will be given Tuesday evening,
July 20, in the men's lounge of the
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies. The program will be-
Forums on Religion: July 20, 21,1
22, West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building, 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday,.
July 20. "Religion in Marital Rela-
tions", Rabbi Morris Adler, Father
Bernard Kearns, Dr. Leonard Him-
ler and others.
Faculty Concert: Palmer Christ-
ian, University Organist, and Hardin
VanDeursen, Assistant Professor in
the Voice Department of the School
of Music, will appear in the second
Faculty Concert at 8:30 p.m. Tues-
day, July 20, in Hill Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
A record concert will be held at
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at 8
o'clock this evening. Servicemen and
students are invited. A social hour,
including refreshments, will follow.
Archbishop Goes to Africa
PRETORIA, Union of South Af-
rica, July 16.-(A)-Archbishop Fran-
cis J. Spellman of New York arrived
in Lourenco Marques, Portuguese
East Africa, by air today and is ex-
pected here Monday when he will
meet Field Marshal Jan Christian
Smuts, Prime Minister of South
Fun in the Sn!
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
thrap n n ra n 0., (Ttn -
LOST--Gold Lenrud wrist watch
Monday between Vaughan House
-Dental Building. Philip Seven
engraved on back. Return to
Vaughan House. Reward.
LOST--Gold Elgin pocket watch at
Ferry Field. Reward. Call 21814
at noon.
LOST: Green Parker fountain pen
with name engraved. Reward.
Elizabeth Rychener, 2-4471.
Picture pretty
suits with flared skirts, snug waist. In pretty flowered
chintz at only $3.95. Here you can find fashions for
arocchimnar I